Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 78: Forward rich husband and wife


Wang Yiming tried to stop Yan Ran, but he couldn't stop him. After Zhang Dahai left with his apprentice and grandson, he poked Yan Ran hard behind him: "You are crazy, you are betting stones with such an experienced person! What if you lose? It takes a lot of money to buy gambling stones!"

Yan Ran was aggrieved, "Isn't he the one who wants to bet with me? If I win, the stones he picked will be mine, and he will recognize me as his master. Then I can teach him to bet on stones. See If you find it pleasing to the eye, grab it with your hands, and once you grab it, you will be sure."

Yan Ran was not in a hurry at all. Seeing that Xiao Naruko was the same as before, and that the emperor was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch, he found it quite interesting, "Don't worry, I will definitely win tomorrow, I have a trump card!"

Wang Yiming loves money, and it's over if he loses!

Yan Ran didn't care about him, and invited Mr. Huai Jinsong to drink tea with a smile. When he arrived at the shop, he ordered a pot of high-quality Dahongpao, and filled it up obediently, "Drink some black tea to warm your stomach in winter, Mr. Tell me about the application for the fund that you just mentioned in detail."

After applying for funds, only 50% of the principal needs to be repaid within 100 years, which is equivalent to giving away half for nothing. Yan Ran's eyes sparkled, and he wanted to apply for a 18 million loan, which was much more cost-effective than Brother Yu's interest-bearing debts.

Mr. Huai Jinsong said to him in a good temper: "Actually, this matter is very simple. You just need to go to the headquarters of the management department and submit an application. money. I suggest not to apply too much at the beginning, after all, you have to consider the turnover of funds, and if there are too many applications, it may not be approved.”

In fact, only Yan Ran has this special right. This is the idea of the rich and powerful minister. He doesn't want him to gamble with stones. It's actually very simple. He is short of money. Just give him the money. Still can't afford a lucky cat? When he applied a lot, he was told that he had no money, and he was coaxed away. Lucky cat, it is impossible to be short of wealth luck at any time, he is just short of cash flow.

From the perspective of the management department, if Yan Ran continues to gamble with two buffs, one will affect some greedy humans to imitate and want to get rich overnight. The second is that it will attract the peeping eyes of goblins with bad intentions. If they realize that he is a lucky cat, it will cause danger. Now Yan Ran is completely under the name of Qin Jinli. All the monsters know that he is blessed by the Great Fairy of Fortune, and it is natural to have good luck. He set such a precedent, gave him money, and asked him to be obedient.

Yan Ran was pleasantly surprised, "Wow, you look amazing!" He wrote down everything the other party said, and said gratefully: "I will definitely be a self-motivated and good fairy, and quickly develop my career to win glory for the monster clan!"

Huai Jinsong was very pleased as an elder, "That's great! As an elder, I also want to give you a piece of advice, the so-called big tree attracts the wind, your good luck will attract the attention of evil spirits sooner or later, you are now a rare species , don’t get caught by the bad guys.”

Yan Ran carefully took down the advice given by the other party, and said gratefully: "Senior, please rest assured, I will stop in due course."

As long as he earns enough money to pay off the debts, and earns enough principal to develop the farm into a resort, he will stop.


The news that Yan Ran and the stone gambler Zhang Dahai wanted to gamble spread like wildfire, and it spread throughout the stone gambler circle that day. Zhang Dahai is very well-known in this circle. It is said that he has been playing stone gambling since he was a child, and his family's ability to create so many family fortunes in this life has become a legend in the circle. Zhang Dahai once said that if one day he goes bankrupt, he can make a comeback by taking out any jade from his family collection. He also has many apprentices and grandchildren, and he is very powerful in the stone gambling circle. Hearing that he was going to play stone betting with a young man in his early twenties, he was so happy, what a mess! What do you do with your kids at such an age

As soon as they heard about Yan Ran's good luck, some people joked in private: "You said, Zhang Dahai has been awesome all his life, will he fail this time?"

"No way, playing hawk all your life, and being poked blind by a chick?"

"Didn't everyone say that the little star is the reincarnation of a koi? You can touch anything to find a baby?"

"Not necessarily, I didn't touch all the babies the first time."

"I heard that it was touched by his assistant. 100% of what he touches can be cut into good materials. It depends on Zhang Dahai's eyesight. The comparison is the comprehensive value of three stones. I still think See Zhang Dahai leading a hundred disciples and grandchildren to recognize a young man in his early twenties as his master, hehehe."

"Most of Zhang Dahai's betting stones are lost to him before he accepts them. If Yan Ran wins, this time can end Zhang Dahai's myth of betting stones to accept disciples in the future. If you say that, I really want to see it, hehe hey-hey."

Some people look forward to Zhang Dahai's well-being, while others are jealous of him and want to see him make a fool of himself. Zhang Dahai's apprentices are also very speechless. Did the master drink too much? Why make such a bet with a young man? Betting on stones and money is fine, betting on apprenticeship? Why hasn't this problem been corrected at such an age? Why didn't the people who followed him stop

The brothers who followed Zhang Dahai to the afternoon were also wronged, because Zhang Dahai didn’t mention the issue of taking apprentices when he first went there, and all the bets with Zhang Dahai in the past were of a certain age, and they had never lost. They didn't even think about that. Who knew that Zhang Dahai and Yan Ran, young men in their early twenties, would also bet like this? They were unprepared when Zhang Dahai said it, and they couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.

Yan Ran's Weibo is also full of discussions about Yan Ran's stone betting today. They don't know about Yan Ran's betting agreement with Zhang Dahai.

Now the fans are mainly discussing Yan Ran's good luck, there is really no one else, he caught the emerald again in full view of everyone! ! !

Fans made a lot of Yan Ran's emoticons, each of which is a carefully crafted photo.

Forward this Yan Ran, begging to pass the exam tomorrow!

Yan Ran bless me! Yan Ran, help me luck!

Forward this Yan Ran, hoping to win my idol's lottery tomorrow! I've wanted his autograph for ages!

Bless Yan Randa Koi, don't fail in politics, history and geology!

Please, brother Yan Ran, wish me good luck and not fail the exam at the end of the year!

I beg my little brother to bless me to get into a good university next year!

After Yan Ran got home, he checked Weibo first, and he knew that so many people retweeted him for good luck.

Yan Ran posted a Weibo very calmly: I wish you all what you want, and nothing if you don't study hard!

Fans:! ! !

shut up!

If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!

You just need to bless us, please don't hold back!

Ahhh why am I not only not very happy to see his long-lost post on Weibo, but also want to beat him up!

Say it! Said that I can lie down and win without working hard! You can take the first place in the exam without going to class!

Yan Ran circled this comment and reposted it: Son, don't be stupid, I can bless you for everything else, and those who don't attend class can still get the first place in the exam. What do you do if you let those who attend class every day? Stop talking, your teacher is calling you to do your homework.

The fans were all amused hahaha: Yan Ran is talking nonsense and telling the truth!

Isn't it good to give children a little fantasy

I used to think that all koi carp come here to make wishes, which would affect children's studies, but now that I see what Yan Ran said, I feel more relieved, Yan Ran is the most sensible one.

I also want to make a wish, Yan Ran bless, my son can be admitted to a good university!

oops! Upstairs surprised mom fans!

Anyway, Yan Ran had nothing to do, so he chatted with everyone on Weibo, the focus was on the fans who didn't want to study but wanted to take the first exam. Yan Ran replied under their comments: Don't study and still want to take the first place in the exam? Have you done your winter vacation homework

If I didn't pass the exam this time, there will be a next time.

I was forced to study by ten teachers a day and I didn't cry, why are you crying

Yan Ran's reply quickly became popular, and fans shouted that the amount of information in this sentence is really huge, and it is not easy for Yan Ran to be educated by ten teachers in turn in a day, ordinary people really can't stand it

Some parents use this to educate their children, don’t you like Yan Ran, don’t you regard him as an idol? Look at them, they are taught by more than a dozen teachers a day, and they are all carried down. This is because they were not able to study when they were young It will be like this. Your conditions are so much better than his, and you haven't studied yet, who are you worthy of

Yan Ran didn't know, because of this sentence, many children who didn't pass the final exam worked hard during the winter vacation, worked hard to make up lessons, and their grades improved immediately.

Not long after Yan Ran posted this comment, Yan Ran's second grandfather sent him a message: More than a dozen teachers are teaching you? when

When Yan Ran was a child, he knew how to run around the valley with a group of hairy kids. He didn't care about his studies at all, so he inherited the mantle of Boss Yan's cooking. Other times, hehe!

When Yan Ran was young, he was considered by the fifth child to be a little demon who protects his body with good luck. When he grows up, he will be surrounded by good luck. He will also be coquettish and cute. Whenever he doesn't want to learn, he hugs his grandparents' necks and cries, teaching him All the old demons turned a blind eye, and all the cubs in the whole valley had been beaten, only Yan Ran hadn't.

Yan Ran made two hey heys with a guilty conscience, and replied to Second Grandpa: Comparing my heart~

Second Grandpa: Glib! Unseemly!

Yan Ran smiled and replied: follow my second grandpa~

Second Grandpa: ...

This kind of skinny grandson who can't hold his paw, if he hadn't been beaten, he would have been beaten twice!

Yan Ran was still poor-mouthed: Second Grandpa, are you still following me on Weibo? You are definitely the trendiest old man.

The second grandfather angrily blocked Yan Ran.

The fans still didn't think it was enough, so they posted Yan Ran and Qin Jinli together, posted a marriage certificate, and still had a heart: Retweet the rich couple, all the orders you want are available!

Forward the rich couple and win big customers during the Chinese New Year!

Forward the rich couple, the business is booming this year, and the performance is booming!

It really caters for all ages and all occupations.

Yan Ran looked at the photo for a long time, shook his fingers a few times, but held back and didn't like it.

It would be a shame if this kind of photo was released!


After Wang Yiming had dinner in the restaurant, he went to Yan Ran with the materials he had printed out, "Look! I have printed out Zhang Dahai's personal information and biography for you. The so-called knowing the enemy and the confidant can win a hundred battles, you have to take a look." , we will be able to deal with him tomorrow.”

For the sake of the other party's hard work, Yan Ran reluctantly glanced at it, then put the information on the table, and Wang Yiming asked concerned: "Have you remembered everything?"

Yan Ran nodded lazily, "Don't worry, I don't need it, I have a trump card."

Wang Yiming was tired, what's the trump card for betting on stones

At this time, a spiritual power flashed by the door, and the figures of Qin Jinli and Jiang Yan came out from the gap in the space. Yan Ran pointed to Qin Jinli who was walking in front, "My trump card is back!"

Wang Yiming asked in shock: "You don't mean to..."

Yan Ran nodded, don't worry, he coaxed the fish's scales to be smooth in a while, and will take him with him tomorrow, and promise to bring back a bunch of apprentices and grandchildren!

Wang Yiming can't laugh or cry, when the time comes, the Internet will explode again, who is Qin Jinli, the mysterious big boss of the multinational corporation, the media can't interview him even if they want to interview him, he can follow Yan Ran to gamble on stones, in case someone catches him , Those big mouths in the media don't know how to say it yet.

Yan Ran waved his hand, indicating that you should leave it alone, "Carry a bag tomorrow, don't forget what Zhang Dahai said about picking ten gambling stones at random, and his three stones are all ours!"