Way of the Devil

Chapter 133: Transaction Seven


The ox carts moved slowly, moving towards the darkness in the distance. The deep hooves sounded slowly like raindrops.

Lu Sheng rode a horse and walked slowly in front of the team.

At night, the river wind was blowing, and it was a bit cold. From time to time, I could hear the coughing of the gang members in the team.

The convoy left the Red Whale, protected by more than 50 people along the way, and headed all the way towards Windless Valley.

After passing through a large sandy field, there is a dense forest mountain road. There are many bullock carts, and there are no ferocious beasts attacking along the way.

Lu Sheng took the lead, wearing a brocade robe with black and red patterns on his body, with a calm demeanor, he looked like a leader of a big gang.

Walking in the dense forest, Lu Sheng asked the gang to hold up torches and scatter around to drive away possible beasts.

Together with the three elders, he protected the team around to prevent possible ghosts.

After walking for more than half an hour, a similar torch light spot could be vaguely seen ahead.

Lu Sheng speeded up, signaled the team to stay in the woods, ran forward for a certain distance, almost out of the woods, outside on a hilly sandy land, saw Li Shunxi and others who came to trade.

In the dark night, Li Shunxi also quickly saw Lu Sheng riding on the horse. He took a step forward and clasped his fists.

"Brother Lu!"

Lu Sheng clasped his fists back.

"Brother Li, did you bring something you need?"

Li Shunxi smiled, and Guan Nian who was beside him took a step forward and lifted up an iron box in his hand.

Taking advantage of this time, Guan Nian, Zhong Yunxiu, and Zhang Wuya, who accompanied the team, were all carefully observing Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, the largest gang in the North.

I saw that his facial features were regular, his skin was fair and delicate, he was wearing a square hat inlaid with red jade on his head, and he was wearing a long robe of brocade. Although a little stronger, but the temperament faintly has a leisurely atmosphere.

Lu Sheng also looked at the several people who came by Li Shunxi's side one by one, and some of them gave him a faint sense of familiarity, as if they were not like ordinary people, but rather toxic at different levels. He guessed that it should be the master of the forces that Li Shunxi joined.

"The food and ox carts are all behind, and the ox carts are given away for free. Do you have enough manpower?" Lu Sheng asked loudly.

"Enough is enough!" Guan Nian came out, jumped a few times, stood high on the tree trunk, and saw more than a dozen bullock carts in the distance, and his eyes lit up. There is a lack of food in the valley this time. Martial arts cheats can be exchanged for so many supplies, it really is a bargain.

He was afraid that Lu Sheng would repent, so he quickly called Mr. Zhang Wuya to send someone up to take over.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously, he just went back and ordered his subordinates to get out of the way of the ox cart, and watched them take over the food with a smile.

The people below handed over, and Lu Sheng and others also walked away alone to discuss other matters.

"Thank you Lu Gangzhu for his righteousness. Since the gang leader is very righteous, I am willing to offer one more martial arts as a reward. It is also a martial arts at the level of communication." After walking out of the woods on the other side, Zhang Wuya, who was behind Li Shunxi, suddenly Stand up and say loudly.

"Oh?" Lu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he looked at the old man. "Is this true?"

Zhang Wuya stared closely at Lu Sheng's eyes, ignoring Guan Nian and Zhong Yunshou's pull.

"I'm old and not talented, but I still have a few Tongyi martial arts in my collection. Even if it was a personal gift from Zhang, it's just that Zhang wants to ask the leader Lu a question himself. I don't know if the leader can answer it?"

"Problem? As long as it's not some special problem, Lu knows everything." Lu Sheng smiled.

Zhang Wuya smiled and was about to continue.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a few cows in the cart in the distance heard an uneasy growl. It was useless to help the crowd to go forward to appease, the cow's growl became heavier and louder.

"What's going on?!" Lu Sheng frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

puff! puff! puff! !

Suddenly, three red lights exploded in the surrounding woods, like three fireworks. Suddenly illuminated everyone.


Suddenly, a person behind Guan Nian slammed a sword at a teammate beside him, and with a swipe of the blade, the teammate's entire head was chopped off from the neck.

"Zhang Peng, you!!??" When Guan Nian found out, the man had already jumped up with a strange smile and ran more than ten meters away.

Frightened and angry, he wanted to chase after him, but was surprised to find a familiar shadow looming in the surrounding forest.

"Long time no see, Guan Nian, I won't let you escape this trip..." A beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure and revealing clothes, a short black skirt, black hair wrapped around her hands, walked out of the dark Come out and look at the crowd of Wumeng.

"Bai Jing...!" Guan Nian's expression darkened suddenly.

"Zhong Yunxiu, Guan Nian, today I was able to get rid of the two big rats in the Wumeng. It's not bad, good luck." On the other side of the crowd, a white-faced scholar slowly walked out of the darkness.

The scholar was smiling, holding a pink folding fan with pictures of beauties making flowers in his hand. There seemed to be some women's makeup on his face, and a strong fragrance wafted faintly.

"Quan Huan!" Guan Nian's expression turned extremely ugly.

If there was only Bai Jing alone, and he joined Zhong Yunxiu in a sneak attack, he might still have a chance to win. But there is one more Quan Huan, who is not a novice like Bai Jing who just entered the three-pattern level. Quan Huan's reputation had spread to the ears of many Central Plains aristocratic children more than 20 years ago. It was because he was not only good in strength, but also good in mind.

"This is troublesome..." Guan Nian's body tensed up, and he exchanged glances with Zhong Yunshou, ready to escape at any time, as long as they escape first and lead the two strongest Bai Jing away, then Zhang Wuya Ordinary people like the old man will have the hope of surviving.

But then, two shadows slowly came out from two other directions, which made Guan Nian's heart sink to the bottom.

Their hearts were icy cold, and some people in the team behind them even faintly showed a look of despair.

Dealing with the Wuyou Mansion all the year round, most of them recognize the envoys in the Wuyou Mansion. These envoys are like Xiao Hongye, very strong masters guarding a place, but they did not expect to meet four people here. !

Lu Sheng rode his horse and looked at Li Shunxi's team from a distance. His expression was also a little gloomy.

"Brother Li, it seems that you leaked the news."

Li Shunxi's face was pale, knowing that he would not survive this disaster, he smiled wryly at Lu Sheng: "Brother Lu..." For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Lu Sheng looked around at Bai Jing and the others, his eyes turned cold.

"Our transaction cannot be leaked. It seems that these people cannot be kept."


The four of Bai Jing were taken aback, and a brawny bronze-skinned man who was close to Lu Sheng looked at Lu Sheng with eyes like he was looking at a fool.

"Your boy is..." His eyes suddenly changed, looking in the direction of Lu Sheng, his eyes opened wider and wider, and his mouth gradually opened into an O shape.

"you you you you you... .!!?"

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for knowing too much!" Lu Sheng slowly drew out the two swords behind his back. The muscles of his whole body were twisting and wriggling like blowing air. Almost just counting breaths, he swelled from an ordinary person with a height of more than one meter to a muscular giant close to three meters! !

The most frightening thing was that there was a terrifying and scorching transparent airflow lingering around him. The feeling of that breath even made the bronze man standing more than ten meters away feel hot all over his body and his skin burned and hurt.

"Chi Ji Jiu Sha... ..Shenwei!!!"

boom! ! !


The horse under Lu Sheng's feet howled miserably, and its limbs broke and knelt down at the same time.

Lu Sheng, who was on his back, stepped on the horse's back for strength, and he jumped up high, and his heavy body fell down like a huge boulder.

The location where it fell was a bronze brawny man, one of the four.

The strong man's pupils shrank, his arms were fiercely blocked in front of him, his hind feet were propped up on the ground, and the black film covering and circulating on his body surface.

ah! !

He let out a roar, his pupils faintly glowed red, activating the secret technique, and white python scales faintly appeared all over his body.

Boom! ! !

The double knives and the strong man's arms collided suddenly, like two boulders facing each other.

The stalemate lasted only for a moment, and everyone heard a crisp sound, and the strong man's arms snapped off. He had no time to react, and his chest was cut off with a knife.

With a puff, the entire head of the brawny bronze man, including his upper body to his waist, was chopped into two pieces by the machete in an instant.

"You....!!" The strong man struggled and fell to the ground, and finally said a word.


Before he finished speaking, his head was crushed by Lu Sheng.

The fiery inner air wrapped around the blade, and burned the strong man into a ball of black ash in a blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng raised his two knives, and then looked at Bai Jing and the other three.

"There are three more." There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

The whole forest was deathly silent.

"Big monster....big monster....!" Guan Nian's forehead and nose were dripping with sweat, his body was trembling, and he stared at the transformed Lu Sheng.

No matter how you look at it, the black-gray body that is close to three meters does not look like a human, but more like those transformed monsters in the Wuyou Mansion.

It's just that a monster of this level... can kill an envoy of the Wuyou Prefecture with a single knife, and even the black membrane doesn't exist.

This strength... ..!!

If they really encountered a big demon, then all of them would die.

"No...not a demon...." Unlike him, Zhang Wuya looked excited, staring at Lu Sheng at this time with a frenzied expression.

"Hard Kung Fu... This is Hard Kung Fu!! The strongest external Kung Fu that integrates all major elements into one body! We have gathered together and deduced it together. The theoretically strongest state of Hard Kung Fu is just like this....unbelievable! Unbelievable!! Such people really exist! It's unbelievable!!" He muttered words, carefully staring at every inhuman change in Lu Sheng's body.

"You mean, this person relied on martial arts?! Using martial arts to hack a regional envoy to death??!" Zhong Yunxiu dared not believe it.

"This person is a genius! The strongest genius that no one can surpass in ancient and modern times!! There is really someone in this world who can deduce so many hard skills to great success!!? Hahahaha!! Martial arts are promising! Martial arts are promising!!" Zhang Wuya almost started dancing. I couldn't be more excited.