Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 198: A brief moment of peace


The intuition of being uneasy was one thing, but considering the connections was another. Guo Shao thought that he was the queen's brother-in-law, and the queen was also the representative of the Fu Yanqing family, a warlord from an aristocratic family in the outer town. If one move affected the whole body, no one would be willing to touch him easily unless it was necessary.

In the Northern Expedition against Khitan, I will rely on whoever has made the greatest contribution to me, without any bias. The emperor's words echoed in my ears again. His words were still somewhat effective.

Even Guo Shao could sense that what Chai Rong cared about most now was the Northern Expedition. Nothing was more important to him than this matter. The Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun had been occupied by the enemy for decades. Recovering Youzhou was indeed a great achievement that could go down in history, and its reputation would be passed down for a long time.

If the Northern Expedition could be as famous as the Huainan Campaign, even the emperor would feel embarrassed to act on impulse and treat the heroes unfairly, after all, the whole world would be watching.

Yu the coachman was shouting outside and the carriage stopped.

Guo Shao collected his thoughts and got out of the car. Luo Mengzi got an umbrella from somewhere and immediately went forward to cover his head with it. However, the third brother himself was soaked. Guo Shao turned around and said, "Third brother, you can go home today and change into dry clothes."

Hey. Luo Mengzi responded.

At this time, he met Zuo You at the door again. After Guo Shao entered the door, he said in a deep voice: The caravan sent by the Chen family to the north has been gone for so long, you send someone to ask when Zhou Duan and others will be back.

Zuo You clasped his fists and said: I will send someone to ask right away, and report back to my lord when I have the news.

The servants of the family brought an umbrella, Guo Shao held the umbrella himself, and then said goodbye to Zuo You and others and went to the door. The rainstorm was the most rapid at the beginning, but it did not last for a while before it turned into a heavy and even rain. From the outer courtyard, most of the way can be walked through the corridor, but there are still places that cannot be sheltered from the rain, so he had to hold an umbrella.

As soon as I walked into the second courtyard, I saw a touch of light red on the rainbow bridge, and Fu Ermei was looking there. She seemed to see Guo Shao, and immediately lifted her skirt and walked quickly up the stairs.

Sure enough, as soon as Guo Shao reached the gatehouse, he saw Fu Ermei running over with her long skirt in her hand. Even her followers couldn't keep up. Her skirt was a bit long, and she would probably stumble if she walked fast, but she seemed to have found a good way to walk with it in her hand. At this moment, Guo Shao was in a trance and returned to the peach blossom forest in Daming Prefecture, Hebei, and the sunny afternoon when he and her had a panicked encounter.

My husband, you are finally back. Fu Ermei threw herself into Guo Shao's arms without paying any attention to anyone around. I have been waiting for you for a long time on the bridge above.

Guo Shao held her hand and said: There is no way, I can't stay by your side all the time after getting married. I went to court today, and then to the government office. I found that the government office was really a bit boring. I didn't think so before.

The two of them began to talk enthusiastically. They had only been apart for half a day, but they were so affectionate that it seemed like they were reunited after a long separation.

The two of them were holding one umbrella and it was raining heavily, so they had to snuggle together to keep out the rain when they walked out of the gatehouse.

In the rain, under the green umbrella, there was a beautiful pink skirt, which was very fitting and wrapped around Fu Ermei's slender and graceful figure. She snuggled up to the tall man under the umbrella, walking gracefully, with her hips, flexible waist, and straight back and neck, which were very elegant. Guo Shao's black and gray soft armor and his steady right hand holding the umbrella protected the bright and elegant woman like a leaf.

At this moment, the rain adds a bit of tranquility and beauty to the scene, which is very beautiful.

Guo Shao would turn around and talk to Fu Ermei from time to time. Fu Ermei would either cover her mouth and laugh or be gentle and affectionate. The two had a very good relationship.

As Fu Ermei walked with him in the rain, she said quietly: I want to cling to you all the time like this, will you get tired of me after a while

Guo Shao turned around and said kindly: Of course not, I wish to be with you all the time.

Fu Ermei blushed and hugged his arm holding the umbrella. Then she heard Guo Shao say: You see, it's only been a few days and I have to go to work again. I'm worried about you going out. You'll feel bored if I keep you at home all day. I married you and it's my honeymoon. I should accompany you to travel around and have fun.

Fu Ermei immediately shook her head and said: "I'm not going anywhere. I haven't been out for more than 20 years. I'm used to it. There's nothing wrong with this place. I just can't help but miss you. It doesn't matter where I am."

Guo Shao then realized that although the two of them had never talked about love, there was always a gentle and graceful affection lingering in their hearts that could not be dissolved.

They walked into the house, and Guo Shao put away his umbrella and placed it by the door. Fu Ermei looked down and said, "Oh, my skirt is all wet from the rain. I'll go change it first." Langjun then noticed that half of Guo Shao's arm was soaked, and immediately frowned and said, "You don't hold the umbrella properly, why don't you let me hold it? You can't get soaked to your heart's content."

Guo Shaodao: You go in and change your skirt first, I will take off my armor.

Fu Ermei went into the bedroom through an indoor corridor. Guo Shao was taking off his armor when he vaguely felt someone coming in from behind, so he said, "Come and help me." After a moment, he realized that the person who came in was Yu Lian. Yu Lian helped him silently.

Guo Shao whispered: My second sister and I were just talking about you.

Yu Lian was a little surprised and asked: What are we doing

Guo Shao said: I just met my second sister at the gatehouse, so we came over together under an umbrella and chatted for a while on the way. She said that I have been with her all the time these days, and advised me not to neglect you and Yue'e. But I think that my second sister has just married, so I shouldn't spend more time with her; but you have been with me for a long time, so you should be considerate.

Yulian said hurriedly: It's not easy for you to marry the daughter of the King of Wei, treat her well. We are so familiar with the young master, it doesn't matter. Yue'e has been choreographing these days, and I am helping her.

Guo Shao smiled and said: You don't understand, how can I help you? By the way, I told you that the second sister is a very easy-going person, wasn't I wrong

Yu Lian said softly: He is a pretty nice person.

Guo Shao nodded with satisfaction, thinking to himself that when he was not around, it was these women in the yard who accompanied Fu Ermei most of the time. If their relationship was not good, they would probably not be happy.

They spoke very quietly, and Guo Shao thought Fu Ermei couldn't hear them.

In fact, this house is a bit thin, especially the inner wall. Fu Ermei heard it clearly in the bedroom, and couldn't help thinking: Langjun is a warrior, but he is very thoughtful, and I didn't expect him to talk about his concubine just now.

Her heart suddenly felt warm, and she put her fingers on her mouth and chuckled again.

The two changed their wet clothes, and Yulian went out without disturbing them. Fu Ermei then took Guo Shao to sit under the eaves outside the back door, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that after you're done with your work, you'd like to enjoy the scenery here?"

When Guo Shao looked up, he saw the sky was covered by dense rain curtains, as if countless scarves covered the sky and the earth, and all the scenery became hazy. The sound of the rain covered up all the sounds around him. For a moment, he suddenly felt that in this small house in the rain, no one could see them and no one knew what he was saying. The rain and thick clouds did not affect his mood, but made him feel very comfortable.

Perhaps, if it was inconvenient to go out on a rainy day, he could do nothing. A sense of laziness and peace of mind surged into his heart, and for a moment, fatigue and relaxation spread throughout his body at the same time.

Guo Shao held Fu Ermei's smooth and slender jade hand and said: The sound of rain is so loud, yet it is so quiet.

The second sister snuggled up to him, lazily thinking about the somewhat strange things he had just said.

After a while, she started to talk about something else: I saw what you usually wrote and drew. It seems that you like reading Historical Records and various calligraphy works the most. My husband is practicing calligraphy.

Guo Shaodao: I practice it when I have nothing to do.

The second sister laughed and said: I thought you were good at both literature and martial arts, but I didn't expect your handwriting to be so strange. It's really strange, aren't you good at writing long and short sentences? Why is your handwriting so strange that you can't even finish the private school

Guo Shao had to explain: "When I was a child, I lived in the countryside and there were no good teachers. I didn't have much time to go to school. But there were books at home, so I took the books to read after practicing martial arts. Without anyone to guide me, I learned to be what I am now. I read a lot of books in a messy and disorganized way, but I didn't learn anything."

The second sister giggled and said, "Your experience is really interesting. You are a self-made person."

Guo Shao was chatting when he felt someone coming from behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Yuqing beside Fu Ermei. Yuqing saw the two of them cuddling together at the front door and turned away quietly.

Yuqing was a strange woman, she seldom spoke and didn't show up often, but for some reason she caught Guo Shao's attention. After all, there were many people around him, and he didn't have a deep impression of everyone.

Guo Shao then asked Fu Ermei in a deep voice: What is the origin of Yuqing

Fu Ermei said: I grew up with her, she is two years younger than me. She was originally an orphan, picked up and sold to the Fu family. My father saw that she was young and well-behaved, so he sent her to live with me. She has been with me for more than ten years. It’s just that we have different backgrounds, but in fact, we are just like sisters who grew up together.

Guo Shao asked again: Why does she always cover half of her face? I have never seen her show her whole face. She seems a little gloomy.

Fu Ermei glanced back and whispered: She has always been very self-conscious. I usually don’t tell anyone. But since my husband asked, of course I have to tell you. In fact, there is nothing shameful. At that time, there was an iron kettle in Hebei in winter, which was hung on a high beam. Firewood was burned below to keep warm and boil water. I was still young and mischievous at that time. I thought it was fun to see the iron kettle swinging back and forth, so I took a stick to lift it. As a result, the kettle swung back and forth and hit me in the face. I was shocked. Yuqing is younger than me, but she came up and pushed me away. As a result, the red-hot iron kettle rubbed past her left eye. Oh, it was so tragic. Yuqing almost died. After it was finally saved, her left eye could hardly see anything. There were scars on her temple and eye socket, and her eyelids were deformed. It was all my fault. I was too ignorant.

Fu Ermei's voice choked up as she spoke, and Guo Shao sighed after hearing this.