Way of Heaven

Chapter 458: Gamma ray burst


Hundreds of millions of miles away, Si Tian, who was sitting quietly in the sky above Tiren Star, was alert. With the expansion of his spiritual consciousness, he also discovered the explosion of Tiren Star, and his expression suddenly changed.

If it was him who was bombarded by the light particles before, with his powerful spiritual sense, Si Tian would have been able to detect the light particles as early as they were outside the Tiren Galaxy and take countermeasures.

But unfortunately, the light particles bombarded the star and did not directly target him, so his spiritual sense did not take effect, and he was unable to detect the attack of the Terry civilization in advance.

By the time Si Tian reacted, the Ti Lun star had been penetrated.

Under Si Tian's spiritual glance, he saw that the stable star structure was destroyed by light particles, and the internal hydrogen and helium elements reacted more violently. Tiren's star began to collapse inward and explode, and it entered death step by step.

Countless stellar materials continue to spurt outward, setting off stellar storms like fire trees in bloom.

Soon, the extremely hot stellar storm came into contact with the nearest planet. In an instant, the rocks on most of the planet were dissolved by the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees Celsius, turning its surface into a magma purgatory.

But the huge stellar storm did not stop and continued to sweep towards other planets in the Tiren Galaxy, including Tiren.

Even the star that penetrated began to collapse as a whole, and a supernova explosion occurred, releasing all the energy at once, releasing countless powerful and terrifying gamma ray bursts, each of which was no less powerful than a ninth-level, fourth- or fifth-level powerhouse. The attack exploded in all directions of Tiren Galaxy without any blind spots.

Suddenly, the galaxy burst into light that was billions of times more dazzling than usual!

Si Tian's face turned livid. He knew that under such an impact, he would not be able to protect Ti Lun Star at all, and all the surviving Terre Stars on it would be wiped out.

This means that his previous efforts will be in vain, and the gestation of Tianpu Bow's decision to be promoted will also be interrupted.

"Damn ants!" Si Tian's three eyes were so cold that he wanted to pull out the Terra star who was attacking with light particles and cut them into pieces with a thousand knives.

You must know that we are now in a critical period of fighting for the destiny of the Emperor of Heaven. His time is extremely precious, and the star system with living planets is equally precious.

If Si Tian helps Tiandao to dye a star system, his Emperor's Fate Mark will be stronger. When the Heaven is opened later, he will have one more chance to become the supreme Emperor of Heaven.

Now, Terry Civilization's shot of light particles has directly made Si Tian's hard work for so many days in vain. How can he not be angry

But now, Si Tian can only give up on Tiren Star and go to other star systems of the Terry Civilization.

Si Tian waved his hand, and the Heavenly Punishment Bow floating in the core of Tiren Star cut through the void and returned to his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he was about to break through the void and enter the dark universe, but found that at some point, the void nodes in this star system were blocked, and because they were blocked with technology, Si Tian was unable to crack them for a while.

"It seems that I underestimated the fifth-level peak cosmic civilization. I didn't expect that in addition to weapons that can destroy stars, they also have weapons that block space."

Even as an enemy, Si Tian couldn't help but admire the high level of science and technology of the fifth-level peak civilization, which was far beyond the level of ordinary fifth-level civilizations.

Si Tian had encountered a fifth-level civilization before, but it was only a basic fifth-level civilization. The overall strength of the civilization was equivalent to a ninth-level, first- and second-level powerhouse. He easily conquered this civilization.

In fact, the status of light particle attacks in the fifth-level civilization is just like the nuclear weapons and space-based weapons of Blue Star in the past. They are the most advanced weapons and equipment.

Its technology can only be researched by a few peak level five civilizations. It is usually used as a star-level deterrent weapon, targeting stars in the parent galaxy of hostile civilizations.

After all, using light particles to bombard individuals or fleets in the vast universe is like swatting flies with a laser cannon. It is wasteful and misses the target. This kind of weapon can only exert its maximum effect by targeting planets or stars.

The reason why the Terry civilization used light particle weapons was because they saw that all their fleets were destroyed in Si Tian's hands, and other weapons had no effect on the latter at all.

When they only had the ultimate weapon of light particles left to use, the leader of their civilization became dizzy and ordered a light particle attack to deal with Si Tian.

It's just that this ultimate weapon penetrated the star, but it is still unknown whether the star storm it set off can kill a ninth-level and sixth-level practitioner.

The Terry civilization underestimated the strength of the top practitioners. Si Tian destroyed all its fleets before and did not use all its power...

On the other side, Si Tian, who was unable to break through the void and escape, could only physically cross the universe and fly out of the Tiren Galaxy at one-tenth the speed of light to avoid stellar storms and gamma ray bursts.

In fact, with Si Tian's strength, he is enough to withstand the power of the star explosion, but it is inevitable that he will suffer some injuries.

Again, during this critical period, time is very precious to Si Tian. If he is injured here, he will spend a lot of time recovering, and as a result, he may be a few steps behind other strong men!

It's just that the speeds of solar storms and gamma ray bursts are obviously much faster than him, and their speeds are above half the speed of light.

Within a quarter of an hour, the gushing stellar material arrived first on Planet Tiren, and the Terre people on the planet who had just embarked on the path of spiritual practice could only watch the fire trees falling from the sky and scream in despair.

Tiren's star is like a small marble, easily blown away from its original orbit by the stellar storm. The surface ocean evaporates into vast water vapor at high temperatures, forming a white trail behind it.

The extinction of the Terran people in this star system has caused the cultivation system to be unable to continue to be promoted, causing the erosion of the rules of the eternal realm of heaven and earth here to slow down many times, but it is still eroding and staining.

Another half-quarter of an hour later, a gamma-ray burst as large as a planet produced by the death of the star followed closely and directly bombarded the Tiren star.

This time, Tiren's star was directly blasted into cosmic dust by the gamma ray burst, which was countless times more powerful than the stellar storm.

Si Tian's heart sank after "seeing" Ti Lun Xing's fate.

Si Tian didn't care about the stellar storm that wiped out all living things on Tiren Star and had a temperature of tens of millions of degrees. After all, with his cultivation level, even the supreme star Sun Star would be enough to step into the eternal realm. Naturally, he wouldn't be afraid of nothing. The matter spewed out by ordinary stars in the magic universe

But the gamma ray burst caused by the death explosion of Tiren's star is different.

Given the size of the Tiren star, the energy released during its death explosion is no less powerful than the energy generated by the self-explosion of a ninth-level and sixth-level powerhouse like Si Tian.

If Si Tian is confronted head-on by a gamma ray burst, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

"It needs to be farther away, so that other planets in this star system can continue to weaken the energy of the star explosion!"

Sitian's consciousness was running wildly, while constantly trying to crack the void blocked by the Terry civilization with space instruments, while looking for a location that could avoid the gamma ray burst that erupted without blind spots.

In the end, Si Tian hid behind the eighth gas giant planet in the Tiren Galaxy and began to arrange high-level defensive spiritual arrays to prepare for the impact of the gamma ray burst.

Soon, several gamma ray bursts caught up with Si Tian. They first blasted the gas giant planet into pieces of meteorites, evaporating the hydrogen, ammonia and other gases in them, easily breaking through this natural defense, and then carried the brilliance to the sky. , collided with the defensive spiritual formation!

(End of chapter)