Way of the Devil

Chapter 144: The storm is coming 2


Lu Sheng was speechless, his feelings were to transfer this helpless sense of frustration to other people. This is the so-called processing method.

"Then, what gang should I communicate with?" He asked again.

"The Red Whale Gang is the largest gang in the Northland. Now that the Northland is getting depressed, it is estimated that they will lose their previous targets. We can go a little farther this time, closer to the Central Plains. There are large grasslands and valleys there, and there are several cities. It is under the jurisdiction of the Baihe Gang. We can go there to communicate." Hong Mingzi laughed.

"Baihe Gang?"

"Yes, a big gang that has only risen for more than 30 years. The gang leader Xu Tianfeng and I had a friendship back then, so we can contact each other." Hong Mingzi continued.

"Alright, the other party is also a big gang that governs a place. Although the scale is a little smaller, they are at the same level as the Red Whale Gang. The communication is not bad." Lu Sheng nodded and made a decision, "I'm going to get married right away, and then go to communicate .”

"Get engaged now?!" Hong Mingzi was taken aback. "It's a big deal to help the Lord get married!"

"No need, I don't want to make publicity, the more low-key the better." Lu Sheng said solemnly, "It's good to invite a few of you to come and get together at that time."

Chen Yunxi is just an ordinary person, the higher the profile, the more people will know that she is more important to him, and the greater the danger to her.

Back then, the Lu family was almost wiped out. Lu Sheng didn't want to go out one day, and when he came back, he found that Chen Yunxi's family had died.

In addition, there is no safe environment to recuperate after being injured, and there is no safe place for family members to be protected.

Now Lu Sheng wants to cultivate his own power more and more, relying on him alone, after all, he will not be the opponent of the aristocratic family and monsters.

Put strength aside first, there will always be times when people relax, and there will always be times when they want to relax. At this time, other strengths are needed to protect their own safety.

"Alright." Hong Mingzi understood Lu Sheng's thoughts. "Remember to let me know when you're ready."


Lu Sheng nodded.

After arranging a series of helping tasks, he also prepared and took medicine as usual, and then played around with Chen Yunxi every day. As for Li Shunxi, he sent someone to keep an eye on him at all times. Whenever he appeared in the Northland, he would report it in time.

Engagement is very crude.

Lu Sheng invited his father and Erniang to host a simple banquet at his home.

Then, in a property of the Red Whale Gang in Yanshan City, another banquet was secretly held, so that father Lu Quan'an and Chen Dao could meet each other earlier, and it was regarded as a meeting of in-laws.

Not many relatives were present, and the only friends were some new friends of Lu Jia, Lu Quan'an and Uncle Lu Anping.

Even if the relationship with Chen Yunxi is settled.

In addition, he also found Song Zhenguo, a rich man who had practiced kung fu hard since he got Qingsong Yijue. Lu Sheng was speechless for a while because of his current progress.

Not far from Feilian Army Fort outside the city, Song Zhenguo rented a school ground here, and every day he rode his horse to practice martial arts hard.

When Lu Sheng found him, he was holding a stone lock in his hand, flying up and down, dancing in his hand constantly, trying to build up his strength.

In autumn and winter, when the weather turned cold, Song Zhenguo only wore a single shirt, and his whole body was steaming with blood surging.

Next to him was a personal maid who waited on him.

"Master Lu!"

Seeing Lu Sheng coming, Song Zhenguo was startled for a moment, then overjoyed, he dropped the stone lock and quickly walked towards him. "Master Lu, you're finally here. I've been waiting and waiting for no news, and I don't know if I've trained well. If you don't come again, I can only go to other martial artists to ask about the details and taboos."

Lu Sheng was dressed in black and black hat. He was dressed like Heiwuchang. He looked Song Zhenguo up and down.

I haven't seen him for a few days. This weak scholar at the time is now full of tendon and flesh, and his skin has a light bronze color, which is quite healthy.

"Have you mastered your inner strength?" Lu Sheng asked strangely.

"Where, it's still stable, but the appetite and strength of the body have increased a lot. It's much healthier than before." Song Zhenguo laughed.

Lu Sheng nodded. This is the standard process for normal people to practice internal strength. Even if a genius like Song Zhenguo can feel the sense of Qi within a day, it will still take at least three years to consolidate the first level of entry.

Internal strength is not so easy to cultivate.

"It's been a few months since Master Lu taught me the real kung fu last time. I've been groping for it myself, and I also learned a set of wave-turning hands from an expert I met by chance. I also invite Master Lu to taste it!"

Song Zhenguo seemed to have a great interest in martial arts, and even found someone to learn martial arts by himself.

"Expert? Can you demonstrate?" Lu Sheng was very interested, and took a step back to give up his position.


Song Zhenguo also took a few steps back, spread out his hands, and first made a gesture, a bit like the classic pose in Huang Feihong's movie.

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched, but he didn't make a sound.

Whoa! ! !

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder, and Song Zhenguo mustered all his strength and shouted. Crackling and dancing with a palm towards the front.

Ahhh! Da da da da da da! ! ! !

After only ten breaths, Song Zhenguo was out of breath and stopped with a red face.

"This is a combination of vocal strike and palm technique. I bought it from an expert for a hundred taels of silver. What does Lu Sheng think? Is it very powerful?" He asked enthusiastically.

"..." Lu Sheng was speechless.

"It's a pity that after that expert passed on my set of martial arts, he drifted away without a trace..." Song Zhenguo said sadly.

Why don't he leave quickly, and after you know the truth, you will be so angry that you will be beaten to death

Lu Sheng had no choice but to relax a little bit, and the only disciple he accepted developed into this appearance.

"Guide your internal strength to your hand, and then hit my palm." He stretched out his right hand and said in a deep voice. "As for your troublesome wave-turning hand, don't use it, just hit it lightly."

Song Zhenguo was not a fool either. Hearing this, he immediately realized that he had been deceived. He immediately stared at him, and his face quickly turned pale.

"Hurry up." Lu Sheng urged.

Only then did Song Zhenguo take a deep breath, Yunzu Qingsong made up his mind, and lightly patted Lu Sheng's hand.

"Sure enough, there is still a long way to go to get started, and the inner qi is not solid." Lu Sheng sensed it, and immediately knew Lu Sheng's progress.

"How is it?" Song Zhenguo looked at Lu Sheng expectantly.

Lu Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered a special effect of the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi before: crossing Qi.

In his mind, he slightly controlled a trace of Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi, pinched his arm with his backhand, and slowly passed it towards Song Zhenguo.

"This is... such a deep internal energy!!" Song Zhenguo's expression was shocked when the air was just as thin as a hair, and he stood motionless on the spot.

He obviously felt a trace of cold and soft inner energy penetrated into his body. Wherever this trace of inner energy passed, his body's meridians, blood vessels, muscles, bones and flesh all trembled and felt refreshed, as if he had obtained supreme relaxation and enjoyment.

But Lu Sheng felt completely different from him.

As soon as the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi entered Song Zhenguo's body, something happened that surprised him.

This trace of internal energy swallowed Qingsong's determined internal energy that Song Zhenguo had trained hard for several months, and completely devoured it in one gulp. Then it quickly simulated and changed into the form of Qingsong Yiyijue's internal energy.

If it's just that, then forget it, but he clearly felt that his inner energy was in Song Zhenguo's body, and he could still control it back at any time.

It was like a seed that penetrated into Song Zhenguo's body thoroughly.

"This, is it the so-called crossing of qi and assimilation?" Lu Sheng was shocked, which meant that he could devour the inner qi of those who were weaker than himself at will.

But this doesn't matter to him, no matter how strong a master of internal energy is in this world, it's only to that extent.

He just suddenly thought of the method of the Dao Heart Demon Seed mentioned in a movie he had read.

"Zhen Guo, try it, can you still control your internal energy?" Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

Song Zhenguo also discovered at this time that the internal qi in his body had suddenly transformed into Qingsong Yiyijue.

He tried to mobilize his mind a few times, and he was overjoyed that he was commanding like an arm.

This transformed Qingsong Yiyiju is many times stronger than the little internal energy he had cultivated himself.

"It can be controlled!" He quickly replied with joy.

Lu Sheng's face was serious, he let go of his hand, and took a few steps back, a few meters away from Song Zhenguo. But he could still sense the yin and yang jade crane treasure bottle energy left in his body. It's just that as the distance fades, the sense of internal energy also fades a lot.

But he knew in his heart that as long as he was willing, he could easily take all of Song Zhenguo's inner energy back with just a touch.

"This Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi... is a bit evil." Lu Sheng thought to himself, but his face remained calm.

"Your current level is considered an entry level. I won't help you anymore. What about the move that I asked you to practice hard after I asked you to go back? How are you practicing now?"

He passed Song Zhenguo a tailor-made move back then. Just thinking about it, let's experiment to see how far it can be achieved by practicing only one move.

"I've been practicing." Song Zhenguo nodded. Slowly put on a posture, and then punched forward very casually.

call! !

He punched this punch very skillfully, and it looked ordinary. Although he had worked hard, a few months was still too short, and it was already good to be able to practice to this level.

"Continue to practice and you will gain something." Lu Sheng encouraged.

"Yes!" Song Zhenguo was encouraged.

Lu Sheng didn't take back the yin and yang jade crane treasure bottle energy, but passed on a set of practical small grasping hands to him, which is a free martial art in Xuanwu Pavilion.

Anyway, Song Zhenguo is a disciple of the Chiri Sect, that is, a member of the Chijing Gang, so it is not considered a violation of the rules. What's more, his current level of strength has far surpassed that of the past, and no matter what he does, it will not be the turn of other martial arts masters to criticize and preach.

As for the aristocratic family, they don't care whether the martial arts is passed on or not.

After dealing with Song Zhenguo's incident, Lu Sheng's injury was finally almost healed.

Regarding the communication, he named a group of experts in the gang, a total of 30 people, all of whom were the elite of the gang, the elders and the newly promoted foreign affairs envoys, as well as the rudder masters and deputy rudder masters from various places, and selected from the Jiuyu level The worst is the peak of KONE, followed by the four high-level generalists.

Baggage gifts and so on, guard disciples and the like, added up, a small caravan was formed and headed to the Baihe Gang.