Way of the Devil

Chapter 123: mirror one


The three stood in front of the door and waited for a while. Soon someone walked into the courtyard by the door.

"Is Pharmacist Qingyang here?" A thin, white-haired old man stumbled into the yard, with dark circles under his eyes, looking sluggish. After a few strokes, he rushed to the door and knocked hard on it.

"Elder Yu!?" Dong Qi was startled when she saw the person coming, "How did you become like this?"

The old man seemed to have noticed Dong Qi standing beside him, and turned his head to look at Lu Sheng and the two standing beside him.

"So it's Dong's niece. It's been a long time. I have something important to discuss with the pharmacist. I don't know if you have met Qingyang pharmacist?"

"No... I haven't seen it before, we just arrived..." Dong Qi replied in a low voice.

Immediately, the old man let out a sigh of disappointment, turned around and walked away slowly without asking about the identities of Lu Sheng and the others.

After a while, several people came to look for the pharmacist one after another, and they were extremely disappointed when they found that he was not there. These people are all high-ranking members of the Tea Clan, but they all have a common feature, that is, dark circles around their eyes, and they look seriously ill from rest.

Lu Sheng noticed that most of them looked terrified and in a daze, and they didn't know what they had encountered.

The three of them waited in the courtyard for about half an hour. Finally, an old man with gray hair and hunchback walked into the courtyard slowly.

"Niece Dong...you're here." The old man's face was dull, with a tinge of blue. "Do you want to see my precious mirror too? It's okay, Uncle will take you in to have a look." When he spoke, he should have a friendly tone, but when he said it in a dull and even dull tone, it seemed Weird and awkward.

"It's like this, Uncle Qingyang, I have two friends who want to see the mirror as well, I wonder if it's possible?" Dong Qi forced a smile and whispered to the old man.

"Yes, why not?" Zhuo Qingyang smiled, and glanced at Lu Sheng and the two.

"Come on, I'll let you take a good look." He took out the key, unlocked the big lock hanging in front of the door, pushed the door open and entered.

Dong Qi shrank back and glanced at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng nodded at her, and she walked in slowly.

The three of them entered the room, which was a very ordinary bedroom, except that it was different from other rooms in that there was an extra glazed mirror that was as tall as a person.

This mirror is facing the door, and as soon as you open the door and come in, you will immediately see your own image reflected in the mirror.

Lu Sheng was nothing unusual, but it was the first time for Xu Chui to see the glass mirror, and it was quite novel to keep looking at himself in the mirror out of curiosity.

"You can look at it as you like... The old man is tired, go to rest first..." Zhuo Qingyang sighed, walked to the bed, and fell asleep without thinking about anything as soon as he fell down.

Lu Sheng planned to ask him something, but when he saw this person, he felt something was wrong. This person's demeanor is similar to that of others, his expression is also in a trance, and his speech is also weak. Compared with Dong Qi, his spirit is far worse. But since he brought the mirror with him day and night, it's impossible for him to be as ordinary as everyone else.

At this time, he also somewhat believed what Dong Qi said. This pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang is indeed a little weird.

"Look at the mirror first." Lu Sheng went straight to the glazed mirror that was as tall as a person.

The glazed mirror is square on the outside and round on the inside, with a square frame on the outside and a tall oval mirror on the inside. The frame is made of copper, and many delicate and complicated patterns are engraved on it.

Lu Sheng walked to the mirror, stretched out his hand and gently stroked along the pattern.

Three animal patterns are engraved on the square frame: phoenix, fox, and dog.

The body shapes of the three animals are all elongated, giving them an eerie sense of simplicity. And it seems that they are flying around the entire mirror.

But Xu Chui looked at Zhuo Qingyang who was already asleep on the bed.

"He's not worried about us breaking his mirror at all. It's a glass mirror, and it's a valuable and rare item."

"Maybe he knows that we can't break the mirror." Lu Sheng said lightly. He turned the mirror upside down, staring directly at the base of the hundred-jin bronze mirror with a huge force, he stretched out his hand lightly and turned it over.

There are also many animal patterns on the copper frame behind the mirror. In addition, the back of the mirror seems a little rough, as if someone has used a knife or something to scribble on the back.

"Behind this... there seems to be words."

Xu Chui moved closer to take a closer look.

"I've seen this kind of writing. It seems to be Tang Wen. It was an official writing used in the previous dynasty. It was promoted for a while at that time, but later because it was not practical, there were many problems, and it was gradually abandoned."

"Tang Wen? Do you know what it means?" Lu Sheng also had some impressions, as if he had seen certain records in books he had read before.

"I don't know... This subordinate is also my father who heard it from the old man before his death. Because the first sentence of the family motto at that time was written in Tang script, so I am quite familiar with this kind of script, but I don't know it." Xu Chui shook his head and said, obviously his family biography is quite profound.

Lu Sheng carefully touched the words on the back of the glazed mirror. There were only three words in total, but there were so many strokes that each word needed at least fifteen strokes to complete.

"Then, who might know him?" Lu Sheng said, looking at Zhuo Qingyang on the bed unconsciously.

"I... I'll wake him up..." Dong Qi took a deep breath, knowing that she could only go forward by herself at this time, but although she was afraid, there were two people behind her, and it was broad daylight, so she could Less frightened.

Lu Sheng Xu Chui nodded at her, indicating that she could come forward and call for someone.

Dong Qi hesitated for a while, and was about to walk over.

Suddenly, Zhuo Qingyang stood up straight from the bed, with his eyes open, staring at the three of them blankly.

"What's up?"

Dong Qi hurriedly approached and introduced the identities of Lu Sheng and Xu Chui. Seeing that Zhuo Qingyang was still expressionless, she also talked about the writing behind the mirror.

"That. I don't know what it means. It's just that when I got the mirror, it was already engraved on it. At first I thought it was just a pattern, but later I found out that someone else scratched it with a knife."

"You really don't know?" Lu Sheng walked over and stood by the bed, looking down at Zhuo Qingyang from a high position.

He had a domineering face, his body was bulging with muscles three times larger than the old man's, and he felt that he could crush Zhuo Qingyang to death with one hand.

"I really don't know... But if the envoy wants to know the meaning, he can look for a dictionary. The leader was lucky enough to collect a Songzheng dictionary compiled by the royal family. It is very valuable and it is in the study."

"Then I'll take this mirror away first, and I'll return it to you after the investigation is clear, no problem?" Lu Sheng stared at Zhuo Qingyang, and said slowly.

Zhuo Qingyang smiled when he heard the words.

"Of course, the envoy can do whatever he wants." He didn't seem to care about the mirror that was as precious as his life.

This person is really strange, knowing that Lu Sheng is the envoy of the big gang, he still dares to sit on the bed and talk, completely disregarding etiquette. But the tone of his speech was clearly respectful.

Lu Sheng looked at Zhuo Qingyang carefully, no matter how he looked, he couldn't feel anything unusual about him, no matter in terms of his breathing, heartbeat, or blood flow, he was at most an ordinary old man who had practiced martial arts and was in a weak state.

"Okay. Xu Chui, move the mirror away and go to the study here." Lu Sheng ordered.

"Good sir."

Xu Chui and Dong Qi said a few words, and soon called the two guards outside. Together, the three of them quickly left the room with the glazed mirror, and walked towards the study.

Lu Sheng noticed that from the beginning to the end, Zhuo Qingyang was sitting on the bed, watching them lift the mirror calmly, without any expression.

The three of Xu Chui went out, and Dong Qi also went to point to the direction of the study. Suddenly, only Lu Sheng and Zhuo Qingyang were left in the room.

"Pharmacist Qingyang, you should know the purpose of this envoy's visit, right?" Lu Sheng said in a deep voice. "It is to investigate the reasons for the mysterious disappearance of so many people and the accidental death of the gang leader Dongsheng.

Do you have any leads on this matter? "

Zhuo Qingyang opened his eyes and turned his neck stiffly without blinking his eyelids, facing Lu Sheng.

"The envoy wants to know some clues. I didn't kill the boss Dong Shengping, and the missing person has nothing to do with the old man. It's useless for you to ask me."

"Ask you because you are the most suspected." Lu Sheng replied, "If you can't clear the suspicion, then I can only arrest you and bring you to justice. For us, of course, we can solve it as soon as possible." He said With a hint of threat in his expression, he stared at Zhuo Qingyang.

"I don't know anything..." Zhuo Qingyang said dumbly. "You can grab it if you want, and deal with it as you like."

Lu Sheng froze, he didn't expect him to answer like this at all.

After staring at Zhuo Qingyang for a while, he snorted coldly, turned around and left quickly.

After the Liuli mirror was moved to the study, Lu Sheng asked Xu Chui and Dong Qi to look for Song Zheng's dictionary to find out what the words on the back of the mirror meant.

The meaning was quickly found out.

"My lord, I found out, the three words are, count, arrive, and ten."

Xu Chui brought Dong Qi, whose face was frighteningly white, back in front of Lu Sheng who was resting and drinking tea in the lobby, and said seriously.

"Count to ten?"

Lu Sheng was taken aback, what does this mean? A sentence suddenly came out of nowhere, but it didn't make any sense.

"The God... I don't know, these days, I often have a dream, a nightmare about a little girl playing hide-and-seek and being abandoned by her companions in the straw field.

The little girl Lingling there is playing a game called counting to ten..." Dong Qi's face turned pale.

"Oh?" Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Dong Qi. "Tell me the details."

Dong Qi bit her lip, feeling her heart beating violently.

"That dream is like this..." She recounted the dream carefully.

"Where did that little girl, Lingling, go at the end? How did it end?" Xu Chui couldn't help asking from the side.

"I don't know... Maybe it's more ominous than good..." Dong Qi gasped, even if he recalled the content of the dream again, he still felt difficult to breathe.

"Go, go back and look at the mirror." Lu Sheng stood up and drank the tea.

The three of them walked towards the study together.

Dong Qi arranged for two men to guard the door of the study to prevent anyone from approaching. Seeing them coming, the two quickly nodded and leaned forward.

"Ambassador, Miss, you are here, the things are inside, no one has ever gone in."