Way of the Devil

Chapter 137: Heal one


After an unknown amount of time, Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was the cold, pitted floor of the secret room, and there were dents from his previous practice on the black metal floor.

"Water..." He instinctively felt thirsty, and his throat seemed to be smoking.

The secret room was silent, but it was a pity that he was alone and there was no one to help.

Lu Sheng supported his body with his hands, trying to stand up.


His arms were weak, and he fell back on his stomach all at once.

"Water..." he moaned softly.

No one responded. The sound insulation of this secret room was designed by himself. The iron plate was filled with slate and cotton. The cost was astonishing, but the sound insulation effect was excellent.

In addition, he also ordered that nothing should disturb his retreat, no matter what the guards outside hear, they must not disturb him.

Therefore, even if he yelled inside, no one would come outside.

Lu Sheng struggled for a while, but still couldn't get up, so he had to rest on his stomach to recover his strength.

His thighs, back, and arms were in burning pain. He tilted his head to look at the large wound on his leg, and there was a thin layer of white hair growing on the wound.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is the officiant? It's so poisonous!" Lu Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu in his body quickly accelerated, starting to stimulate his body's immunity.

After lying on the ground for a while, he managed to regain some strength, and then he slowly stood up, moved a little bit to the grid where the food and drink were placed in the secret room, took the water bag, opened it, and drank in big gulps.

The secret compartment is a hole dug out of the wall, which not only contains food and drink, but also some basic ointments and powders. Bandages and the like.

Lu Sheng picked out another medicine powder wrapped in white paper, opened it gently, and swallowed it in one gulp while drinking water.

"I hope it will be effective. The detoxification powder developed by this brother." Although I know that these medicine powders are only for detoxifying ordinary poisons, they have almost no effect on severe poisons above the level of arrest. But Lu Sheng still stuffed several kinds of antidote into his mouth in a mess, and swallowed it with water.

After eating some jerky and snacks at will, he finally regained some strength, endured the pain and began to treat the injuries on his body.

First the thighs.

Flesh and flesh the size of a fist had been dug out from the thigh, together with the fascia, the injury was so severe that even the bones were not spared.

And the scariest thing was the layer of white hair growing from the bloody flesh.

Enduring the pain, Lu Sheng took out a small knife from the hidden compartment, and slashed at the wound.

ah! !

He let out a low growl, trembled all over, blood flowed profusely from his thigh, the white hair and a small layer of flesh were all cut off by him.

Lu Sheng quickly pressed his palm against the edge of the wound, severely blocking the main blood vessel. Then he took out the bandaged cloth, cotton, etc. from the hidden compartment with one hand, quickly poured the powder on it and pressed it. Coupled with the hard work to control the muscles to tighten and stop the bleeding, it was finally dealt with.

The thigh injury was treated in this way, and the rest of the body injuries were quickly bandaged by Lu Sheng.

After finishing everything, he sat down cross-legged and began to check the situation in his body.

After closing his eyes for a moment, he quickly opened them with a wry smile on his face.

"This trip was miserable. It was much more serious than Heisha Gong's injury, and he didn't have enough self-healing ability. But fortunately, the chief priest is killed, and there is no threat for the time being. As long as there is no real evidence, the Shangyang family is behind. , I have also shown enough self-protection strength, and I will never be sacrificed casually."

His body was in a mess, the Chiji Nine Demons had been exhausted, and now there was only a trace flowing slowly in his body. If it was a river before, it is now a small water pipe.

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Kungfu also consumes a lot, as soon as the internal energy is released, it is quickly consumed by the wound. Suppressing toxicity and accelerating self-healing, no matter which one is required, requires a lot of nutrients provided by Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu.

The only good news is that because the hard work is extremely powerful, the injury is not much involved. Only internal injuries matter.

The main reason is that the gas and liquid were detonated twice, causing serious damage to the meridians in the body, so that the recovery of internal gas became extremely slow. Whether it is the Chiji Nine Sharks Art or the Yin Yang Jade Crane Art, the recovery speed is greatly impaired, less than one-tenth of the original.

After sitting quietly in the secret room to adjust his breath, and then taking the elixir to restore inner qi, Lu Sheng retreated for half a day, and soon came out.

Although he killed the officiant this time, he also killed a thousand enemies and lost eight hundred, so it would not help if he continued to retreat. He needs to find some special healing techniques and medicines.

Outside the secret room, Yu Lianzi and another elder were waiting respectfully. Seeing that Lu Sheng had left the barrier, the two hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Report to the Chief, the Xiao Mansion has sent someone to invite you to the banquet tonight."

"If you don't go, just say that I am in retreat and practicing, and if I have important matters, I can just send a letter directly." Naturally, Lu Sheng would not go to Xiao's mansion at this time to make trouble.

He killed the four regional envoys of Wuyou Mansion, plus one chief priest, and sent them to the door. If they were discovered, wouldn't they be courting death

Yu Lianzi nodded and wrote down the reply.

"Also, in Fengshuang City, the leader Chen Ying came back and brought back a little boy. It is said that he is the surviving child of the disaster-stricken family. It seems that he is going to adopt him into the gang."

"Just find someone to register and check the child's details. As long as there is no problem, don't worry about it." Lu Sheng has no time to take care of these trivial matters. "By the way, where are the foreign envoys who went out to carry out their missions? Haven't come back yet?"

"Eh...one came back, and there is no news about the others." Yu Lianzi whispered.

There has been no news for so many days, and Lu Sheng has a headache. The casualty rate of the foreign affairs envoy is extremely high, so the senior members of the gang take turns. Now it's the turn of Wang's internal affairs envoy and Elder Ouyang. Don't know how they are.

It's a pity that he is seriously injured now, and with his strength, he may not even be able to fight an ordinary single pattern. In case an enemy strikes at this time... ..

Lu Sheng's heart was agitated, his face was calm, and he quickly let Yu Lianzi and the others go down, and he went directly to the Xuanwu Pavilion in the Gangzhong.

The elder Ge at the counter on the first floor was sleeping soundly on his stomach, and there were only a few people on the first and second floors in Xuanwu Pavilion, and the rest of the floors were empty.

Lu Sheng went straight to the fourth floor where the inner strength of healing is.

Soon he came back with several volumes of mental methods at the Tongli level, as well as the Tongyi cheats he asked the elders to bring back, and put them on the fourth floor for high-level practice. It was also taken out at this time.

"Master Ge, do you know which internal energy has a miraculous effect on healing?" Lu Sheng's breathing was extremely unstable at this time, and he had lost too much blood, and his complexion was also pale. A person could tell that he was injured at a glance.

He simply didn't hide it, and directly took the opportunity to ask Mr. Ge.

The old man raised his head from the counter with sleepy eyes, and glanced at Lu Sheng. After just one glance, his expression suddenly changed.

"You fought a zombie!?"

Lu Sheng was taken aback.


"It's not an ordinary zombie, at least it's at the level of a red phosphorus corpse general!" Ge Lao's complexion quickly became serious, "Guangzhu, your eyebrows are slightly black now, your eyelids are faintly purple, and there are light gray spots on your neck. Tell the truth , Did the wound grow a layer of white hair!?"

Lu Sheng didn't expect Elder Ge to be so proficient at all, and he could see his injury situation at a glance. He didn't hide anything at the moment, just nodded. "That's right, that's true. Does Mr. Ge have any methods to detoxify and heal the wound?"

The old man was silent for a while.

"The only way is to soak a lot of water with Jiuxiang lotus heart, and at the same time take Huayan powder orally, four times a day! The medicine should be used for at least one year. As for the effect, it mainly depends on the degree of recovery of the leader. But you'd better be mentally prepared. The poison of the red phosphorus zombie is very difficult to deal with."

Coming out of Xuanwu Pavilion, Lu Sheng felt a little heavy, he didn't expect the officiant's poison to be so powerful and obvious.

He quickly sent someone to find Jiuxiang Lianxin, and immediately began to take a bath. After taking a bath, he really felt refreshed all over his body, as if a lot of dirt and toxins had been cleaned out of his body.

Although the meridian has not recovered, it is obvious that the burning sensation at the wound is much less.

Back in the secret room, he once again took out the piece of metal that he had obtained from the officiant, and placed it in front of him for careful observation.

Under the dim candlelight, the metal surface faintly shimmered with a dark yellow color, and the patterns on it looked like lively little snakes. It is full of a large amount of Yin Qi that is thick to a certain extent.

"If I want to recover from the injuries on my body, it seems that I can only start with Yin Qi." Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the dark yellow metal block in front of him.

He casually wiped some blood from his wound, and lightly applied it to the metal surface.

Hiss... A large cloud of white gas evaporated from the metal surface. A large amount of Yin Qi, like a flood breaking a bank, poured into his body frantically.

Lu Sheng couldn't help moaning from the cold breath, but he could only hold back.

"The only thing that is effective now is to quickly improve the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kungfu and other healing techniques to heal the wounds! Fortunately, I got so much Yin Qi this trip, otherwise it would be a big loss." Lu Sheng sighed secretly, waiting quietly The influx of Yin Qi ended.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and twenty breaths passed in a blink of an eye, and the Yin Qi was still pouring in. Lu Sheng had obviously estimated that twenty units of Yin Qi had entered his body, but the Yin Qi on the metal block was still flowing continuously rush in.

It was a sign he had never seen before.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng thought of the piece of magic weapon that Zhang Peng mentioned earlier.

"Could it be that this is the so-called fragment of the divine weapon??" His heart skipped a beat.

The Yin Qi flowed endlessly, and it lasted for a full fifty breaths before it gradually weakened, and then became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

"There are at least fifty units!!" Lu Sheng has been calculating carefully, overjoyed. It was a windfall.

"Dark blue!"

He must immediately deduce and improve the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kungfu and heal his injuries. Otherwise, in this position, once someone finds out that his strength is not good enough, if nothing else, Light Umbrella Girl will definitely not miss the opportunity.

Hongfang didn't deal with the aristocratic family at all, and didn't care about the Shangyang family at all, not to mention that the Shangyang family was only here to gain a name, and it was impossible to mobilize experts to enter the Northland. It was just an accident that a genius like Shangyang Jiuli stayed here.

With a swipe, the light blue box of the modifier appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

His eyes quickly fell on the Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu.

After seeing this, he suddenly realized that his Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu actually only had four levels. Up to now, the Chiji Nine Demons Art has already liquefied the inner qi, reaching the ninth floor, but this collection of health-preserving internal energy that he relied on so much at the beginning is actually only the fourth floor.