Way of the Devil

Chapter 38: Flirting two


Downstairs, hundreds of round lanterns with dragon characters painted on them emitted bright golden light, forming hundreds of light spots, enclosing a long red dragon.

The long dragon rushed from left to right, trying to break out of the encirclement of the lanterns. The light spot and the long dragon were constantly fighting, forming an extremely gorgeous and lively dragon meeting.

Groups of golden, red, and yellow fireworks continuously rushed into the sky, and the three-color fireworks rendered the whole scene golden and brilliant.

Taking advantage of the excitement, everyone watched the dragon dance for a while, and then returned to the table to drink and eat food. All of them were businessmen, and none of them came from a family, and their self-cultivation qualities suddenly showed signs of improvement. Pretending to be elegant, each of them was unrestrained, laughing and clapping the table.

"Is anyone able to enter this tenth floor?"

Suddenly, an impatient voice came from a side table.

Everyone laughed and looked over quickly.

On the adjacent table, three young scholars with elegant temperament were looking at this side with cold eyes.

It was one of the fair-skinned scholars with a slender face who spoke.

"Such an elegant place can actually allow such vulgar people to go upstairs. It seems that this Xunyang Tower is getting worse and worse than before." The scholar said coldly.

Unexpectedly, Song Zhenguo, who has always been unreasonable and unforgiving, rarely said anything after seeing the speaker clearly, and just lowered his head and drank silently without speaking.

Most of the rest of the people also lowered their heads and remained silent, and their voices quickly quieted down. Even Chen Yunxi bit her lip, but still didn't make a sound. Among this group of people, her family background is the best. She didn't dare to speak back, obviously those three people had a lot of background.

"Isn't this Miss Chen Yunxi? She is indeed the daughter of a merchant, and she even makes friends with people who don't know how to be polite.

Last time your elder brother said a lot of good things in front of me, made a smile on his face, and said that he would betroth you to me as a concubine. "The other young master was playing with a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, shaking his head and laughing.

When Chen Yunxi heard these words, she quickly glanced at Lu Sheng as if she was shocked by electricity, and immediately lowered her head, her whole body flushed from face to neck. Her body was even trembling.

But even so, none of the eight or nine people at the table dared to protest.

Lu Sheng shook his head in his heart. Look at Song Zhenguo again, he clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his neck were congested, obviously he was extremely angry.

"A bunch of cowards." The thin-faced scholar spat softly.

"Didn't your mother teach you what is polite? I still want me to teach you, what is education?"

Suddenly a flat voice sounded from beside Chen Yunxi.

The thin-faced scholar originally planned to ignore this group of people and was about to pick up his glass and continue drinking, but he didn't expect to hear this sentence suddenly. He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at Chen Yunxi suddenly.

The other two people at that table also showed surprise and looked at Chen Yunxi.

Song Zhenguo grabbed Lu Sheng's hand suddenly, and gave him wild winks. He stood up slowly, bowed his hands to the three of them, and wanted to apologize.

Lu Sheng smiled and stood up. "It's our fault that the noise disturbed other people. But to attack a girl with malicious words is still a young woman who is still young. It seems that the three are not good people."

Ji (ji) refers to the age of marriage, and the age of marriage here is sixteen years old. And Chen Yunxi is only sixteen. He is three years younger than Lu Sheng.

"How courageous!" The thin-faced scholar stood up and stared at Lu Sheng coldly. "I didn't expect that this mountain city would actually..."

"Okay, Su De." The only young man among the three who didn't speak, spoke slowly at this time,

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other two people immediately suppressed their outraged expressions, and there was a look of gloating on their faces. It was obvious that the person who spoke had a bigger background.

"It's just a small matter, so be it. When the time comes, we should go too." The young man's facial features are correct, his temperament is graceful and calm, and he speaks with a calm expression, as if the dispute between several people is nothing to him. It's like playing house with children.

"Okay... since it was Mr. Rong who spoke! Huh!" the thin-faced scholar snorted coldly, and glared at Lu Sheng fiercely.

Lu Sheng was ready to directly teach the three of them a lesson. He also noticed that there were a few stern gazes not far from the three of them, but they were all at the Kone level. To him, it was just a few more palms. difference.

There are also differences in the level of kone, for example, Zhao Bo's top kone, one person can deal with two ordinary kones. It's like practicing a set of martial arts in the same way, different people practice it, and the depth of kung fu is also different.

What's more, he, Lu Sheng, is now a master of the inner family, and his black evil spirit is effective against demons and ghosts. It is estimated that the power will be even more terrifying when it hits ordinary people.

Although he has never really dealt with them, three or five Kone masters are nothing to him. Even if it is a higher level of communication, it is at most equivalent to three Tongli, so there is nothing to fear.

The three got up and left slowly, and the conflict melted away, and Song Zhenguo heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as the three of them left, Chen Yunxi couldn't stay still any longer, with tears in her eyes, she stood up and said goodbye. Lu Sheng wanted to see her off, but he also politely declined, and then left in a hurry.

The rest of the people lost interest in enjoying the dragon dance, Song Zhenguo sent away his female companion, and then dragged Lu Sheng and Wang Ziquan to the river.

At night, the Songbai River is calm and the waves are slowly gliding on the river with red lights on.

Song Zhenguo dragged the two of them into a larger painting boat with ease, and the charming boat lady took the initiative to greet her.

"Mr. Song, long time no see, Jun'er is always talking about you in my ears."

The Chuanniang's speech was completely devoid of the wind and dust, but Lu Sheng was amazed.

"Are you free now, Jun'er?" Song Zhenguo smiled, leading the way inside.

"Naturally, I'll just wait for Mr. Song to come over." The boat lady said with a smile. "The other two sons, if there is a girl you like, you can also tell the slave family."

The three of them were led into a separate small wing room, which was extremely elegantly furnished.

Then came in a row of more than a dozen women in tulle, all of whom were beautiful and charming, with elegant temperament, just like our young ladies. Appearance is also different.

"Wild blessings, three gentlemen." All the women saluted respectfully.

"Two brothers, let's choose one, I'll invite you today." Song Zhenguo put his arms around a woman who came in from behind, and said casually.

At this time, Wang Ziquan's eyes were straightened, and his face was so red that he didn't know which one to choose.

Lu Sheng's expression was calm, he casually pointed to someone who looked quiet, and asked him to sit beside him.

The three of them ordered, and then some nourishing scented tea was served, and girls with sexy dresses came up to play music and dance.

"Today's matter... Really..." Song Zhenguo blushed when he mentioned today's Xunyang Tower, and his heart couldn't let go.

"Brother Song, the beautiful woman is here, why are you saying such depressing words, come and drink!" Wang Ziquan's hands became restless at this time, and he kept touching the girl beside him, a little impatient to wait.

The three girls comforted Song Zhenguo with coquettish smiles, and Lu Sheng and Chen Xing persuaded him. Song Zhenguo was in a slightly better mood.

"If I'm not mistaken, one of the three people who taunted us today is the son of Yanshan City's deputy chief soldier, Wang Shunyong. It would be fine if the others were, but this Wang Shunyong is different..."

"And that Mr. Rong... must have a bigger background." Wang Ziquan added.

Lu Sheng shook his head and didn't speak. After seeing the bigger world, it's hard for him to catch these young masters.

"Why are you talking about these spoilers? Keep drinking! If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home!" Wang Ziquan said loudly.

Song Zhenguo also put aside his troubles and began to drink.

Lu Sheng actually didn't like this kind of occasion very much, but seeing that Song Zhenguo was in a bad mood, he drank with him until late at night.

Painting boats to accompany wine and performing arts, not selling themselves, when the three of them came out after drinking, it was already the middle of the night. That is, from two to three in the morning.

After Lu Sheng separated from the two of them, he felt a little emotional in his heart. A wealthy family like Song Zhenguo and Chen Yunxi dared not even say a word when they met the sons of officials. It seems that the status of merchants in this world is still not high.

He drank too much wine, although he was not drunk, but his mind was much clearer, and he didn't feel sleepy. Leaving the Songbai River, he headed all the way to where he lived, and stopped the carriage several times on the way, but there was no room for him.

It was too late, and there were not many carriage drivers, so I went back to rest more often. So I had to go back step by step.

The streets in the city in the middle of the night were deserted, only a few drunks talking nonsense.

The houses on both sides were pitch black, except for the occasional lanterns in front of the houses of the rich, shaking with the wind, emitting a faint red light.

The wind was blowing, and it was a little cold.

Lu Sheng speeded up, and when he walked halfway, he suddenly found that his waist bag disappeared at some point.

He touched his body up and down, but found no waist pocket anywhere.

"It must have landed on the painting boat." Lu Sheng remembered that there was a note from Duanmu Wan in his pocket, and the key to the door was also in it, so he couldn't lose it. Then he turned around and rushed towards the direction of the boat.

Walking fast all the way, Lu Sheng returned to the original road, back to the Songbai River. At this time, most of the painting boats on the riverside had finished their work, and put down the hanging paintings. The riverside is also a little deserted,

He returned all the way, and soon found the painting boat that got off before.

The boat had already docked, and the boat was deserted, with no one in sight, and the yellow lanterns on the deck swayed slightly with the river wind.

"It's time to call it a day. The girls have gone home to rest. It should be cleaning time." Lu Sheng thought to himself, and stepped on the boat along the pier.

"Is anyone there?" Lu Sheng called out twice. Walk along the deck to the inside of the ship.

The inside of the painting boat was empty, the ground was exceptionally clean, and the slightly old wooden boards still had thin reflections of varnish.

Lu Sheng walked in along the entrance of the building, and there was a somewhat narrow intestinal tract inside. After walking out of the intestinal tract, there was a hall. On both sides of the hall were rows of wing rooms of the three-story ship.

There is a wobbly small lantern hanging at the door of each wing room, and a faint red light is reflected from the lantern. This red fire color looks colder and colder in the middle of the night.

"Is anyone there?" Lu Sheng took a look, but there was no one in the whole building.

"I remember when I came here just now, there weren't so many red lanterns here..." He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

There are three floors on the building, five rooms on each floor, a total of fifteen rooms, and red lanterns are hung at the door of each. The faint red light dyed the entire interior of the building red, and there was silence.