Wasteland Employment Guide

Chapter 483: of 涶宮拐楀涶祮


The body shape was shaped by the magical skills of the two Lords Shi Pingnan and Lin Ruoqi, the shell was solidified by the lifelong skills of the three elders Jin Yue, and the vast brute force of the giant beast was used as the driving force -

This giant ice spear is enough to become the most destructive weapon on the surface.

However, it was stopped in mid-air!

The twelve sect masters are connected to each other with light, forming a giant shield of light!

The giant ice spear hit the shield surface and was crushed and broken by its own propulsion, eventually turning into countless debris and scattered from the sky.

Wu Chan did not expect that such a laborious and powerful human attack could be resolved so easily.

He looked at Tao Xinrui, and there was no expression of despair on that woman's face.

In the sky, the two masters of the sect raised their right arms, and the silver light pierced the sky along the fingertips, condensed into a lightsaber as long as the body, then turned around and dived down on the giant beast!

The remaining ten sect masters were suspended in the air watching the show, obviously disdainful of winning in a group battle.

The giant beast waved and swatted, as if swatting two white flies. The movement was really clumsy and slow.

A master of the sect spiraled around the right arm of the giant beast. The power of the lightsaber was surprisingly terrifying. The giant beast's arm was rotated and cut into a whole strip of flesh separated from the bones. A large amount of plasma exploded like a heavy rain!

Another sect master flew to the back of the giant beast's neck, slashed a wedge-shaped wound with two swords to expose the neck bones wrapped in layers of nerves, and then slashed in with one sword!

The blow apparently mortally wounded the beast, which fell like a collapsing skyscraper.

"The giant beast is not as difficult to deal with as expected."

The speaker was a young man wearing a white coat, with hair as messy as a bird's nest. He was suspended in mid-air in front of Wu Chan and Tao Xinrui, and his whole body was as light as a feather.

Dr. Tao Xinrui, the leader of the sect who had dealt with Wu Chan many times, was obviously no stranger to him either.

At this moment, everyone's bodies were no longer covered in ice, indicating that the plague that was hidden somewhere had been taken out of the ice cave.

Tao Xinrui smiled at the master of the door.

"Are you here to taunt us?"

The young man was suspended cross-legged in mid-air, with the hem of his white coat hanging behind his buttocks and his chin propped up with one hand.

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed and even a little bored."

As he spoke, he actually yawned.

Tao Xinrui said: "The giant beast cannot be killed."

The giant beast that fell to the ground collapsed into a mountain of flesh, its muscles flowing downward like soft mud. Suddenly, two new giant arms broke through the mountain of meat and grabbed the two sect masters in the air!

Two arcs of light flashed past, and the giant palm was neatly severed from the wrist.

The lightsaber then slashed down, splitting the arm vertically in half.

The two masters of the sect got closer to the giant beast due to chopping swords. The surface of the meat mountain immediately boiled like lava, and countless multi-jointed slender arms grew out, as if a large bamboo forest had sprouted in the blink of an eye. !

The two masters of the sect swung their swords like cutting grass, and their arms were cut off row by row wherever the arc of light struck.

However, the speed of the lightsaber's slashing was far less than the speed of the arm's rebirth! In an instant, countless arms rolled up the two masters of the door like a wave, and more arms wrapped them layer by layer from the outside, finally becoming an airtight giant sarcoma!

"The total number of sect masters who can act at the same time is only twelve." Tao Xinrui kept smiling, "If you really don't care about our counterattack, there is no need to gather all of you. Now there are only ten of you left. ”

The young man said: "Since you know us so well, you should know that it is impossible to suffocate the master of the sect to death."

Before he finished speaking, blue rays of light radiated outward from the "big sarcoma", one after another, more and more, and then with a crash, accompanied by pieces of meat flying in the sky, the two masters of the sect regained their consciousness. Be free and fly into the sky.

Although there was a hostile relationship, Wu Chan had to recognize the elegance and agility of these two human beings.

The master of the door, who was in the air, pushed out a palm in the air towards the giant beast on the ground, and a translucent clock dial made of ectoplasm condensed in front of the palm. The other person flew behind him and used the same movement to push out his left arm and hit his back, as if the latter was transferring his own energy to the former. The ectoplasmic clock dial formed by the former expanded twice in an instant!

The former points his right hands together and makes a virtual stroke on the dial counterclockwise, causing the pointer to turn upside down.

All the multi-jointed arms on the giant beast were retracted under the flesh, and then two thick arms emerged. Then the arms also retracted into the giant beast's body. The giant beast stood up again from its collapsed state and recovered. He turned into a giant and healed the wounds cut by the lightsaber.

This is simply replaying the process just now!

But this is far from over.

The owner of the door kept making circles with his right hand, and the pointer reversed faster and faster. The giant beast's body was constantly deforming, and at one moment it even expanded to be larger than the giant's body. After that, the giant beast began to shrink continuously.

Tao Xinrui said: "You can't kill the beast even if you turn back time."

The beast eventually transformed into a naked man and fell to the ground.

The young man said: "No one has ever said to kill the giant beast, just make it unable to fight. He is still alive, but there is no food for him to grow back in size right now."

Tao Xinrui said: "You also have to pay the price."

The two masters of the sect who were dealing with the giant beast turned into shards of light and dissipated.

"Ten people left."

The young man said: "If it weren't for the pursuit of a sense of ritual, I could actually turn this world into ashes with just a flick of my finger."

Wu Chan was dissatisfied with the frivolous tone of the sect leader and said angrily: "Your so-called sense of ritual is meaningless!"

The young man said: "The significance of the ritual is respect for your civilization. It seems that the doctor did not tell you everything. As long as you can kill the twelve masters of the sect at once, your world can last for fifty years." ”

Tao Xinrui said: "You always look confident."

The young man said: "You're not bad either. What's next, Shinra?"

Wu Chan signaled with his eyes that Tao Xinrui requested to fight, which was equivalent to acknowledging that she was the commander-in-chief of this decisive battle.

Of course Tao Xinrui understood what Wu Chan meant and replied calmly: "The trump card always comes last."

There was some kind of subtle vibration in the air. Wu Chan glanced around intuitively and saw clusters of people flashing out of thin air in the open space, surrounded by light red mist.

Teleportation barrier, bloody sun Yama? !

Yes, Ying Yike never said that Bloody Sun Yama was her unique skill.

Since she can cast it, of course other vampire elders can too!

Although the high platform where Wu Chan was located was far away from the ground, he still saw the person who came with the teleportation circle at a glance.

Not only Wu Chan, but everyone present focused their eyes on that person.

How could that person not attract attention

The domineering momentum he exuded from head to toe was like a stormy sea sweeping the entire world!

The nine masters of the door were suspended side by side in mid-air, their clothes fluttering in the strong wind.

Lord of human punishment.

Wu Mie has reached the battlefield!

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