Way of the Devil

Chapter 131: Transaction five



Lu Sheng punched the ground hard, and the fist hit the iron floor hard, splashing a circle of transparent ripples that seemed to be substantial, spreading in all directions.

The ground also sank suddenly, and a clear fist mark appeared.

buzz buzz... .

The entire quiet room suddenly vibrated.

At this time, Lu Sheng's temples had already raised two pieces of muscle like broken horns. There are black and gray muscles that have swelled to the limit all over his body.

ho... !

He opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of hot air, raised his fist and began to smash it down crazily.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! !

He began to punch the ground fiercely, and his fists kept hitting the iron plate with fist marks of different sizes. A large number of shocks spread along the ground towards the surrounding walls, and were constantly stirred back by the walls, like water ripples. Like hitting him.

The pressure in the quiet room is getting bigger and heavier, and the shock waves from the fist are getting denser and denser.

The skin of Lu Sheng's body began to deform and twist with the humming and vibration, as if something inside his body was constantly trying to struggle out.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

In an instant, Lu Sheng's fists hit the ground like a storm, and the huge shocks instantly joined together, echoing in the quiet room and hitting him back.

Boom! !

Suddenly, his movements stopped instantly.

A large amount of Chiji Jiusha Kungfu's inner qi finally couldn't hold it anymore, it violently surged and squeezed in his body, and in the chest cavity in the middle of his chest, a crystal clear light red droplet of inner qi condensed out.

With the first drop, there will be the second drop, and the third drop.

A large amount of internal air seemed to be pulled by a huge gravitational force. The moment the first drop of liquid was formed, it began to spin rapidly, frantically gathering towards the center of Lu Sheng's chest, and began to condense the second and third drops.

A total of three drops of internal gasification liquid began to slowly rotate in Lu Sheng's chest.

"Hoo.....Hoo.....Hoo....." Lu Sheng panted heavily, and white mist rose from his body, which was sweat oozing and evaporating.

He felt a burst of emptiness in his body, and all the inner energy of the Chiji Nine Shas gong condensed into three drops of light red crystal liquid.

And most importantly, these three drops of internal vaporized liquid seemed to be in an extremely unstable state at any time, as if they might explode if touched.

"Three drops of inner qi and liquid, based on the Chiji Nine Sharks I practiced before, if I don't use modifiers and practice hard at a normal speed, it will take at least two hundred years to reach the eighth level of Chiji Nine Shades of Art." He carefully felt his current internal strength, which seemed to be at least one-third stronger than that on the eighth floor before.

"That is to say, the three drops of Qi and Liquid I have now may be roughly estimated to be the three hundred years of Chi Ji Gong?" Lu Sheng straightened up slowly and stood up.

His eyes fell on the dark blue modifier in front of him, and sure enough, the column of the Chiji Nine Demons directly displayed the words "Ninth Level" very eye-catchingly.

'Chiji Jiusha Gong: the ninth floor. Special effect: Inner Qi detonates, strengthens the blood net. '

"Inner Qi detonation? What kind of special effect is this?" Lu Sheng himself was also a little surprised. He has practiced a lot of mental skills now, and he has both hard skills and internal skills. , at this moment, seeing a sudden explosion of internal air on the modifier, it was immediately connected with the three drops of air and liquid in the chest.

Those three drops of gas and liquid are in an extremely unstable state, and if they are slightly stimulated, they may completely detonate.

"Detonation of internal energy... I am now in an anode state, and I have reached the perfect level of hard work. In this state, what will it be like to detonate my internal energy?" Lu Sheng had some expectations in his heart .

"Give it a try..." With an attitude of trying, he gently guided his thoughts to touch a drop of the gas liquid.


In an instant, the drop of gas and liquid evaporated and disappeared. Lu Sheng trembled all over his body. His body seemed to swell and become bigger again. The spine behind him bulged faintly, and he could see the shape of a Stegosaurus backstab.

"This... This is..." An unprecedented powerful force continuously circulated in Lu Sheng's body.

He lowered his head and raised his hand, and saw that the surface of the skin on his hand was covered with a layer of bluish-black horny like scales.

In other words, the previous covering cutin was dyed black and gray.


Lu Sheng just waved his hand lightly, and the air in front of him turned into a dull rumbling sound, as if something extremely heavy moved the air and passed by his eyes.

Standing in the quiet room, Lu Sheng's whole body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of black armor on top of the original foundation, and there was a bone spur-like muscle bulge on the back. He had completely lost his human form, and looked more like some kind of monster.

His huge body was close to three meters, and his body was more than two meters wide. From a distance, he looked like a black and gray backstab monster with extremely muscular upper body.

"Strength, it's stronger again... just don't know how much stronger it is. It seems that there is still time. Although Han is weak, can he feel that his inner energy is constantly being consumed?"

Lu Sheng felt it carefully, and could feel a huge expansive force in his body, constantly squeezing his body, frantically wanting to rush out of his body.

"Detonating one drop of internal energy can make me so much stronger, then detonating three drops at the same time may make me stronger to an unpredictable level in actual combat." Lu Sheng couldn't help looking at the remaining two drops of gas liquid.

"If I don't detonate my inner energy, after breaking through, I should be a bit stronger than the original three-stripe level, maybe I can reach four-stripe level, I don't know the specifics because I haven't actually fought.

After detonating the inner energy, the power is greatly increased. Although there is a duration, it can have the effect of turning the tables in a critical battle. Can be used as a second hole card. "

With a thought in Lu Sheng's mind, his entire body, which was nearly three meters high, quickly shrank and squirmed. After a while, it returned to the normal appearance of a tall, bald man with a tall head. The skin color on the body also naturally returns to the original normal skin.

Even Lu Sheng had a feeling that his recovered skin was whiter and more delicate than before. Just like a pampered son who has never practiced martial arts.

"It is rumored that the highest state of hard work is to return to the basics after reaching the peak, so that people can't see its strength at all. Maybe it's like my current situation." Lu Sheng guessed in his heart.

"Next, it's time to find another place to test the effect of detonating three drops of gas and liquid together,"

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Inside the mysterious valley.

The brown-gray steep rock wall is surrounded by a huge patio, and in the middle of the patio is a pale green pool.

A silver-gray pavilion stands quietly on the water pool.

The entire building is completely made of some kind of silver-gray stone, standing in the middle of the pool, and there are no bridges connecting the land around.

Several flat boats swim slowly between the pavilions and the rock walls. From time to time, it is swayed slightly by the waterfall hanging down from the rock wall.

At the top of the pavilion, on a terrace extending like a sharp corner, there are several men and women in light green long clothes standing at this moment.

One of the men had long hair reaching his waist, picturesque eyebrows, and smooth skin like porcelain. The green robe he was wearing clearly had two hooks protruding from his shoulders. Like shoulder armor.

In terms of beauty alone, even if Jade Lotus Seed is here, it cannot be compared with this person. If the beauty of Jade Lotus Seed is as beautiful as a woman, then this person's beauty is gender-neutral.

Exquisite facial features, flawless skin, smooth and neat waist-length black hair, and a gentle and elegant temperament like jade.

This is Qin Wumian, the deputy leader of the Martial League, able to lead this mixed force of mortals and declining families to contend against the Wuyou Mansion for many years. There is no doubt about Qin Wumian's charisma and excellence.

Li Shunxi was also wearing a green robe, standing among the group of people behind Qin Wumian, quietly looking at this handsome man who was one of the top leaders of the mysterious martial arts alliance.

"So, that Red Whale Sect Leader has already agreed to trade with us? Has he made an appointment with us?" Qin Wumian turned around and asked softly.

Li Shunxi nodded.

"Yes, Brother Lu readily agreed to help us with food, but he just hoped that he could exchange it with a comprehension-level exercise."

"Fair trade is a matter of course." Qin Wumian said with a smile, "Anyway, I don't have much else in the Martial League, but my martial arts are enough. Since the leader of Lu Gang has an old relationship with Shunxi, he doesn't reject contact with us, is it possible? Long-term cooperation with him?"

Li Shunxi recalled Xia Lu Sheng's personality, slightly shook his head and smiled wryly. "I'm afraid not. My friend has an extremely egotistical personality. Most of his actions are domineering. He only believes in power. Although I have not known him for a long time, I can only see his personality from a few things.

Brother Lu acted like a man, bold and cautious, brave and hard-working, seemingly reckless, but every time he made a move, he must have greater certainty, and only when he judged that the strong could defeat the weak, would he attack brazenly. Otherwise, it is mostly based on temptation and patience. "

Qin Wumian nodded appreciatively.

"It's really a hero, such a hero, it's a great pity that he can't join our martial arts league."

"Leader, you haven't confirmed whether he is a family blood faction, so you want to recruit others into the alliance." One of the people beside Li Shunxi couldn't help but helplessly said. "In my opinion, since the leader of this road is of the blood of the aristocratic family and also a subordinate of the Shangyang family, it is at most a secret transaction and cooperation with our Wumeng. Don't even think about joining it."

"Brother Chen is right." Li Shunxi nodded in agreement, "Members of the Ye faction family who are as gentle towards ordinary people as in the Wumeng are a minority after all. Most of the families enjoy the various privileges brought by the blood faction ruling the common people.

They are used to being superior, and it is impossible for them to let go of their prejudices and live in peace with civilians without breaking all the rules with violence. "

"Shunxi is right. He was born in a powerful family of the Song Dynasty, so he can naturally see many situations clearly. A demonic force like the Wuyou Mansion can hold power in a majestic manner. What else can't the blood faction family do?" Brother Chen clenched his fist and said seriously.

"There will always be opportunities." Qin Wumian slightly shook his head. "However, that old senior from our Martial League in the Red Whale Gang, Shunxi, have you seen him this time?"

Li Shunxi nodded slightly: "I see, that senior didn't talk to me, but just gave me a cylinder and told me to open it when I come back."

He slowly took out a fist-thin bamboo tube from his sleeve, and handed it to Qin Wumian.