Way of the Devil

Chapter 122: Glass mirror two


Xu Chui glanced at Lu Sheng, got approval, and drove the car to follow these men, walked along the town street for a while, and saw a huge four-story red attic.

The attic has a white roof and red walls, and a pair of large bronze scissors hang on the door. The scissors are as tall as a person, and they look extremely sharp. But if you take a closer look, you can tell that it is just a decoration, a pattern embedded on the door.

Behind the attic is a large layered courtyard.

Outside the gate, a slim-waisted, well-proportioned long-haired girl was waiting there in a light green gauze dress with a long sword on her back.

Seeing Lu Sheng and the other two, the girl's eyes lit up and she rushed to meet them.

"Dare to ask, but you are the envoy of the Red Whale Gang?"

"Exactly, you are the eldest lady of the tea gang, Dong Qi, right?" Xu Chui replied with a smile. "My lord came to resolve this matter in person, please lead the way."

At this time, Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the carriage. His figure is now much more normal than before. It is no longer the kind of exaggerated muscle lines. There is also a thin layer of short hair on his bald head. At least Not so fierce and violent.

But with the current appearance, Dong Qi felt a murderous aura rushing towards her face at the first glance.

Just looking at the two crossed swords on Lu Sheng's back, he knew that this one was the right one to solve this matter.

"May I ask what the envoy's name is? This Dong Qi is the daughter of the leader of the Tea Clan. She is currently working for the Prime Minister of the Clan." She asked solemnly.

"My surname is Lu, and Ms. Dong Qi should introduce the tea gang first." Lu Sheng didn't introduce himself in detail, and his identity as the gang leader is naturally inconvenient to spread to the outside world.

"It turned out to be an envoy on the road, please come down with me." Dong Qi looked relieved, she had been suffering every night these days and kept having nightmares. Now the savior finally came. The Red Whale Gang did not deal with this kind of thing once or twice. The Tea Gang also applied to invite experts from the Red Whale Gang before, and it was resolved satisfactorily. So there is still confidence.

At that moment, she brought Lu Sheng and the two into the Shengmingfang behind her.

Passing through the main room, a large table of food and wine had already been set up in the side yard, apparently for entertaining two people.

After greeting Lu Sheng and Xu Chui to take his seat, he told the story of what happened in the tea gang so far.

"The thing is like this." Dong Qi was lost in memory, with a hint of sadness on her face. "More than a year ago, in the early spring, something happened in our gang. It was also this incident that caused my father, my uncle, and many senior members of the gang to have accidents."

"What's the matter? Ms. Dong, tell me directly." Lu Sheng took the seat of two people by himself, and took a sip of his wine glass.

Dong Qi nodded, her mood stabilized, and she continued.

"At that time, my father, Dong Shengping, the leader of the tea gang, met Zhuo Qingyang, the pharmacist in the gang, when he was inspecting the tea mountains outside.

My father and Zhuo Qingyang hit it off right away, they often talk at night by candlelight, and they don't sleep all night.

At the beginning, my uncle and I just thought that we were really chatting, but once, when I accidentally got up at night and passed by my father's room, I heard something strange. "

"What's the difference?" Lu Sheng asked. From the moment he entered the Shengmingfang, he felt something was wrong. I feel like there is always a little anger missing.

"... I saw for the first time that Daddy and that Zhuo Qing were not chatting at all, but were kneeling in the room together towards a glazed mirror that was as tall as a person." At that time, I was very scared, because I Seeing Zhuo Qingyang and his father bowing down and chanting, their faces turned blue. Then he ran away quickly.

"The next day, I asked my father again, but he... actually..." Dong Qi lowered her head and paused. "I don't even remember this at all, and still say I'm talking nonsense."

"Don't remember? Are you pretending or you really don't remember?" Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and asked.

"My father and I are very close, because I didn't have a mother since I was a child, and my father raised me alone, so I am familiar with all the details of his habits." Dong Qi explained, "I can tell clearly , he should really not remember such a thing happening.”

"Really don't remember?" Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and slowed his breathing, and glanced at the willow trees in the yard from the corner of his eyes.

There is more than one willow tree planted in the house. The willow tree belongs to shade, which is not common in ordinary people's homes.

"You continue." He signaled Dong Qi to continue.

Dong Qi nodded, and said again: "From that day on, every night after that, I went to peek outside Daddy's room, and sometimes asked other people to join me. But every time I saw Daddy falling asleep normally, There is nothing unusual. After a long time, this matter will gradually fade away."

"Until one day...." Dong Qi's expression suddenly became extremely painful. She lowered her head, clenched her hands tightly, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"I really... really don't want to recall the scene of that day..." As she spoke, she began to cry softly.

Lu Sheng remained silent, and gestured to Xu Chui who was beside him, and Xu Chui immediately began to comfort Dong Qi.

Lu Sheng took the opportunity to look at the layout of the house.

There are six willow trees planted in the center of the yard, all of which have drooping branches and catkins fluttering in the wind.

The eaves and walls are old, mottled walls are exposed in many places, and a lot of fine moss has grown on the stone bricks on the ground.

The whole courtyard was very quiet, and the maids watching by the side all looked listless, with dark circles around their eyes, as if seriously lacking rest and in a trance.

There is a corridor in the courtyard leading to the bedrooms in the inner courtyard.

Lu Sheng looked towards the corridor with his eyes, and his eyes went along the corridor, only seeing a piece of darkness. Gusts of cold wind blew out faintly, and there was a piercing coldness.

After Xu Chui comforted her for a while, Dong Qi seemed to have recovered and continued.

"My father went out to make inspections, and what he brought back was a corpse...even the corpse was mutilated... Later, after crying for several days, I vowed to find out the real culprit, so I went to find the pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang.

But the man had a strange expression on his face, and although he said a lot of comforting words, it was awkward no matter how he listened.

I was a little skeptical then. Afterwards, I asked my uncle and uncle to monitor him, but what I didn't expect was that soon after, both uncle and uncle disappeared one after another..." Dong Qi couldn't hold back her tears when she said this, as if broken The pearls of the thread flowed down.

"What about the pharmacist?" Lu Sheng interjected.

"He was in the gang... He didn't leave, and no one dared to let him go. There are also some high-level people in the gang. Every night, they would come to his room, and they didn't know what they were doing.

During the day, everyone is normal, but at night..." Dong Qi showed a trace of panic and worry. "I am now worried that the Zhenge Tea Gang will be completely destroyed like my father, so I have no choice but to invite The envoy came to investigate this matter..."

Lu Sheng asked a few more details, and roughly understood the process.

"By the way. Have you seen the glazed mirror where your father and the pharmacist bowed down?" He asked in a deep voice.

"I've seen it before. I put it in the bedroom of the pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang. Except for Chu Gong, he never left the mirror for eating, sleeping and doing anything. I sneaked in and looked at it once when he was out of Chu Gong. It's no different from ordinary glazed mirrors. , it just feels quite clear." Dong Qi replied quickly.

"Glass mirrors are much weaker than bronze mirrors, but the mirror surface is extremely clear. These mirrors are often obtained from the Jurong Kingdom, and they are extremely expensive. Have you asked the pharmacist, and how did he get it?" Xu Xu Blow couldn't help but interjected.

Dong Qi shook her head.

"That pharmacist is very weird, you will know when you go to see him. I am alone, and I dare not see him at all."

Lu Sheng nodded and stood up.

"Forget it, take me to meet that Zhuo Qingyang pharmacist now. It's not too late."

"Now?" Dong Qi didn't expect that Lu Sheng would act swiftly and resolutely. After hearing the whole story, Dong Qi went to investigate the situation.

"Yes, it's now."

Dong Qi hesitated for a while before slowly getting up.

"I'll take you there... The pharmacist's room is in the farthest corner of the inner courtyard. Please follow me." She slowly got up and led Lu Sheng and the two towards the door leading to the inner courtyard. Go to the corridor.

As Lu Sheng followed, he turned his head and looked at the maids who were going to pack the dishes.

These maids looked dull, and their behavior was weak, as if they were seriously lacking in sleep. The expression gives people a wooden puppet feeling.

The three of them walked through the dark corridor all the way, and soon entered a spacious small courtyard, and then passed through an arch to the left from this small courtyard, and passed through three arches in succession, before arriving at a remote and deserted courtyard inside.

There were two well-dressed men guarding the gate of the courtyard, and when they saw Dong Qi coming, they hurried up to greet him.

Dong Qi communicated with the two gatekeepers before turning around and talking to Lu Sheng.

"This is the yard where the pharmacist lives, the two of you..."

"Go straight in." Lu Sheng walked into the courtyard with a big horse and a golden sword.

The fallen leaves piled up on the ground of the yard, turning with the wind, making a thin rustling sound.

There is also a doll hanging under the eaves, which seems to be made of linen. On the palm-sized puppet, the two small hands and legs are off-white, and it also wears a head of black messy black hair, covering most of the face.

Lu Sheng walked over and looked at the puppet.

Through the black hair, you can see its face, with two eyes and a mouth dotted with cinnabar. The eyes are painted so vividly that they seem to be smiling.

But the corners of his mouth were bent down again, as if he was very unhappy.

Lu Sheng looked at the doll, then ignored it, and walked straight to the door of the bedroom.

"My lord, I'll do it." Xu Chui caught up and stopped him.

Lu Sheng shook his head. "I'll do it, just pay attention to your surroundings."

Only then did Xu Chui nod his head, and walked to the side to watch his surroundings.

Boom boom boom.

Lu Sheng reached out to knock on the door, but after a while, there was no response.

Boom boom boom.

He knocked again, but still no answer.

"Maybe it's out of respect?" Dong Qi whispered from behind.

"Do you have a key?" Lu Sheng turned around and asked.

"No... no." Dong Qi shook her head. She was so scared to death now that most of the gang only listened to the pharmacist, and now the situation became extremely weird, she finally took advantage of her position and sent someone to deliver a letter to the Red Whale Gang.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to have the key to the pharmacist's room.

"Then wait for that person to come." Naturally, Lu Sheng would not only listen to Dong Qi's one-sided words. This kind of investigation naturally requires multiple researches. Otherwise, if Dong Qi also has problems, framed the pharmacist or helped other people, and he did it directly without researching, it would not be a complete mistake.