Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 187: Crazy with joy


Oh, my hat fell off, Fu Ermei shouted loudly. When Guo Shao looked back, he saw that her hair was also scattered, and her long hair was flying in the air, looking very embarrassed. Then he slowed down his horse and turned back to look for his hat.

Seeing the green hat dropped into the grass by the roadside, Guo Shao said, "I'll pick it up for you." Then he jumped off the horse.

Fu Ermei said: Let me get down first, my hair is like this. She couldn't do anything on such a high horse, so she took the initiative to open her arms, as if asking for a hug.

Guo Shao held her waist with both hands. People with thin waists are convenient to hold without even needing to hold them. He lifted her off the horse. Fu Ermei's cheeks flushed. She ran to pick up the veil first, then reached out to gather her scattered hair from her ears and put it on her head.

Guo Shaodao: Your hat is too easily blown away by the wind, so put it away first and wear it when you get home.

Fu Ermei blushed and said: "You are crazy. I am in such a state. I was scared by you just now and yelled so loudly that I lost all my composure."

Guo Shao said: I didn't expect you to be so timid. The King of Wei is a famous general, and several generations of the Fu family are military generals. But we are really a bit outrageous, why don't we go back and rest.

After hearing this, Fu Ermei looked at him expectantly, "I wasn't prepared just now, and I was suddenly frightened. I closed my eyes and didn't see anything. Can you take me for another lap? I have never ridden a horse like this in my life."

Guo Shao chuckled, then grasped her flexible waist and lifted her up, shouting: Cross your legs and sit on the saddle.

When he climbed onto the horse, he did not sit in front of Fu Ermei, but behind her. When he grabbed the reins, he held her in his arms, his chest pressed against her curved back, feeling soft and warm. Fu Ermei yelled: "In broad daylight, we have been seen by others!"

Guo Shao rode his horse to the fork road on the main road and trotted eastward, saying: "We don't take the post road, there are not many pedestrians. It doesn't matter if we run into people, no one here knows us, who knows where the couple is that violates morals."

Fu Ermei was held in his arms, her legs tightened in a tense moment, the horse under her screamed and began to speed up. Fu Ermei shouted: Don't run so fast this time, slow down. Guo Shao laughed and said: This time it's none of my business, just now you used your legs to tell the horse to run faster, didn't the horse talk to you

Fu Ermei asked in surprise: What did it say? Guo Shaodao: It said it received

Seeing a watermelon field beside the road, Guo Shao took the bow and arrow from the bag hanging on the horse, pointed to a big watermelon on the roadside and shouted: See, that watermelon is big!

Seeing Fu Ermei replied.

At this time, the horses' hooves roared and the wind whistled. The two were afraid that the other couldn't hear them, so they couldn't help but shout, completely forgetting everything and acting recklessly.

Guo Shao held her slender white hand, and they both grabbed the bow together. With his other hand, he also held her right hand on the bowstring. He shouted: Shoot that melon. I will count to one, two, three and then we will shoot together.

I won’t, Fu Ermei yelled.

Guo Shao ignored her and focused his attention on the big watermelon, because he was only half-baked at horseback archery. He looked past Fu Ermei's jade-like ears, got close enough and started to draw his bow.

The warhorse rushed across the road and was only ten steps away. Guo Shao shouted in advance: One, two, three. He let him go a little later and waited for Fu Ermei to let go, and then shot the arrow. The coordination was very good.

With a snap, the bowstring sounded, and less than ten steps away, the arrow flew over like a floating object in the wind, hitting the watermelon directly and piercing through it and sticking it into the ground.

Seeing this, Fu Ermei was surprised and giggled: Oh, I am so awesome!

Guo Shao laughed and praised: After all, you are the daughter of a famous general and the woman of a military general, so you learned everything on your own.

Fu Ermei certainly understood that it was Guo Shao who shot the arrows, but she also participated in it and sat in the front, so she felt it more intuitively. At first glance, she felt that it was just like she was shooting the arrows. For a moment, she was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling, and she forgot about anything about not showing her teeth.

Her waist was held by Guo Shao. She became bolder and bolder. She stretched her upper body as if she was stretching and raised her arms, and shouted in a tender voice: I'm like a bird.

After hearing this, Guo Shao shouted: "Stand higher, don't be afraid, I'll hold you." He held her hips with one hand and her thighs with the other, constantly encouraging her to stand up on the stirrups.

She was trembling all over, but Guo Shao still lifted her hips and straightened her legs to stand up. The good horse under her was already tall, and she screamed loudly when she stood up like this. However, Guo Shao kept his composure, watched the road carefully, and paid attention.

Oh my God! Fu Ermei screamed and really let go of her arms and raised them in the air.

Haha, Guo Shao also laughed.

She yelled wildly and crazily, and finally sat back after a long time, lying limp in Guo Shao's arms, her swollen chest heaving.

Guo Shao took advantage of her inattention and slowly moved his hand around her waist upwards to take advantage of her. Fu Ermei did not resist, but turned around and said with a red face: "My aunt taught me that I can only do it after the wedding night. Are you in such a hurry?"

Guo Shao kissed her seductive and smooth mouth, and held her hair with his hands to prevent her from moving. Fu Ermei tensed up, but soon she softened and let Guo Shao do whatever he wanted.

At this moment, I suddenly saw two farmers, a man and a woman, leading a cow, standing by the roadside, staring at the man and woman riding horses. The woman even covered her face with her hands and cursed.

Guo Shao then let go of Fu Ermei. When she turned around, she also saw the farmer; Guo Shao could not see her expression, but he knew that she immediately bent her back and buried her head, gasping for breath.

Guo Shao rode past the two men, reached into his waist bag, and pulled out a handful of copper coins, some scattered and some in bunches, and threw them into the air. Suddenly, a cloud of copper coins filled the air with a swish sound. Then the horse galloped past.

At dusk, the two sneaked into the inn. Fu Ermei went back to her room as usual, closing the door as soon as she entered and taking off her veil. The two women in the room were stunned. They were the round-faced Xiuzhu and the cold Yuqing.

Fu Ermei looked so ridiculous and unbearable. She had put on some light makeup and rouge before going out. Now her face was covered with rouge and her hair was a mess. At first glance, you might think she had encountered something terrible.

But obviously not. As soon as Fu Ermei came in, she fell on the bed, buried her face in the quilt, and laughed crazily, her shoulders shaking constantly. She said to the quilt foolishly: There are such funny things in the world. She endured it for a while before turning around to look at the people around her, her face suddenly flushed.

Yuqing turned around and said: Xiuzhu, you haven't finished putting on the bride's clothes yet. Go and ask someone to prepare hot water so that your wife can take a bath and change her clothes.

Xiuzhu was reluctant to leave and couldn't help asking: Second Madam, what's so interesting

Ouch, I can't explain it clearly. I'm so tired. Fu Ermei was totally different from her usual dignified and proper self, and rolled over on the bed.

She lazily lay on the bed and rested for a long time. Then she reached into her collar and pulled out a colorful stone. She looked up and held it in front of her to examine it carefully. She had a smile on her face, and seemed to have forgotten where she was.

Yuqing whispered beside her: Madam, are you satisfied with General Guo

Now that they were married, Fu Ermei finally calmed down and was no longer worried about whether she was satisfied or not. But after looking at Yuqing, she seemed to feel that her answer was too cold, so she sat up, grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed, leaned close to Yuqing's profile and whispered: I've waited for so long, and I'm going to be 24 this year. Fortunately, I've waited until now. There is no one better than him in the world.

Yuqing lowered her head and said: My lady has only met him twice, and now she doesn’t know what kind of person he is.

Fu Ermei nodded seriously and said: I want to know more about him. I am interested in everything about him.

Yuqing remained silent after hearing this. Fu Ermei looked at the door and window, muttering: I really don't want to be separated from him for a moment. Even if we are in the same inn, I still feel uncomfortable if I can't see him.

But Fu Ermei was not a sentimental person. She was very similar to her sister in that she always had a way to relieve her mood. After a while, she became happy. She said to Yuqing: When we get to Guo's house, I'm very familiar with that courtyard. I lived there when I was a child. My husband dotes on me so much. What can I call him? The sky is high and the emperor is far away, haha.

"Hmm." Yuqing just responded faintly.

Fu Ermei stuck out her tongue again and said: "That's not right. It's not that the emperor is far away. The emperor's brother-in-law is in Tokyo. But hum, everyone has their own family. He and my sister definitely can't control me." She held Yu Qing's cold hand and said, "You should be happy too. We have said it a long time ago that we are good sisters for life. What's mine is yours. What do you think of Shao Ge'er?"

Yuqing didn't answer and turned his head away.

Fu Ermei said: You will come with me as a dowry, and you can be your husband's concubine in the future. I will give him some of his things to you, and let him accompany you. He is a very interesting person, and I think you will be satisfied.

Yuqing whispered: I am so ugly, I don’t think about those things. As long as my lady doesn’t dislike me, I just want to stay by your side.

Fu Ermei reached out and touched her face, and Yuqing's body trembled. Fu Er said lovingly: Actually, you are very beautiful, but it's all for me, alas.

Yuqing said: I did it willingly. If I were to experience that incident again, I would not hesitate at all.

After hearing this, Fu Ermei sighed, hugged Yuqing, put her face on her abdomen, and said faintly: You are so kind. Yuqing whispered: I was born for you.