Way of the Devil

Chapter 127: transaction one


"The reason has actually been solved, it's the demon mirror." Lu Sheng said lightly, "The tea gang suffered heavy losses, so it's better to take a good rest, but I'm a little puzzled, since you are backed by the Fei Lian army, why didn't you just start with it?" Ask Fei Lian for help?"

Dong Qi sighed after hearing this.

"The envoy doesn't know that although Fei Lian's army is always stationed around, we can't take advantage of it. At most, when he is patrolling, we can give him some money and let him allow us to follow behind to run a business. That's all. I really want to ask them to help, the military regulations do not allow it."

Lu Sheng nodded: "That's it."

"The envoy is in a big city, so he doesn't understand our difficulties." Dong Qi sighed again, "Although our tea gang is a gang, this kind of gang is just a big guy who is unable to resist the world and can't unite. Otherwise If you do it alone, you can't even go far. You don't need any guides, just the bandits and bandits on the road and all kinds of weird dangers make it difficult for people to move forward."

"The world is difficult, so what choice do we have besides being in a group?" Dong Qi continued with a wry smile, "Those with a better family background practice martial arts to protect themselves, and almost run darts and errands for others, hunt and do coolies, just to learn a little skill to protect themselves." Today's young people either give up completely in a state of intoxication, or want to find a way out to live a stable life.

Just to live a stable life is already the biggest wish. "

Lu Sheng didn't expect Dong Qi to have such insight, but he looked at it differently.

"You can see clearly."

"The envoy is amazing. It's a pity that I didn't work hard to learn martial arts when I was a child, otherwise I can live a safer life now. If I can be like the envoy above, not afraid of ghosts, brave heroes, maybe... Maybe my father will also I won't die..." Thinking of this, Dong Qi's eyes turned red again.

She is indeed an assertive and capable woman, otherwise she would not have made her own decision and asked someone to ask for help from the Red Whale Gang. Although he was timid and scared to death, he was still able to recover quickly, regain his strength, and organize the tea gang in an orderly manner.

"This is a talent." Lu Sheng defined it in his mind.

He chatted with Dong Qi for a while, and waited for the well-maintained carriage to arrive before getting on the carriage.

The wheels of the carriage were slightly heavy, and in the carriage were the mirror holders and fragments that Xu Chui had packed up, as well as two delicate looking dark yellow books.

Lu Sheng sat down on the seat, and the carriage drove slowly.

He reached out and took out the little puppet and the piece of blue cloth, and bit his index finger hard in his mouth. The index finger broke a little bit, and a trace of blood seeped out. Lu Sheng just touched the puppets and pieces of cloth.


A trace of black smoke rose suddenly and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Lu Sheng immediately felt a gust of cold air along his fingers, quickly flowing into his forearm, arm, chest, and then disappearing as soon as he was about to enter his heart.

After a few breaths of breath flowed in, it faded and disappeared.

"Dark blue." He silently called out the modifier.

A light blue box emerged and floated in front of his eyes.

Behind most of the martial arts on the modifier, there are modifiable buttons. Only after Chiji Nine Demons, there is still no button to deduce.

"After reaching the eighth floor, the amount of yin energy required for the promotion and deduction of the Chiji Nine Shagong is getting bigger and bigger. It's really troublesome." Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, retracted his gaze from the modifier, and looked at the mirror on the ground beside him. Seats and shards of glass.

He got up slightly and dragged the mirror stand over. There was still a little bit of blood left on the cut of the index finger that hadn't completely closed his mouth, so he painted it on the mirror base with this blood.

Hiss... .

Wisps of black smoke visible to the naked eye suddenly burst out, and large streams of cool air poured into the palm of his hand. Lu Sheng was so cold that his whole body shivered. The sudden influx of air was a bit too big, so that he hadn't reacted yet.

The yin of this mirror stand is much more than that of the cloth and puppet in front.

According to Lu Sheng's own rough estimation, the Yin energy of raising Tongli Martial Arts level is taken as a unit. Then the puppet and the piece of cloth add up to two units of yin energy.

As for the mirror seat, huge waves of yin energy poured in one after another, and it took ten breaths to stop. He estimated that there were at least six or seven units!

When the Yin Qi completely stagnated, Lu Sheng looked at the mirror seat in surprise.

The mirror base, which was originally made of copper, now has spots of mottled rust green, which is completely different from the previous smoothness, and it looks much older.

"Is this what Yin Qi looks like after being sucked away? Then what exactly is Yin Qi? What is its essence?" A doubt like this flashed in Lu Sheng's mind, but he immediately put it behind him. He doesn't have the means and time to study the essence of yin qi now, so he should first improve himself quickly, solve the problem, and come back when he has more free time.

After absorbing all the yin energy from the three things, Lu Sheng finally set his sights on the Chiji Nine Demons Artifact on the modifier. Sure enough, this time, a button that can be modified appeared behind the Chiji Nine Shasong.

Lu Sheng hesitated for a while, but still didn't click on it, but looked at the martial arts boxes below.

Mugu Dangong, Jinshagong, Jiujiang Tiesuogong, Xiong Fighting Hands, these four hard skills, together, constitute the strong foundation of his anode state.

That is a full range of near-perfect hard work forging.

"It's better to balance the yin and yang first, and then solve the problem of liquefaction of the internal qi." Lu Sheng put the mirror stand back to a farther place, tied it with a rope, and then sat down again, closing his eyes and practicing treasure bottle qi.

Along the mountain city.

Xiao Hongye got off the carriage slowly, looked at the tall gate in front of the wall, and there were two stone sculptures of Pixiu in front of the gate, looking ferocious and mighty.

The mansion is near the river embankment, the surroundings are deserted, there are not many residents in the house, and there is a medical clinic not far away. Old patients who keep coughing keep coming in and out, adding a bit of stagnation to the neighborhood.

With a solemn expression, Xiao Hongye walked to the door and knocked lightly.


After a while, a burst of slow footsteps came from inside.


The red lacquered gate slowly opened a crack, revealing a hunchbacked one-eyed old man in gray clothes. The old man glanced at Xiao Hongye.

"Master got up just in time, and envoy Xiao came so coincidentally every time."

A smile appeared on Xiao Hongye's fat face.

"Old Hei, you're being polite. I happened to have a 500-year-old wild red pomegranate at home. I thought that the chief priest might be short of something to make tea for the first time, so I hurried over here." He picked up a small bag on the handle.

The hunchbacked one-eyed old Hei glanced at the things in his hand, and his expression became a little gentler.

"Come in." He let the door open.

Xiao Hongye smiled at him, and entered the door carefully.

The courtyard inside the gate was no different from ordinary courtyards, with rockery, flowing water and small bridges, but Xiao Hongye had sharp eyes, and accidentally saw a servant in the corner digging a pit, as if he was burying something.

"Come with me, the master is in a good mood." Old Hei led Xiao Hongye across the small bridge and into the main hall.

In the main hall, a tall, white-haired old man missing a left ear was holding a thighbone with one hand, and was eating big mouthfuls of the seasoning bowl in front of him. Huge chunks of meat were torn from the femur, and he chewed and swallowed them in two bites.

The old man's appearance was mighty, his face was full of red light, he was only wearing a simple white coat, and he could still see the outline of the bulging muscles under the clothes.

"Xiao Hongye has met the officiant." Xiao Hongye entered the main hall and hurriedly clasped his fists. The old man in front of him was a top expert at the Liuwen level many years ago. Although he is not the opponent's subordinate, it is not an exaggeration to be so respectful.

"This Northland doesn't look too bad. It seems that you, Envoy Xiao, are doing pretty well here." The old man smiled casually while gnawing on the meat.

"The chief priest is just joking. This ceremony is entirely up to your arrangement. Xiao is just beating up his deputy." Xiao Hongye said respectfully.

"You just said it nicely, how is the coordination between the Shangyang family and the officials?" the old priest asked with a smile.

"Shangyang's family has taken in a mortal gang called the Red Whale Gang. They are quite powerful in this northern land, and they just happened to help collect sacrifices. The other party has already agreed.

Officially, there is no problem. Baifeng Laodao has always cooperated well. "Xiao Hongye gave a brief introduction.

"The Red Whale Gang...? So, it seems to be a force formed by people who practice martial arts?" The old man asked again.

"Yes, this gang is the largest mortal military organization in the Northland, and its scale is not bad. You can find any news from them." Xiao Hongye gave a general introduction.

"A local snake? Last time the mansion sent out wild dogs to track down Li Shunxi, it seems that they disappeared in this mountain city. You can go to them to check and see if you can find it out." The elder priest said calmly.

"Yes." Xiao Hongye nodded respectfully.

"Besides, your efficiency is too low. Let Bai Feng and the Raoshizi Gang contact me directly. This period of time is very important, and I will take full responsibility first." The priest said again.

Xiao Hongye's expression remained unchanged, as if she didn't feel any dissatisfaction at being seized power, she still bowed her head and said respectfully.

"What the priest said is true."

"Emissary Xiao is pretty good. He understands the general situation and takes the overall situation into consideration." On the side of the main hall, a beautiful girl with a coquettish appearance slowly walked out. She only wore a white tube top on her chest and a tight short skirt on her legs. The skirt is so short that you can see the allure even without lifting it.

The most eye-catching thing about a woman is not her sexy appearance, but a big black and purple centipede crawling on her waist and abdomen.

"It turned out to be the envoy of Bai Jing." Xiao Hongye said with a smile.

"This time we have four envoys here for this ceremony. They are all responsible persons stationed around." Bai Jing said with a smile, "the Lord Priest presides over the overall situation. , there will be no surprises."

"Naturally." Xiao Hongye agreed.

"Okay, Envoy Xiao, go down, put your things down, I understand what you mean." The chief priest said calmly.

"Thank you, officiant." Xiao Hongye hurriedly bowed his head and saluted, then handed the things to Old Hei, and then left slowly.

When he came out of the main hall, he left the gate in a short while.

Bai Jingcai turned to look at the officiant.

"My lord, this Xiao Hongye is still very sensible. As soon as we came, we took the initiative to come to hand over power."