Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 42: Brother Yu Don't let others touch you


Xiao Shuheng had already changed his clothes, saw Yan Ran and Jiang Bo sitting next to each other, walked over with a smile, and stood between them, "If you have any problems during the recording, you can stop at any time, Yan Ran is a newcomer, Jiang Bo, please show him "As he spoke, he patted Yan Ran on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be nervous, you don't have to say anything when you don't know what to say, I'll smooth things over for you, we're an entertainment variety show, it's not that serious, it's okay if you say something wrong Cut it off, don't be afraid."

Yan Ran felt the other party's kindness, and nodded obediently, "Thank you Brother Xiao."

It was obvious that they were treated differently. Jiang Bo found out that Yan Ran's attitude towards him was problematic. He smiled and didn't bother. Come out, it seems to have been affected a lot.

The recording of the program officially started, and Yan Ran took his seat at the guest seats. This is a gourmet program, so there are several sets of kitchen utensils in front of it, which clearly means cooking later.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the eighth issue of "My Refrigerator Is the Master". I am the host Xiao Shuheng, and the two people around me should be familiar to you..." Xiao Shuheng quickly introduced and went straight to the topic , "I think everyone must want to know what's in their refrigerator, right? Let's ask Jiang Bo first, do you usually cook?"

Jiang Bo nodded solemnly, "Do it!"

The audience in the audience booed, "I don't believe it!"

Xiao Shuheng also had an expression of disbelief, "But I often see you eating takeaway on your Weibo. You seem to be a disabled second-level life who can't even cook an egg." Xiao Shuheng finished teasing, and reminded the later stage: "The edited Remember to write a few letters to him at the time, you will have a ghost emoji, this is obviously a lie!"

Jiang Bo rubbed his forehead and laughed to himself, "It's not bad, I'm good at cooking noodles." He said without confidence.

"Then let's see what's in Jiang Bo's refrigerator?" Xiao Shuheng waved his hand arrogantly, letting the man in black come on stage, "Open his refrigerator for me!"

Naturally, this refrigerator does not belong to Jiang Bo, but he brought all the contents of Jiang Bo's refrigerator. The program team here has prepared all kinds of refrigerators. If you find one of the same style, you can use it. Once the refrigerator is opened, the audience The audience was dumbfounded, and then there was a burst of laughter. There were a few rapeseeds, some spinach, some eggs, several cans of Laoganma, and several bags of instant noodles.

Xiao Shuheng patted the table, "Do you have the nerve to come to our high-end show with such a clean refrigerator? Someone, drag him out for me!"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, but Jiang Bo was the most innocent one, "I've said it all, I'm good at cooking noodles, and instant noodles are also noodles. I can't compare with Yan Ran, he is a professional." Said Jiang Bo poked Yan Ran's arm with his finger, "You cook so delicious, teach me how to cook."

This is undoubtedly to find a topic for Yan Ran, to catch the traffic, Yan Ran felt that there was something else in this kindness, and he didn't have time to explore it, so he said with a smile: "Yes, I can teach you how to make a simple of."

I didn't expect Yan Ran to answer so seriously, everyone was amused, obviously, Jiang Bo was joking with him, Yan Ran was so easy to deceive, he believed everything they said.

Yan Ran innocently looked at this, then looked at that, human beings are so strange, obviously he wants to teach, but he agrees to be laughed at, what is the reason

His grievance made everyone laugh even happier. Jiang Bo said helplessly, "Why are you so simple and easy to suffer, little brother."

Yan Ran smiled politely, well, human beings are really complicated.

"Okay, let's see what's in Yan Ran's refrigerator." Xiao Shuheng took over the topic and took control of the audience.

Yan Ran's refrigerator is very big, and when he opened the refrigerator door, he was shocked, "Wow! There are so many things!!"

The large four-wheel-drive five-door refrigerator is full of meat and only a few vegetables. No way, cats don't like vegetables.

Xiao Shuheng asked mockingly: "Yan Ran, won't you be malnourished if you have a partial eclipse?"

Yan Ran shook his head, he would suffer from malnutrition if he ate too much of other things, and cats were enough to eat these things.

Xiao Shuheng looked at the contents of his refrigerator and wondered, "Why is there no fish? Isn't Yan Ran very good at cooking fish?"

Yan Ran spread her hands, "The fish I eat are all freshly caught, and it won't taste good in the refrigerator."

This sentence sounds very reasonable, but people can't find a reason to refute it. Xiao Shuheng laughed straight after being teased, and deliberately teased him: "Then what are you doing for everyone today? Show me your usual home-cooked dishes. It just so happens that you and Jiang Bo make it together, we put it on the table together, and we eat together."

As soon as the words came to an end, the audience all laughed and applauded, Jiang Bo's handsome face turned bitter, "Did you deliberately find a chef who is such a good cook to cook with me? Do you want me to serve instant noodles to the table?"

"Who just said that cooking noodles by yourself is not bad?"

"No comparison, no harm!"

Jiang Bo and Xiao Shuheng stared at each other, neither letting the other go. After staring for more than ten seconds, Jiang Bo finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head and put his arms around Yan Ran's shoulder, rubbed against Yan Ran's shoulder in aggrieved manner, and whispered Said: "Yan Ran, I will depend on you for a while, don't let me lose face."

Yan Ran frowned slightly, and quietly avoided the other party's intimate contact. He didn't like physical contact with others. Cats are very proud species.

Jiang Bo narrowed his eyes slightly, Yan Ran had already stood up and started to cook.

Powerless emotions flashed across Jiang Bo's eyes, that is, no matter how nice he was, Yan Ran felt like his fist was hitting the cotton, and Yan Ran couldn't receive his signal at all. He did have a different kind of thought about Yan Ran. He was born with a homosexuality, and he likes delicate and beautiful boys. It's a pity that there are so many good-looking boys in the entertainment industry, but few are clean. After breaking up and being taught a few times by his manager, he restrained himself a lot until he met Yan Ran.

This kid's eyes are too clean, and he hasn't come into contact with many people when he just entered this industry. He wants to tease him first and coax him into his hands while he is young and doesn't understand anything. Looking at it now, it's really not easy to tick.

Yan Ran took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and cooked wherever he went, but the lights were brighter.

At this time Xiao Shuheng asked, "Yan Ran, are you comfortable cooking without fish?"

Yan Ran pursed her lips and smiled, "Of course it's uncomfortable, but when there's no fish, I can eat other things."

Xiao Shuheng asked mysteriously: "The program team has prepared a gift for you, do you want to watch it?"

Yan Ran raised his eyebrows, of course he wanted to see it, never heard of curiosity killed the cat, the curiosity of cats couldn't be controlled at all.

Xiao Shuheng snapped his fingers, and a man in black pretended to come up with a large tray. When he saw what he was carrying, the audience cheered. When Yan Ran turned around, his eyes lit up instantly. prawns!

Jiang Bo had already stood up, and asked greedily, "I'm lucky today. Didn't I take advantage of Yan Ran? I take back what I just said. Thank you for looking for me in this episode."

The audience was amused and laughed, Yan Ran happily took the plate from the man in black, it had already been processed, and it was very fresh. Yan Ran smiled and said: "Thank you to the program team, I haven't eaten such a big shrimp for a long time, I'm hungry, this is today's main course."

The camera followed, Xiao Shuheng and Jiang Bo also followed, watching Yan Ran handle the two big lobsters.

"Make a garlic lobster for the two of you, do you have any fans?" Yan Ran quickly cut the head and body of the lobster, Xiao Shuheng raised his hand, "I'll get it!"

There is a spare refrigerator here, which is all the materials prepared by the program team in advance. When it is ready, put it on a plate, cut the lobster into sections, and arrange it.

Then mix garlic, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine and other seasonings together, and pour it on the shrimp. At this time, the water is also boiling, put the shrimp plate on the steamer.

Xiao Shuheng saw that Jiang Bo was watching seriously, and deliberately squeezed him: "Jiang Bo, where's your instant noodles?"

Jiang Bo heheed twice, pretending not to hear, which made a lot of people laugh out loud. Jiang Bo is a very comprehensive entertainer, also very talented in variety shows, and knows how to amuse the audience.

Ten minutes later, Yan Ran brought out the lobster, sprinkled a handful of shallot leaves on the lobster, heated the oil in a pan, and when the oil was 70% hot, he took it out and poured it directly on the lobster. Xiao Shuheng was intoxicated on the spot with the aroma of garlic wrapped in the shrimp meat. After inviting so many celebrities to cook, finally a serious cook came. It was not easy for him as the host. Sometimes when a star makes a mess of the food, he has to open his eyes and tell lies, saying that the food is really delicious. Thinking about it, it is not easy for him.

Yan Ran nodded in satisfaction, and said solemnly: "It smells good. If you have a chance, please eat the fish in my fish pond. The fish in my fish pond are also big and fresh. Now it is expanding, and I plan to build a farm , if you go, I will do it for you myself."

Xiao Shuheng was amused by Yan Ran's advertising promotion method. The reason why he is popular in this circle is not only because of his knowledge and good temper, but also because he has really praised many people. If you help him, you will help him. Many people in the entertainment industry have been helped by him when they first debuted. There are still people like this in the circle who are working hard to cultivate the next generation for the future of the circle. He applauded Yan Ran very appreciatively, and asked in a particularly emphatic tone: "Okay, then we will definitely go, go to your farm, village, eat, eat, go to your fish, pond, eat, fish, by the way, What's your farmer's name?"

Yan Ran thought for a while, curled his mouth, and rolled his eyes with a smile, "It's called a lot of fish farms!"

"Good, many, fish! This name is so cute!" Xiao Shuheng smiled and clapped like a seal, leading the audience to applaud like a seal, cheering for Yan Ran.

Xiao Shuheng was overjoyed to think that when the show aired, the audience would be driven crazy by Yan Ran's hard-core promotion. This young man is so interesting.

Next, the three of them ate two big lobsters, except for Yan Ran, who was so full that he patted his belly. Yan Ran is the "big eater" in the Internet celebrity world, so he would be fine with two more. The audience in the audience looked helplessly at the three of them, and couldn't bear to watch it after seeing it. This is a tortured program!

Xiao Shuheng wiped his mouth and thought, if there is a chance in the future, he should really go to Yan Ran's farm to see, and it would be good to have a meal.

After the recording of the show, Yan Ran returned to the backstage, and Juan was still waiting for him. After Yan Ran thanked Xiao Shuheng and the director for their care, he was about to leave. Jiang Bo came over at this time, and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyan, can you close Weibo?"

Yan Ran was stunned, "Me? I'm still a newcomer."

Jiang Bo smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone starts as a rookie, I can chat with you, we are closely related to each other on Weibo, and the provincial fans always guess that we have a bad relationship."

Yan Ran thought so too, a few days ago his fans were arguing with Jiang Bo's fans, so he opened Weibo, Jiang Bo clicked on him, and Yan Ran followed him back to close, not more than ten seconds before and after.

Jiang Bo asked again: "Why don't you change your WeChat account? Your farm sounds very interesting. I'll visit you when I'm free."

Yan Ran nodded with a smile, and immediately listed Jiang Bo as a customer with a lot of money.

After saying goodbye to the other party, Yan Ran followed Juan out of the TV station. Juan squinted his eyes and showed a meaningful smile. His narrow eyes looked a little scary.

Yan Ran asked defensively: "Brother Hu, what's wrong with you? Want to change shape?"

Juan was speechless, is he that scary

After getting in the car, Juan said, "I'll make a call." He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "... Recently, Jiang Bo wants to win the male number one in "Daqin Cavalry", you go to the audition , grab his."

The other person let out a surprised "Ah", and asked with a smile: "I really want that role, but Jiang Bo is not famous anymore, so if we compete with him like this, will it be difficult to talk to him when we meet in the future?"

Juan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, if you make enemies, you will make enemies. This kid may feel that he has a firm foothold in the circle, so he is uneasy and kind."

The other said straightforwardly: "Come on! I'll inquire now, and I'm sure I'll get it! By the way, Brother Hu, has our studio signed a young rookie? Do we need to take him? If he needs you, just let me know. I told the director to arrange a role for him."

"I don't need it for the time being, you can do your work." Juan hung up the phone, glanced at Yan Ran, who was still looking at the scenery outside the window, and didn't know what happened, and thought helplessly: This child is defensive, but he doesn't know Where to guard against. To be exact, no one gave him that kind of education, the circle is so chaotic, if he doesn't follow, this little demon might be taken advantage of by others one day. Juan is considering whether to find an education expert to give him a lesson in sex education so that he can learn to guard against bad guys. But that kind of result may be being struck to death by Mr. Qin with lightning, or being skinned by a fox.


The result of Yan Ran and Jiang Bo's mutual relationship is: the fans are blown up!

Damn it! We are torn here and there, the two idols are getting better first, we always feel like big fools!

They turned off each other! Is the relationship so good after recording an episode of the show

A first-line star and an Internet celebrity follow each other, is this world so mysterious

Yan Ran went to Brother Jiang first, Brother Jiang has a very good temper, even if he is asked for attention by a newcomer, he is not easy to refuse.

Yan Ran's fans didn't speak, just watched Jiang Bo's fans bouncing around on Weibo like shrimps out of water, and gave them a screenshot of their faces, mocking silently: You idiots, you look down on our Yan Ran between the lines. Ran, Jiang Bo pay attention to Yan Ran first, please? Just jump around, wait for the show to air and you will know how good our breasts are!

Yan Ran and Juan returned to the hotel and parted ways in front of their respective rooms. Juan told Yan Ran: "Have a good rest, we will go back tomorrow."

Yan Ranjin happily walked through the door, kicked off his shoes, stepped on the wooden floor with bare feet, and just took a few steps forward when he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This room smells of other people!

Yan Ran walked to the door of the bedroom, lay on the outside with his head tilted, and looked in quietly. There was a person lying on the bed, wearing pajamas, with his slender legs comfortably crossed, leaning lazily on the head of the bed In his hand, he held a black book whose material could not be seen clearly. After discovering Yan Ran, he raised his head and looked over, and there was a slight warmth in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

Yan Ran rolled his eyes with a smile in an instant, ran over barefoot, and swooped down on the bedside, his whole body slammed on the other person's body, "Brother Yu!"

Qin Jinli hugged the person who jumped on him. This was the first time that Yan Ran threw himself on him in human form. Yan Ran's body is very soft, even in human form, it still maintains certain feline characteristics, even the bones feel soft when held in the hand. Qin Jinli carefully protected the person in his arms, not daring to use force, for fear that he would hurt him if he hugged him too hard. His cat is petite.

Yan Ran lay on Qin Jinli's body, his eyes met each other. After staring for a while, he instinctively felt that this was not good. He quickly got off Qin Jinli's body, sat cross-legged on the bed, and couldn't suppress the joy in his eyes. "Brother Yu, how did you find me? When did you come back? How do you know I'm here?"

Listening to Yan Ran's series of meows, Qin Jinli raised his hand and touched Yan Ran's head, telling him to be quiet. This little idiot, he left a scale on his body, even if Yan Ran ran to the ends of the earth, he could come to him at any time.

Yan Ran grabbed the big hand on his head with a smile. He still had a lot to say, and asked Qin Jinli to teach him how to find someone at any time. Qin Jinli's soft eyes suddenly turned cold, and his eyes fell on his. On the shoulder, Yan Ran's neck felt cold, and he quickly explained: "No one bullied me, this is just a random action, human beings are all male, so there is no such care, don't beat him to death, it is against the law .”

Qin Jinli frowned, wiped away the smells other than him from Yan Ran's body, and said with a cold face: "Turn away his luck for three years."

Yan Ran silently lit the wax for Jiang Bo. He heard that his career is on the rise, so it's not easy to get promoted now. Is this circle going to be forgotten if it doesn’t move forward

Qin Jinli pondered for a while, and added: "Don't let others touch you in the future."

Yan Ran shook his ears and asked curiously, "Why?"

Qin Jinli said with a cold face, "I don't like it."

"Oh, Brother Yu, you are too domineering. Why didn't you say that no one should stand within three meters of you and pollute your air?" Yan Ran suddenly turned into a cat, and pounced mischievously, holding Qin with two paws. Jin Li rubbed his face with the soft paw pads, and said with a smirk, "Did the domineering Brother Yu eat lunch today? Are you tired today? Do you need a massage?"

The naughty kitten was picked up by the nape of fate's neck by the man lying on the bed in a second, knocked down and kneaded into a cat blanket.

The powerful little kitten rushed over fearlessly, rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing~~~ Anyway, he was already messed up, and he wanted to rub Brother Yu's hair into a fluffy ball!

After playing with Qin Jinli for more than half an hour, Yan Ran finally got up. Juan was worried that he didn't eat well when he was recording the show, so he ordered a few dishes and delivered them. Yan Ran put them on the dining table and shouted: "Fish! Brother got up to eat, you lie down like this every day, and your bones will become brittle if you lie down."

Qin Jinli turned over expressionlessly, he didn't eat anything made by others.

Yan Ran finished serving the soup, took a sip by himself, felt that the taste was okay, and came to the bedroom with the bowl, "Dad, would you like to have a sip?"

Qin Jinli turned his head and glared at him, "If you want to call me Dad, I'll let you call it enough."

Yan Ran regained his composure in an instant, and asked with a serious face, "Brother, do you want some soup?"

Qin Jinli just looked at him blankly.

"Hey." Yan Ran smirked twice, took the bowl and ran away, "If you don't want to drink, I'll drink it myself."

However, before he ran back to the living room, he was hugged from behind. The next second, the spiritual energy in the air was shaking, and before he could react, he was pulled into the space crack. With a throw, he tightly grasped Qin Jinli's clothes with both hands. A little goblin like him, who is still inexperienced, couldn't bear the spiritual pressure that overflowed when Qin Jinli tore apart the space.

Qin Jinli frowned, picked up his cat by the waist, wrapped it with spiritual power, and isolated the spiritual pressure. stupid! How can such a fragile cat be released? If his enemies found out, wouldn't he be slapped to death? Qin Jinli has already planned to arrange a bodyguard for Yan Ran.

A few seconds later, Yan Ran felt that the surroundings had become quiet, and when she opened her eyes, they had returned to Dawang Village.

Yan Ran jumped out of Qin Jinli's arms, and angrily slapped his paws on the other party's clothes, "We came back suddenly, how do we explain to Juan?"

"He's a demon, there's nothing to explain." Qin Jinli looked at his clothes, and looked at Yan Ran calmly.

The corner of Yan Ran's mouth twitched, and he immediately wanted to do something wrong, so he slapped his face, Brother Yu's eyes clearly said that you are so stupid that you can't even leave a paw print, what kind of cat are you? As a cat, to understand a fish so thoroughly, the problem is that you still can't beat him, Yan Ran is really heartbroken.

Qin Jinli also understands the purpose of bringing Yan Ran back. Yan Ran also understands that if he doesn't eat the food there, he wants to eat food made by himself or at home. He is really a picky fish.

Yan Ran had to change his clothes, and said to the fish who was already sitting on the sofa, lazily waiting to be fed: "Just wait, I'll go to the fish pond to catch a fish, what do you want to eat?"

Qin Jinli still had the same two words, "As you wish."

As long as it is made by Yan Ran, he will eat it, thinking that it is easy to raise.

Yan Ran rolled his eyes and went out the door. Not long after, all the cats wandering around Yan Ran's house knew that Yan Ran was back, and when they came to the house, Qin Jinli was the only one in the living room. Cats, you look at me, I look at you, and surround them curiously. It is the nature of animals that cats like fish. With a cold face, Qin Jinli frowned in disgust, and used his spiritual power to drive away these cats. Not all cats he likes, he only likes to raise one.


Yan Ran went out of the village and went to see the orchard first. The apples were all sold out, and the fishing garden in area 1 was also built. A sign was put up, which said about 200 yuan in 12 hours. You can catch as much as you want. If you don’t want to take the fish away, the fish pond can be recycled, but the price is cheaper than the market price. The recycling price is 4 yuan per catty.

The most exasperating thing is that there are actually people coming to fish!

Yan Ran stomped his feet angrily when he saw the person, so angry! There really are humans coming to catch his fish!

To be honest, after the fishing garden is built, no one can catch fish from it. The more this is the case, the more it attracts anglers to try it. Two hundred yuan a day is very expensive in a normal fishing park, and almost none of them are so expensive, but there are big fish here, can you catch big carp that grows to a hundred catties elsewhere? cannot!

The two aunts in the village are in charge of guarding the house. The two of them have nothing to do and are chatting about their daily routines with melon seeds. There is also a small counter next to them, selling cigarettes, water, and fishing rods!

Yes, fishing rods! Because people's fishing rods are often dragged away by fish!

The aunts in the village discussed it and said that after Yan Ran came back, he would teach the fish and let the fish bring up the fishing rods from the bottom of the pond. After they cleaned them up, they could still sell them.

Ma Xi and Feng Yue are two experienced fishing enthusiasts. They often search for places that are not easy to fish on the Internet to go fishing. There are countless fish under their hands. The two were broken. However, in this fish pond, they planted it! They have been fishing for three days in a row, and they have caught nothing!

Ma Xi was a little upset and irritable, smoking a cigarette and calling to the aunt on the shore, "I said, big sister, are all the fish here fed enough? Why don't you take the bait?"

Aunt Li on the shore also had a good temper, and said with a smile: "No, this fish is not easy to catch. I reminded you the first day you came here."

Feng Yue pissed off Aunt Li angrily: "Sneaky feeding at night when no one is around, I'm almost exhausted!"

Aunt Li was soft-tempered, and she opened her mouth in embarrassment at this sentence, and said awkwardly: "I really didn't feed that much, I just gave a handful of grass."

Everyone who heard this laughed, and a young man shouted: "Auntie, you are not a handful of grass, how can you eat a handful of grass so that you can't take the bait?"

Wang Yiming, who was riding a bicycle to inspect the fish pond, frowned and stopped when he heard this. At this time, I saw a person coming down from the opposite bank, holding a tree branch in his hand, walking gracefully, walking slowly to the bank. With a fair face, delicate eyebrows, and a harmless look. The corner of Wang Yiming's mouth twitched, surprised that Yan Ran came back so early, and sympathized with those fishing people in his heart.

Yan Ran's movements are not usually familiar.