Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 50: I was not born!


"Brother Yu! You can't do this, you are distorting his species cognition!" Yan Ran hugged the little golden dragon, unable to run even if he wanted to, he couldn't fly! Now I understand why Qin Jinli took Xiao Jinlong away, it turns out Brother Yu is such a monster!

Qin Jinli looked unhappy, pulled the little dragon man from Yan Ran's arms, turned him into a little dragon, held him in his hand, and said seriously: "I am saving a simple-minded little demon."

Yan Ran: "..."

In Wang Yiming's words: I believe in your evil!

After arriving at Yan Ran's house, the little golden dragon that had been put down turned into a little dragon man again. He didn't stand firmly on his feet, squatted on the ground, then climbed up awkwardly, looked at Yan Ran pitifully, opened his mouth, not quite can speak.

She Yue felt this strange aura, and hurriedly chased after him. When she saw the little man beside Yan Ran, she jumped three meters in shock, "Damn it! Where did you steal it?!"

Yan Ran gave She Yue a super big white eye, "Can this be stolen? It's a gift from someone!"

She Yue was amused, "You think I'm stupid, grandpa said that those perverts of the Dragon Clan are very protective of their cubs."

"Cough!" The old man Yan who had just walked out gave She Yue a warning look. He was impolite. How could a boy guarding the Dragon Clan say that the Dragon Clan is a pervert? To be honest, he couldn't say that!

She Yue shrank her neck, and moved several meters away in a desperation. Grandpa is the best in the world, so you have to behave well if you are a grandson.

Xiaolongren looked at this and then at that, and subconsciously wanted to hide in Yan Ran's arms, but was immediately picked up by Qin Jinli, "Stand up!"

Xiaolong immediately stood up straight, his immature face was tense, and he didn't dare to lean on Yan Ran again. The strong monster clan is respected, he understands that Qin Jinli is the most powerful here, and that Yan Ran is the most reliable here.

Yan Ran just wanted to say that he is still young and unfamiliar with the place, so don't scare him, so Qin Jinli said with a little interest: "If you raise the emperor of the Dragon Clan into a fish..."

"Brother, calm down!" Yan Ran tried to correct Qin Jinli's dangerous thoughts. Cry to death

Qin Jin had already picked up the little dragon man, concealed his dragon aura, and said coldly, "I'll see if I become the original again."

The little dragon obediently turned into his original body, a little golden dragon only one meter long.

Qin Jinli said with a cold face, "Well, a purebred Arowana."

Yan Ran: "Brother, calm down again!!!"

Qin Jinli looked down at Xiaolong, "What's your name?"

Before the little golden dragon opened his mouth, Qin Jinli decided, "It didn't matter before, but it will be called golden dragon fish in the future."

"Brother, calm down again!!!" The three words are inseparable from Arowana! Yan Ran dragged the little dragon to her side without a word. As expected of the five-clawed golden dragon, the king of the dragon clan, although he was a cub, he had already learned to float in the air. His immature little claws had already grown nails, but they were too tender and small. , or transparent. At this time, the little dragon was just a blank sheet of paper. If a monster like Qin Jinli told him so seriously, the child would definitely think it was true, and it would be difficult to correct it in the future.

Suddenly realizing another side of Brother Yu, Yan Ran just wanted to raise his claws to fish.

Yan Ran asked softly, "What's your name?"

Xiao Jinlong glanced at Qin Jinli, and his immature voice was full of milk, "Golden Dragon Fish."

"No!" The corner of Yan Ran's mouth twitched, he wondered when the old dragon said that he just broke his shell this year, and yesterday was also this year! This kid doesn't know anything yet, he doesn't know how to raise cubs.

Yan Ran was right, this little golden dragon has just broken out of its shell for three days, and it doesn't even have a name, so it has to teach everything.

So obediently following Yan Ran and the others back, without crying or fussing, he just took the powerful aquatic creature Qin Jinli as his father, and whatever his father said, he was called Arowana, so he was called Arowana.

"Arowana... Yu... Yu... Yu, you will be called Long Yu from now on. Arowana can only be in your heart, don't say it." Yan Ran patted Xiaolong's head dumbfounded, looked around, and pushed the little brat to him. Old Man Yan said, "You are the only one who can take care of the cubs here, so I leave it to you!"

Mr. Yan was holding a dragon, his mustache was shaking, "I raised you, and I will raise you the cub you picked up! Do you know how long it takes for a dragon to grow up? At least a thousand years!"

"Oh, then you can raise him for a thousand years." Yan Ran pulled the old man's beard with a smile, "I believe in you, I can raise him well!"

Old Man Yan paused, snorted coldly, hugged Xiaolong and left, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll teach him some basic knowledge first, you picked it up, and you can teach it yourself later."

After the old man returned to his room, the corners of Yan Ran's raised lips gradually turned into a straight line. Qin Jinli raised his hand, put his palm on Yan Ran's head, and rubbed it lightly. Yan Ran's train of thought was interrupted. He grabbed Qin Jinli's hand and pointed to the distance. Say it here.

Qin Jinli put his arms around his waist and took Yan Ran to the top of Yunliang Mountain in the next second. Yan Ran took a deep breath of fresh air and asked in a heavy tone: "Brother Yu, is my grandfather's time coming?"

Qin Jinli didn't speak, but Yan Ran understood, he guessed right.

"Grandpa gave him the knife he carried with him. It was his treasure. At that time, I noticed something was wrong. He deliberately pushed me away that day and wanted to talk to Wang Yiming. I was more sure of this idea. He felt that he It’s well hidden, but there’s actually something wrong everywhere.” As Yan Ran spoke, his eyes became hot, he raised his head, covered his eyes with his hands, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, “He doesn’t want me to know, so I will Pretend not to know and let him feel at ease."

Qin Jinli hugged Yan Ran into his arms, and patted him on the back comfortingly. He has already seen through life and death, life is dispensable to him, and he has no nostalgia for this world. At this moment, he felt reluctance. Just because, the little idiot in front of me pretending to be strong, he is too weak, without him, what would he do if he was bullied by others.

Feeling the solidity of this embrace, Yan Ran reluctantly said: "Brother Yu, you will never die, right? You are auspicious."

Qin Jinli put his chin on Yan Ran's forehead, and said softly: "No, I will protect you for a day while you are alive."

Yan Ran sniffed, "With your words, I feel more at ease. I believe everything you say."

The corner of Qin Jinli's mouth curled up, "Silly cat, what if I lie to you?"

Yan Ran said seriously: "Then lie to me for the rest of my life and don't tell me until I die."

Qin Jinli disliked it, "Wouldn't it be a lot of trouble to cheat for many years?"

"Hey." Yan Ran sniffed, wanting to laugh with tears in her eyes.

Only then did Qin Jinli ask, "Do you want him to accompany you for an extra hundred years?"

Yan Ran's eyes lit up, "Do you have a solution?"

"One hundred years is still okay. If he can break through himself in this one hundred years, he can live another thousand years."

"Brother Yu!" Yan Ran raised his head abruptly, held Qin Jinli's face in his hands, and widened his eyes in surprise, "You make me really want... want... how about making you a fish for a lifetime to repay you?"

Yan Ran thought about it, but he still didn't seem to be able to repay Qin Jinli.

Qin Jinli looked deeply at Yan Ran's clear eyes, the slender eyelashes were still stained with water, and the tears that did not fall still showed traces, which proved that Yan Ran's state of mind was not as he appeared. strong. In the end, he was still a little demon who had never experienced any setbacks, so he couldn't help but want to protect him, so that he would not suffer any grievances. Since the last time Yan Ran had an affair, Qin Jinli discovered that his mentality was abnormal, and his possessiveness towards Yan Ran broke his indifferent state of mind for thousands of years.

Wei Liang's fingers brushed the corners of his eyes, Yan Ran blinked, and smiled embarrassedly. He didn't dare to look into Qin Jinli's eyes, but Brother Yu saw it. It's so embarrassing!

"I wrote it down." Qin Jinli reminded seriously: "Don't forget, forever."

Yan Ran laughed, "Cats have a very good memory." Compared with Yu, it is much better. It is said that Yu only has a five-second memory, and Brother Yu forgot about him before he slept. He wanted to draw for him. A fish world best memory award.

At this time, a red cloud suddenly floated in the distance. Qin Jinli raised his eyes, his eyes had already cooled down, and Yan Ran felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and in the blink of an eye, Qin Jinli had already flown above the red cloud. With a kick, with a whoosh, the red cloud fell like a cannonball.

Yan Ran was worried about his toes, but couldn't see anything. When a gust of wind blew, Qin Jinli had already returned.

Yan Ran scratched his heart and lungs curiously, "What's going on?"

Qin Jinli said lightly: "The Dragon Clan is worried about their little prince, so they sent a guard to guard the fish pond."

Yan Ran swallowed, "Did you get kicked down?"

Qin Jinli clicked his tongue and said proudly, "I'm used to kicking."

Yan Ran was silent for a while, then suddenly stretched out his thumb, since he didn't know what to say, just praise him, "Brother Yu is awesome!"

Qin Jinli knocked on his forehead, and there was a smile in his eyes, stupid cat, he still looks good when he smiles.


That night, as soon as Mr. Yan, who had been teaching Long Yu for a whole day, lay down, he felt a flash of spiritual pressure in the room. Qin Jinli, who was wearing pajamas, suddenly appeared in his bedroom, holding a small bottle in his hand, and let go of it expressionlessly. On the table, this just wants to go.

"Mr. Qin!" Old Man Yan stood up and took two quick steps, "Please hold back!"

Qin Jinli turned his head back, with a rare gentle expression on his face, "I can only let you live another hundred years, whether you can make it or not depends on your luck."

Old Man Yan trembled all over, and asked in a daze, "Why?"

Qin Jinli's eyes softened, and his tone was still light, "He is still young, and he still can't live without you."

After finishing speaking, he didn't want to hear Mr. Yan's thanks, so he turned into a breeze and flew away.

Old Man Yan held the bottle, feeling the aura above it, his eyes were red. He is not afraid of death, but he is reluctant to part with his children! Especially Yan Ran, with his physique, sooner or later he will attract the attention of the outside world, and he is so worried that he can't close his eyes. One hundred years is enough!

Yan Ran stood at the window with a smile, watching Qin Jinli's leaving figure, and crawled out of the window with a smile, chasing after him!

"I'm still young, you have to carry me on your back!" Climbing onto the back of the person who was waiting for him deliberately, Yan Ran happily hugged the other person's neck, rubbing his face, "I'm still young, I can be forgiven for anything I do. "

The one who is loved will always have nothing to fear.

"Brother Yu, do you want to lick your fur? Can I lick your scales? I won't bite you~"

Qin Jinli tilted his head and glanced at Yan Ran, who was pressing his face on his shoulder and blinking mischievously. Qin Jinli shook his head pamperingly. Sure enough, cats cannot be spoiled, and they can be spoiled easily. There is no teacher who knows the words "be pampered and proud".


The next morning, a three-meter-long white tiger was lying in Yan Ran's yard, scaring Wang Yiming, who came to eat, to howl like a standard wolf, "Mother! There's a tiger!"

Bai Hu gave him a disgusted look, at this moment She Yue swooped down from the wall: "Second Grandpa!"

The white tiger raised its claws, slapped his grandson on the ground, slapped his paws on his buttocks, and said sternly, "A sneak attack of this level still wants to defeat me?"

Sheyue wanted to cry but had no tears, he just wanted a hug!

Yan Ran carried the breakfast that Aunt Wang gave him and entered the door, saw the white tiger in the yard, and ran over happily, "Second Grandpa!"

The white tiger turned into a human form, a middle-aged man who looked like he was in his forties without getting angry. The second grandfather gently touched Yan Ran's head, "Good boy, your cultivation has improved so fast, you are not lazy."

Yan Ran handed over the meat bun and asked happily, "Second Grandpa, why don't you come in?"

The second grandpa's face darkened, "That stupid cat dared to run around without knowing the way, I'm angry!"

Yan Ran coaxed: "Don't be angry, grandpa is very good this time, he will find us soon."

"Okay then," Second Grandpa patted Yan Ran's head, "For your sake, forgive him."

Yan Ran couldn't help laughing, after all, it was a matter of face.

A spirit-gathering circle was drawn in the room, and there were sound-blocking symbols around it. Mr. Yan was already in meditation, and Long Yu was sitting next to him on the ground. Inside, he was looking at Old Man Yan curiously for an unknown how long. Yan Ran hurriedly picked up the dragon cub, and had to admire the ability of the dragon clan. Such a small dragon could draw such a complicated magic circle into eight images. He gave the child to the second grandpa, "This is a good seedling. Raise it well!"

Second Grandpa glared at Yan Ran unhappily, "We have brought up you little bastards, and we want to help you?"

Yan Ran was wronged, it wasn't his baby, brother Yu wanted to come, if he didn't take it with him, what could he do, he was also very desperate.

"Every one of them is not worry-free!" Second Grandpa hugged Long Yu, sat on a chair, and protected Old Man Yan. Look at the cub in his arms again, with golden water aura, thunder aura, water, thunder, and golden light. If Qin Jinli hadn't had a grudge with the dragon clan, he would have turned into a dragon long ago.

Thinking of the rumors he heard on the way, the second grandfather also sighed, the young people nowadays really don't let the old people worry, and they don't know how they were born, anyway, if they are born, they won't raise them! I have to provide for the elderly, so tiring!

"Zai Zai, what's your name?"

The cub in his arms had a babyish voice, and was quite obedient, "Long Yu."

"Qin Longyu or Yan Longyu?" The second grandfather was a little disgusted, "The surname is Qin, our cat family doesn't want water spirits."

Long Yu tilted his head, with a confused look on his face, not knowing what it meant.

The second grandpa snorted coldly. He was not at all like Xiao Yanran when he was a child. He was not clever, too calm, and he couldn't act coquettishly, nor could he meow like a baby. His surname should be Qin, not cats.