Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 3: Big guy's way of catching fish


Wang Yiming didn't bother to eat breakfast, so he followed Yan Ran excitedly, posted a Weibo on the way, and then opened the live broadcast room on his mobile phone.

The tourists who came to the live broadcast room from Weibo already knew Yan Ran's fish-catching skills, and they started to bet on whether yesterday was a coincidence

Bet on a cucumber, the little brother can still catch fish today, it was not a coincidence yesterday, because he looks good!

You can definitely catch fish, because he cooks delicious food, don't ask me who I am, I am a foodie, and I speak for foodies.

Gambling two cucumbers, it should be impossible to catch fish today. How can he have such an awesome fish catching technique

Regardless of whether I can catch fish or not, I cherish him, and he is already my man with a month of snacks as a job offer!

This kind of farm freshwater fish pond has not been filled with fry for many years. It is nothing more than a few kinds of domestic fish, such as grass carp, carp, black carp, carp, eel, loach, etc. Yan Ran came to the bank and looked at the calm On the surface of the water, think about several ways to eat these kinds of fish, and finally decide to eat carp.

"I want to pick a long and good-looking carp to make sweet and sour fish. It must be beautiful and strong. It must be male, not female, and there must be no fat. After frying, it can curl up into a beautiful arc. It should be like this Yes." Yan Ran built an arch with his hands, but he has high requirements for fish, and he doesn't eat fish that look bad.

Wang Yiming: "..."

Yan Ran shook his head, seeing the shit-shoveling expression, he knew that he didn't understand the joy of eating fish at all.

The people in the live broadcast room were all amused, and the bullet screens frantically swiped: The boss is so tough! Others are whether I can catch the fish, and the boss is what kind of fish I want to catch!

A person who has caught no fish for two months must study hard!

Little brother look at me! I'm the mermaid you're looking for!

Hello! Be reserved in front!

Ah, my little brother is so handsome! Catch fish Catch fish!

The newcomer didn't know it, and thought it was Yan Ran's live broadcast room, and everyone here became Yan Ran's fans, and they only wanted to watch him catch and cook fish, and didn't want to watch anything else.

Yan Ran pointed to the small wooden boat on the shore, and said to Wang Yiming: "You sail the boat, let's pick it in the middle of the pond."

Wang Yiming slowly moved forward bit by bit, extremely unwilling to cooperate, "No, the boat will be taken by dogs!" It's not that the boat has never been used before, and it was knocked over by fish. The wooden boards at the stern were crooked, and the old people in the village said that there was a king fish in it, and it was almost growing into a water monster.

Yan Ran gave him a contemptuous look, "How can you be a good cat if you can't even catch a fish?"

Wang Yiming felt wronged, "I'm not a cat!"

Yan Ran paused, then yelled back ferociously: "Whoever scoops up shit for cats doesn't know how to catch fish!"

Meow! Dare to talk back! There are a few cats who are good-natured!

Wang Yiming: "..."


This time the boat went in, unexpectedly it was unexpectedly smooth, the majestic wind was blowing slowly, Wang Yiming rowed the boat steadily to the middle of the pond. Yan Ran sat in the middle of the boat, preventing the water from splashing on her body, dragging her chin to look at the rowing skills of the new excrement shovel officer, and was a little relieved: "Your rowing is quite stable, you have practiced a lot, right?" .”

Wang Yiming froze, "Of course, my grandfather taught me swimming and rowing since I was a child. I'm not bragging. I can roll twice in the sea."

Yan Ran nodded in satisfaction. The excrement shoveler he cultivated since childhood is still a bit special. He suddenly rejoiced, "Fortunately, you didn't learn to catch fish, or you would have caught my fish." Thinking about the consequences, Yan Ran Ran felt that the whole cat was upset.

Wang Yiming was at a loss for words. Every time he chatted with the little boss, he started in a friendly atmosphere, and the end was not so wonderful, and what he said was very reasonable, so you couldn't refute it.

Arriving at the center of the pond, Yan Ran said with satisfaction: "Very good, let's go here."

He took a fishing rod and threw it into the water with ease. He didn't see what bait he was using, and he didn't use much effort. After a few seconds, he lifted the fishing rod. Suddenly, a black fish more than half a meter long was caught. up.

"Tsk", Yan Ran threw the fish back with a flick of the fishing rod, "I don't want to eat black fish today, I want to eat carp, don't be so self-conscious."

"Hey!" Wang Yiming's heart was bleeding, this fish was very difficult to catch, and he finally caught it, how could he just let it go

Yan Ran tilted his head, looked at Wang Yiming blankly, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

"...It's okay." Wang Yiming twitched the corner of his mouth. "As long as you're happy." The words "difficult to catch" were not applicable to the small boss, so he wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

Yan Ran sighed helplessly, the IQ of this year's shit-shoveling is not very high, the only advantage is that they are sincere.

Immediately afterwards, he swung down the fishing rod again and caught a crucian carp weighing more than four catties. This made Yan Ran very regretful, "Although wild crucian carp soup is good for my body, I really don't want to drink soup today."

Throw it back!

The corner of Wang Yiming's mouth twitched, and he just wanted to yell at him: If you don't want to eat, you can sell it! There is nowhere to find such a big wild crucian carp!

Yan Ran was still picking out the pleasing fish, "Although you are a carp, you are too dark and not red enough, so I won't eat it."

Throw it back!

"Why are you so fat, are you three high? Will you have high blood pressure if you eat it? Forget it, let's go."

Throw it back!

"Why do you have a pair of triangular eyes? It's too ugly. Seeing you will affect your appetite."

Throw it back!

"You are a mother, and you still have cubs. I don't eat cubs. You can go."

Throw it back!

"Why are your eyes so big? Did you cut your eyelids?"

"Oh, dead fish eyes! It doesn't taste good at first sight."

Yan Ran has a fish when he casts his rod, and he catches one in a few seconds. He picks and chooses what he catches, and throws it away if he doesn't like it. The people in the live broadcast room are crazy:

Crazy worship fishing boss!

This fish is too big, no wonder others can't catch it! God man!

I didn't expect such a big fish to become as well-behaved as a fake fish in my little brother's hands, it's amazing!

Facts have proved that being ugly can really save your life, so many fish escaped because of their unattractive appearance!

Hahahahaha actually dislikes dead fish eyes, aren't all fish with dead fish eyes

Upstairs is ignorant, some dead fish eyes look better than ordinary dead fish eyes, although I don't know where to look good hahahaha.

Along with these joyful bullet screens, gifts are also thrown up without money. Watching the live broadcast is just lively and relaxing. I'm happy to see it, everyone is the same for tipping, it doesn't have to be all for singing and painting.

And a very important point is: good looks!

These days, those who hang out online, those with good looks take advantage. Yan Ran, the cat monster, can instantly kill all the little fresh meat with his good looks, and the local tyrants are happy to spend money.

After picking for a long time, Yan Ran finally picked a big carp that he liked the most. It has a black back and red tail, smooth lines, and the flesh of the whole body feels very firm. The eyes are not too big or small, and the beard is moderate in length. It is male and has no cubs. Son, Yan Ran doesn't care if he has a date, "This one is okay, let's leave it at that."

Then Yan Ran grabbed a few smaller ones and put them in a small bucket.

The uncles and aunts passing by the shore also stopped to watch the excitement, "As expected of the Yan family, I heard that the ancestors of the Yan family were very good at catching fish, and the younger brother of the Yan family also learned a set of magical skills for catching fish. so amazing!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. When I was young, I was dragged away by fish here with several fishing rods, and I couldn't catch a single fish."

"Didn't that kid Yiming flop around in it for two months without catching any fish? It seems that this really requires talent. There will be a fishing competition on TV in the future, and Xiao Yanran will definitely win the championship."

Back on the shore, Wang Yiming looked at the calm water, from the shock and despair at the beginning to the hopeless life afterwards. It felt as if what I saw was a fake fish pond.

Seeing his expression, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room were frightened for fear that the world would not be chaotic, and someone released a contrasting emoticon package, catching the strongest king in the fish world VS the bronze rookie.

The facts tell you: why he is the boss and you can only be a minion.

Wang Yiming suddenly felt that the heart of the glass was broken: "You ridiculed too much, I reported it!"

Barrage: Whatever you want, quickly cut the camera to the little brother, we want to watch the little brother cook fish!

Short oil~ We don't want to see you, we want to see your boss, cut the camera back quickly!

Very ruthless and indifferent, there is no faithful love between the fans and the anchor at all, ignoring the revolutionary friendship of the past two months, and now they are all rebellious, there are really big pig's hoofs everywhere, Wang Yiming wants to spit salt soda on their faces.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has grown from the original 5,000 to 50,000, and it is still rising rapidly.

Yan Ran pulled a weed on the bank, tied up the fish, and weighed it in his hand. The fish weighed more than ten catties, and the pot at home must not be good. ?”

"How big is it?"

"A cauldron that can blow it whole into a bow!"

Wang Yiming looked at the size of the fish and suddenly remembered: "I have a big pot at home. The big aluminum pot my grandfather used to use is old. I don't need it anyway. Let's move to your house."

Yan Ran nodded, and said seriously: "Then you also have to get something from my house, let's exchange things, I can't take advantage of you."

Wang Yiming was stunned, barter

Yan Ran also strung up those few small fishes with grass separately, and walked home with them, passing by a family who grew vegetables outside the yard, knocked on the door politely, and asked obediently: "Uncle Liu, Can I trade my fish for your food?"

Uncle Liu was amused, "Son, my food is not worth as much as your fish." As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Ran pulled out a handful of spinach, a dozen small rapeseeds, a handful of coriander, and a few shallots, and handed the basket to Yan Ran. Deep wrinkles appeared on his plain face, "These vegetables are Uncle grows it himself, no pesticides have been applied, you can get it yourself if you want to eat it, if you don’t want your fish, remember to bring the vegetable basket back to me.”

Yan Ran took it in embarrassment, and hurriedly left two grass carp weighing three catties. He had been taught by his grandfather since he was a child, not to take advantage of others. Besides, the old man was not young. Dashan has gone to live outside, and there is only one old man left. It is not easy to grow and order vegetables, and he can't get them for nothing.

Uncle Liu naturally refused to accept them. The ancestors of the Yan family were kind to them. Without the Yan family, they would have been gone for a long time, let alone a few vegetables

Yan Ran's legs were fast, before Uncle Liu could persuade him, he dropped the fish and ran away. Wang Yiming took the big fish and hurried to catch up. He watched Yan Ran go to the home of Aunt Sun who grows chili peppers. He exchanged another grass carp for a bunch of chili peppers and ran out quickly. When Aunt Sun chased the fish out of the house Yan Ran had already run more than a hundred meters away.

Wang Yiming was panting after chasing after him, and Yan Ran was too good at running, what the hell!

Looking at Yan Ran's back, his eyes also became complicated. Why does it feel like the little boss doesn't know much about the world? When he didn't want the money yesterday, he thought that the little boss's family was rich, and he didn't care about the twenty or thirty thousand. Now that he thinks about it, Yan Ran doesn't look like a child of a rich family at all. And he actually went to barter, what kind of exchange method is this? He is more like a villager than he who grew up in this mountain village.

The master was running ahead, and the shit-shoveling officer was chasing after him. Neither of them noticed that the number of viewers in the live broadcast had exceeded 150,000, and it was still growing.

The author has something to say: Wang Yiming: "Once upon a time, I suspected that my boss was a rich second generation who treated money like dung. Later I found out that I was wrong. He was just a third-generation dirtbag who came down from the mountain. He hadn't gotten it yet. The use of money, until I met the man who guided him to be a monster."

The man who still exists in the legend: ▼_▼

This attack should be the latest attack in all the articles I wrote. When I saw the koi in my water tank staring at me, I felt the resentment of the king inexplicably. _(:з」∠)_

what! I almost forgot, there is a retweeting lottery on the top of my Weibo. On the day of this article clip, three babies will be drawn with 10,000 Jinjiang coins each. Welcome to retweet.