Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 194: A strong sigh


There is a kind of tension, which is not prepared for and gradually feels the approach of pressure, but comes suddenly. It is like a climber trekking on the mountain road, and suddenly there is a landslide under his feet and he almost falls off the cliff; then when he looks back at the unfathomable abyss and cliff, the tension and panic that comes gradually after the fear is realized, as if his legs will involuntarily weaken.

Guo Shao felt this way now. Another hug was like two frightened people hugging each other to comfort and rely on each other. He could smell the unique fragrance of a woman, and felt the soft and elastic force of Fu's full and tall breasts pressing against his heart. The touch was very strong. All the muscles in his body were tense, and his heart was beating wildly. Both of them were very nervous.

It was just a hug. Only a man and a woman stayed in a room and hugged each other. That was all. But the feeling was like looking back into the abyss. Because the woman was the queen, and Guo Shao was a military officer.

He could easily guess what the consequences would be if this matter was exposed.

In broad daylight, they dared not lock the door, and they hugged each other with only a thin wooden door between them. Guo Shao's scalp was numb, but despite the fear, he could not help but hurriedly and boldly lowered his head and sniffed Fu's neck. This was the woman he had dreamed of and missed day and night.

The woman for whom the young man risked his life is now Guo Shao's favorite woman. Her body temperature, her soft body, her scent, and her heartbeat are all within reach, in Guo Shao's arms.

Let me remember your scent, Marigold.

Fu suddenly sighed deeply, like a trembling moan or a sigh of exertion. She seemed not satisfied with Guo Shao's rather graceful and cautious hug, so she tightly wrapped her arms around his body, pressing her body against Guo Shao's. Her strength was so great that it was hard to believe that a woman like Fu, who was usually delicate and elegant and lazy, could have such strength. She buried her face, mouth and nose deep in Guo Shao's chest, rubbing it constantly.

Guo Shao felt her emotional outburst in her strength. That sigh was like a breath that had been suppressed for a long time, finally released; it was refreshing and pitiful.

The hug was strong but not dragging, and Fu quickly broke free from his arms.

Guo Shao couldn't help but take the initiative to speak and whispered: Jinzhan, when others stay away from you, I will get closer to you.

Fu's face was pale with a sickly blush, and her eyes quickly swept across his face, pausing for a moment when they touched his eyes. She hurriedly reached out and brushed his ears gently, and touched her temples to make sure her hair was not messy.

This subtle movement seemed to be not about fixing her hair, but about fixing her mood. She had regained a relatively calm expression, and her face changed faster than anything else, as if the impulse to ask for a hug just now had never happened. She said: Let's go.

Creak. The wooden door opened lightly, and the sun shone in. People were visible everywhere outside, and there were many eunuchs and palace maids in the yard.

As the door opened, Guo Shao's heart suddenly panicked, and his heart became fragile. He felt that he had gone from a respectable person to a shameful thief. He had just stolen something in the study, so he was afraid of seeing people and instinctively wanted to escape from the people around him.

To go out of the study and reach the hall, one must walk along the corridor under the eaves, which exposes them to the sight of everyone in the courtyard, especially the attendants standing in the corridor, who are right under their eyes; Guo Shao and others have to pass in front of them.

The queen was right beside him. Who could imagine Guo Shao's mood? All the color drained away from his face.

He accidentally saw Fu's profile and found that she was very relaxed and natural. For a moment, there was no mystery at all. Guo Shao had to admire her from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, Guo Shao had lived two lives and had walked through many battlefields with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, but at this moment he was frightened. This place was not a battlefield with blood all over the ground, but a scene without the smoke of gunpowder and where people were killed without leaving any bones. Guo Shao felt that he and the queen were walking on the edge of a knife and treading on thin ice.

But Empress Fu, a woman in her twenties, could remain so calm. If she was ignorant, it would be fine, but Fu was a very smart woman. She would have figured out the situation immediately. However, her behavior seemed to be completely different from Guo Shao's mood.

Her calmness and courage were rare, and deeply touched Guo Shao. Guo Shao not only admired her, but even worshipped her. How many people in the world could be as reliable and solid as a rock in such a scene? You didn't worry about her making any mistakes at all.

Guo Shao gritted his teeth, feeling as if his feet were filled with lead. He really needed to practice his courage today. He led the queen one after the other and finally walked to the hall. The short distance seemed like a long journey.

When I entered the hall, I saw a woman in a yellow robe and a ribbon sitting in the back of the hall. The palace servants were all at the door and did not enter. Who else could that woman be but Fu Ermei

Fu Ermei pretended to be very dignified and solemn, but Guo Shao was really worried for her. Although he had just married his wife not long ago, he still knew her quite well. Anyway, she was not very reliable. Although there seemed to be nothing wrong with her now, Guo Shao was really worried that she might go crazy.

I and my wife pay respect to the Queen. Guo Shao stepped forward and bowed. Fu, who was beside him, also casually placed her hands on her waist and knelt gently to bow.

Humph, Fu Ermei actually made such a sound.

A dark cloud appeared on Guo Shao's forehead, and he thought to himself that it would be better if he didn't speak. The people at the door didn't dare to look around, but their ears were not deaf.

He didn't care about many things anymore. He thought kneeling to his wife seemed to be justifiable. In later generations, people still had to kneel when proposing marriage. He remembered Fu's words that Fu's second sister was just making trouble just to see her husband worship her. He immediately knelt on one knee and said: I am disrespectful. Please forgive me, Queen.

Seeing him kneeling in front of her, Fu Ermei finally felt happy and said: You must treat my sister well, otherwise I will never let you off. Do you understand

Guo Shao was so depressed that he nodded and said: "I understand." I just want you to stop talking nonsense.

At this time, Fu Shi did not say anything. She suddenly thought to herself that if she made the best of a bad situation, she could be taken home by Guo Shao.

Of course, this was just her momentary fantasy. She knew she couldn't do that because the risk was too great. But just imagining it was enough to make her heart beat. If she went home with Guo Shao like this, it would be the most desperate thing she had ever done.

Fu knew what was going on in the courtyard in the east of the city. For a moment, he couldn't help but imagine walking with Guo Shao among the lakes and gardens without being disturbed. The key was that this dream was so close at this moment.

Fu Shi couldn't help but think in her heart: if she could let her second sister stay in the Fu family compound for one more day to get rid of those familiar palace maids, she could escape and go home with Guo Shao as Fu's second sister. She could come to see the queen tomorrow morning and then change her identity.

This is not completely impossible, it seems that what is needed is the courage to risk one's life. There are risks, but it is not certain that one will be discovered, but there are still loopholes. Fu Ermei saw that her man was taken home by her sister, she might not be so easy and could not cooperate so well.

In fact, this was just Fu's imagination. She couldn't do that, and it would take more than just a breath of courage. But at this tense moment, she felt that it was enough to imagine it; only the illusion of imagination could make her free and unfettered.

All she wanted was imagination.

Sister, I have something to tell you. Fu called softly. She was very calm and certainly would not call out the wrong name.

After she said that, she walked towards Fu Ermei who was wearing the queen's robe, turned back and said with a smile: My dear, you are not familiar with the queen, so wait for me outside and I will come out to find you later.

Fu Shi could actually laugh and her eyes, as warm as spring breeze, were a little naughty, and her expression and tone were very similar to Fu Ermei's. The only thing that was not right was that she was too calm, and her tone was soothing and rhythmic, which was not a feeling that Fu Ermei had.

Guo Shao had no choice but to say: "Okay. Queen, I'll take my leave first."

Fu said softly in front of the queen: Let's talk somewhere else.

Fu Ermei understood what she meant, and immediately went out from the back door with Fu Shi. She was very familiar with this courtyard, and then went into the bedroom where they slept. Fu Ermei smiled with her hands covering her mouth as she entered the room, and made a face at her sister.

Fu bolted the door calmly, then collapsed on the bed, let out a long sigh, and whispered: Change your clothes quickly.

When she undressed, she accidentally saw the innocent and happy expression of her second sister, and suddenly a sense of guilt came over her. At this time, she remembered Guo Shao's words again: "Remember that the letter I wrote to you in Huainan has never changed, and it will not change in the future." She felt even more ashamed of her sister.

Fu's mind was getting confused. What did he do this morning

The two of them worked hard to change their clothes, and then sat in front of the bronze mirror to tidy up their bodies. Fu said quietly: Second sister, I will not harm you, I will protect you.

The second sister looked puzzled: "What the eldest sister said is so strange. You are my biological sister. Why are you trying to harm me?" Well, I believe that as the queen, the eldest sister will protect me. In this world, who is greater than the emperor and the queen? With the eldest sister around, no one dares to bully me and my husband."

After hearing this, Fu sighed softly. For a moment, she didn't know how to tell her second sister and was too lazy to say more.

She recalled that when she was seriously ill in Huainan, the government said that if she died, she would remarry Fu Ermei. Later, she did not die, so this plan was naturally unnecessary. Fortunately, she did not remarry Fu Ermei.

It was easy for Fu to think that given the emperor's current health condition, once he passed away, what would her second sister be able to do? Listening to what she had just said, Fu really didn't think her sister would have a good ending if she became the queen.

There will be more updates tonight.

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