Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 61: Actually, your boss listens to me


Yan Ran stared blankly at this little goblin who was so weak that he only needed one paw to kill him. What gave him the courage to talk to him like this, because of love

When Yan Ran saw these two brave goblins, he seemed to understand something, and his mind was a little confused, but he understood one thing. His feelings for Qin Jinli had long passed the kind of teacher-friend relationship. Boundaries, not to mention the mentality of the younger generation towards the elders.

Yan Ran has been very confused during this time. He himself knows that his possessiveness towards Qin Jinli is not normal. It is because he is too small, too humble, just came out of the ravine, is about a hundred years old, has nothing, and can't do anything in any way. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Qin Jinli made him dare not think about that. He only thought that Qin Jinli's kindness to him was the care of the elders for the younger generation, and he thought that his possessive desire for Qin Jinli was for selfish reasons. rub aura. Therefore, he made a wish during the Chinese New Year, not to ask Brother Yu to find Mrs. Yu. That's why he was so angry when he saw Qin Jinli teasing other cats. It turned out that this friendship had already exceeded the limit and reached such a situation.

It's a bit unbelievable, but also a little bit at a loss. At present, the only thing that Yan Ran can be sure of is that he really likes Qin Jinli, not as a food reserve, not as a spiritual storage, not an elder, not a friend, but Zhou Yangyang. Said, the kind of love of lovers.

The blue kingfisher saw that he had been silent and had no intention of hurting them any more, so it blocked the phoenix butterfly and asked Yan Ran with fluttering wings, "What exactly do you want?"

Yan Ran regained consciousness, squatted down, touched the beautiful wings of the little thing with his fingers, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "I won't do anything to you, you are the first couple I saw after I came out of the mountain. Non-transfigured demons, do you also live near here?"

Sensing that Yan Ran really didn't have any malicious intentions, the two goblins relaxed a little bit, and the blue kingfisher looked up at Yan Ran, his eyes were still very defensive, "We are the little goblins in Yunliang Mountain, the spirits that just opened a year ago Zhi, my name is Lan Yun, and his name is Huang Yu."

Yan Ran nodded, and continued some spiritual power between his fingers, trying to heal the wounds of the two of them, but before they got close, the two little fairies screamed in fright.

Yan Ran quickly stopped, "I won't hurt you, don't be afraid."

"It's the aura on your body that's terrible! We will die if we are injured by your aura!"

They didn't die just now because Yan Ran didn't use his spiritual energy.

Yan Ran looked at his fingers, the aura had changed from the original light gold to the current golden and orange-red mixed together, maybe it was the aura of Qin Jinli who had been rubbing against Qin Jinli, and now his aura had been assimilated by the other party .

Yan Ran couldn't help being dazed, Brother Yu was too kind to him, most of the spiritual energy on him now belonged to Brother Yu, he had only been down the mountain for more than a year, and his cultivation had fully grown as much as he had absorbed in the previous hundred years. A goblin only has a lifespan of a hundred years after taking shape, and as his spiritual power increases, his lifespan will become longer. Even if he doesn't do anything now, he can live to be three hundred years old. Practice pays attention to cause and effect, and he and Qin Jinli have been involved so much that they can't tell the difference. Countless pictures flashed in his mind, Yan Ran thought of Qin Jinli's shallow kiss that night. He has never understood why Brother Yu is so kind to him, now, he seems to understand. Does Brother Yu treat him the same way

Seeing that he was in a daze again, the two goblins flew up with fluttering wings, turned around in front of Yan Ran's eyes, and found that he didn't respond. The blue kingfisher picked up the phoenix butterfly and flew away.

To birds and butterflies, a cat is a big devil. Even if he is not aggressive now, he might want to scratch them in the next second, so he slipped away while he didn't respond.

Now Yan Ran's mind is full of the way Qin Jinli looked at him, and his completely different attitude towards him and others. And before, the doting tone when kissing his forehead, plus the good luck buff, it seems that there is more than one method.

While thinking about the difference between the two of them and these two goblins, Yan Ran picked strawberries in a small basket, absent-mindedly, picking all the green ones and red ones. After picking half of the basket, Yan Ran felt a spiritual energy emanating from the top of his head. When he looked up, he saw Qin Jinli, who was wearing pajamas, sitting lazily on a chair and looking at him. He didn't know how long he had been looking at him. Yan Ran was taken aback, "When did you come?!"

Qin Jinli held his chin and said lazily, "When you bullied those two little monsters."

Yan Ran: "..."

In other words, when he was thinking wildly just now, Brother Yu also saw it!

Qin Jinli yawned, lowered his head and was not energetic, and asked, "Have you finished picking? I'm going back."

If it was normal, Yan Ran would definitely rush over and pinch Qin Jinli's face to wake him up. You can't just rely on sleep, you have to keep your spirits up! Now he feels inexplicably embarrassed. He realizes his intentions, but he will still be at a loss. It should be much more difficult to take down this big fish than Zhou Yangyang to take down He Jing. At least, they are of the same species.

Seeing him standing still, Qin Jinli hooked his fingers, and Yan Ran rushed towards him uncontrollably. Qin Jinli put his arm around his waist and held him in his arms as usual.

Yan Ran: "..."

Immediately afterwards, a face was stuck on his shoulder, Yan Ran tilted his head, looked at Qin Jinli who was using his shoulder as a pillow as usual, his eyes were very complicated: Brother, you look like a hooligan, can you tell me?

Yan Ran felt that Qin Jinli's kind of pure-hearted, lazy fish would not understand, play hooligans or something, Brother Yu might not have thought of that aspect at all, Brother Yu's EQ is definitely better than his Still low.

Yan Ran patted Qin Jinli's face, and reminded seriously: "Brother, you seem to be taking advantage of me, and you should keep a normal distance in the future. The fairy circle is already saying that we are a couple. How will I find someone in the future?"

Qin Jinli chuckled, and said lazily, "I'll be in charge."

Yan Ran's eyes widened in astonishment, looking at the smile on the corner of Qin Jinli's mouth, this was the first time seeing Qin Jinli laugh out loud, even though it was only shallow, a chuckle made Yan Ran very happy , moved and wanted to rub against him, "Brother Yu, you are becoming more and more like a normal monster!"

He enlightened him every day and accompanied him. Yan Ran thought about how many ways he had tried to change Qin Jinli's decadent thoughts this year, and felt that he was super great. With a strong sense of satisfaction, Yan Ran proudly wanted to post a post on the goblin website: I have changed your ancestors! This made Yan Ran firm in his mind: he transformed this fish into such a shape, how could he be willing to let the wild cat take it away? This is his fish!

At this time, Qin Jinli clasped the back of Yan Ran's head with one hand, pressed his head down, moved his mouth, and kissed Yan Ran's face. Before the dumbfounded Yan Ran could react, Qin Jinli He explained lightly: "Good luck."

Yan Ran: "..."

To use Wang Yiming's words, I believe in your evil!

Even if he doesn't know much about love and love, Yan Ran knows that this is not what ordinary elders would do to younger generations. He also knows that Qin Jinli's action is intentional. fell asleep again. Yan Ran wanted to wake him up with a paw, what on earth do you mean, explain clearly, why sleep!

Yan Ran gritted her teeth, looked at Qin Jinli's handsome face with no flaws in it, endured it, endured it, but her face turned red.

How to ask this? Ask why you kissed me? Ask if you like me? Do you feel that our relationship seems abnormal? I just found out that I like you, do you think it's suitable for us to be together? He can't even ask this, he has nothing, he is still in debt, what capital does he have to ask? For the first time, Yan Ran had the idea of becoming the world's richest man. He wanted to work hard to make money, earn a lot of money! With money, power, status, and cultivation, he can be tough about what he wants to do and what he wants to say.

Yan Ran angrily brought the basket over, rubbed the strawberries on Qin Jinli's clothes, and ate the strawberries! eat them all! Don't feed him at all!

Yan Ran was angry, because this quiet fish didn't say anything!

Think about it, if Brother Yu said: "Yan Ran, I like you, shall we be together?"

He will definitely ask: "I have nothing, will you dislike me?"

Brother Yu said seriously: "Of course I won't dislike it."

Then he would say, "Okay, let's be together."

How perfect isn't it

Forget it, let it be, Yan Ran pushed the seat with spiritual energy, and floated lightly back to Yunliang Mountain, as long as he is alive, he is happy. Monster, it doesn't matter that much. Anyway, life is so long, don't worry, sooner or later, take down this big fish that all monsters can't afford!

Even though she thought so, Yan Ran's face was still getting redder and redder, "You just hug it, don't stick it so tightly! It will be misunderstood that you are playing a hooligan! You are a fish, how can you play a hooligan with a cat? You want Respect the food chain of the species!"

After saying this, I felt that the person on the back was tighter, Yan Ran shut up, it's good, the more he talked, the more energetic he was, and he was indeed the first one that the Yaozu couldn't afford to provoke.


Soon, the recording of the seventh episode of "Country Life of Big Stars" began. The previous episodes were all actors and singers. This episode of the program team invited two respected seniors, Yan Zhongjie, a teacher at the Film and Television Academy And Mr. Jiang Lanyi, two national treasure-level education experts in the acting department, many movie stars and queens in the show business are their students.

As soon as the two teachers came to the outside of the village and saw the orchard, they both liked it very much. Teacher Yan sighed: "When I was young, my home was like this, with the mountains behind and the surrounding crops were not easy to grow. , the folks plant some fruits and vegetables, and every summer, when the fruits are ripe, we children run all over the mountains, but now it’s no longer possible, and the village is gone.”

Mr. Jiang's hair is gray, he is wearing a long skirt embroidered with ink paintings, and a blouse over his shoulders. He is almost sixty years old, and he looks even more elegant and intellectual. She smiled and said, "Then take this opportunity to experience the fun of childhood."

Teacher Yan is also very humorous, he patted his leg, and started amused after saying a few words, "Okay, I'll go for a run in the orchard too!"

The videographers who followed the video all laughed, and said in their hearts that there must be no need to run away in this issue. It is easy to shoot the elderly~

The two teachers were also curious, "Are there many people in this village? Why are there so many fruit trees?"

The staff who followed the filming explained with a smile: "This is Yan Ran's picking garden. He has set up a farm here. There is a complete range of food and drink. We eat and drink are all provided by him. And Yan Ran's cooking is very delicious. , if the two of you want to eat, he will do it."

Teacher Yan praised: "A very capable young man."

"Oh, why are there so many cats here, and they are all so fat!" More than 20 or 30 cats lined up on the side of the road, looking for Yan Ran to beg for food. Now there are often vehicles passing by on the road. They have also learned well, and they all lean on the side of the road. Teacher Jiang also has cats at home, and he is a cat lover. When he sees so many cats, they are all fat, strong, and shiny, and they can't look away.

The staff explained: "You will see in a while that these are all cats raised by Yan Ran. There are two characteristics here: fish that cannot be caught, countless cats, and the two big wolf dogs in front are also raised by Yan Ran. "From the staff's point of view, as long as they are long-haired, they are raised by Yan Ran, because all long-haired ones listen to Yan Ran.

When I arrived at the village, I saw a big wolf-like wolf dog on the side of the road lying on top of its head, a white kitten like a snowball. Looking at the people in the car, the two big dogs just glanced at it. He turned his head back indifferently, without any reaction.

Teacher Yan is well-informed, "They must have the blood of wolves, they are so proud."

"...Well, probably, I still like to act like a baby to my master." The staff looked at the two big dogs that had rushed to the front and circled around Yan Ran who was waiting at the entrance of the village, and didn't know what to say, so they simply changed the topic , "By the way, the road in this village is also owned by Yan Ranxiu."

Teacher Jiang said lovingly: "He's a good boy. Animals can distinguish between good and evil better than humans. At first glance, this kid is kind-hearted."

The two teachers got out of the car, Yan Ran bowed obediently, "I have met the two teachers, I am Yan Ran."

Teacher Jiang lifted Yan Ran's hand gracefully, and said with a smile, "He's such a good boy, and he's also handsome. Teacher Yan, look, what a young man with aura."

Teacher Yan laughed, "You, when you see a young man with aura, you want to accept him as a student."

Teacher Jiang really loves talents, and he was not annoyed by such words. He held Yan Ran with a smile and did not let go. Xiao Shuheng ran out at this time, and quickly bowed when he saw the two teachers, "The two teachers are here, and the students are far away. It's a sin!"

Teacher Yan patted him on the shoulder, and said with relief: "It's time to play hand-to-hand again!"

Xiao Shuheng asked with a playful smile: "Teacher, is it okay to punish me?"

"Still so poor!" The two teachers teased Xiao Shuheng, and Xiao Shuheng hurriedly served tea to the two teachers. He didn't pick it up in person just now, but was busy making tea for the two teachers.

This episode of the show is based on warmth, and the director didn't arrange any work. The two teachers once taught Xiao Shuheng, and Xiao Shuheng has been waiting around. Yan Ran is just a part-time worker, and has been busy all the time. The more the two teachers saw Yan Ran, the more they liked him, and they both wanted to accept him as a student and let him go to school to study hard.

Yan Ran smiled and agreed, "If there is a chance, I will definitely go."

Before leaving, Yan Ran brought a lot of homegrown eggs to the two teachers, all of which were laid by the chickens at home, and he was reluctant to give them to others. It happened that two highly respected teachers came, and they were also Xiao Shuheng's teachers, so Yan Ran pretended to be Get in the car.

Xiao Shuheng also knew that Yan Ran was looking at his face, and after giving it to the two teachers, he slapped Yan Ran, "Thank you!"

Yan Ran raised his eyebrows, "You're being polite."

"Hey~" Xiao Shuheng was amused, this kid is really familiar, and when he is familiar, he will start to skin. Looking at Yan Ran again, Xiao Shuheng found something new, "Yan Ran, have you grown taller again? Your hair has also grown, how do you feel, you have grown a lot?"

In just two months, Yan Ran seems to be a head taller than when the show first started recording, because his clothes have always been the same, and they fit very well. If you don't pay attention, you can't see that he has grown taller. And these facial features, I don't know when the immaturity faded away, the eyebrows and eyes became more and more refined, a little more mature, without the immature childishness. Early twenties are the best time of life. No wonder the two teachers want to accept him as a student, let him hone his acting skills, and act well. If he grows up like this and has some acting skills, why not be popular

"Are you really not going to act anymore?" Xiao Shuheng also felt it was a pity, "If you want to go, I can make connections for you, find someone to take you with you, and you can practice your acting skills in two plays."

Yan Ran shook his head with a smile, and said something that almost made Xiao Shuheng vomit blood: "Brother Xiao, life is all about raising fish."

Xiao Shuheng rolled his big eyes, and went home angrily. These few episodes will be recorded continuously, and Xiao Shuheng also plans to stay and not leave, and leave after recording.

Wang Yiming saw that the guests had left, and excitedly ran over to Yan Ran: "Is the recording over? Are there any guests?"

Yan Ran spread out her hands, "No, I haven't received a notification from the director."

Wang Yiming took Yan Ran to a place where no one was around, and said like offering a treasure: "I have good news for you, the city is coming to inspect our vegetables and fruits, and the inspection team will arrive the day after tomorrow, and they say that if they pass the inspection, they will send our farm to you." Set it as the city's pollution-free agricultural product base."

"So good?!" Yan Ran happily patted Wang Yiming's head and dog's head. The more he patted, the smarter he became. "I'll go to the director and ask him to shoot quickly, so don't delay our fight for honor."

Wang Yiming avoided this annoying cat's paw, always thinking that Yan Ran wanted to make him stupid, and then find a good demon assistant to use, there is no way!

"By the way, why don't you ask Aunt Wang to put up a banner to welcome the city leaders to inspect or something? It's very imposing at first glance."

"You can pull it down! It's all about the age, and now the leaders are very low-key, you don't understand."

"Bah!" Yan Ran raised his foot and kicked on Wang Yiming's buttocks, knowing that the man who shoveled shit was a monster, resisting the beating, Yan Ran couldn't hold back his claws, "I know a lot, much more than you, how many times How dare a demon who has no memory for ten years say anything about me!"

Wang Yiming gritted his teeth and stared, "I'll bite you, believe it or not! Now you are not only attacking verbally, but also physically. You are too much, I want to tell your grandpa!"

Yan Ran smiled, "Yes, you can go."

Wang Yiming saw his paws that were about to move, and changed the subject, "I obey the master, the master is wise and mighty!"

"Hey hey." Yan Ran was happy, the feeling of being slapped was really good.

Wang Yiming waved his hand and left, playing around and playing around, banners and so on, just skip it.


In order to finish the recording of the show before the inspection team came, Yan Ran communicated with the director, but the director told them a very unfortunate news: "In the last episode, we invited a most important person. I will adjust my time for us, and the inspection team didn’t say that it might not be easy to record when it catches up.”

Both Yan Ran and Xiao Shuheng became nervous, "Why is it not easy to record?"

Wang Daoshen said mysteriously: "We hired a big boss."

Yan Ran was extremely curious, "Who is it?"

"The big boss of Ruijin Entertainment Company."

Xiao Shuheng nodded, he was indeed a big shot.

Yan Ran tilted his head and asked, "Is it the boss of Ruijin Entertainment, or the boss of the head office that Ruijin Entertainment belongs to?"

Director Wang laughed at his "childish" words, "Ruijin's old owner is a multinational company, the leading commercial group in China, Qin Group, how can we hire people from the headquarters? We can't even see them, Tian Fang Night tale!"

Yan Ran nodded, and felt relieved, and said, Brother Yu won't participate in this kind of show, he is lazy, lazy cats are angry with fish, and he sleeps when he has time. In that case, it's just a few wolf demon secretaries who came to the show? Yan Ran thought about it seriously, which secretary did Qin Jinli find when he was rumored to be goingssip? The four brothers looked so much alike that Yan Ran couldn't remember it, so Yan Ran sent a WeChat message to Jiang Yan, and finally got the correct answer: Lang Mi, the third of the four brothers.

Yan Ran greeted Director Wang, "Director Wang, please wait first, I'll make a phone call to ask when Mr. Lang will come."

Director Wang pushed up his glasses and hid the shock in his eyes. He knew that there was someone above Yan Ran, but he didn't expect that even President Lang of Jinrui Entertainment knew him. If he hadn't been in contact with Yan Ran for a long time and knew his personality, Director Wang would have doubted whether Yan Ran was accused of having an improper relationship with the upper class like many small fresh meat stars in the circle.

Yan Ran dialed Lang Mi's phone number and waited quietly for an answer. The surroundings suddenly fell silent, and Director Wang and Xiao Shuheng subconsciously stopped talking.

Lang Mi on the other side didn't expect Yan Ran to call him. Once he was sure it was Yan Ran, he stood up in fright and asked politely after answering: "Hello, Young Master Yan, I'm Lang Mi."

Yan Ran asked with a smile: "Secretary Lang, I want to ask, are you coming to my program?"

"Yes, do you need anything, I'll bring it to you."

"No need to bring, I don't lack anything here, I want to ask, are you sure you want to come to my place the day after tomorrow?"

Secretary Lang heard the meaning of Yan Ran's words, and asked tentatively, "Then what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, you can either come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow I will be here for the inspection in the city. I don't have time to receive you. You can calculate the time yourself."

When Yan Ran said this, Wang Dao and Xiao Shuheng were dumbfounded. It really sounds like a superior and a subordinate, with a higher position. No matter how you hear it, it is Yan Ran. He keeps saying that there are people above him. Who is behind him

As soon as Lang Mi heard Yan Ran say this, he quickly responded: "Okay, how about I go tomorrow and just stay overnight. The day after tomorrow your leader will come to inspect and I can help with some work."

Yan Ran's eyes lit up, "That's good, can you brothers come here?"

Lang Mi said with a good temper: "Yes, it must be possible!" Even with the avatar technique, he has to help! As a shrewd wolf, he can do anything to please the boss's favorite.

Yan Ran happily said: "Okay, I'll ask my brother to raise your salary!"

Lang Mi exaggeratedly shouted: "Thank you, little ancestor!" Through the phone, Director Wang and Xiao Shuheng could hear how loud the shouting was, and Yan Ran was slapped again, feeling her hair was smooth up.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Ran made an ok gesture to Director Wang, "Tomorrow we can record in advance, and we'll finish the recording early."

Director Wang: "..."

Xiao Shuheng: "..."