Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 4: Shao Ge'er and Yulian (3)


I want to be rich and stand out from the crowd. Shao Ge'er, lying on the old bed, was sweating and talking in his sleep. It was just dawn outside, and the faded pieces of paper on the blackened wooden window were rustling in the wind.

He felt as if he was in his past life. His seriously ill mother wanted to eat watermelon before she died. It was winter, and he felt very sorry about where to buy watermelon. There were more problems. His mother had to hold a funeral as soon as she died. The medical expenses were huge, so where could the family get the money

The hardest thing to let go of was the living person, his sister. Later, his sister hastily married a relatively wealthy family, and most of his tuition was paid by his brother-in-law's family, but he vaguely knew that his brother-in-law was not good to him; many times he wanted to ask his sister if she did this for him, but in the end he didn't ask.

One day I will make a lot of money to make up for all this.

elder sister

At this time, Guo Shao was shaken awake, and he sat up suddenly, opened his confused eyes and stared at the person who woke him up. The woman's voice said: Guo Lang, you are having a nightmare.

I had a nightmare, Guo Shao repeated mechanically.

Yu Lian turned her head, hiding her red and swollen left face from his sight, and handed her a wet towel. Guo Shao wiped his face roughly, then turned over, pushed open the wooden bed and began to search.

Yulian asked: You have a sister

Guo Shao did not answer, and soon found the deed from the secret compartment under the bed. Yu Lian looked at him in surprise, and Guo Shao said: This shop is in a good location, with many people coming and going, and you can make a living by doing anything, so it is still useful for you to keep it.

Although Guo Lang and I are old friends, you don't have to be so nice to me. Yu Lian said this, but she didn't seem to refuse. She must really need it. She asked again, why don't you keep it for yourself

Guo Shao said without turning his head, "The North Han and Khitan coalition forces are heading south, and everyone in Tokyo knows about it. The Zhaoyi army in Luzhou was defeated, and the imperial army is frequently recruiting soldiers. It is very likely that they will go to war soon. I have to go to war and can't take care of the shop."

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, An Zhongrong of the Later Jin Dynasty said that the emperor is the one who has the strongest soldiers and horses. The war between warlords made people miserable, but it was a good time for ambitious people. There was no situation where being born in the aristocratic era completely determined your fate. Of course, you have to survive to make military achievements and climb up.

Yu Lian did not persuade him, but whispered: You are still thinking about your wife in your heart

She and Guo Shao had both stayed at Li Shouzhen's house. Obviously, the lady was referring to Fu. Yulian, the young wife, was usually timid, but Guo Shao found that she was very smart and knew a lot. He shook his head calmly: The only people who are worth loving are those who truly care about you. I will treat those who treat me well. It's not that she is rich and beautiful, so she is worth others' efforts. She is not yours.

When he said this, he was very serious, as if he was opening his heart to the world. Yulian also understood, she raised her head, her eyes shone with the light of the morning sun, and her expression was not in line with her usual timid image.

After that, Guo Shao found a clean lining and took a bath in the well early in the morning. In the chilly spring, anyone who dares to take a bath directly in the well must be in good health. It is said that changing into clean underwear before fighting can effectively reduce the risk of wound infection after injury. After Guo Shao came to the ancient times, he also formed a habit of bathing and changing clothes if he had the chance before putting on armor.

The newly made breastplate was hanging on the wooden rack in the bedroom. Guo Shao did not plan to wear it today. He was not going to the battle yet, so there was no need to dress differently. He wore the chain mail as usual. The full body armor weighed more than 50 kilograms and he needed to ask Lao Huang to come in to help him put it on. Then he took a protective shield sword hanging on the wall, and did not bring any long weapons or bows and arrows.

When Guo Shao walked out of the bedroom with his sword in his hand, he had turned into an iron man wrapped tightly in iron armor. The heavy metal was emitting a cold and terrifying luster, and his steps were clanging and heavy when he walked.

When Old Huang saw the leader of the Dong family, he showed awe in his eyes. Yu Lian outside the door also looked stern. The two bowed and saluted Guo Shao. The armament made the gentleness on Guo Shao's face disappear. His sword-like eyebrows revealed a powerful aura without anger. The ordinary Shao brother turned into Guo Shijiang.

After a while, a soldier outside the shop called out "General Guo". Guo Shao then strode out to the front door.

Peddlers and hawkers on the street avoided them, and no one dared to provoke a group of armored soldiers, even if they had no ceremonial guards or were even walking. In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, warriors had a high status. From Tokyo to local cities, most warriors were professional soldiers who had fought and killed people for many years. If a military general with a position was arrogant, the local officials could basically do nothing about them, so who would dare to provoke him

Walking to the parade ground in the north of the city, soldiers from various homes and garrisons in the city also arrived one after another. For a moment, dust and fog covered the sky and the sea of people looked like a sea of molten iron and steel.

The families of professional soldiers moved with the army, and the imperial guards were stationed near Tokyo for a long time, so most of them also had their homes in Tokyo. When there was no war, except for the troops on duty, other soldiers could often go home to rest and take their military pay and food home; therefore, many people, like Guo Shao, rushed straight from their homes to gather.

Tens of thousands of people were on a training ground. At first, they were a bit chaotic. When the time came, they began to straighten the ranks and each commander counted the number of people and reported. The whole format was different, but the procedure seemed to be similar to Guo Shao's modern military training. The soldiers stood with their legs apart and their heads held high. The ranks were very neat and orderly. At least the imperial guards looked quite elite.

This group of people not only wear the same uniform armor and have a neat and neat formation, but also have some invisible things. For example, Guo Shao wears a suit of armor weighing more than 50 kilograms. If you don't have some strength, it will be difficult to wear such a heavy weight and carry weapons and other things. There are also those long-range masters. The powerful ones have been trained since childhood, and generally they have to train for at least three to five years. It's not that you can just pick a few strong men to make up the numbers; the infantry and cavalry of each army are also experienced in hundreds of battles, and they are the seeds left behind in blood and fire. They have never stopped fighting after several dynasties.

The commander of Guo Shao and others was the Palace Guard Commander-in-Chief Zhang Yongde, but it was not easy to see the commander. For half a day, they couldn't even see the shadow of Commander-in-Chief Zhang.

After a long time, a group of heavily armored cavalrymen holding banners and guarding a general came from outside the training ground. Only one of the cavalrymen was wearing a red cloak. They rode past the front of the army and passed by without Zhang Yongde's face.

Then I heard someone shouting in front of me: "The Privy Council has ordered that you should prepare your supplies before the battle in five days and arrive at the barracks in each camp within three days. Those who fail to meet the deadline will be punished for desertion without permission."

The general on the inspection platform stood there for a while, then rode around and quickly got on his horse and left in a swagger. After a while, the commander of Guo Shao's group came back on horseback. The commander was called Wang Degong, a middle-aged man with a round face and a black beard. Guo Shao recognized this guy because the commander was the general who directly commanded them.

According to the organization of the imperial army of the Zhou Dynasty, during combat training, there was usually a commanding officer, which consisted of 500 men. The senior generals above them would not directly inquire about the specific affairs of the commanders below them. Only the commanders were the direct leaders of the middle and lower-level generals and soldiers. Under the commanding officer, there were five dus, each with about 100 men, and the chief was a military envoy or dutou. Under the du, there were four teams, each with more than 20 men, and the chief was called a ten general. Guo Shao was a ten general, with more than 20 soldiers under him.

Commander Wang Degong came to the front of his own troops with his personal soldiers, dismounted, and immediately shouted: "Where is Yang Biao, Captain Yang Biao?"

When Guo Shao heard someone calling Yang Biao, he immediately became alert, because Yang Biao was the head of the city where he was.

At this time, a horse-faced man squeezed out of the queue. A general next to him immediately scolded: Yang Biao, do you know your crime

The horse-faced man said angrily: They were cheating in gambling, otherwise I wouldn't have brought people to smash them to pieces. I hit them too hard and crippled them.

Suddenly, a whip was swung at him without warning. He cursed at the ignorant and ignorant man. He turned to look at Commander Wang's face and saw the bearded man nodded slightly. He said sternly, "Take off your weapons, disarm, and beat me!"

Hundreds of people stood there motionless, not daring to breathe, and Yang Biao was immediately pinned to the ground by several of his personal soldiers. Soon he became a very ridiculous figure, with his upper body stripped naked, but still wearing a helmet, and he looked as if his hair had been shaved.

The sound of the whip hitting the skin and flesh was terrifying. The horse-faced man who was pinned to the ground gritted his teeth and didn't even scream.

Fortunately, Wang Zhizhi raised his hand after only a few lashes. That's enough. There's no time to heal him. Remember to come back and settle the score. Yang Biao, you don't need to be the captain anymore. You are demoted to be the tenth general of the fourth team of Bendu. The tenth general of the fourth team of Bendu is called Guo Shao.

After hearing this, Guo Shao was stunned for a moment, and quickly said in a loud voice: If I were to reply to the king's command, I would be the ten generals of the fourth team.

You will replace Yang Biao and be the captain, Commander Wang said calmly.

Guo Shao was immediately confused. How could the commander, who had more than 500 men under him, remember him so clearly? How could he suddenly be promoted several levels, from a squad leader to a centurion captain

But it was obviously unwise to talk nonsense with the commander at this time. Guo Shao hurriedly responded: "Thank you very much, Commander Wang, for your promotion and cultivation.

Wang Degong cast a glance at him and actually smiled: You are a general, but you were praised by Commander Zhang. How dare I not look at you with new eyes

Guo Shao was speechless. He got promoted by relying on connections, so how could he convince the others? Sure enough, he glanced at Yang Biao who was plucking hairs. That guy's look was already very unfriendly.

The biggest question is where does my relationship come from? Zhang Yongde is not only a general of the imperial army, but also the brother-in-law of the emperor. People who have nothing to do with him at all think about it. Could it be because of Weiguo's wife Fu