Way of the Devil

Chapter 2: cheater


At the end of Kurong Street is a rich area.

Lufu is also here, one of them.

The carriage drove all the way to the end of Kurong Street and entered a garden-like area.

Gray-white stone walls enclose this area into a large oval.

Road House is on the left side of the area entrance.

The red lanterns at the black gate, and the white snow covering the two stone unicorns at the gate made the mansion look more and more quiet.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Lu Mansion, and Lu Sheng got out of the car. Someone had already heard the sound at the gate of the mansion, and slowly opened the door, and there were attendants waiting at the door to greet him.

As soon as Lu Sheng and Xiaoqiao entered the door, they saw two people, a man and a woman, standing on the stone bridge in the mansion on the right.

The man is handsome and handsome, with a face like a crown jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a strong Confucian temperament.

The woman is gentle and soft, with a slight smile, picturesque eyebrows, slender waist and long legs, which is also the temperament of a lady.

Lu Sheng's train of thought stopped slightly, and when he saw those two people, he was also in a better mood, so he took the initiative to walk over to say hello.

"Brother Xu, my cousin has missed you for a long time, why did you come here today?" He walked up the stone bridge with a smile.

The man turned his head and saw Lu Sheng, and smiled.

"It's Mr. Sheng. I was ordered to investigate a case before and it was closed. I came to see Yiyi. Don't blame me, no one can disobey the order from above."

"Case? Is there any major case in the city recently? Do you need Brother Xu to dispatch himself?" Lu Sheng knew the location of this Brother Xu, Xu Daoran.

It is Tongzhi County under the rule of Jiuliancheng, the county captain who is responsible for coordinating all security.

The position of county lieutenant is only under the county magistrate, which is equivalent to the head of the public security bureau in Tongzhi County.

"The cases in a few small fishing villages have been closed now." Xu Daoran said with a gentle smile, "It's Xiao Sheng, when are you going to help me? You promised to come out and help me manage the security plan in Tongzhi. of."

How could Lu Sheng remember what this body promised before, so he hurriedly dealt with it with a haha, and quickly changed the subject.

"Fishing village, could it be the rumor of some water ghost making trouble?"

"Where is there any water ghost, he is a lunatic, completely insane because of hatred and hatred, murdering people everywhere, and I have already beheaded him on the spot." Xu Daoran shook his head and said lightly, "The case is closed, so let's not talk about these disappointing things. Xiaosheng, do you remember what I promised Yiyi last time?"

"Go to Honglian Temple to offer incense, and go for a walk?"

Lu Sheng responded quickly with a smile.

"You remember these fun things clearly." Xu Daoran said helplessly, "You are not young anymore, you are nineteen this year, right? It's time to find some work, you can't live like this for the rest of your life, right?"

He grew up watching Lu Sheng grow up, and because of the family relationship between the two families, he always regarded Lu Sheng as his younger brother.

At this time, I can't help but give advice.

Lu Sheng shook his head and smiled.

"Brother Xu, do you want me to be an official or a businessman?"

"Of course it is to become an official. This is also your father's wish. Your uncle, your uncle, they all hope that you will go out to help them as soon as possible.

After all, you are Lu's son. "

Xu Daoran persuaded.

"Don't mention this matter, don't be in a hurry, I'm still young, there is no reason to be so anxious to push my eldest son out."

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously, and quibbled indiscriminately.

Both Xu Daoran and Lu Yiyi were speechless, so it was hard to say anything about him.

Lu Sheng didn't want to continue the topic of becoming an official, so he took the initiative to change the topic, and took Xiao Qiao to his bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, he changed his clothes, took the pebble, and didn't go to see his old father, but went to the back garden alone.

Xu Daoran was born in the Xu family, and like the Lu family, it is a first-class wealthy family in Jiulian City in the Northland. The family has flourished, and there are people who hold important positions in various places in the city.

Lu Sheng still has a good feeling for Xu Daoran, he is a kind person with no selfishness, and he really likes Yiyi.

Lu Sheng is as friendly to him as a big brother.

only... ..

Holding the pebbles, Lu Sheng recalled the scene he had seen before, as well as the death process of the water ghost that happened to be heard at the gate of the city.

"In this world, are there any ghosts, are there immortals...?"

Looking at the snowy garden, he felt an indescribable depression in his heart.

"Maybe it's true what brother Xu said, but it's just a misrepresentation."

He shook his head, after all, there was a little luck in his heart.

In the evening, he went back to his room very early, washed up, and went to sleep.

What happened today made him confused for a while, he had too many thoughts in his mind, and he was getting tired quickly.

I slept until the next morning, when it was just dawn.

Boom, boom, boom! !

There was a hasty knock on the door.

Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, straightened up from the bed, and looked out the door.


"Young master is not good!" It was a small voice.

Lu Sheng hurriedly got out of bed and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Xiaoqiao's face was frighteningly pale, without a trace of blood.

The little girl had a baby-fat face, and she was trembling violently at this moment.


When Lu Sheng saw it, an ominous premonition faintly rose in his heart.

"What's the matter? Take a breath first!"

He reached out and patted Xiao Qiao's back vigorously.

Only then did Xiaoqiao breathe smoothly.

Speak out in a weeping breath.

"The Xu family... Mr. Xu's family, it's all over!!"

Lu Sheng was taken aback.

Xiaoqiao quickly put on a coat for Lu Sheng, and the two of them ran to the outer mansion without saying a word.

Lu Fang, the head of the Lu family, was standing outside the mansion with his hands behind his back and a gloomy expression trembling.

There were three large black carriages parked beside him.

Lu Sheng, along with his cousins and other cousins in the rest of the mansion, quickly greeted Lu Fang, and everyone got into the carriage one after another.

Lu Fang and Lu Sheng sat together, the two father and son looked at each other silently, and no one spoke in the carriage.

Lu Fang was over sixty years old, with a white beard, thin figure, and a handsome face. He looked more like a scholar than a businessman.

The carriage didn't stop, and soon arrived outside the gate of Jiulian City.

As soon as Lu Sheng got out of the car, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Dozens of corpses were neatly lying on the snow field on the left side of the carriageway outside the city gate.

From old to young, from male to female.

They were all from the Xu family!

They were wearing the custom-made robes of the Xu family, and Xu Daoran was lying in the middle of the third row.

His face was ashen, his whole body was stiff, his eyes were closed tightly, and his expression was full of fear, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

Lu Sheng watched the police officers maintaining order at the scene, and saw his father Lu Fang standing in front of an old man's corpse without saying a word, his fists clenched.

There is also the prefect who heard the news.

His face was as white as the surrounding snow.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, and walked slowly to a policeman.

"How did you die?"

The catcher also recognized him, knew his identity, and sighed.

"All of them were hanged to death by water plants on the beams in their own mansion. I don't know where the water plants came from...."

"Yiyi! Yiyi!!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from behind. Obviously cousin Yiyi fainted.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, remembering what Xu Daoran said to him yesterday.

He just came back from the fishing village after finishing the case... ..

fishing village... .

water ghost... .

That weird pebble... .

For a while, Lu Sheng thought a lot.

In fact, he only came to this world for a few days, and he didn't have a deep relationship with Xu Daoran, so all he has now is regret and consternation. But without the sadness that others expected.

It's not that he hasn't seen dead people.

But I have never seen so many dead people.

"Where is Taoist Chiling from the Xu family?"

He heard Lu put him to ask the head catcher.

"In another place, the corpse was divided into several pieces, some of which were eaten by wild animals..." the head catcher replied in a low voice.

There was a silence.

Whether it's the people from the Lu family, the magistrate, or the people watching at the gate of the city.

"Taoist Chiling has a sharp sword, which is better than Uncle Zhao..." Lu Fang's voice slowly dropped.

Uncle Zhao is the strongest martial artist hired by the Lu family.

Taoist Chiling was stronger than Uncle Zhao, yet he also died.

This case is no longer a simple murder case, but a major case that threatens everyone present!

Among the people present, how many dare to say that they are stronger than the Xu family

Including the prefect, no one dared to say that.

Lu Sheng stood silently by the side of the road. He originally thought that this world was safe, and it was just a replica of the ancient Chinese world.

A little bit of surprise, but nothing serious.

But now it seems... ..

He touched the pebbles in his sleeve pocket.

The pebbles were astonishingly hot at this moment.

He took out the stone, hesitated for a while, and then gently threw it away.

This thing may cause trouble for the upper body.

The Xu family, which had a strong foundation like his Lu family, was wiped out overnight.

This made Lu Sheng extremely agitated.

He thought for a while, then suddenly walked to the edge of the cobblestone, bent down and picked it up.


At some point, his index finger was accidentally scratched by a weed protruding from the snow.

Small grass is a unique blade grass, and the edges of the leaves are extremely sharp like blades.

Lu Sheng's finger was scratched immediately, and a little bit of blood dripped on the surface of the cobblestone.

"Master?" Xiao Qiao followed closely behind him, a little worried, her little face was full of tears. Obviously Xu Daoran's death was also a blow to her.

Lu Sheng froze in place.

A very special syllable suddenly appeared in his mind.

'Welcome to use the dark blue skill cheater. '

Lu Sheng's eyes froze instantly.

Then it took a long time to come back to God.

He looked at the blue translucent box that appeared in front of his eyes, which contained his name and the skills he had mastered.

"Isn't this... a little cheat made by programming on my phone?!"

Lu Sheng felt that he was going crazy, and had hallucinations one after another.

It's fine to be reborn and transmigrated into a rich son with no power to restrain a chicken.

Now I still see all kinds of hallucinations!

In his previous life, when he was bored, he played a small game called Chaos Sword and Heroes. Because the game was too difficult, he made up a simple cheat to modify the game's martial arts.

It was named Deep Blue Cheater. Speaking of which, the voice just now was recorded by himself with a voice changer.

did not expect... ..

Then Lu Sheng resolutely looked carefully at the interface inside the box.

The interface is extremely simple, only a small grid densely packed.

It says:

Lu Sheng—

Martial Arts: None.