Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 70: The Art of War


When they left Fengxiang and returned to Tokyo, it was almost the twelfth lunar month and winter had arrived as expected.

Li Chuyun's family and Yang Luozuo's followers had already dispersed. As soon as they entered the gate of Dongjing City, they found the atmosphere of life. Compared with other places, there was a better order and familiar environment here. Only Jingniang came back with Guo Shao, because she had lived here for a long time before, and there were still more than a dozen people in her house; this place might not be considered her home, but at least it was a relatively long-term residence.

As soon as Langjun entered the door, he heard Yulian's voice full of surprise at reunion.

The skin on her oval face and neck became whiter and smoother, and her plump breasts and flexible waistline made her look more and more beautiful.

Yulian came forward and restrained her enthusiasm and joy, and first bent her knees to perform the ceremony in a formal manner. When Guo Shao supported her, he made a move that surprised others. He pulled Yulian into his arms, then stretched out his hands and hugged her by the waist.

Ya Yulian let out a cry in surprise and hugged Guo Shao's neck with both hands, as if she was afraid of falling.

Guo Shao completely ignored the surprised looks of Jingniang and others, picked up Yulian and walked into the yard.

Maybe Yu Lian had thought many times about what would happen to him after he left home for two or three months. She might have said some sweet words to express her love for him and talked about her experiences during the journey, but she probably couldn't have guessed that it would be like this.

Guo Shao is sometimes gentle and considerate to women, and has a sharp heart like a shooter, just like the last time when Yu Lian first entered this mansion and was sad, he was able to patiently use a dandelion to comfort and enlighten her; but sometimes he fully shows his side as a military general.

Simple, rough and direct.

He had been outside for too long and had not experienced the taste of tenderness. When he saw Yu Lian, the first thing he felt was not to express his longing for her, but to have sex with her without any disguise, even without caring about his manners.

I miss you so much. Guo Shao whispered to Yu Lian in his arms, his voice hot and hungry.

His powerful arms, his urgent strides, the heat in his voice, the look in his eyes, every place and every detail carried that feeling, as if he was going to eat Yu Lian.

Yu Lian's face was burning hot, and she had already guessed what he wanted to do. Without any teasing or ambiguous movements, her body had already softened, and her voice was flustered and soft. She lay horizontally in Guo Shao's arms, with her hands not knowing where to put them, and gently pressed on Guo Shao's strong chest, and whispered: It's broad daylight, don't be so anxious

After a while she said again: Slow down, you are a little scary, I am going to suffer again today.

The fatigue of the two or three months of traveling and Yu Lian's warmth did not make Guo Shao relax. Instead, he became more nervous than before when he returned to Tokyo. It was not a panic-stricken nervousness, nor was it a busy day, but it was inexplicably manifested in his daily words and deeds.

It's like being on the verge of a fierce enemy, and there seems to be something hidden in the calm.

Almost every afternoon he would stay at home for a long time, but not to rest, but to start practicing archery again.

There was a bluestone path in the back garden, one section of which was relatively straight. Guo Shao placed a target on the path and then stood about 70 or 80 steps away, shooting his bow and arrow at the target.

At times like this, not only is the matter itself boring, even the bystanders find it uninteresting.

He would draw his bow and aim at the target without moving for a long time, repeating this over and over again. Occasionally, it would be a little more interesting, as he would shoot at the target continuously without stopping until the arrows in the quiver were all gone; the speed was very fast, and a large number of his arrows would miss the target, but this didn't happen often. Most of the time, he would just slowly draw his bow and aim, and wouldn't shoot an arrow for a long time.

Yulian and Dong Sanmei lived in the back garden, and whenever they had time, they would walk along the back path and watch him do this over and over again without getting tired of it. They didn't dare to disturb Guo Shao, but just put sugar water and tea in the pavilion for Guo Shao to drink when he rested.

The New Year is getting closer and closer, and everywhere is filled with the festive atmosphere. However, Guo Shao still ignores anything related to the New Year. After going on duty or meeting guests every day, he stands on the bluestone path and does that very boring thing.

At this time, in addition to using troops, martial arts were also very useful for middle-level generals; and martial arts training would also keep people in a good state of readiness. It was difficult to inspire morale if the leader was not brave. Shi Yanchao often played as a forward because he was brave and set an example. As a martial art used in battle formations, archery was undoubtedly a very advantageous means of killing in this era.

Compared with melee assassination, bows and arrows do not require the risk of being besieged or fighting desperately. Long-range shooting is very advantageous, as long as the strength and accuracy are sufficient. However, the training is cumbersome and demanding. Top marksmen usually need to be trained from an early age to achieve a beneficial effect on the development of muscles and bones. Generally speaking, those who are born into good conditions and trained as military commanders from an early age all practice archery. Li Chuyun and Luo Yanhuan both made their names in archery in their previous careers.

When Guo Shao was tired from practicing, he would stand on the path with his eyes closed and remain still. In his memory, a sentence from an unknown coach of the Fu family was very clear in Guo Shao's mind: Don't think too much.

This simple sentence gave Guo Shao new insights every once in a while.

Perhaps the coach is not asking the boys not to use their brains, but to use their brains in the most direct way. Eliminate distractions and enter a sharp but most direct mode of thinking: when to strike, when to release the arrow, there is no reason, it is just an intuition and a feeling.

Guo Shao relied on countless experiences of hitting and missing to understand such opportunities.

You can't be entangled in your heart, and you can't have the slightest hesitation. Maybe the top marksman is not necessarily a gentleman, but he is definitely not a villain. Only with a clear mind and smooth thinking can this simple and crude art be brought to its extreme, just like the art of war.

Being open and honest does not require too much restraint, nor does it require any disguise to conceal oneself. Everything returns to its most original nature and true temperament.

In addition to practicing archery, he also often stayed in the Hujie Army camp in the south city. The number of people in the First Army and the Second Army was often not complete, but there was always a part of the people stationed there.

Privately, Guo Shao quite liked the soldiers of this army. Their characteristics were also simple and direct, bold and wild. No wonder the rulers of later generations were very wary of such elite soldiers. Even the emperor could not make them do whatever he wanted. For example, in a mutiny in the previous dynasty, the court sent professional soldiers to farm, but everyone mutinied.

Guo Shao personally felt that these soldiers were a double-edged sword: they were good at fighting, but not so docile.

The officers were taking roll call. Guo Shao changed the style of previous generals and walked between the ranks on foot, looking at the soldiers who were standing with their legs apart.

Most of the soldiers were strong men with broad shoulders, thick arms and thin waists. From their body shape to their skin, every part of them showed that they were veterans of the battlefield. They obeyed their generals and were used to forming a group, but they did not have the timidity and servility of ordinary people when they met the officials.

Guo Shao stood in front of a soldier, face to face, and casually straightened the crooked armor on his body. The soldier was a little nervous, but he was not good at speaking, so he stood there straight without moving or saying a word.

The soldiers were still more obedient to Guo Shao's leadership at this time. The elite soldiers were not completely unruly. They only obeyed people with ability, like Yang Biao. There was less warmth in the army and more jungle-like rules.

At this moment, the generals in charge of various commands came up to report the number of people. Guo Shao listened to them calmly without saying any instructions. He just waved his hand and said: Disband, garrison according to the military order of the Privy Council a few days ago.

Each army had its own commander-in-chief and generals at all levels. The garrison missions of each unit were not decided by military generals such as Guo Shao, but were all arranged by the Privy Council. Especially for the troops in the capital, if they were transferred or relocated without the order of the Privy Council, it would be very serious. Guo Shao didn't have to come for inspection, but he still stayed in the barracks for a long time to get familiar with the soldiers.

After the various units had signed up for duty and changed their guard, he no longer interfered in their military affairs. Recently, he was organizing and copying the maps he brought back from Guanzhong, a total of six maps.

After working for two or three months, Guo Shao thought he could submit a memorial to present the topographic maps of Qinzhou and Fengzhou so that he could have a sense of presence in the court. At this time, the court institutions were further streamlined and centralized on the basis of the Tang Dynasty, but they had not yet formed a more rigorous system like the Song and Ming Dynasties. In addition, the Privy Council had a great influence on the military, which was the most important part of state affairs. Guo Shao believed that his map might reach the hands of the emperor or the Privy Council.

When Li Chuyun was in Bingzhou, even relatives of a Jiedushi without a military position could submit a petition to the emperor to file a complaint. Guo Shao felt that as a general of the imperial guards, he was fully capable of submitting a petition.

However, this was Guo Shao's first time to submit a memorial to the emperor, and he was a little anxious to write. He had been working on this memorial for two or three days, but it was still not finished.

Not to mention writing classical Chinese, he couldn't even understand it. He wasn't illiterate, he could recognize traditional Chinese characters, but the key was that there were no punctuation marks. Damn, those people who knew how to read in ancient times really made it as complicated as possible; if there were punctuation marks in the articles and books, just a dot of ink, Guo Shao could understand most of the articles without any pressure, but there were none.

The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period lasted almost five years, but Guo Shao was a minor soldier most of the time. Books of that era were expensive, and soldiers and minor soldiers did not need to be literate. How could he have the time to study ancient books? Unless there were good prospects for the imperial examinations now, and he could have enough food and clothing and study professionally for the imperial examinations, then he could do some research.

After thinking it over, Guo Shao decided to let Zuo You write it, and then he would take a look at the words that were almost the same and copy them to be done with it. The last letter he left without saying goodbye in Bingzhou was also written by Zuo You.