Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 11: Whoever beeps is shorter


As soon as Yan Ran posted this "shrimp crap" Weibo, the comments exploded: Damn it! This is insinuating!

Shrimp nonsense, nonsense, hahahahahaha~

The little brother is good at talking, just talking nonsense, they have nothing to do to find excitement when they are free.

A few fans who originally wanted to speak for Yan Ran but were bullied by caring people finally crawled out. From this, it can be seen that Yan Ran is not cowardly, and followed him with a big knife and started to fight back. Unfortunately, the number of people is still too small. One time I was stung into the center of the earth and couldn't get up.

A lot of people scolded Yan Ran for being shameless and crazy for wanting to be an Internet celebrity, and now they want to fake it!

Wang Yiming was also angry when he saw Yan Ran’s Weibo. He was angry with those idiots. scold you."

Yan Ran snorted, and scratched the table with his fingers repeatedly, making the table crack, "I want to curse those who scolded me for losing their wallets today! There is no money in the account for two months."

Wang Yiming was speechless, "What's the use of such childish words!"

Yan Ran told him meaningfully: "It's useful, my grandfather said, whoever bullies me, I will scold him for having no money to spend, so he really has no money to spend."

Wang Yiming: "..."

He couldn't understand the logic at all.

The words on the Internet became more and more ugly, and Wang Yiming also saw that something was wrong, so he was so angry that he wanted to use a trumpet to scold others. Yan Ran didn't offend anyone, so why are so many people targeting him? Someone with the rhythm

At this time, an id named "The Most Beautiful Girl in the Universe" was born: bullying honest people without swearing? Anyone who is not convinced scolds me, whoever finds fault takes evidence, and whoever has no evidence shuts up! Whoever beeps for a man is short, and no one wants a woman with a flat chest!

This combat power is obviously not at the same level as those who were knocked down. This girl has a poisonous mouth, and she really dares to scold her.

Whoever posts a comment scolding Yan Ran, she will reply at the bottom: There is no evidence to beep beep, beep beep is an inch shorter! Beep beep one small number!

The girls just stalked each other, one person fought against a group of others. Yan Ran immediately puffed up her chest, and replied to the girl: Hello girl, let's go for a walk, you will definitely get rich today!

Wang Yiming: "..."


When the live broadcast started, the platform immediately put Yan Ran's live broadcast room on the recommended position on the homepage.

Yan Ran put the small bamboo pole on his back, picked up the five-meter-long big bamboo pole again, walked out of the house trembling at both ends, and couldn't turn the corner when he reached the gate, and smashed the pole against the wall, Yan Ran Ran took a step back helplessly, and then turned the bamboo pole out. The cat's whiskers are not that long, and the distance is really difficult to grasp.

Many bullet screens followed suit: Look! This is the fate of driving without a license, bamboo poles are also dignified!

Pretend, what kind of character is this? cute

Isn't this stupid, can't you see the gate

So fake!

Those who don't want to watch shut up and get out!

Those who find fault have followed here, don't worry, did the little brother offend someone, this is because someone hired a navy!

Yan Ran ignored what others said, and left the house on his own. The people in the live broadcast room were immediately stunned by the beauty of the surrounding scenery. Liangshan stands majestically, lush and green, and the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, just like a fairyland.

What a beautiful little village!

The scenic spot I went to two days ago was simply weak! What a place to relax!

Green mountains and green waters, blue sky and white clouds, I want to find a place like this when I get old.

Where is this? want to go!

Even the trolls stopped talking, and focused on watching the scenery. Along the way, Yan Ran attracted more than a dozen cats to follow, and they all followed to the fish pond.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were amused: it is worthy of being called "the lucky cat", it is really a beckoning cat!

This cat has been trained, otherwise why would he go with him

I said why are you everywhere, are you tired of being so annoying

Yan Ran first put the bamboo basket by the water, raised his face and said with a smile: "I want to use this basket to catch shrimps. If there are no shrimps in my basket, Wang Yiming will perform handstand diarrhea for everyone. If there is a plate of shrimps, now Those who scolded me all stood upside down and had diarrhea."

The troll who wanted to find fault was blocked by this sentence.

Do you feel sick when you stand on your head and have diarrhea? !

Wang Yiming can only roll his eyes, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself! He could tell that Yan Ran didn't eat at all, and now this live broadcast is here to slap her in the face.

The passers-by who remained neutral couldn’t stand it any longer: You always say fake things, are you the 12317 anti-counterfeiting center

How do you feel that someone is deliberately finding fault? Isn't that interesting? If you don’t want to see it, you have to. What kind of presence are you looking for

Yan Ran has already picked up his big bamboo pole, and just like last time, he stood on the bank calmly and said to the camera, "Some people say that I catch fish with fifty cents special effects, hey, if I catch fish in three seconds If I can’t catch fish, Wang Yiming will eat with his belly button. If I catch it, the people who framed me will eat with their belly button and their toes with chopsticks.”

Wang Yiming subconsciously glanced at his belly button.

The barrage was messed up, and everyone booed: Well done! It's comfortable!

I believe my little brother can definitely do it! Let them do a handstand, have diarrhea, and eat with their belly buttons! Use your toes with chopsticks!

I'm looking forward to what anti-human things can be done by the scolding people behind.

Am I the only one who feels sorry for Naruko? Your boss has arranged such a beautiful task for you, what do you think when you are taking pictures

Wang Yiming glared at Yan Ran with resentment, but unfortunately the master was unwilling to receive his radio waves.

Yan Ran hung a fishhook on the bamboo pole, stood on the shore, threw down the bamboo pole, and lifted it up three seconds later, whoosh! A big carp more than one meter long was caught, relaxed and casual, simple and simple.

Yan Ran said regretfully: "Oh, this one is too fat, why don't you let it go back and lose weight before eating?"

The people who hated Yan Ran before felt as uncomfortable as eating shit, really every three seconds! This was a live broadcast, and the footage was not edited.

Barrages slapped faces one after another: Find out about eating at the navel!

Looking forward to your application for the Guinness World Record for eating with your belly button!

Xiao Naruko is relieved now, her belly button is saved.

Everyone thought Yan Ran was joking, but they didn’t expect him to throw the fish back. After another three seconds of downstroke, another fish was hooked, and Yan Ran grabbed it after it flew past the camera. Picking up the fish in his hand, he said earnestly, "It is a kind and good fish. I often help the old woman cross the road with fish. I won't eat it."

Throw it back~

Then he lowered the rod again, "This fish was once awarded the title of the best mud driller in the whole fish pond. I don't want to eat it." Throw it back~

"This fish has a girlfriend. If I eat it, the girlfriend will be sad." Throw it back~

"There are old and young on this fish, life is not easy, just let it go." Throw it back~

The tourists in the live broadcast room were shocked from the beginning to the end and began to worship: Who the hell, besides, this is made of special effects, I will push him into the water and catch him again!

The special effects are like a joke, and I finally know why the little brother was hacked. It's so interesting, he can't do it if he isn't popular!

Why didn't the troll speak? Come out, live broadcast belly button to eat!

Ah ah ah I don't know what I want to say, I just want ah ah!

In short, the barrage was full of groundhogs covering their faces and screaming, all of whom were crazily worshiped by Yan Ran's fishing skills.

Finally, Yan Ran caught a big pomfret with a flat mouth, and nodded in satisfaction, "It often speaks bad things about others, its mouth is flattened, and it looks like a monkey gill with a sharp mouth that doesn't look like a good fish. The fish in the water often quarrel, seriously affecting the relationship between neighbors, let's take it back, open the belly and scrape the fish scales, let's braise it."

The barrage is crazy: Is it okay to often say bad things about others

It's just a fish!

a fish! How can you speak ill of others and eat them!

He shrunk his mouth, and it seems that he did not speak ill of others.

Hahaha I give 100 points for this reason, there is nothing wrong with braised sauce!

The person who came to bring the rhythm not only stopped talking, but now he has begun to regret it. It is really not very profitable to pay 50 cents for a piece. This little anchor is too poisonous!

Yan Ran plucked some grass on the bank, tied the fish up, held it in his hand, and shook it towards the camera, "Look, it doesn't move, if I put it on the ground it will jump up, and the person who framed me will perform …”

"Chrysanthemum with onions!" Wang Yiming added maliciously.

Yan Ran nodded immediately, "Yes, chrysanthemums with green onions! What are chrysanthemums?"

Wang Yiming said with a serious face: "It's just a curse word anyway.".

People in the live broadcast room:? ?

It seems to hear the words of greatness.

Yan Ran had already put the fish on the ground, and the fish struggled like crazy, wanting to jump back into the water, Yan Ran squatted down, slapped it up, the fish stopped moving... let go, jump again... press it up again, the fish It didn't move again.

Yan Ran looked at the camera provocatively, and almost raised his middle finger with his paw. A stupid human being can't even subdue a fish. What kind of cat is he? How rare!

The emoticons of the barrage of applause all praised Yan Ran for his magical fish training skills.

Many people recommended the room to their friends: Come and see, this anchor is amazing, he can train fish! The little brain pomfret that I often eat!

I have seen a lot of dog training tiger training dolphin training, I have seen chicken training, but I have never seen fish training, it is pomfret that can be seen everywhere in the vegetable market, many people followed to watch, Yan Ran’s live broadcast The number of followers soared upwards.

The tipping list in the upper right corner keeps refreshing the top ten, and the amount keeps rising. The passers-by who were standing in the middle now help out when they see someone saying something bad, and tell them not to make trouble. The fans who liked Yan Ran figured out a way to fight back while being scolded. Whoever showed the rhythm would attack anyone, and the fighting power soared.

The person who came to lead the rhythm completely regretted it. He didn't make much money in total today, and he was beaten to death.

It was Yan Ran's next move that gave them a fatal blow. Yan Ran ran to the fish pond and took out the bamboo basket for catching shrimps from the water. After the water drained, he saw a lot of prawns under the bamboo basket , are jumping happily. The basket was always in the shot, and Wang Yiming was afraid that someone would say it was fake again, so he paid special attention to it, no matter how he shot it, he could see the bamboo basket in the corner.

Yan Ran smiled and said: "I am very sympathetic to the one who stands upside down and has diarrhea."

Trolls: "..."


A little fat man lying on the bed with his mobile phone watching the live broadcast threw away his mobile phone angrily, "Damn it, you have diarrhea on your head! What a goddamn belly button to eat! The bastard only puts chrysanthemums and green onions! You're the only one who speaks ill of people? Good fish!"

The little fat man is a game fan himself. He likes krypton gold even if he has no money to play games. When he has no money, he was introduced to do this. He said that he would give him 30 cents for one piece, and he could keep fighting with people if he brought the rhythm. Do the math and make a small two hundred a day. Yan Ran only earned more than ten yuan from this order, and he still doesn't know how to write the three words "pocket money" until now, and he has never seen such a curse.

The little fat man cursed the middleman who introduced him to this job, went off the assembly line, packed his wallet and went to eat. I swear that I will never do this business again if I am beaten to death!

After he was full, the little fat man touched his wallet, and suddenly found that the wallet was lost!

There were his ID card, bank card, and various cards used in the school, and now they are all lost!

In the end, the little fatty washed the boss's dishes for a long time before he paid for the meal, but he never got his wallet back.

At the same time, an ordinary-looking girl with a round face and big-rimmed glasses suddenly picked up a lost lottery ticket.

The girl’s name is Ji Siwen. She is in a bad mood today. Her family values boys over girls. She always thinks that it’s a waste for a girl to go to college. gave. She just saw a group of people bullying a young boy on the Internet. She couldn't stand it. She pretended to have a violent heart under her honest appearance, and cursed a group of them. Seeing the message that the little boy had left for her, she walked out of the school gate in a strange manner to get some air.

Unexpectedly, I picked up a lottery ticket!

Maybe, can you really win the lottery

As soon as this idea came up, Ji Siwen laughed. How could there be such a coincidence

But what if

Ji Siwen still mustered up her courage and took the lottery ticket into the Welfare Lottery Center more than 100 meters away.

"Congratulations, girl! You won the lottery, three thousand yuan!" When the uncle who sold the lottery ticket said this, Ji Siwen felt that she might really have met a lucky cat.

Ji Siwen took the money, and quickly logged into the room according to the room number in memory, only to find that the live broadcast hadn't ended yet.

Next, I will teach you how to make a dish with shrimp and eggs. We are poor and don’t have so many tools, so it won’t be so delicate, but it’s okay, it’s not a serious egg anyway, so let’s make it Shrimp crap. "The soft-spoken big boy in the camera squinted his good-looking eyes, and said with a smile: "There are a lot of prawns and nonsense, let's find out. "

Seeing Yan Ran's clear eyes without any impurities, Ji Siwen suddenly wanted to cry, and had an inexplicable feeling that these eyes could light up her whole world.

The author has something to say: Yan Ran: "All the babies who leave a message will get rich!"

Qin Jinli: "Add good luck to your body."

—— 60 red envelopes will be dropped immediately in the message today~~———

Push your own pre-collection pit, plan to double-open in the near future, use full power, and write well in 2019. Illusory words, wearing books, sweet favors from wealthy families: "I became his stepmother after the hero broke the engagement" You scumbag me, I will be your stepmother and discipline your whole family. The male protagonist is the scumbag's godfather.

Now the pre-order has been opened, and after finishing writing this book, eat fish and open it, "Pet Shop from Earth": Interstellar headlines! A new magical pet store has opened in this galaxy, selling all kinds of cute and cute pets that have long since disappeared on the earth! Shou: I have everything you want. The store is full of cute pets. Want to hug one? ^_^ I beg the big guys to give Meow a collection (lucky cat-style waving claw.jpg)