Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 39: To sow discord


Zhao San was always extremely bold at the beginning, but he would waver in his determination and become afraid when he encountered setbacks. He also knew his own style, so he planned to carry on with all his might.

Just as he was about to sneak into He's bedroom and ambush her, he suddenly saw a figure swaying under the lamp by the wall. He was frightened and dodged under a tree in the yard. It was summer, with dense leaves and branches, and as soon as he ran over, he merged with the shadow of the treetops, and suddenly dared not breathe or move.

Just as he hid himself, he saw a maid carrying a basin coming out from under the eaves. Zhao San saw that it was just a maid and was immediately very angry: "You are so suicidal that you almost ruined my good deed. I will deal with you slowly in the future."

Fortunately, he was quick-witted, otherwise the maid would have seen him and said that she saw Zhao San in the yard. How could she explain that Zhao San had just gone out to look for his old classmate? When did he come back? How could she have seen him enter the house

Zhao San was filled with hatred and took special care to see who the maid was. He was determined to make the maid pay the price.

Zhao San did not dare to stay any longer after the maid passed by. Seeing that there was no one around, he did not think much about it and immediately slipped into the room very quietly and flexibly, then closed the door behind him.

After he entered the house, he looked for a place to hide. There was a screen in the house, so he couldn't find a suitable place inside or outside, mainly because Zhao San was too fat. Only then did he realize his own small negligence. He didn't think of where to hide beforehand.

He first tried to crawl under the bed, but the bed was too low to get in. He forced himself to crawl under the bed, but it was because his body was too big. He still couldn't get into the cabinet.

Seeing that there was no place to hide, Zhao San gradually became more and more afraid. He also thought of the danger of being caught by the maid outside just now, and thought that if this matter was exposed, it would be terrible; but now that the moment he wanted so much was just around the corner, he was unwilling to give up.

Everyone thinks he is young, white and plump, with rosy cheeks, harmless and a good man who likes reading. No one should doubt that he can do such a thing. Hehe, so what if he is so successful outside? I, Zhao San, still got my wife.

Just as he was trying to convince himself, he suddenly heard voices outside, getting closer and closer.

Zhao San was shocked and hurriedly walked behind the door. Since there was no place to hide, he could catch the weak He from behind the door. But he was quick-witted and immediately realized: Since someone was talking, there must be more than one person. How could he control two people

At this time, he was in a hurry. Seeing a large portrait hanging on the wall, and the light was dim, he ran over and posed in front of the painting, trying to pretend to be the person in the painting. But when someone outside came in and wanted to light the lamp, Zhao San realized that he had come up with a very bad idea, and he wanted to slap himself and quickly leave the painting.

It was too late, so he went around the screen and heard the creaking sound of the door opening. He had no choice but to run to the cabinet and then take it out and hide behind it. This was not a good hiding place. The cabinet had been moved and was not against the wall, so it would be conspicuous. As long as someone noticed the cabinet, he would be exposed.

It was too dangerous and too scary. Zhao San felt his legs go weak and he began to regret it. But what was the point of regretting it now

After a while, the door closed, and upon closer listening, there was the sound of a bolt. She hoped that only He had come in, and if someone followed her in, she would not bolt the door for the time being.

Zhao San felt that he was too conspicuous behind the cabinet. What if He saw this strange situation and screamed

A shadow holding a lamp came in from the screen. Zhao San wanted to hurry out and cover He's mouth. But he was worried that the timing was wrong and it was too late. If he rushed out and frightened He and made her scream, it would be bad. What would he say when the family heard the noise? He ran to his sister-in-law's room and said, "I just came in for a stroll."

The more Zhao San thought about it, the more scared he became. He couldn't move a step and just stood there. There was no movement. Zhao San felt that his persistence moved the heavens. God helped him. He was not discovered.

He was not discovered yet, but he could not guarantee that He would find him by accident. Zhao San immediately plucked up his courage and stuck his head out to take a look. He was facing the bed, slowly undressing, and her movements looked very relaxed. When a person is alone in a room, he will always be more relaxed.

Opportunities are rare, Zhao San jumped out lightly, quietly walked behind her, suddenly stretched out his hand to cover He's mouth, and threw her down on the bed. He was shocked, kicking and reaching out to grab Zhao San's hand, but her thin arms and legs were no match for Zhao San, and no matter how she struggled, it was useless.

He turned her head desperately and found that it was Zhao San. Her eyes were full of surprise and doubt, and she struggled a little less. After all, he was a family member, not a strange thief. After a while, she seemed to understand why Zhao San was in the room, and struggled violently again.

Zhao San covered her mouth and let her kick and scratch, and he was also very panicked. He didn't bring any rope or gag because he had already figured out that forcing her by force wouldn't work. He would have to reason with her if she told him what to do afterward.

You are so beautiful, I can't help it. Zhao Er whispered in a pleading tone, his voice trembling with nervousness and fear, "Just obey me, I will definitely treat you well."

He shook her head desperately, but unfortunately she couldn't say a word.

"Wuwuwu" made an unclear sound from He's mouth.

Zhao San was scared, excited, and nervous. He pressed He's mouth hard and rubbed his body against her back. My second brother is often not at home, so it's a good thing to have me accompany you. Zhao San wanted to take off her skirt without anyone knowing, but he couldn't free his hands. He covered her mouth with one hand and held her body with the other. Although He was weak, it would be easy for her to break free if he didn't hold her down.

Zhao San said again: Do you know how much I miss you? I miss you day and night and can't sleep at night. For my sister-in-law, I can do anything, just to make you well.

After a while he continued: I would rather die than kiss you. Just nod your head and I'll let you go. We'll do it quietly. I'm very powerful and I'll make you feel good.

The two struggled for a while, and He was exhausted. However, she still had a look of anger on her face and kept shaking her head.

Zhao San was furious when he saw this, thinking that I was being rude and humbled myself to beg you, but you didn't appreciate it. His face changed, and he said in a cold and deep voice: I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, my second brother is about to be promoted to the position of the Palace Guard, and he is so noble that he has long wanted to divorce you and marry a lady of equal status. If you don't believe me, think about it, do you think my second brother has you in his heart? Why doesn't he divorce you? It's because he can't bring himself to ask his original wife to get out, and his conscience is a bit uncomfortable. In fact, your death is the best thing for my second brother

He still didn't dare to let go of his hand that was covering her mouth. If this matter was exposed, the worst that could happen is that I would be beaten and scolded, but I am still second brother's brother, and brothers will never change. What's more, our mother is still here. How did mother treat me? You don't know. You think second brother will kill his brothers because of a woman. But your sister-in-law, your fate is hard to say. You have lost your virginity and become a rag. Second brother has long wanted to throw you away but he just felt sorry for you. Now that the hurdle in his heart has been overcome, think about it yourself. Don't imagine what the fate will be. Divorcing you will damage second brother's reputation. You have no way out. Second brother doesn't want you to die, and mother also wants you to die. The cleaner the death, the better.

Zhao San said: I will let go of your hand now, don't scream. If someone comes, I will say that you seduced me and stirred up our brotherhood. He was still a little worried, and gritted his teeth and said fiercely: Listen carefully

He nodded reluctantly, asking him to let go first.

Zhao San let go carefully and remained alert, ready to cover it back at any time. He was also afraid that shouting out such words would attract a lot of attention, which would be of no benefit to him.

As soon as He was put down, she took a few deep breaths and said sternly: "If you leave quickly, I will not obey you. If you dare to tarnish my innocence, I will jump into the well and die tonight."

Zhao San was stunned for a moment, thinking: If she is really not afraid of death, will she just throw the whole thing out there

He thought about it and changed his expression to be kind: Why bother? Sister-in-law, haven't you thought about your position being in jeopardy? If you obey me, we will join forces to protect your wife. Don't think I'm useless. I'm still very effective in front of my mother.

You are such a despicable villain. He was very angry. How could I not see this before? I was really blind.

Zhao San sneered and said: Don't regret it, our family will soon be rich and prosperous and enjoy endless wealth. You have endured until now, and you are willing to give up the good days that are in sight.

Get out of here! He cursed in a low voice. She lowered her voice, which also proved that she didn't want to make it public. She didn't follow Zhao San's words, but those words were not completely unreasonable.

After all this trouble and shock, Zhao San's previous lustful thoughts had mostly dissipated, and he no longer had much interest in them.

His enthusiasm cooled, and he immediately wavered in his thoughts. Fear took over. Now he was only thinking: Would He reveal the matter? She probably wouldn't dare to say anything, but Zhao San was still worried, after all, she had the final say.

Just as he was hesitating, He suddenly said coldly: I will remind your second brother, it is terrible to have a brother who is worse than an animal and is like this at such a young age.

Zhao San was suddenly angry and afraid, and rushed forward again, reaching out to strangle He's neck. But he still couldn't do it. This was murder, and there would be traces of strangulation. What if he was found out

He said fiercely: Why don't you die, lowly woman, and still rely on our Zhao family? Why do you let you enjoy wealth and honor for nothing? You also want to stir up the brotherhood between our family.