Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 49: Brother will take you to catch the dragon


Yan Ran jumped up to the roof and shouted loudly, "Grandpa, you flew too far!"

However, the one who was shouted by him didn't mean to stop at all. Yan Ran saw the location where the other party fell, and hurriedly jumped off the roof, pulling She Yue, "Go after him!"

"No!" She Yue hugged the door frame, showing timidity in the usually bold man, "There is a big monster up there, last time I was almost killed by his look."

"When?!" Yan Ran was speechless, Brother Yu actually threatened the little demon who had just become a spirit like this, so cruel!

"He won't kill people casually, come with me!" Yan Ran hurried up the mountain with the chirping She Yue, and when she arrived at Qin Jinli's villa, she saw two people standing in the yard as soon as she entered the door. , one is Qin Jinli, and the other is his grandfather. The two seemed to have already communicated, and they were looking at each other without speaking, and the atmosphere was indescribably awkward.

Yan Ran glared at She Yue angrily, it was you who delayed things! Fortunately, there was no fight, otherwise grandpa might not be able to hold brother Yu's tail.

In Yan Ran's perception, Brother Yu is the most powerful monster in the world.

"Grandpa!" Yan Ran happily ran over, wanting to make a pounce like he did when he was a child, but just as he jumped up, he was caught by the collar of his back shirt. Qin Jinli dragged him to him, and said disgustedly. : "You've grown up so much, why do you still act like this to your elders?"

Yan Ran looked embarrassed, shaking old man Yan's hand in embarrassment, and called obediently: "Grandpa~"

Old Man Yan glanced at Qin Jinli with complicated eyes, and when he looked at Yan Ran, his eyes were filled with love immediately, "I have grown taller, and I have grown a lot, very good, very good."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gray shadow rushed out from the darkness, "Grandpa!" She Yue jumped on the old man's back excitedly, and had already turned into a lynx the size of a big cat, without that big smiling monster , is really great!

Old Man Yan patted She Yue's head lovingly, and said with a smile, "Xiao Yue has grown up a lot too, very good."

Yan Ran angrily lifted She Yue off his grandfather's back. Grandpa is so old, and they have grown up too, so they can't play this kind of game anymore. They really don't look like a mature demon!

Yan Ran asked curiously: "Grandpa, what did you two say? We knew each other before?"

Old Man Yan touched Yan Ran's head with a smile, then touched She Yue's, and said lovingly: "I just met, Mr. Qin has high morals and deep cultivation, he is the number one monster in the monster clan, he is worthy of you... Practice well with him."

Yan Ran raised his eyebrows, and said proudly: "Don't worry, I'm much better than before!"

Old Man Yan was relieved, "Looking at your current spiritual power, I can see that you are not lazy."

Yan Ran glanced at Qin Jinli with a guilty conscience, please don't tell grandpa the way I cultivate your spiritual power!

Qin Jinli's face was soft, as if he couldn't understand what Yan Ran was worried about.

Yan Ran was relieved immediately, Brother Yu didn't care about his spiritual power at all, so he was relieved.

"Okay, let's take grandpa to see your territory." Mr. Yan held a grandson in one hand and nodded to Qin Jinli. Only the two of them could understand the look in his eyes.

Yan Ran's big eyes were already smiling, and he dragged his grandfather back to show off how big his territory was, but he didn't notice any tricks in their eyes.

After the three of them had left, Jiang Yan, who had been standing in the corner acting as a transparent person, came out. At this moment, a key shining with silver light flew over from the air. Qin Jinli caught it, and it turned out to be a key. A key made of pale finger bones.

Jiang Yan asked worriedly: "Sir, won't you tell Young Master Yan about this? Besides, Old Master Yan must have misunderstood something."

Otherwise, why would I ask my husband if he would protect Young Master Yan's life, and even gave him everything that the White Demon Valley prepared for Young Master Yan's future partner. There is a rule in the Valley of the Hundred Demons, "Born into the Valley of the Hundred Demons, you will be buried in the Mountain of Thousand Bones." Even your spouse must abide by this rule, and this key must be the key to unlock the ban on the Tomb of the Hundred Demons in the Mountain of Thousand Bones.

Qin Jinli narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up a key made from finger bones with his fingers, and said meaningfully: "It's not yet time."

Jiang Yan didn't ask any more questions, but based on his understanding of Qin Jinli, he could already see what Qin Jinli was planning.


The next day, early in the morning, Yan Ran led his grandfather to the fish pond, waved his hand aggressively, and told the old man: "Look! Are you very pleased that I have expanded our family's land to such a large extent?"

The old man touched his mustache in relief, and praised: "It's amazing, not bad."

"Grandpa, I plan to build a farm with Xiao Naruko. With the help of Xiaoyue and the others, we will make more money. By the way, Grandpa, Shuai Bai is also nearby. If he knows you are coming, he will definitely come here Look at you. Remember to ask him for a gift, he has accepted a lot of cat boys now, and he is almost becoming the king of cats."

"Xiaobai, you've grown up too, very good." Old Man Yan stroked his beard, feeling very relieved. The kittens he raised were all filial and promising.

Yan Ran hadn't seen his relatives for a long time, so he talked a lot, always meowing beside Mr. Yan. Old Man Yan is extremely patient, and he doesn't find him impatient no matter what Yan Ran says. It's also fortunate that he has such a good temper, so he raises all the cats and cats on Kunlun Mountain with a good temper.

"Grandpa, did you go to see your apprentice?"

The old man waved his hand, "I don't see you, the monsters have different paths, the fate is over, so I don't care if I don't see you."

The two chatted for a while, and Mr. Yan suddenly saw Wang Yiming who was wandering around on a bicycle on the other side of the fish pond. He pointed at him and asked, "That child belongs to the Wang family?"

"Yes, he is Naruko."

"Oh," said the old man with emotion: "This is the predestined fate. Even if his memory is sealed and he lives like an ordinary person, it is still inevitable that he will meet the Yan family."

Yan Ran also sighed, "He is Uncle Wolf's son, and the seal on him was also given by you. Let me just say, half-man, half-wolf. Sometimes I feel that father and son are somewhat similar. Loyalty ,Kindness."

"When you're young, don't miss so many things. Your life is still long. Instead of having time to do this, it's better to go back and cook something delicious for grandpa." Mr. Yan rubbed Yan Ran's head, "Grandpa wants Eat Dongpo meat, you go do it."

In order to satisfy his grandfather's request, Yan Ran had no choice but to go back to cook. Before leaving, he still told the other party at ease: "Don't wander around, go home after you have finished shopping."

After taking Yan Ranzhi away, Mr. Yan waved to Wang Yiming, come~ cub come~

Wang Yiming came by the side of Old Man Yan on a bicycle, and asked with a smile, "Master, what do you need from me?"

Mr. Yan looked at Wang Yiming, and continued to boast: "Not bad, not bad, he survived."

Wang Yiming: "... old man, I don't understand what you mean."

Old Man Yan said reminiscently: "I only have a half-resemblance to your father, but I really look like your grandfather."

Wang Yiming asked in surprise, "Old man, do you know my father?"

"Your father asked me to seal your evil spirit and let you be a normal human being. If you still want to be a human being, I will seal you again."

"No need," Wang Yiming held his head in fear, and quickly took a step back, "No matter what you do, you must live clearly. I finally accepted my half-human, half-demon setting, and I want to produce supernatural powers to do things." Where is the hero?"

Old Man Yan was amused, this naughty cub.

Wang Yiming approached with a playful smile, "Old man, I want to know, what kind of monster is Dad?"

"He is a very powerful monster, honest and upright. Your mother is a human being, very kind. Human monsters have different ways. After your mother died, your father was sealed in a cave and will be imprisoned for five hundred years."

After Wang Yiming listened calmly, he was silent for a long time before asking, "Can I visit you?"

"Okay, once in ten years, but you can talk to him outside and he can hear you."

"Then, can I practice?"

"Yes, you can learn from Yan Ran. Yan Ran is very hardworking. He practiced in front of the moonlight every night. Look at how fast he practiced." When he said this, Old Man Yan's face was full of relief. , the performance of the baby grandson is very good, many goblins are lazy after leaving the mountain, only Yan Ran has made the fastest progress. Yan Ran's ability dooms him to a difficult future, and it is easy to attract the attention of bad guys. Only by being able to protect himself can he gain a foothold.

Wang Yiming was stunned, Yan Ran practiced? Yan Ran eats and sleeps every day, or flirts with his brother, when did he practice

At this time, I heard the old man ask: "Does Yan Ran often bully you?"

"No, it's just playing with me." Wang Yiming scratched his head, saying that bullying didn't count.

"Indeed, he has no bad intentions," Mr. Yan has already excused his grandson, "he is a cat, he likes to play with people, and he doesn't like dogs, because I was bitten by you when you were young, and I sealed your memories. But he left behind a shadow, when you were a child, you couldn't control your demonic aura, and you were very fierce when you saw anyone biting someone."

Wang Yiming: "..."

No wonder Yan Ran only bullied him and never bullied others. She owed it since she was a child, and secretly wanted to bully him.

"I see that you two are having a good time, so I feel relieved." The old man flickered, and came to Wang Yiming's body, took Wang Yiming's hand, stroked it casually, and said earnestly: "Son, you Stay with him, don't let him be wronged, in case someone bullies him, take him here. Only Yan Ran's ability is too special, I can't rest assured, I hope, it will never be used. "

Wang Yiming felt the solemnity in the old man's words, raised his head, and saw the reluctance and worry in the other party's eyes, a bad feeling suddenly hit his heart, "Old man, you..."

Old Man Yan smiled slightly, with only kindness in his eyes, "Because you are a monster of the Wang family, a wolf monster of the Wang family, and have good conduct and are worthy of trust."

Wang Yiming clenched his fists with a blushing face, and said solemnly, "I've made a note."


Yan Ran set up a big swing and a soft recliner in the yard. Knowing that his grandfather likes to bask in the sun, he specially asked Brother Yu to make the weather here better, not windy and rainy, every day The sun is warm. He put down all his work and didn't go anywhere. Every day, he made delicious food for the old man in different ways, and called many former friends to make the old man happy. If he hadn't acted the same as usual, Mr. Yan would have suspected that Yan Ran had discovered something.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and many landscapes have already prostrated themselves under the cold air. Only the entertainment of fishing is still open, and people enjoy it endlessly. People came to fish every day, and the more Yan Ran looked at it, the more worried he became. He always felt that one day a goblin would come and he would lose his money. As soon as Yan Ran had such a premonition, he couldn't sit still, and went to Qin Jinli Miaomiao, "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, I need a very powerful fish essence, go and catch one for me, and let him guard the fish pond for me." .”

Qin Jinli asked with interest: "Do you want to catch a dragon?"

"Brother! Calm down!!" Yan Ran pressed Qin Jinli's shoulders with both hands, thinking how did those unlucky dragons offend Brother Yu and make Brother Yu so keen to deal with them

As soon as dragons were mentioned, Qin Jinli talked more, "It's good to catch a dragon. Ordinary goblins dare not offend the dragon clan, and the dragon clan protects their weaknesses. Even if they can beat them, monsters don't dare to fight them."

Yan Ran: "... what you said seems to make sense."

"Moreover, it can also be used as a food reserve."

"I think what you said... still makes sense." Yan Ran swallowed and told herself to calm down, no! You can't catch dragons casually! In any case, it is also a legendary species, and it is almost extinct!

"That's it." Qin Jinli stood up suddenly, eyes brighter than usual, took Yan Ran's hand, pulled him into his arms, wrapped Yan Ran's waist with one hand, and swung Yan Ran in the void with the other. Grab, tear the space directly.

Yan Ran: "..."

Mr. Qin, who manages everything day by day, went to catch the dragon for his beloved little cat demon!

Above the East China Sea, the wind is calm and the blue waters can't be seen at a glance.

Standing above the East China Sea, Yan Ran sighed: "Our China is so big, this one, this one and this one, all belong to our flower growers!"

The corner of Qin Jinli's mouth twitched slightly. Yan Ran watched cartoons recently and learned a lot of new terms. He hugged Yan Ran tightly and fell to the surface of the water. Yan Ran hugged Qin Jinli's neck subconsciously, and shouted in disgust: "Don't get your feet wet!!!"

Qin Jinli stopped at a distance of one meter from the water surface, and the surrounding aura erupted in an instant. With a "bang", hundreds of water columns with a height of tens of meters shook from a hundred meters away. Just tens of meters away, it was frozen into an Iceland. Qin Jinli carried Yan Ranfei to the highest position and helped him stand up.

Yan Ran stood up straight nervously, holding Qin Jinli's belt with both hands and did not dare to let go. Standing here, he wanted to cry, he just wanted to catch a fish spirit, why did the world turn upside down

Such a big battle, the dragons under the water were naturally aware of it, the dark clouds in the sky gradually gathered, and the rumbling thunder was deafening, Qin Jinli snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, all the clouds disappeared, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was clear.

Yan Ran wanted to laugh again, Brother Yu was so domineering that he wouldn't let others build momentum.

Looking at the water surface again, more than a dozen green, red, black and white shadows entangled and flew out of the water, and dragons chanted. The cat's ears were sensitive, and Yan Ran was a little fairy, so he couldn't bear it immediately.

Qin Jinli covered Yan Ran's body with a spiritual energy, and at the same time, the murderous aura radiated from his body, and a spiritual pressure was pressed down from the top of his head, like a big hat, firmly buckled on the tops of more than a dozen dragons, all of them were pressured!

Yan Ran couldn't help but closed his eyes and couldn't bear to watch, Brother Yu was too crazy, one fish, he singled out a dozen dragons!

The dragon chant became more prosperous, but the waves were suppressed by the spiritual pressure, and when the spiritual pressure passed, more than a dozen dragons finally turned into human figures and stood in the air, and the dragon chant disappeared.

Yan Ran opened his eyes curiously, and found that the Dragon Clan was not very powerful. In human form, there was also one nose and two eyes, and one that could not be fully transformed, and a pair of small horns on top of the head. This is probably the main force of the entire dragon clan, Yan Ran suddenly sympathized with them, tsk~ not as many as cats.

"Qin Jinli, what do you think! It's a society ruled by law now, and we've already made an agreement in three chapters. Do you want to tear up the treaty?!" An old man from the dragon clan took a step forward and asked Qin Jinli angrily. No, they rushed up and beat him up a long time ago. But Qin Jinli, they may not be able to fight together. His luck is too strong, even fighting with him is not enough for him to be unlucky.

Qin Jinli looked at the opposite dragon who was taller than himself, his face became colder and colder, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The Dragon Clan on the opposite side sensed something, consciously lowered a little, and looked at Qin Jinlip equally.

Qin Jinli still looked at them very unhappy, the spiritual power in his hands was flowing faster and faster, and he seemed to want to sacrifice his sword.

The dragon clan had no choice but to lower again, and simply lowered to the surface of the water, looking up at him slightly, his face turned into a liver color.

Only then did Qin Jinli ease his expression and feel a little satisfied.

Yan Ran→_→Childish big fish!

A middle-aged man stood up and cupped his hands at Qin Jinli, "For the future of the Yaozu, we have lived together in peace for sixty years. Since Mr. Qin is not here to make trouble, I don't know if you can explain clearly, this time Mr. What are you here for?"

Qin Jinli dragged Yan Ran to him, which meant that he was too lazy to talk to these snakes.

The corner of Yan Ran's mouth twitched, and was looked up by a dozen or so dragons whose cultivation base was at least 1,500 years old. As a little cat demon over 100 years old, the pressure was not ordinary.

"Well, I want to hire a Mr. Long," Yan Ran thought for a while, trying to beautify the words, "to be our treasure."

More than a dozen dragons looked at each other, what is the treasure of town water

The bad-tempered old dragon just wanted to speak, but the middle-aged man who came out earlier stopped him, "Mr. Xiao means to bring a little dragon by your side?"

Yan Ran was stunned for a moment, what he said... seemed to be all right, so he nodded. It doesn't matter the size, as long as you can see the fish pond.

The middle-aged man hooked his mouth, cupped his hands at Yan Ran, and said with a smile: "I have a nephew, whose body is a five-clawed golden dragon. He just broke his shell this year, and he will not fully transform. Can't do it?"

Yan Ran subconsciously looked at Qin Jinli, okay

Qin Jinli sneered, "You want us to bring you a cub? Are you afraid that I will eat him?"

The middle-aged man said politely: "Of course you won't, sir. You have fought with the dragon clan for more than three thousand years, but you have never attacked a minor dragon clan. I know that our dragon clan does have arrogant and reckless dragons that harm the people. The lesson is justifiable. My little nephew is a golden dragon that is rare in a thousand years. It is the future of our dragon family and a part of China's national destiny. The golden dragon is alive, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the national fortune is prosperous. The good fortune of the monster clan, the good fortune of the country."

The dragons behind were all impatient, especially the old dragon, "Patriarch! No way! How can we put the future of the dragon clan in his hands!"

The middle-aged man gave Lao Long a serious look, telling him not to talk too much. The sea water around him was tumbling, and a little boy who was no more than three years old was entwined by the sea water and flew out of the water. He had a white and tender face, the corners of his mouth were naturally slightly upturned, and his face was cute. Especially a pair of big eyes, which turned out to be a pair of golden pupils.

The most interesting thing is that he has a pair of golden dragon horns on his head and a dragon tail on his buttocks, which is a little dragon man.

The middle-aged man still looked at Yan Ran, and asked politely, "Sir, can you see him?" He could tell that as long as the little demon agreed, Qin Jinli would have no objections.

Yan Ran's eyes lit up, so cute! Xiaolongren or something, super cute! There is also this color, the color of gold, super beautiful! It's the same as the lucky cat! This color is festive and lucky at first glance! Moreover, such a little person is very cute, and it must be very soft when squeezed! Even though he liked it very much, Yan Ran still shook his head, "He's too young, it's not good to leave home at such a young age."

At this time, Qin Jinli suddenly said: "Take it away if you like it. The big ones eat a lot, and the small ones are easy to raise."

Yan Ran glanced at Qin Jinli suspiciously, brother, do you have any bad thoughts

Qin Jinli's face was expressionless and he didn't say a word, which made Yan Ran have to suspect that he was treating a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. Brother Yu may simply see that he likes it.

Yan Ran happily extended his hand to the little dragon, "Little guy, do you want to come with me?"

Xiaolongren looked at his uncle with a bewildered expression. He didn't know how to sleep at home, so why would he be taken away

The middle-aged man touched the little golden dragon's head, and said earnestly: "In the future, when you are with Mr. Qin, you must be obedient and accept the teachings of the two elders. The future of the dragon clan will be entrusted to you."

Xiaolongren was pushed onto the ice by his uncle with a dazed expression. He looked at the uncles and elders below, and then at Yan Ran and Qin Jinli. I just want to be close. After being stared at by Qin Jinli in disgust, he didn't dare to move closer, staring at his big round eyes, and tentatively moved to Yan Ran's side, and was hugged by Yan Ran in the next second, "Oh, This little guy is so cute!"

Seeing that Yan Ran liked it, Qin Jinli didn't say any more, and the patriarch of the Dragon Clan also had a look of joy in his eyes.

In this way, Yan Ran originally wanted to find a fish spirit to guard the fish pond, but he went out and brought back a golden little dragon.

After Yan Ran and Qin Jinli left, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan looked at the angry eyes of his fellow clansmen, and said calmly: "In the future, the luck of the Dragon Clan will be rewritten, and the feud with Qin Jinli hopes to end in this generation, and we should thank that little demon , he gave us this opportunity."

The old man's angry head was steaming, and the red dragon had a bad temper, "Three thousand years have passed, and the black dragon who killed his sister has long been beheaded by him, and his revenge has long been avenged. Chasing the dragons, we will beat and kill them when we see a dragon. After the founding of the People's Republic, we dragons dare not go abroad. Even if we don't die, we will be beaten into cripples by him if we step out of the Chinese sea. He is a lunatic!"

"So, in the future, we have to distinguish between right and wrong when protecting weaknesses!" The patriarch suppressed the old man's anger with a cold face, and sighed. Qin Jinli was young, and relying on the old to sell the old pushed him to death. Unexpectedly, he was blessed by good luck and escaped from death. After surviving, he began to fight back frantically.

At the beginning, there were thousands of pure dragons and those who jumped over the dragon gate and turned into dragons, and countless of them died under Qin Jinli's knife. Qin Jinli's current combat effectiveness was all due to killing dragons. The dragon gate was destroyed by Qin Jinli, and it has not recovered until now. In addition, the birth rate of the dragon race is extremely low. Up to now, there are more than a dozen of them still capable of fighting. If there is no miracle, they will be extinct.

Qin Jinli represents China's fortune. If you offend him, you will be so unlucky that you will become extinct, so what if you are angry, for the sake of the entire race, bear with it.

Now that life is coming, the lucky little demon who is following Qin Jinli can bring the vendetta that lasted for three thousand years to an end.


At this time, Qin Jinli touched the little head of the future emperor of the Dragon Clan who was confused and didn't know what happened, and said solemnly: "You will be called Arowana from now on, remember, you are a Arowana , the Dragon Clan are all bastards who need to be beaten."

Yan Ran:! ! !