Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 848: Palace wall bells


The emperor was poisoned by traitors.

In the Sanqing Hall, Cao Tai's shrill voice was heard, panting and impatient.

After hearing this, Jinzhan, who was kneeling helplessly in front of the statue, immediately stood up from the cushion in surprise and turned to look at Cao Tai. Anger and anxiety appeared alternately on her face, making her cheeks turn red in an instant.

I went to take a look. Jinzhan left the Sanqing Temple immediately.

When they arrived at the Wansui Palace, a group of imperial doctors were brought before Queen Jinzhan, and they were still arguing.

Lu Lan and several imperial doctors used the pulse as evidence to deny that Guo Shao was poisoned. But the Imperial Doctor's Office insisted: You just don't have much experience. It is a rare poison that takes effect slowly. I saw a poisoned person in my early years. The pulse and signs of poisoning were no different from the official's performance today. It is said that the rare poison came from outside the Great Wall.

Immediately, an old imperial physician seconded the proposal and said in a disdainful tone: Madam Lu is known as a miracle doctor and has great medical skills, but she is too young after all. How many bridges have she crossed

Jinzhan was in a very complicated mood at this time, and her mind was in a mess. She took a long breath and said coldly: Cao Tai, immediately seal the Wansui Palace and send people to check everyone here.

Cao Tai hurriedly clasped his fists and said: I will follow your orders.

When the imperial doctors heard this, they stopped talking for a moment and looked sideways.

Jinzhan asked the Imperial Physician again: Is there an antidote

The old man frowned and said: “I consider myself to have traveled a lot and have seen a lot, but I have only seen this poison once in my life and I don’t know how to detoxify it. It is said that this poison comes from an ancient tomb, is colorless and tasteless, and ordinary people don’t know it. It will only take effect after a long time.”

Jinzhan asked: What happened to the poisoned people you have seen

The old man lowered his head helplessly and said: To answer the Queen, when the case was found to be a poisoning murder, the victim had already been poisoned into his internal organs and died.

Jinzhan frowned and said: You must find a way to detoxify the emperor.

Everyone responded in a low voice.

Jinzhan immediately stood up and left the main hall, and walked quickly to the side hall with a group of followers. She saw a group of eunuchs and palace maids who had been driven here and gathered together. When they saw the queen coming in, some knelt down and some bowed to greet her.

Jinzhan said nothing, walked to the head of the palace maids, Li Shanggong, and stood there for a while. Li Shanggong half-crouched, lowered her head and looked at the floor, her body gradually trembled, and after a while her body softened and she fell to the ground: This servant has failed in his duty and deserves death.

The side hall fell into complete silence, and everyone lowered their heads in fear, fearing that they would be noticed. Jinzhan walked slowly in front of each person, looking at them carefully with her bright eyes.

After a while, Yang Shiliang and Jing Niang came in and they both bowed and greeted each other.

Jinzhan then turned around and looked at them, and left without saying a word to anyone. She came to Guo Shao's bedroom to visit, and then Yang Shiliang, Jingniang and others followed in.

Jinzhan sat beside Guo Shao's bed and said without turning her head: You are following my order, and you can search and interrogate anyone, including the imperial concubine, eunuchs, and female officials, to find out who is harming the emperor.


Yang Shiliang whispered: I have something to ask.

Jinzhan turned around and looked at him coldly and said.

Yang Shiliang pondered for a moment, then bowed and said: Not long ago, Concubine Li Yueji met some Tanguts from the northwest inside the palace gate. I sent someone to secretly eavesdrop. Those Tanguts wanted Concubine Li to speak well of you in front of the emperor. I reported this to the emperor, but since the Tanguts didn't say anything else, we didn't pay much attention to it. Now that I think about it, it seems a little strange.

Cao Tai immediately glared and said: Didn't the imperial physician say that the poison came from outside the Great Wall? Who else in this palace who can get close to the emperor is from outside the Great Wall, except Concubine Li

Yang Shiliang nodded and said: "That's why I feel strange. Moreover, the emperor conquered Pingxia, the enemy of his father Li Yiyin; recently, the troops of Daxu attacked the Dangxiang tribe again. Who knows whether Li Xianfei has a grudge against the emperor

Jinzhan said anxiously: Send someone to Li Xianfei's palace immediately to find out the truth as soon as possible and force her to tell you the antidote to save the emperor first.

She looked at the tall roof of the Wansui Palace, which seemed to be a layer of haze above her head, making her breathless. She immediately said to Cao Tai: "Go and make some preparations, move the official's house to another place, and my second sister and I will serve him closely, and no outsiders are allowed to approach."

The news that the emperor might not be seriously ill but was poisoned had not yet reached the outer court outside the Xuanyou Gate; however, because the matter had already alarmed the Imperial Medical Office, all the civil and military officials in the court knew that the emperor was bedridden and unconscious.

Civil and military officials were still on duty, and the court institutions seemed to be functioning, but people had long lost interest in their work. In this turbulent time, who would have the heart to care about government affairs

Memorials piled up in the Jinxiang Hall and the Zhengshi Hall, but were ignored or processed slowly. Even the prime ministers went to the Zhengshi Hall every day just to go through the motions, mainly to inquire about the emperor's condition.

Everyone bowed to each other when they met, pretending to be calm and polite, but no one knew what the other person was thinking about or how they planned the current situation.

Suddenly, a bell rang. Prime Minister Fan Zhi noticed that Wang Pu, who was sitting opposite him, trembled all over.

Seeing this, Fan Zhi looked up at Wang Pu and said meaningfully: Listen, the drum is also beating, it's the bell of the You hour.

Wang Pu exhaled, looked a little embarrassed and said: It's time to go off duty.

The two men stood up and bowed solemnly to each other, saying, "Prime Minister Fan is leaving the court. Prime Minister Wang is leaving the court."

Fan Zhi went to work as usual and took a carriage home. As soon as he arrived home, a scholar in a cloth robe and a fu hat came to see him hurriedly. Fan Zhi then led him in and went straight to the secret room in the inner house.

The scholar stepped forward and said in a deep voice: Just now at the entrance of Yijing Lane next to Ma Xing Street, Duke Protector of the Country Luo Yanhuan met with the Regent of the Cabinet Zuo You.

Oh Fan Zhi was a little surprised.

The scholar whispered: "The court is in turmoil now, and Li Chuyun is leading a large army outside. It is still unclear how things will turn out. If anything happens to Li Chuyun, Luo Yanhuan will definitely be involved. These two are friends in need, and everyone knows that they are like-minded."

He paused and said, but why did Luo Yanhuan go to find Zuo You

Fan Zhi said calmly: "Back then, when Guo Shao was also a nobody, Luo Yanhuan was recommended to him by Zuo You. It is reasonable to say that Zuo You was kind to Luo Yanhuan."

So there is such a past. The scholar suddenly realized, and then frowned and pondered, but Zuo You is Guo Shaozhi's confidant, and his friendship with him must be deeper than that with Luo Yanhuan.

Fan Zhi sneered: If Guo Shao was still here, not only Zuo You, but also Luo Yanhuan and Li Chuyun would be his people.

The scholar was stunned by this.

The two sat facing each other for a while, and Fan Zhi stood up and moved a bookshelf away. There was a piece of white cloth hanging on the wall. He lifted the white cloth and saw a tablet in the dark wall, which read: The throne of the Great Zhou Ruiwu Xiaowen Emperor.

Fan Zhi lit three incense sticks, knelt in front of the spirit tablet with the scholar, and kowtowed several times.

Fan Zhi knelt there, his expression sometimes sad and sometimes indignant, and he remained silent for a long time.

The past events came back to his mind. In the heavy snow, Fan Zhi, who was hiding in a dilapidated temple, was found by Guo Wei, the first emperor of Zhou. Guo Wei took off his cloak and put it on him personally. Under the candlelight late at night, the late emperor Chai Rong talked with him and shared his heart.

A gentleman will die for his friend. Fan Zhi's voice was sad and humiliated. I deserved to die back then.

The scholar looked solemn and advised carefully: If Mr. Fan takes his life lightly, it will be of no use.

Fan Zhi said painfully: The late emperor entrusted an old minister with his orphan, but I watched helplessly as a strong man bullied an orphan and his widowed mother to usurp the throne, and I even became a traitor to the country. How can I face the first emperor in my grave

The scholar advised: "Your service as an official in the Xu Dynasty is not for glory and wealth, but just to wait for the opportunity. If the first emperor Taizu knew about this, he would also appreciate your loyalty. At that time, the traitors colluded with each other inside and outside the country, holding heavy troops, and then eliminated dissidents. All power inside and outside the country was in the hands of their cronies. If you act rashly, you will only lose your life in vain. What good is it? If the loyal ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty lose their lives in vain and are eliminated, there is no hope for the restoration of the country."

Fan Zhi was persuaded, but suddenly he became even more ashamed and angry, and gritted his teeth and said: "The traitor not only usurped the throne, but also married the widow of the previous emperor. This humiliation is simply insane and will anger the heavens and the people."

He looked up at the tablet and said solemnly: "I swear before the late emperor that I am not ungrateful. This is just a temporary measure to survive and wait for the right time. Now is the time for us to repay you with our lives."

The two of them kowtowed devoutly again, then stood up.

The scholar said: Even though the situation is turbulent now, we are too weak and the road ahead is worrying.

Fan Zhi sighed and gritted his teeth, saying: Even if it is a hell of fire and swords, we will jump into it. Because I am afraid that such a turbulent opportunity will never come again.

The scholar bowed and said solemnly: What Mr. Fan said is absolutely right.

Fan Zhi paced back and forth for a few steps: How are the preparations for the uprising going

The scholar said: Everything is the same as before. I haven't received any news yet, so there shouldn't be any unexpected events.

Fan Zhi nodded, looked at the scholar and said: I have a favor to ask of you.

The scholar was surprised and said: "Why does Mr. Fan say that? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Fan Zhi glanced at him and said thoughtfully: We are outnumbered and powerless, which is like hitting a rock with an egg. We have to win over some old ministers who have received favors from Emperor Taizu and have real power.

The scholar thought for a while and asked in a low voice: Wang Pu

Fan Zhi stared into the scholar's eyes and nodded slightly.

The scholar's face suddenly changed: Wang Pu had long been bribed and lured by the traitors, and had truly changed his face.

Fan Zhi said in a deep voice: "Of course I know, but once the traitor dies, the friendship between Wang Pu and Guo Shao will no longer exist. This man was born in a humble family, and the late emperor treated him well. The Privy Council has great military power, and even at the risk of death, we must try to win over Wang Pu."

The scholar frowned: Wang Pu is an old fox. The only way to make him choose us is to make him believe that we have the greatest chance of winning.

Fan Zhi shook his head and said: This is wrong. A true old fox does not choose the side with the greatest chance of winning.

The scholar clasped his fists and said: Please teach me, Master Fan.

Fan Zhi sneered and said: The best approach is to operate in multiple directions and leave ways everywhere.