Way of Heaven

Chapter 456: light particles


In the world without demons, countless civilizations scattered across the vast sea of stars are undergoing unprecedented changes.

The starry fleets of all the major races and forces in the Eternal Realm crossed over through the Realm Gate, and space wormholes opened one after another, heading towards the four major cantilevers of the Milky Way.

With curvature navigation technology and space jumping technology, life can enter the dark universe, which is equivalent to the void sea in the eternal world.

Here, they can cross the vast and dead dark zone of the universe at dozens or hundreds of times the speed of light.

Travel between star systems, explore the footprints of other civilizations, and mine mineral stars with rare resources.

For many races and forces in the eternal world, this is an opportunity to determine whether they can rise.

Once they find the existence of living planets and intelligent civilizations, most of them will immediately pass on the news to the strongest group of powerful people in the Eternal Realm who are attached to their own races and forces and are determined to compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven and the position of Great Emperor. By.

Let it come to conquer intelligent civilization, bring spiritual energy recovery and cultivation system to the civilization of the world without demons, and then trigger the extraordinary rules of the eternal world to taint the star system where the living planet is located.

In this way, they can obtain more emperor's life, become more consistent with the way of heaven, enhance their own cultivation, and add chips to the final deity.

Especially those strong men who were already at a disadvantage when they invaded the world want to stand up in one fell swoop through the demon-free world, the final battlefield for the apotheosis of gods!

Therefore, while they were looking for traces of civilization in the world without demons, they were also always paying attention to the movements of other powerful people.

Once a force discovers traces of civilization, its powerful people often do not fully control the entire civilization to the extent of triggering the rules of the eternal world.

Other strong men vying for the emperor's life will send clones and lead their subordinates to come after hearing the news, just like the major gods descending, trying to get a piece of the pie.

And those powerful men and reincarnated star gods who only want to compete for the throne of the Star Lord of Heaven and the righteous gods of various ministries, such as the Big Dipper Lord, the Nine-Yao Star Official, the Five Qi Zhenjun, the Twenty-Eight Stars, etc., put most of their energy on the Wuqi Star Lord. The demon world is above the stars corresponding to its divine position.

After all, the gods and destinies they compete for are all on those stars. As soon as they step into the demon-free world, they can feel the latter's strong attraction to them.

However, civilizations at Level 4 and below in the demon-free world have no room for resistance when faced with the invasion of the top forces in the Eternal Realm and the 9th-level powerhouses.

When their technological weapons, which had been developed for thousands or tens of thousands of years, were easily defeated by extraordinary forces, their worldview was completely overturned and trampled upon.

Their civilization was reduced to a vassal, forced to accept extraordinary system knowledge, and embarked on a new and unfamiliar development path.

In this vast world without demons, only three major sixth-level civilizations and dozens of fifth-level civilizations can rely on powerful technology to fight against the ninth-level powerhouses in the eternal world...

But even these advanced civilizations, after discovering the extraordinary system, are actively researching and promoting it, such as the sixth-level Vugu civilization, which wants to obtain new technologies, especially immortality technology!

Through this, the rules of heaven and earth in the eternal world start from the solar system and radiate to the four cantilevers and billions of star systems in the non-magic world, promoting the integration of the two worlds faster and faster.

The branches and leaves of the innate spiritual root star tree, which was half disabled in the battle of the Lord God, also began to cover the starry sky of the demon-free world, absorbing the power of billions of stars, slowly but surely recovering from its injuries.

It is 81 light years away from Blue Star.

This is a vast dark area between star systems where the starlight is almost dimmed. A huge space wormhole opens, and the bizarre and gorgeous scenery is vaguely visible.

The next moment, a large starry fleet with tens of thousands of spaceships and battleships jumped out of the dark universe.

The spaceships of this fleet are ships in the true sense. Spirit wood spaceships and bronze spaceships span the starry sky. The spiritual runes engraved on the surface spread out energy shields to block cosmic rays.

But inside the spacecraft, there are also weapons, equipment, and instruments full of technology, such as curvature jumpers, artificial intelligence systems, star destroyer cannons, etc.

This is the product of the fusion of technological elements and extraordinary elements.

Inside the spaceship, millions of hibernating crew members are gradually awakened by the spacecraft's artificial intelligence system.

Everyone performed their duties, took over control of the spacecraft in the shortest possible time, checked weapons and equipment, and were always ready for battle.

As for the maintenance of the spacecraft, it is left to intelligent robots. They will promptly check whether there is any malfunction on the spacecraft and replace damaged parts.

The detector collects various data information of the surrounding galaxies at the first time and calculates the fleet's position in the starry sky.

This is already familiar to sailors who have experienced countless warp voyages.

Situ Qing, the commander-in-chief of the fleet's main ship, stood in the main ship's control center, accepting messages from the captains of each spacecraft.

“This warp voyage lasted 14 eternal days and spanned 26.45 light years…

Due to the influence of the dark energy wave in the dark universe, the route of the First Fleet deviated by 0.0047 degrees...

The fleet is currently located between the Tianxuan Galaxy and the Tianji Galaxy in the Ursa Major Beidou Starfield, 386.43 light years away from the destination of this trip, the Ziwei Starfield... "

Situ Qing looked calm and looked at the messages on the virtual plane, "Deviated by 0.0047..."

Situ Qing was not surprised by this situation.

They had already gone through it several times on their way to the Ziwei Star Territory, and each time they had to re-plan their navigation route.

Because in this vast starry sky with light-years as the distance unit, even if the navigation route is slightly disturbed and the angle deviates by a ten thousandth of a degree, as the distance traveled becomes longer, the actual position will be different from the planned one. There is a gap of hundreds of billions or trillions of kilometers.

In addition, this was the first time that the First Fleet of the Dayu Dynasty sailed to the Ziwei Star Territory. They only had rough star map guidance and did not know the specific coordinates of space nodes along the way.

This will happen if there is a slight disturbance in the dark universe and the fleet jumps back to the starry sky.

If the fleet does not jump out of the dark universe at regular intervals and readjust its route and angle.

Then after sailing in the dark space for a long time, they will be surprised to find that they have gone in the opposite direction and arrived in other star fields even further away from their destination.

Looking at the star field that looked like a spoon on the star map in front of him, Situ Qing pondered, "The Beidou Star Field is the location of stars such as Wenqu Star and Wuqu Star."

"The saints and sages from Jixia Academy should compete here for the throne of Wenqu Xingjun."

Sure enough, as soon as Situ Qing finished speaking, he was summoned by several sub-sages who were qualified to compete for the divine throne, requesting that their Jixia Academy's spaceship be separated from the First Fleet in the Beidou Star Territory.

As the origin of the literary system, the literary style of the Dayu Emperor Dynasty flourished, and the literary spirit in the capital city of Chang'an was as vast as the ocean, rising straight into the sky.

Jixia Academy is the Holy Land of Literary and Dao in the Eternal Continent. There are sages of Literary and Dao, scholars from hundreds of schools of thought, seventh-level Wen Zong, sixth-level great sages, and fifth-level Confucian scholars.

No race or force has a stronger cultural system than the Great Yu Dynasty.

Therefore, for the divine positions such as Wenquxingjun, Wenchangxingjun, Kuixingxingjun, etc., which represent the cultural destiny, the Dayu Emperor Dynasty is bound to win them.

Even the positions of the seven star kings in the Beidou Star Territory are all in the hands of Emperor Dayu!

After all, if Daewoo can give birth to one more Xingjun Zhengshen, then in the future when heaven reopens, Daewoo will have more say in the various immortal and god factions.

Therefore, the arrival of Daewoo's first fleet in the Beidou Star Territory was originally part of the Daewoo Emperor's plan to become a god.

So Situ Qing simply agreed to Jixia Academy's request and let hundreds of scholars lead nearly a thousand spaceships to various galaxies in the Beidou Star Territory.

As long as the ninth level powerhouse does not come, Jixia Academy can already sweep across the Beidou Star Territory.

"His Majesty has already headed to the Ziwei Star Territory, and the fleet cannot waste any more time."

At one point on the star map, Situ Qing asked the intelligent optical brain to fully calculate all the space nodes that could open wormholes along the way to the Ziwei star field. He re-anchored the space coordinates, planned the route, and checked the remaining fuel content of the fleet.

Half a minute later, Situ Qing scanned the calculated results, and his order spread throughout the fleet, "All starships obey the order and start warp navigation again in half an hour, heading to the Nine-Body Galaxy 10 light-years away to replenish fuel!"


Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and half an hour later, 90% of the crew of the fleet entered the sanatorium to hibernate again.

Only a few strong men who are not afraid of the influence of the dark universe are left awake and guarding each spacecraft to prevent unknown crises in the fleet.

Tens of thousands of spaceships seemed to be one body under the shroud of the formation, accelerating to the speed of light in a short period of time. In a flash, the fleet broke through the void and entered the dark universe.

A few days later, in a star system with nine stars, the Daewoo fleet once again entered the dark universe after extracting the majestic stellar energy as fuel for the spacecraft...

In this way, this fleet continued to travel between the dark universe and the material universe according to the originally designed route, sailing towards the Ziwei Star Territory.

In the process, the Daewoo fleet also discovered dozens of living planets and low-level technological civilizations, and occupied them casually.

They also entered the territory of a peak level four civilization along the way and had a brief confrontation with it.

However, the two parties finally reached a tacit understanding and did not get into deep entanglement.

A few months later, in a dark space area near the Ziwei Star Territory, a vast Daeyu fleet sailed at extremely high speeds.

A purple beam of light appeared without any warning in the chaotic dark universe, tearing apart billions of miles of void, forcibly opening up the boundary between the dark universe and the material universe, revealing a brilliant starry sky.

A terrifying space storm suddenly descended. Hundreds of spaceships at the edge of the fleet were torn apart by the violent energy. Harsh alarms rang through all the spaceships, and the sleeping crew members were forcibly awakened.

Situ Qing and the strong men guarding the fleet rushed out of the spacecraft immediately, and hurriedly revealed their realm and magic to help the fleet resist the space storm and turbulence.

But what made them look even more horrified was the flash of purple light beam.

"This kind of power? There are immortal-god-level beings fighting in front, and the attacks have penetrated into the dark universe?"

A strong man who was good at pupil magic had his eyes slightly bright, and used his magical power of clairvoyance to look towards the direction of the purple beam of light through numerous spaces and endless distances.

The next moment he groaned, and two tears of red blood flowed from his eyes, but he didn't care about his injuries at all and quickly reported to Situ Qing.

"The battle is between a ninth-level powerhouse and a fifth-level civilization."

"That strong man is the one with double eyes, Si Tian!"

"It's him." Situ Qing's face was heavy.

Si Tian, the man with double eyes, is a being who stands at the top of the eternal world. He is qualified to compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven. He is also one of the top ten powerful men in the eternal world and the strongest person in the Three-Eyed Clan!

According to the information previously controlled by the Dayu Emperor Dynasty, the strength of this double-eyed person is very likely to be at the ninth level, fifth level, or sixth level, or even higher.

The overall strength of the fifth-level civilization on the other side of the battle is not inferior to that of any ninth-level powerhouse.

Even looking at the various weapons equipped with dark energy and antimatter as cannonballs, as well as the unified force stance it has deployed, it is already a peak level five civilization.

The strength of either party is far beyond the comparison of ordinary ninth-level powerhouses, and it is enough to destroy a star system!

You know, the area where they were fighting was at least several light years away from the Daewoo Fleet in terms of the physical universe, but the aftermath of the battle still affected them.

Countless attacks tore through the void, wreaking havoc in both the material universe and the dark universe, with an impact beyond imagination.

As he spoke, this dark cosmic area became increasingly chaotic, and the void energy rioted, setting off huge waves of dark energy invisible to the naked eye.

Commander-in-chief Situ Qing yelled, "Quick! All starships slow down and orbit, find the nearest space node to jump back to the material universe, and move away from the front area as quickly as possible!"

At this time, several purple light pillars appeared in front of them, causing the space around the fleet to turmoil, making it impossible for it to jump back to the material universe.

Situ Qing's expression changed and he hurriedly said to several eighth-level powerhouses on the side.

"That's too late."

"Everyone take action together!"

I saw Situ Qing wave his sleeve, and a scroll of mountains and rivers flew out. The mountains and rivers painted in it seemed real, like a real world.

The Mountains, Rivers, Universe, and Heavens map grows in the wind. In an instant, it can grow thousands of miles away, and the entire fleet is included in the world of the painting.


Immediately afterwards, several other strong men used their own methods, and the unparalleled true energy exploded, tearing apart the violent space storm, breaking the space nodes, and trying to forcefully escape from the dark cosmic space.

Situ Qing took the map of mountains, rivers, heaven and earth and stepped out, returning to the material universe.


The map of mountains, rivers, and universe flickered, and Daewoo's first fleet appeared in the material universe.

It was well prepared and immediately started the anti-matter reactor, increased its speed to the sub-light speed that would not enter the dark universe, and circled towards the Ziwei star field from another direction.

Situ Qing and the others stood on the deck of the main ship, looking solemnly at a galaxy a few light-years away, where a shocking battle had taken place not long ago.

A fifth-level peak civilization is at war with the strongest beings in the Eternal World!

In a star system slightly smaller than the solar system, headed by tens of thousands of planet-level battle stars, supplemented by hundreds of millions of inverted pyramid-shaped interstellar frigates and destroyers, the starry sky battlefield is hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter.

On the opposite side is a tiny figure standing in the vacuum.

But in the eyes of this fifth-level civilized soldier named Terry, the figure was even more majestic and terrifying than the stars.

After all, Si Tian is different from Lei Gang, the unlucky strong man of the Thunder Spirit Clan in the past.

The latter was previously killed by the Ninth Fleet of the Vego Civilization when it was suppressed by the rules of the demon-free world and could only exert one or two percent of its strength.

Si Tian, the double-eyed man, is now at his peak state, truly at the ninth level and sixth level. He can make the sun shake and the stars shatter with just a few moves.

Faced with such a real enemy, Terry Civilization can only fight with all the strength of the entire civilization!

The Tiren galaxy was originally a colony of the Terry civilization. It had a ruling planet, an agricultural planet and eight mining stars, and tens of billions of people lived there all year round.

But not long ago, this three-eyed being of unknown race who claimed to be a god came and asked Terry Civilization to surrender to him.

And in order to frighten them, it directly destroyed all the top technologies of the Tri civilization in this galaxy, returning the technological level here to the first- and second-level civilization period.

And this directly and indirectly led to the death of billions of people!

This directly angered the Terry civilization. As one of the overlord civilizations of Orion Cantilever, when had they been so despised and provoked.

At first, the Terry civilization dispatched garrison fleets from the nearest star systems, but they were easily destroyed by the three-eyed demon.

Later, Terry Civilization finally knew that this three-eyed being seemed to be a legendary god with unimaginable power.

However, as a scientific and technological civilization that has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years, the Terry civilization, like the Vego civilization, firmly believes in materialism and believes that gods are just special beings. Instead, it wants to capture them for research.

As a result, the war situation between the two sides continued to escalate, until it is now like this. The Terry civilization gathered the forces of all civilizations and came to the Tyron star system...

Just now, Si Tian destroyed one-tenth of the battle stars and battleships of their Terry civilization!

Far away on the home planet of the Terry civilization, the supreme leader of the Terry civilization, who had been paying attention to the war situation, saw the tragic losses of his fleet.

His face was ferocious, and his angry roar spread through all the battleships through quantum communication, "Everyone fires to completely destroy this three-eyed demon!"

Energy cannons, dark energy cannons, matter annihilation cannons, star destroyer cannons, neutron cannons...

As if all kinds of attacks were free of charge, the battle stars and battleships of the Terry Civilization were poured out one after another, using saturation strikes to block all Si Tian's roads and kill him completely.

At this moment, the light erupting from billions of attacks was ten thousand times more dazzling than the light of stars. The terrifying energy contained in it almost twisted the void, breaking the boundary between the material universe and the dark universe.

Along the way, planets were directly exploded by terrorist attacks. The crust was torn, magma erupted, and the star core exploded. The entire planet was torn apart and turned into dust in the universe, leaving the last ray of light in the vast universe.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Si Tian looked calm, and his pair of pupils exuded a brilliant aura of heavenly punishment.

"Heh, ants dare to take action against gods?"

"Since you have illusions, I will destroy all your last sources of support."

A little below Si Tian's feet, dense purple spiritual patterns spread all around, turning into a million-mile formation in an instant, protecting the ruling planet behind.

And he himself stepped forward and faced the attack of the Terry civilization battleship head-on.

I saw a huge world slowly emerging behind Si Tian, with mountains, lakes, plains, snowy areas, etc., from which endless energy poured into his body.

The originally closed third eye on his forehead trembled slightly, the purple light flowing in the eyes, countless small rule runes flashing, and a wild aura rising from the beginning of the world.

"Innate Delusion-breaking Divine Light!"

The third eye suddenly opened, and the innate Dao pattern imprinted in it seemed to communicate the will of God in the dark, and a purple divine light burst out!

Under the illumination of this divine light, the various artillery shells fired by the Terry Civilization Fleet melted layer by layer like illusory foam snowflakes encountering sunlight, until the divine light flew into the dark space.

As Si Tian moved, streaks of innate delusion-breaking divine light swept out, destroying the battle stars and battleships of the Terry civilization one by one, blooming into sad and brilliant cosmic fireworks...

On the home planet of the Terui civilization, countless Terui people stared blankly at the fleeing and destroyed fleets on the screen, feeling ashen and slumped in their seats.

"The last fleet was destroyed..."

"We lost, we lost miserably..."

The leader of Terry Civilization looked pale, but he still shouted, "No! We haven't lost yet, we still have the ultimate weapon!"

"According to system calculations, it is not easy for the demon to resist the fleet attack. The energy in the body has been reduced by at least 74%, and it is temporarily unable to use its previous abilities."

"Launch a light particle attack for me and detonate the stars in Tiren Galaxy. I don't believe that devil can survive the star explosion!"

The other Terrans were shocked when they heard this. They remembered that the ultimate weapon that the civilization had spent thousands of years building and had not been used even once, and finally regained some confidence.

"Yes, we also have light particle attacks."

Terry Civilization quickly calculated the feasibility of launching a light particle attack and saw that the success rate was as high as 80%, so he decided to take the last shot.

As a series of orders were passed down, tens of light-years away from the Tyron galaxy, tens of billions of tons of matter and antimatter were turned into fuel, and a huge matter accelerator made of hundreds of planets was slowly started.

Terry Civilization adjusted the launch angle as quickly as possible. A neutron cannonball of astonishing mass, bound by a unified force, accelerated through an orbit of tens of millions of kilometers and was shot out at countless times the speed of light.

The cannonball carrying terrifying kinetic energy ignored all interference, entered the dark universe with the curvature navigation technology of the Terry civilization, flew towards the Tiren Galaxy along its calculated route, and pointed directly at the star in the center!

On the other side, as soon as the light particle attack reached the Tiren Galaxy, the Terry Civilization also came up with a set of crude space instruments made with the space technology they had been studying for tens of thousands of years to block the space of the Tiren Galaxy, preventing Si Tian from letting go. There is a chance to escape.

(End of chapter)