Way of Heaven

Chapter 474: Great war


After understanding that the Emperor's Mark can be plundered by defeating others, and that only with the power of all people can one become the Emperor of Heaven, a war broke out among the strongest.

Nowadays, there are only forty or fifty powerful people left in Lingxiao Palace, and their strength can be roughly divided into three levels.

The top ones are undoubtedly the human master Yuan Hao, Yu Emperor Feng Yu, the god of space Xuan Que, the real demon Mo Yu, the Taoist Qin Tian, the emperor of the spirit clan Qing Huang, the dragon clan Dragon Phoenix, the lord of killing Gu Xinghe, and the martial emperor Mo. Yang and Emperor Xing fought ten people.

They are the most powerful ones who have obtained more imperial orders in the prelude to becoming gods over the past three hundred years, and their imperial orders are the most dazzling and strong.

The Emperor's Brand comes from the small worlds and small worlds invaded by the powerful ones with the help of the rules of heaven and earth in the eternal world. It is transformed by part of the power of heaven and earth and the power of laws in that world.

When the most powerful person makes the greatest contribution in the process of invading other worlds, he will be rewarded by Mu Yuan of Heaven, and a small part of the power of heaven and earth and the power of laws in that world will be given to him.

In other words, the emperor's destiny that the most powerful people compete for is the mark of Tianxin in those small worlds and small thousand worlds.

Of course, the power of the emperor's life obtained by the most powerful person is only less than one ten thousandth of the power of a world.

One ten thousandth of the power of a world may seem very small, but you must know that even a small world that has just been born into nothingness is more powerful than a ninth-level, eighth- or ninth-level expert, and one ten thousandth of a power is comparable to an ordinary person. A strong person in the ninth level and first level.

Not to mention the small thousand worlds above, the emperor's destiny given by one small thousand world is more powerful than the emperor's destiny of hundreds of small worlds combined!

In the past three hundred years, these most powerful people have received at least three to four hundred small worlds and several small thousand worlds.

As for the ten strongest experts such as Yuan Hao and Feng Yu, the number of small world and small thousand world emperor lives they obtained is even more astonishing.

Of course, what accounts for the bulk of the growth of the Imperial Brand is what the strongest men did in the later period when they were in a world without demons.

The demon-free world is a middle thousand world, and the emperor's life gained by the most powerful person after helping the eternal world erode a living planet and a star system is even greater than occupying a small thousand world!

The combined power of one ten thousandth of so many worlds is so amazing!

Therefore, by virtue of the imperial destiny brand they possess, the current strength of the most powerful ones has already exceeded their apparent ninth-level and sixth-level realm.

The top ten most powerful people, including Yuan Hao, each have the power of several small worlds, and the most powerful one even approaches the power of ten small worlds!

The most powerful people at the second level account for the vast majority, and their strength is comparable to that of a small world (ninth level and ninth level), such as Si Tian with Double Eyes, Yan Yan from the Fire Spirit Tribe, Kuarong from the Giant Tribe, Lord of Chaos, and Star Spirits. Zuyayan et al.

The third level is also the weakest. Its strength does not even reach the power of a small world. There are only seven or eight, and some of them have just been eliminated by Mo Yu.

They are considered rising stars. They were originally competing for the destiny of other gods, but after invading the demon-free world, they luckily reached the ninth level and sixth level, and entered the ranks of the strongest.

As a result, his confidence grew and he began to compete with other powerful people for the emperor's life.

But obviously their background is not deep enough, and the luster of the Imperial Life Brand they won is very dim!

So when the battle broke out in Lingxiao Palace, these people were the first to be targeted.

Facing the powerful magical powers and secret killing techniques, their defensive methods were torn apart like tissue paper.

The terrifying attack that could kill a star tore the god's body into pieces, and the god's blood as hot as the scorching sun spread all over the Lingxiao Palace.

If it weren't for the powerful formations engraved in the temple, a drop of divine blood would be enough to turn into a vast ocean of blood!

The souls of these unlucky strongest men roared, the power of law surged, and with a drop of blood in the distance, they instantly formed a new divine body.

But in the face of subsequent horrific attacks that could kill them, they could only cut off their tails and abandon the Emperor's Brand of Life, then try their best to escape outside the Lingxiao Palace.

It is no longer possible for them to compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven. All they can do now is to preserve as much strength as possible to compete for other divine positions in Heaven, such as the thrones of great emperors and emperors.

The withdrawal of these people did not affect the intensity of the battle at all. The most powerful players used their trump cards to kill others, while being alert to others' attacks.

Every powerful person on the scene is an enemy of each other.

Once someone falls into a disadvantage, the other strongest people around him will eliminate him or even kill him without hesitation!

"Destroy all directions!"

"The Divine Seal of the Absolute Beginning!"

"Seven Heaven-killing Styles!"

"A lotus in the eternal blue sky!"

"All things Hunyuan!"

"Dou Zhan Ba Quan!"

"Innate Delusion-breaking Divine Light!"


Each of the strongest possesses invincible potential, earth-shattering talents, and a self-centered spirit. Even if they face attacks from many strong men of the same realm, they are not afraid at all.

Each of them understood their own laws and walked out of their own way.

Yuan Hao's Law of Heavenly Evolution, Feng Yu's Law of Everything, Xuanque's Law of Space, Mo Yu's Law of True Magic, Mo Yang's Law of Life and Death, Qin Tian's Law of Taichu...

A series of supreme magical powers in the eternal world were unleashed in their hands. The forces of various laws stirred and collided with each other, emitting waves that could destroy the heaven and the earth.

All of a sudden, all the laws of heaven and earth appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, all kinds of innate energy rioted, and the five elements of yin and yang met in chaos.

In a trance, wisps of chaotic air seemed to appear, as if the world was returning to the chaotic period before the creation of the world.

The space that is millions of times stronger than the Eternal Continent in the Lower World is trembling under such a battle, setting off endless waves, as if it will be torn apart in the next moment.

Infinite brilliance burst out from the battle. Its light rushed out of the Lingxiao Palace, penetrated billions of layers of void, and shone down from the thirty-sixth heaven.

As a result, the creatures of all races in the Eternal Continent can vaguely catch a glimpse of the scene of these powerful men fighting for the throne!

In the Lingxiao Palace, Yuan Hao stepped on the Tianyan chessboard. Countless formation patterns continued to extend outward from the center, condensing dazzling formations one after another, and then forming a huge formation.

If you look carefully, you can see that the formation set up by Yuan Hao has 365 formation eyes and as many formation nodes as one yuan. Its scale is like a small Heavenly Heavenly Star Formation!

Yuan Hao's eyes were slightly bright, and extremely terrifying power erupted from the small Zhou Tianxing Dou formation under his feet.

Soon the Emperor's Life Brand on his forehead flickered and became a little brighter, and his strength suddenly increased to the power of a small world.

Apparently, he had just defeated a second-level strongest man and robbed him of his imperial life.

(End of chapter)