Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 87: The roaring river buries the dead souls


The sky in the northeast was gray, and the sun shone through the clouds with a pale light. Guo Shao rode up the gentle slope in front of him, and suddenly a dark mass of Shu troops appeared in the distance, with flags like clouds, looking dense. A few sparse cavalrymen were wandering on the road a hundred steps away. These Shu soldiers were indeed from the hinterland. Their helmets were very different from those worn by northern soldiers, with a brim in front; it seemed that it often rained in Shu, and the brim could prevent rain from flowing down their faces.

A dozen or so generals and their personal soldiers followed behind and stopped on their horses to watch.

"Bring me the bow and arrows," Guo Shao shouted. His personal guard brought his two-stone strong bow, and Guo Shao picked up the bow and put the arrow on it.

The Shu cavalryman was also watching there. He found Guo Shao holding a bow and arrow, but he didn't run away. He seemed to not believe that anyone could shoot him. Suddenly he cursed: "Son of a bitch, shoot me!"

After hearing this, the generals looked at each other in bewilderment.

Guo Shao sneered and pulled the bow a hundred steps away. Normally, projectiles can be shot that far, but it is difficult to be accurate with long-range shots. The one-stone bow used by the general military and the one-stone and two-bow used by the northern nomads can only shoot a few dozen steps, and they are not accurate if they are far away.

There was a snap of the bowstring, and the rider was hit by the arrow and fell backwards from his horse. The horse turned around and ran away in shock. Seeing this, the other Shu army cavalry also fled in panic.

All the generals laughed and cheered.

Guo Shao threw the bow to his personal guard and looked back at the army behind him. It was also a large group of infantry like the Shu army, but the Zhou army did not have drums and trumpets. They did not bring too many things when they came, and they were truly lightly equipped. There were only seven or eight flags planted among the countless people and horses.

On the right is the fast-flowing Jialing River, and on the left is a mountain. The place is so small that there is no strategy or military tactics to speak of. The only thing to do is to charge forward and fight head-on.

Guo Shao rode his horse back downhill, passing through the gaps between the various cities, and shouted: There is no way to retreat, behind us is the territory of Shu, and the path is too narrow to squeeze through.

The soldiers raised their weapons and shouted noisily, and their morale seemed good. They had won victory after victory since entering Shu, and everyone was very confident.

Guo Shao closed his eyes and prayed to whatever god was in the void, hoping that Qingxu would be fine and that Fuhou would be fine in the future. He suddenly opened his eyes, drew out his sword with a stern face. There was no drum or trumpet, and communication was all based on shouting. Guo Shao raised the blade high and shouted hoarsely: Kill!

The gazes of the killing soldiers all turned to him, their eyes widened and they shouted, which was immediately deafening.

A military commander walked straight ahead, holding a lance, with several knives on his back and waist, armed to the teeth. Everyone else followed him, and the entire army spread out from the road like a flood.

The war has lost all the embellishment of strategy and rules this time, and will return to its most barbaric and primitive form: killing each other. Everywhere there is room for people to stand is full of people, and there is not even a rotation tactic. The people in front have to die before the people behind can move up.

When they were about sixty or seventy steps away, the Shu army, which had been waiting in line for the opportunity, shot the first arrows; then Guo Shao heard the crackling sound of bows from the army on this side, and both sides shot arrows into the sky.

Those holding swords and shields hurriedly held up their round shields, while those without shields waved their weapons around their heads. The arrows clanged and all of them fell into the battle formation as long as they were directed in the right direction. The heavy arrowheads rushed down at a very fast speed, and some people were screaming.

A big man in front shouted loudly, and a group of people began to run forward amidst the arrows. The Shu army also shouted loudly, and a group of people and horses rushed forward.

In an instant, the scene became horrible. The crowds of people were running and clanging against each other, and the spears and swords pierced into the armor with the collision force. The screams immediately floated between the mountains and rivers with the blood dance. The people in front of the Shu army engaged the enemy for the first time, and the soldiers were horrified. They saw that the chaotic soldiers were like crazy, picking up spears and stabbing people randomly, completely not treating them like human beings.

The Zhou army soldiers charged forward. They had seen this kind of scene many times, every few months, a year or two. Compared with the crazy cavalrymen's iron hooves trampling everything like a mudslide, this scene was nothing.

Ah, a ruffian with disheveled hair and blood on his face and helmet knocked off rushed forward. A group of Shu soldiers were frightened and stepped back as if they had seen an evil ghost, but there were people behind them too.

Then another big man from the Zhou army rushed into the crowd with a shield. The shield hit the armor and he jumped up. He held an iron hook in his right hand and swung it down without saying a word. The iron hook pierced into the cheek of a soldier with a sound of "chi". Before the soldier could react, he pulled back and tore off a large piece of skin and flesh from his face. The screams of pain were so loud that they could deafen people's ears and make people tremble in their hearts. Blood splattered all over the people around him. The soldier raised his hands in front of his face, looking very scary. He was soon knocked to the ground by someone. Maybe the wound touched the ground and he screamed even more miserably.

On the ground, several Zhou soldiers were stepping on a person, stabbing him with their spears like pounding rice. The young Shu soldiers had never seen such a brutal scene in Shu. They panicked and rushed in the opposite direction of the Zhou army. There was no formation or battle formation at the junction of the two armies. People were killing madly and fighting in a mess.

War is most direct here, fighting is killing people

Many people had no way to go, so they used their hands and feet to climb up the steep hillside, and immediately became living targets for the Zhou army's rear soldiers who could not fight in close combat. People shot arrows one by one, and people were constantly shot and rolled down the hillside. The hillside was full of arrow feathers, and from a distance, the feathers at the tails of the arrows were connected together like a patch of reeds.

Countless people were squeezed off the road and fell into the Jialing River in the east. They were quickly drowned in the surging water. The heavy armor made the people who fell into the water feel like they were tied with stones. From time to time, they suddenly popped their heads out and shouted: Help, help! But the battle was in chaos and no one could save them. They were washed away in an instant.

The Zhou army's first army commander waved his sword on his horse, pointed at the hillside and ordered: Shoot, shoot those deserters!

Suddenly, there was a whoosh, his face changed, his eyes bulged, his sword fell from his hand, he covered his throat with both hands and fell off his horse with his mouth wide open. The soldiers around him jumped off the horse to save him. An arrow had pierced his neck, which might have injured his trachea. He couldn't move as soon as he fell. His lips were black and his legs were kicking on the ground. The soldiers looked at each other, and someone shouted: General, general, it seems that there is no hope for him.

Suddenly, Guo Shao's voice came from behind: The First Army's First Commander, the commander-in-chief will immediately take over the command of the First Army. It turned out that the commander-in-chief had been keeping an eye on the situation in the front.

"To avenge Du Yuhou," a personal soldier shouted with red eyes, picked up an iron mace, and desperately squeezed forward between the lines.

There was blood flowing in the front and arrows were constantly being shot and thrown from the back. The air was full of arrows. The road was like a Shura field and a slaughterhouse. Countless people were crowded together fighting. The scene was extremely absurd.

Countless people fell into the water and were shot by arrows. In less than half an hour, the entire long line of the Shu army was shaken. The chaotic soldiers tried their best to squeeze backwards. The team that was originally in a queue with a certain amount of space now seemed like a crowded bus with no room to turn around. Many people were squeezed into the Jialing River. "Don't block the road, let me pass, please, go to the back." Everyone felt that they had encountered evil spirits and would rather squeeze into the crowded crowd than stay away from the crazy and bloody people in front. The rear army of the Shu army finally turned around and ran, and the crowded crowd fled to the northeast. The Zhou army was chasing from behind, and Guo Shao's voice shouted: Tell them to surrender!

At this time, the generals in the chaos shouted: "Drop your weapons and kneel by the roadside, and you will be saved."

Everyone pushed forward, and along the way were surrendered Shu soldiers. There were some places where there was no room at all, so people climbed up the hillside and prostrated themselves on the ground with their heads in their hands.

The Zhou army's vanguards trotted forward in pursuit, and those who didn't have time to stop and surrender were killed along the way, and corpses could be seen everywhere. By the afternoon, the first commander of the vanguard had already chased to the posthouse at the foot of Qingniling Mountain. Looking up, he saw a lot of people climbing the mountain in a mess on the slope of Qingniling Mountain.

Guo Shao followed the surging army and advanced forward. On the way, he suddenly saw a temple in front of a mountain, quietly sitting there. There were only wild mountains and ridges around, and no villages or people were seen. A personal soldier saw what he was looking at and shouted: That's the nunnery, Qingniling Nunnery.

Guo Shao turned his head and looked at him without saying a word.

Everyone rushed into the Qingniling Posthouse, which was completely controlled by Zhou soldiers. Guo Shao ignored the remaining Shu troops climbing the mountain and walked straight into the posthouse. Li Chuyun's voice shouted from behind: Brother Luo, take people to the foot of the mountain to persuade them to surrender, tell the Shu soldiers that there is no place to escape, and that Qingniling is still ours.

Guo Shao walked into the post house quickly and was startled to see two bodies hanging under the eaves. The bodies of the two women were soaked and covered with blood and bloodstains. When Guo Shao approached, he smelled a stench of blood and excrement. One of the women was already stiff, hanging like a stone; the other black woman was hanging there limply, but also dead, with a bloody hole in her stomach.

Jingniang's voice trembled: Put them down quickly.

Guo Shao saw several people kneeling in the room. He drew his sword and walked over. An official in a round-collared green robe in front of him kowtowed and said, "General, spare my life. We didn't kill them."

Guo Shao asked anxiously: Where are the others of the people you arrested

I'm with the general, I know where he is being held, the official said hurriedly.

"Go!" Guo Shao shouted. Guan Er got up carefully from the ground and took Guo Shao into the alley next to the house. Then he looked for the key to open a door, his hands shaking. Guo Shao cursed: "Get out of here!" He picked up the knife and chopped it down. Sparks flew everywhere, and a big gap immediately broke on the blade. He threw away the knife, stepped back a few steps, and rushed forward. With a loud bang, the door collapsed. Guo Shao opened his eyes and was stunned again.

: Recommend a friend's masterpiece, it's well written.

A super mercenary with the most awesome superpowers returns to China to pick up girls, make a lot of money, and step on his opponents. This is a cool urban novel with no cuckold, no abuse of the protagonist, and unlimited IQ and force. The author has 3 million works with quality assurance and is an absolute three-quality product.