Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 900: lilac


It is not far from Chanzhou to Tokyo. If you head southwest, you can reach the capital city soon by passing through a very ordinary post station, Chenqiao Posthouse.

Guo Shao didn't know how Xiao Yanyan felt after learning that her father was stabbed to death, and he didn't know whether she would blame him for Xiao Siwen's death, but there was nothing he could do. As soon as he returned to Beijing, he attended a celebration banquet to celebrate the victory of the Northern Expedition to Liaoxi.

At the banquet, Guo Shao left the table halfway through as usual. However, the funny military drama and singing and dancing continued amidst the clinking of cups and glasses. Once the emperor and empress left, the civil and military officials became more casual.

The hall was filled with congratulations and compliments, as well as laughter and noise. Some people took their wine glasses to other tables to toast, taking advantage of the lively and cheerful scene and also an opportunity to bring everyone closer together.

However, birds of a feather flock together. Military generals and civil officials rarely get along with each other. They have different personalities and interests, so it is difficult for them to talk to each other. Even if they have nothing to talk about, it would be exhausting to find something to talk about.

The cabinet regents were drinking happily. Huang Binglian's face flushed with wine as he said: "I heard that the Chanyuan Alliance was signed by various countries, but the Goryeo envoy refused to sign it."

Lu Duoxun said: I was in Chanzhou at that time. The thing is, when the Goryeo army heard that the Daxu army was heading north, they joined forces with the Jurchen tribe to attack the Liao Kingdom from behind. Perhaps they were eager to divide the Dongdan Kingdom with our country. The Goryeo people did not send an envoy to tell our country, so there is no question of joining forces with our country to attack the Liao Kingdom; since there is no alliance between Daxu and Goryeo, our alliance with the Liao Kingdom cannot be called a betrayal.

Huang Binglian shook his head and said: "The Koreans obviously don't think so. Their envoys are dissatisfied in public, which shows that. If the emperor asks about this, how do you plan to answer?"

At this time, Zuo You said calmly: "The emperor has already known this. The Korean envoys are indignant this time, but they will soon send people to the court to repair relations with us; otherwise, they will have a grudge with the Liao Kingdom and a rift with Daxu. How can they be enemies with the two major countries at the same time? Don't worry, gentlemen."

When several people heard this, they kept agreeing with him and agreed with him deeply.

The only person who was a little distracted and did not show his knowledge was Zan Jurun. He did not participate in the Northern Expedition, but when people's attention was on Liao and Goryeo, Zan Jurun noticed that the absence of Jiaozhi County during the Chanzhou meeting was not because of the high mountains and long roads. Dali Kingdom was not much farther away than Jiaozhi County, and the Duan family also sent people.

Zan Jurun thought that the government had proposed a national policy of attaching importance to the sea route and encircling the sphere of influence from the Strait of Malacca a long time ago, but it had been shelved in the past two years to deal with the Liao Kingdom. Now that the north is temporarily settled, the South China Sea issue might be mentioned. Jiaozhi County has almost no contact with the Central Plains, so it is easy to be ignored. If it is suddenly asked, it will be difficult for the ministers who are not prepared to answer.

In addition, Zan Jurun also noticed something that the court had overlooked: during the period when the emperor was ill and poisoned, Gao Shouzhen of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau made an instrument called a stargazing instrument, which made it easier to observe the height of stars and estimate their position with the help of tools; before that, Gao Shouzhen used his profound knowledge of astronomy to calculate the ground position, but ordinary officials of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau simply did not have this ability. Because of the needs of navigation, Gao Shouzhen came up with the idea of using instruments.

If Zan Jurun had presented his knowledge of Jiaozhi County and the astronomical instrument to the emperor at the right time, he would surely have received extra favor from the emperor.

He had been planning this for some time.

Of the four assistants in the cabinet, Zuo You was the one who had the most potential to stand out and become a great man, because Zuo You was a close friend of the emperor, but Zuo You was one step behind in the matter of Li Chuyun. Huang Binglian also knew the emperor for a long time and was quite good at laws and orders; Lu Duosun went deep into Hexi and made great achievements in making friends with the Dangxiang. If Zan Jurun wanted to compare with them, he had to do something.

The sounds of stringed instruments and orchestras at the celebration banquet seemed to be the finale of dealing with the relationship with the Liao Kingdom.

Guo Shao walked out from the north side of Jinxiang Hall, took a breath of fresh air, and looked back at the ancient and magnificent buildings, as if he was reviewing what had happened.

The Central Plains Dynasty and the Liao Khitan had a deep-rooted feud. Now that the country was powerful, the emperor chose to negotiate peace with the Liao when it was strong. Obviously, many people did not support this national policy. The most extreme reaction was that when Guo Shao was still in Chanzhou, the soldiers conspired to assassinate the Liao envoys.

But Guo Shao didn't think he was wrong.

Daxu was founded on military power, and it continued to fight wars year after year. It ended the years of fighting among various countries through force, and fought foreign wars in the south and the north, even reaching the distant country of Japan. But Guo Shao knew very well that from countless wars, either the benefits gained far outweighed the costs, such as the wars to destroy Southern Tang, Shu, and Southern Han; or the victory in the wars increased the prestige of the Daxu court.

But if it gets into a consumption battle with a grassland power like Liao, I am afraid people will find that Daxu is not as strong as imagined. Guo Shao was deeply impressed by the two northern expeditions to Youzhou at all costs, which almost emptied the national treasury.

In comparison, it would be much less costly to influence and control the Liao Dynasty's national policy through other means, such as trying to support people with similar political views like Yelu Xizhen, and then bribing and controlling people like Yang Gun.

However, the war in Daxu was far from over, and Guo Shao felt that he would have to bear the reputation of warmongering for many more years.

Guo Shao paced a few steps, subconsciously covered his cheek, and took a hissing breath.

The eunuch Wang Zhong asked hurriedly: "Your Majesty, what is wrong with you?"

Guo Shaodao: After a series of feasts with lots of delicious food, I guess I got a bit irritated.

Wang Zhongdao: Your Majesty, please go in and rest. I will go and call the imperial physician.

Guo Shao suddenly realized something and said: I might as well go see Madam Lu.

Wang Zhong prepared a carriage to take Guo Shao there. When they arrived at the courtyard full of various plants and grasslands, Guo Shao was welcomed into the hall by Lu Niangzi and Bai Shi, but he did not see Xiao Yanyan. Xiao Yanyan usually lived here, so Guo Shao did not ask more.

When Guo Shao saw Lu Lan, he asked directly, "Mrs. Lu, you have flowers and plants that can cure toothache?"

Lu Lan said: "Your Majesty, please wait a moment." Then he turned and left.

Guo Shao looked at her from the side, his eyes focused on her side chest, and he felt that she had become more plump recently. He didn't know whether it was because she knew how to take care of herself or because of her natural figure.

Sure enough, not long after waiting, Lu Lan came out with a glass cup of green leaf water and stretched out his left hand. Seeing this, Guo Shao stretched out his palm to catch it and saw some oval fruits. Lu Lan said: After drinking the tea, put one of these in your mouth when you have time, and the pain should be relieved.

Guo Shao likes Lu Lan's place very much. The house is full of plants and fragrance. It's not about fighting for power and killing and plundering. At least he can get away from it for a moment.

He picked up the glass cup and took a sip, and suddenly looked thoughtful. His hand holding the cup stopped in mid-air, and he stood there in meditation, pondering: This taste is very familiar, it is a kind of flower tree, what is it called? He reached out and scratched his forehead again.

Seeing his look, Lu Lan covered her mouth and smiled: Lilac.

Lilac Guo Shao suddenly realized that it was lilac. I used to grow it in my hometown. No wonder it looked so familiar to me.

Lu Lan's eyes wandered, and he chuckled: "Your Majesty is always thinking about military and national affairs and the people, so how can he have the time to think about these little flowers and grasses?"

Guo Shao felt that something else was going on. He pointed at Lu Lan and made a gesture as if he wanted to say something but stopped talking. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: Even if you don't remind me, I would have remembered it.

He pondered for a moment and said: This flower has its own language.

Hua Yu Lu Lan looked very interested, with her chin supported by one hand and her elbow on the table.

Guo Shaodao: The meaning of flower language is the meaning of a flower, just like cuckoo often reminds people of sadness, crows are bad luck, and magpies are good news. I have planted lilac, so I remember this one. The flower language of lilac is memory.

In the sparse white steam, Guo Shao smelled the unique fragrance in the air and tasted the taste of memories. He seemed to remember their first meeting in Hebei many years ago and their reunion in Wushan. Those vague fragments that he thought were insignificant and would pass in a blink of an eye, but he still couldn't forget them. And the small and ordinary girl in front of him, after being displaced in the war, had changed a little bit.

Countless fragments came to his mind. In addition to the memory of Lu Lan, the Fu family's courtyard, which was once the Guo Mansion, came to his mind in an instant. Perhaps that courtyard was also related to Lu Lan. She first came to Tokyo and lived there.

Lu Lan's voice brought Guo Shao back to his senses. I didn't expect that His Majesty is also interested in growing flowers.

Unexpectedly, Guo Shao shook his head and said: I have never liked taking care of plants, let alone thinking about them, but I am occasionally interested in admiring them.

Lu Lan said with an "oh": To take care of these things, one must have a peaceful state of mind, be free of desires and be able to endure indifference.

Guo Shaodao: That's right. I don't have the state of mind of tranquility, far-sightedness, indifference and clarity of purpose. I like things that have clear goals and immediate results.

At this time, Xiao Chuo was also listening to the voices outside. She had mixed feelings about Guo Shao, but she also agreed with the statement that there is no such thing as a peaceful and indifferent state.

Xiao Chuo didn't like the flowers and plants in Lu Lan at all. She just wanted to ride a horse in the vast world and have a richer and more wonderful life. However, the cruel situation made her gradually realize that she might end up in this huge prison.

When the news of Xiao Siwen's death came, Xiao Chuo felt not hatred or sadness, but the fear of losing her big backer. Her two sisters also became widows. Who would care about her being trapped in the Xu State Palace now

There were at least 8,000 women in the Xu Kingdom's palace. Xiao Chuo thought to herself that she would die of old age in this rich and magnificent palace just like them. People lived in luxury and many people envied the life here, but Xiao Chuo, a girl who had never suffered from hunger or cold since childhood, didn't care about food and clothing.

She sat on the stool with a dull expression, not moving for a long time.

Sorry everyone, I'm not updating again. Ten Kingdoms has entered its final stage, and I have to think about the new book at the same time, so the updates are not as stable as before, please forgive me.