Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 28: Since I raised a big koi


When Yan Ran's grandfather heard that Yu wanted to recognize him as his godson, he replied speechlessly: Oh.

I don't even bother to call him an idiot.

Yan Ran was puzzled, what does grandpa mean? Do you mean agree? Grandpa is too open!

But this time, the old man also realized that Yan Ran really met the big demon outside, which made the old man very worried, and felt that he should go out to see Yan Ran.


Three hours later, Yan Ran held up his mobile phone, pointed the camera at Wang Yiming who was struggling to climb up, and taunted Wang Yiming's physical strength from the soul: "Humans often say that a man is not a good man until he reaches the Great Wall. Now let everyone see this cowardly man." .”

Wang Yiming's head was covered with sweat, and he wanted to stick out his tongue from time to time. He regretted it now. Why did he have to climb the Great Wall in such a hot day? He was sick! There is a hole in the brain!

The problem is, before they came to climb the Great Wall, Yan Ran bought a lot of souvenirs, the bumpkin saw everything new when he entered the city, and now these things are all on his back.

The tourists who came to the live broadcast room laughed like crazy: Xiao Naruko, come on! you can! You can be able to handstand diarrhea man!

Don't be cowardly! Just go! Naruko is mighty!

Thinking back to the first time I went there, there were so many people, and I bought a lot of messy souvenirs, but I couldn't move anymore.

Naruko couldn't move anymore, Naruko wanted to stop and pitch a tent.

Xiao Naruko, you are blocking the way of the people behind you, you are so fat, how can you stand here

Xiao Naruko can't run as fast as his boss, this kind of assistant should quit quickly!

Wang Yiming was about to cry, "Yan Ran is not human! I want to show you what he bought!" Wang Yiming opened his backpack angrily, "He focuses on buying tasseled, spherical, and hairy ones. In short, backpacks It’s all for fun, and I bought such a big bag that it’s heavy to carry on my back.”

Barrage: Back when I went to the capital for the first time, I did the same shopping.

But why do these things look so familiar

Much like the toys I bought for my master.

Hahaha little brother bought all toys! cat play!

Are you serious about buying these things

Yan Ran glared at Wang Yiming in displeasure, meow, if this kid is a goblin, he promises to send him down to Shanhaiguan with one paw! Can the master's toys be taken out casually for others to see? Do you want to lose the cat? !

The two of them had had enough fun, and when they went back, they took the high-speed rail. Yan Ran was so beautiful, she leaned on the window and looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, and sighed: "It would be great if we could have high-speed rail in our village, human beings are too powerful."

Wang Yiming rolled his eyes: "You still hope to build the road first."

Yan Ran nodded his head, "Yes, the roads in our village are too difficult to walk, and the old small asphalt road is too narrow. When I make money, I will build a main road for the village first, so as to save trouble in rainy days." Good to go."

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help smiling kindly, thinking that this child is too sweet, which means that he has only been out for a short time, and after being honed by society, how could he still have such thoughts

As everyone knows, Yan Ran really wants to build roads for the village, and he is already thinking about how much money he has left.

In the evening, as soon as the two of them arrived at the hotel, the sky soon became overcast. Qin Jinli was right, it was going to rain.

Wang Yiming asked tentatively, "Are you still going to your cousin's place?"

Yan Ran was also hesitant, it didn't feel good to bother her all the time. After struggling for more than half an hour, Yan Ran sent Qin Jinli a message: It's raining, I won't look for you anymore, you should eat well.

Not long after, the rain fell, and Yan Ran lay on the window to watch the rain. He hated the rain, and hated getting his hair wet. However, the scenery in the rain is quite good, and I don't know if Brother Yu has a serious meal.

Wang Yiming asked secretly: "What does your cousin do?"

Yan Ran: "I don't know."

Wang Yiming searched the internet and showed it to him, "Look at this guy, does he look a lot like your cousin?"

Yan Ran's expression on shoveling shit is like looking at two idiots, it doesn't look like it, it does! It's so obvious that it's a person, why can't you see it, what kind of eyes

Looking at the photo of Qin Jinli again, it's just a side view. He is a rare young face on the Forbes list. His personal business is spread all over the world, and his total assets are as high as 80 billion, M yuan!

Yan Ran didn't have much idea about this amount of money, so he asked Wang Yiming curiously, "How much is 80 billion M yuan?"

Wang Yiming told him intuitively in a way that Yan Ran could understand: "I can buy fish that you can't finish eating in hundreds of lifetimes!"

Yan Ran was immediately envious, she was also a goblin, how did she get along? When I was his age, could I be as rich as him? Brother Yu eats and sleeps every day, and he does everything as a secretary. Look at his secretary, wearing a suit and bow tie, looking like an elite, and look at his own... Sigh! Yan Ran disliked it, Wang Yiming is really not good at shoveling shit this year.

Qin Jinli who is waiting for Yan Ran to come back to cook: ▼_▼

Jiang Yan saw him sitting by the window, staring at the rain scene without speaking, and suggested, "How about I go and fetch Young Master Yan?"

Qin Jinli frowned, stood up suddenly, went upstairs with a cold face, stopped eating, and went to sleep.

As the one who was raised, he didn't even know to go home! What's the use of taking it back

Looking at the untouched food on the table, Jiang Yan really couldn't understand, how could his food be so unpalatable? Haven't you eaten it for thousands of years? Why didn't you take a bite all of a sudden


The day before the second match, Wang Yiming showed Yan Ran the opponent's information he had collected.

In just these two days, Yan Ran's fans are really scary. Before, it was 1.6 million fans. In just these two days, she gained one million fans, and now she has 2.6 million fans.

Wang Yiming looked at this number, and began to worry faintly, "You are definitely a dark horse in this competition, and the fan power in this circle is a bit scary." He always had a feeling that Yan Ran still had to recruit gangsters, "Be safe tomorrow, Don't make trouble anymore."

Yan Ran grabbed the table angrily, "I never cause trouble, it always troubles me." And he disagreed with the word "dark horse", since it is a golden retriever cat, not a black horse, stupid ass shoveling shit official!

Wang Yiming couldn't say no to him, so he was defeated again, and showed Yan Ran a piece of paper: "Come on, let's look at this, these are your biggest competitors, this girl's id is a plate of yuba, and she is popular on the Internet." Super high. This little fat man's ID is Eight Knives, and he has a magical skill, which is to use eight kitchen knives together."

"Hahahahahaha..." Yan Ran slapped the table with a smile, "What the hell is the eight-knife skill, I have twenty knives in total, and I can do twenty knives. It's amazing for killing fish!"

Yan Ran scratched the table with both hands, scratching the surface with ten fingernails, which proved that he also had a lot of knives and was badly broken.

Wang Yiming wanted to cry, "Ancestor! If you scratch the table, we will pay for it!!"

Yan Ran paused, and apologetically blew on the scraped debris on the table, "Sorry, I have to pay for it."

Wang Yiming held his forehead, wanting to die.

Yan Ran became serious, took the information in Wang Yiming's hand, and looked at the little fat man, inexplicably feeling that he was not human, and felt like his paws were itching when he saw his face. The other hand hidden in the pocket turned into a cat's paw again, revealing the tip of the small claw hidden in the soft paw pad, wanting to scratch.

At this time, the phone in Yan Ran's pocket rang twice, and when he heard the special music setting, Yan Ran hurriedly took it out to check, and the note was: one pot can't be stewed.

Just one word: hungry.

Yan Ran sighed and wanted to blow his beard. He stood up and told Wang Yiming helplessly, "I have something to go out tonight, you can solve the meal problem yourself."

"Tomorrow is the game, where are you going at night?"

Yan Ran picked up her umbrella and said seriously: "My brother has been so angry these two days that he doesn't eat, I'll go and see him."

"Hello!" Wang Yiming looked at Yan Ran's leaving back and remained silent for a long time. Yan Ran was weird, but his cousin was mysterious. When they got together, they always felt different from normal people.


Qin Jinxiang held a beautifully crafted box and opened it. Inside were three luxurious cat teasing sticks, all of which were specially customized. with colorful feathers, one with bells and leather mice tied to it. Qin Jinxiang looked suspiciously at Jiang Yan who handed him the box, and his eyes signaled: Give me an explanation.

Jiang Yan said with a smile: "Master Yan is still young, kittens are naughty, with these toys, he will definitely live here every day and don't want to leave."

Qin Jinxiao put the box aside disinterestedly, and said coldly: "...just a cook."

Jiang Yan saw that the box was placed beside Qin Jinxiao, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, he's just a cook, let him leave it for you to cook."

When Yan Ran arrived, he saw Qin Jinxiang idly tapping the exquisite box with his fingers, which surprised Yan Ran, Brother Yu was so decadent that he didn't even bother to eat. Even playing with the box.

At this moment, there was a flash of spiritual energy in front of him, and the box had been handed to him, and the lid of the box opened by itself, revealing the contents inside. Qin Jinxiang said with a cold face, "a gift."

Yan Ran waved his hands with a smile, "Thank you Brother Yu, but I have already bought a lot, I have."

Qin Jinxiang: "..."

Jiang Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was coaxing him to play! Not a gift for him!

Yan Ran went to cook for Qin Jinxiao. No matter how bad this fish is, it will lose weight if it keeps starving. It's not healthy to be thin! For Brother Yu's health, Yan Ran went to make duck soup for him to get rid of the fire.

Jiang Yan silently found out how to use the cat teaser, and put it in Qin Jinrong's hand. Qin Jinrong glanced at it coldly, pretending not to see it. Jiang Yan sighed in his heart, the owner usually didn't even bother to read the report, but now he saw this kind of thing, it can be seen that keeping the cat is very hard.

After dinner, Qin Jinxiao asked Yan Ran expressionlessly, "Come to play?"

Yan Ran couldn't help laughing, Brother Yu's tone seemed to be asking: Are you here to fight

Qin Jinxiang took out a cat teasing stick and waved it in front of Yan Ran's eyes.

Yan Ran looked at him very calmly, showing no intention of cooperating, because he bought a lot of this style, and he had enough fun at home in the past two days.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a moment.

Yan Ran sighed, and turned into a cat body with a mentality of caring for the elderly. He swooped, and his belly stuck to Qin Jinrong's face. Take a bite, "I don't want to play with mice, I want to play fish eating!"

Qin Jinrong endured and endured, finally restrained, and did not throw out the little goblin who dared to make trouble on top of him.

Just play with him... for a minute.


In the morning of the second day, Yan Ran, who had been rolling on Qin Jinli all night, went to the second match full of good luck.

Today, he is definitely possessed by a lucky buff, who else can fight him!

After the first match, half of the 100 contestants were wiped out, leaving 50 left. When it was time to draw lots at the venue, one of the contestants suddenly withdrew from the competition, and the result became forty-nine and twenty-five.

With this number, one person is destined to have a bye. Who will be the lucky one will be determined by drawing lots.

Yan Ran touched the jade piece, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Under the leadership of the staff, Yan Ran nervously walked to the lottery table, rolled the cat on Qin Jinxiao's body all night, wearing a big cloak with good luck buff, Yan Ran decided that he could fight against the God of War at this moment . Maybe the big demon would be so weak in a fight with him that he would be knocked to death by his own big move. In this state, if he draws lots, he must be the lucky one.

Yan Ran grabbed his hand into the lottery box and said to himself: No bye!

Pulling out the note, Yan Ran was in despair.

The staff shouted in surprise: "Wow! It's so lucky, No. 16, bye! The lucky one has appeared, other players should not take chances."

Others all cast envious and jealous eyes on Yan Ran, and said to themselves, as expected, it's Yan Ran again! It is worthy of the legendary koi physique!

Yan Ran was wronged, this time it was a big scene, and there were network media reporters! He wants to be famous! How can he be famous without exposure! How can you get fans if you are not famous? How can you become a big cat if you don't have fans? !

Yan Ran looked at those who went to the competition with envious and jealous eyes, and resented Qin Jinxiao's good luck. If he had known this, he would not have slept on Brother Yu's head last night.

A beautiful young lady held the "Yellow Fox Platform" microphone and was looking for a target in the crowd. As soon as she saw Yan Ran who had returned to the waiting area, she rushed over and asked Yan Ran: "How does it feel to win the lottery?"

Yan Ran narrowed his eyes, and even though he was very upset, he still showed the bearing that a lucky person should have. He smiled and said, "Very well, since I raised a big koi, my luck has been good."

After saying this, Yan Ran swallowed subconsciously, but she was not afraid, a lazy person like Brother Yu would never watch the live broadcast.

Yang Aiqi was amused, she didn't expect Yan Ran to be so "humorous", she became more interested, "Let me introduce myself to everyone."

Yan Ran calmly said: "Yan Ran, I dream of owning the largest fish pond in the world."

"Are you Yan Ran? You won the most favorable room number 88168 on the Huanghu platform, the anchor named Lucky Cat Loves Fish?" Yang Aiqi pretended not to recognize him, and excitedly grabbed Yan Ran's sleeve, As if he was afraid that he would run away, "Sure enough, it's a koi carp possessed, it's all bye!"

Yan Ran smiled, it's a pity, the ingredients inside are actually quite delicious.

The young lady thought about how badly he was hacked before, and the heat hadn't passed yet, so she brought up the topic again, "What do you think about the online live broadcasting industry regarding the matter of being hacked before?"

Yan Ran was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect human beings to gossip so much, people still ask about this matter, he said with a smile: "One day counts as one day."

Aiqi Yang: "..."

This answer suddenly feels very philosophical, yes, how can I look at it, one day counts as one day.

"It is said that the person who framed you has been jointly prosecuted by many people. How about you? Have you ever thought about revenge? Most people can't help but want revenge."

Yan Ran spread her hands, "I don't need it, for me, I'd rather eat fish if I have time."

Grandpa taught him since he was a child, never let the enemy know that you have shown your sharp claws, cats are waiting for the opportunity behind the scenes, he will not say that he guided those two swindlers today.

Yang Aiqi was speechless, she thought to herself, silly boy, they want to destroy you! Looking at Yan Ran's eighteen or nineteen-year-old appearance, Yang Aiqi's heart suddenly softened. After all, she was still a child who had never seen a sinister heart, so she didn't know how to take revenge. Now, she became interested in Yan Ran instead, and wanted to check Yan Ran's information.

Knowing that Yan Ran did not participate in the competition, the fans who were looking for his camera around said: Yes, yes, he only has fish in his heart!

We will leave things like revenge to us in the future!

Catpaw Squad! Who will do who!

Ha ha! (gives an evil smile)

Yang Aiqi suddenly became mysterious, "There is another legend that you are possessed by a koi carp, and anyone who offends you will suffer from all kinds of bad luck. Zhang Feng and Wang Jiu are examples. Now the entire food circle knows that offending you will be bad luck. You know about this what?"

Yan Ran was confused, "I don't know."

Barrage: He only knows fish!

In this life, he must marry a fish wife!

He wants to marry a fish!

The fish feel excited when they see him!

After this interview, the rumor that Yan Ran has a koi physique has spread all over the world. Yan Ran searched the Internet for what everyone said about him, and he has already begun to suspect Maosheng. He may not be a cat, but a koi spirit.

Fan: I want to retweet a wave of milk beauty, but I wonder if I can get lucky

Never mind, let's talk about it first!

Many fans reposted Yan Ran's pictures, as if they were joining in the fun, like some kind of cult site.

Forward the prosperous beauty of Milky Face, bless me for the success of plastic surgery!

Forward the picture of milky face catching fish, bless me to be invincible in the exam and not fail the exam!

Just don't fail at the end of the semester!

Come to worship me, Yanmao, before the sixth grade exam!

Get rich! Ask for a boyfriend!

I beg someone to pay back the ant money for me!

Yan Ranxin said that it is useful for you to forward me for money, but it is useless for you to forward me for good luck. Only forwarding Brother Yu will work.

Not long after, Yan Ran posted a Weibo: Forward this koi, good things will happen~

Pictured: a two-meter-long koi! The whole body is gold with a reddish color, and the scales seem to be wrapped in gold, and it looks like a fairy,

Fans are blown up: the person who made this koi picture is awesome! Just like the real thing! Retweet forward!

Yan Ran watched as the number of retweets soared to hundreds of thousands within half an hour, and he covered his chest with his paws guiltily. Brother Yu really wouldn't know, he would definitely beat him up if he found out.

By evening, Yan Ran's Weibo followers had reached 3.2 million. It is definitely a miracle that there is no competition, just relying on an interview, and the legend of the koi carp to gain so many fans, but Yan Ranniu is overwhelmed!

Qin Group, Huaxia District Headquarters, there is a large comfortable sofa in the spacious president's office, and Qin Jinli, who is wearing a business suit, is lazily lying on the sofa, rarely sleeping or thinking about monsters. , but like a normal modern person, holding a mobile phone in his hand and swiping the web.

Just in front of the sofa, there are four desks, four people who look exactly the same, each with a big desk, all of them deal with the documents sent by the secretarial department with serious faces, and all the ones that need the signature of the president are put aside separately. After seeing it, Jiang Yan took it over, imitated Qin Jinli's notes, signed and stamped it, and from the beginning to the end, the chairman of the group did nothing.

The only thing Mr. Qin is interested in now is raising cats. Even like a normal demon, he began to watch the way of life of humans in this world. He has WeChat, and there are no more than five people on it, one of which is his cat. He also applied for a Weibo account, and the only person he followed was his cat.

After reading the Weibo of his own kitten, Qin Jinli quit Weibo and sent a WeChat message: Did you raise it

There was no reply from the other side, Qin Jinli moved his fingers: Play dead

My cat: Sorry, the recipient is out of service area, he is immortal.

Qin Jinli laughed suddenly, and cursed in a low voice, "Skin cat!"

The four secretaries who were working hard in the front were all froze from the laughter and couldn't help shaking. The four wolf monsters looked at each other, and they all saw shock in the eyes of the brothers: Damn! The boss laughed! I feel as if I have returned to the time when I was struck by lightning when I was transformed into a catastrophe, I was so frightened!


Yan Ran was so frightened that she shrunk into a fur ball, got her body under the quilt, and even shrank her tail by her side, it was terrible! Brother Yu, who is as lazy as a fish skin, actually reads Weibo! He was struck by lightning when he transformed into form. Not long ago, the memory is still fresh. The feeling at this moment is more terrifying than being struck by lightning! Brother Yu has been transmigrated!

Wang Yiming knocked on the door and shouted, "Boss, what about dinner? Are you still looking for your cousin?"

Yan Ran crawled out of the bed, feeling like crying, and even brushed his face when he was like this, do you think he is a silly cat

"Don't go! Let's get some skewers today!" He wants to have a big meal to heal his frightened soul!

The two of them put on their clothes and entered the elevator. When they reached the tenth floor, the elevator stopped. Wang Yiming moved a little in front of Yan Ran, blocking him behind. How can Yan Ran have more than three million fans now? If people recognize it, it will cause less trouble.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and a little fat man came in. It was already dark, and he was wearing sunglasses, covering half of his round face, like a little blind man. Wang Yiming subconsciously looked at him twice, and suddenly realized, eh? Isn't this the little fat man with eight knives

Yan Ran shrugged his nose, his eyes lit up, he smelled fish!

The little fat man froze, and followed the source of danger to see behind Wang Yiming, a pair of big cat eyes staring straight at him, with a little excitement of discovering the prey. The little fat man was so frightened that he turned his head and wanted to run, but unfortunately the elevator door closed at this moment, and the little fat man slammed onto the elevator door, facing Yan Ran, trembling with fright.

"Hello, hello, this is a society ruled by law." The little fat man put his legs together, almost pissing in fear.

"Hey." Yan Ran smiled happily at the other party, showing a pair of sharp teeth, "Hello, what a fate."

The little fat man almost knelt down when he saw his teeth, mom! Cat demon! A living cat demon! !

From the tenth floor to the first floor, it only took a few seconds, but Zhang Xiaoba felt as if he had gone through a century. As soon as the elevator door opened, he ran as fast as he could.

Looking at his back, Yan Ran swallowed, and said to himself, what's the matter, he won't eat the fish that has become fine.

Wang Yiming was confused, "What's the situation? You two know each other?"

Yan Ran shook his head, and said solemnly: "He may know that I want to eat fried octopus, so he is a little scared."

Wang Yiming: "..."

Inexplicable ah.

Yan Ran successfully frightened the little octopus that he met by accident, and slightly healed the feeling of being scared by the big fish, and the glutton came up, "I really want to eat fish, octopus."

Wang Yiming corrected him: "Octopus is not a fish."

Yan Ran rolled his eyes, in his perception, any seafood without shells in the water is fish! Those who shovel shit have no right to speak!

At this time, the phone "ticked", Yan Ran froze, and quickly took it out to have a look.

Can't cook in one pot: Hungry.

Afterwards, Qin Jinli sent over an address location, which meant that Yan Ran knew it, he was in the company and was hungry, so he asked Yan Ran to deliver meals.

Yan Ran suddenly felt a powerless feeling of being pinched by the back of the neck, and couldn't get up at all QAQ