Way of the Devil

Chapter 5: brave


"Practice martial arts?"

Lu Quanan frowned.

"Why did you start practicing martial arts again?" He just wanted to reprimand him, but he immediately thought of the other young masters who went out to have fun. In comparison, the behavior of this kid Lu Sheng is much more progressive than those people.

When the words of reprimand came to his lips, he sighed again.

"For practicing martial arts, I should ask you, Uncle Zhao, to learn from it. Don't practice blindly by yourself, otherwise accidents may happen."

He shook his head, turned and walked towards the door, halfway there, paused again.

"Over there at the pharmacy, if you want any medicinal materials, just ask for them, and I'll give you two thousand taels a month."

After speaking, he strode away.

Erniang Liu Cuiyu stretched out her hand and gently wiped Lu Sheng's sweat with a towel.

"Your father is soft-hearted."

She sighed.

"The old man of the Xu family and him are friends of eight worshippers, and now that something like this happened, he is also very sad.

It's a good thing for you to practice martial arts, but people practice martial arts from an early age to cultivate their foundation, and at this age, it's too late after all... "

She said something nagging, but Lu Sheng didn't fully listen.

All his attention was focused on his newly acquired Black Tiger Saber Technique.

"It's amazing..."

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, on the surface he was listening to Er Niang's words, but actually he was perceiving his own body condition.

He bulged his arm muscles.

"The muscles of the hands are still the same, but the sense of proficiency, the feeling of the knife technique that seems to have been practiced for many years, is simply..."

He tried to pump the muscles in his legs again.

The muscles in the legs are obviously easier to exert than before.

He could clearly feel that his strength was rushing upward from his feet, all the way to his waist, and then to his arms.

This kind of smooth power transmission is described in detail in the Black Tiger Saber Technique.

It's called Kone.

"If you follow the saber technique, general martial arts practitioners have a set of methods to mobilize most of the body's strength.

Those who can mobilize 50% of the strength of the whole body are considered good hands. Those who mobilize 80% of their strength can enter the so-called Tongli realm. "

Lu Sheng weighed it in his mind. According to some original memories of this body, he had also heard Uncle Zhao and several other martial artists talking about this aspect.

Tongli realm is almost one of the best levels in Jiulian City.

Being able to integrate strength and strike together, at this level, even an ordinary person can exert a terrifying power far exceeding the speed of ordinary people with a single strike.

"Uncle Zhao, it is the realm of Tongli."

Lu Sheng sighed in his heart, the effect of this modifier has not been discounted in the slightest, and a big stone in his heart has been loosened.

"Unfortunately, what the modifier seems to consume is a combination of spirit, energy, and spirit. Changing it this time, it's not those legendary exercises with internal energy and internal energy, it's just an ordinary foreign sword technique, which almost confuses me. Both Qi and blood are deficient, and he is seriously ill in bed...."

Lu Sheng vaguely understood the essence of the modifier.

This thing seems to be an adjuster, which can describe the body with experience, memory, instinct, and martial arts.

But this kind of adjustment needs to consume energy, and it seems that what is consumed is his energy.

And adjusting body memory, etc., is not something that can be done overnight.

"The body is like a pile of materials. The modifier should use these materials to create a new base plate based on the original one.

Instead of transforming muscle strength and bone strength out of thin air. "

Lu Sheng came up with this guess.

In the next few days, the changes in his body also confirmed his guess.

From the first day, his body slowly recovered, and at the same time, his arms, legs, chest and back gradually grew strong muscles.

And Lu Sheng obviously felt that the pain in his body had become numb. On the skin of the palm gradually grows a

Some thick cuticles.

His appetite is also getting bigger and bigger.

In order not to be obtrusive, he would secretly go out by himself every day to have extra meals outside.

I have eaten four meals at home, three meals in the morning, lunch and dinner, plus supper.

Outside he has to eat the same amount of food as at home.

After seven days like this, Lu Sheng's whole body became faintly firmer, and his figure was not as thin as before.

He had already returned the complete book of sword techniques to Uncle Zhao long ago.

When Uncle Zhao heard about him being bedridden and ill, when he took over the saber technique, he shook his head and sighed, but he didn't express anything else, and he didn't ask about saber practice any more.

Lu Sheng guessed that he probably thought that he was trying to practice the knife indiscriminately and injured himself in the end.

Uncle Zhao really had the same idea.

Originally, he was waiting for Lu Sheng to go to him to answer his questions after he failed to practice the sword properly, but he didn't expect to hear that the eldest son Lu Sheng was injured and lying in bed in a blink of an eye.

Later, he returned the cheat book to him, and stopped asking about the Black Tiger Sword.

He thought that Lu Sheng was no longer interested and gave up.

Uncle Zhao didn't say anything except sighing.

Everything returned to the previous days.

It seems that the life in Lu Mansion has not been greatly affected by the Xu family.

Those of the younger generation went out for outings, those who drank flower wine continued to drink flower wine, those who listened to music, those who rode horses, and those who went to participate in some poetry and flower festivals. Although Jiulian City is not big, it is also not small. There are all kinds of fun things.

The older generation, from time to time, attend this party, attend that party, and go to the city yamen to consult.

Lu Quanan also devoted himself to the chamber of commerce and business all day long.

Everyone seems to have forgotten the tragedy of the Xu family. Back to the same life as before.

The only thing that is different from before is that there are two people.

One is Lu Yiyi, without her fiancé, without the person she loves, she washes her face with tears every day, and becomes more and more haggard.

The other one is Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng became more fond of running outside.

He didn't go to play and listen to music, but went to find a small wood in an open space outside the city.

He began to try to practice the black tiger sword technique on his own.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Heifengling is located in the southwest of Jiulian City.

Howling wind, night time.

Lu Sheng picked up a simple knife from the blacksmith shop in the city and rushed towards this place.

He didn't want to reach Heifeng Ridge, he just wanted to find a chance to test his sword on the way.

Heihu Saber technique is obtained by using modifiers, he does not intend to expose it, this can be used as his trump card.

From the perspective of outsiders, they all thought that he was an ordinary rich man with no power to restrain himself.

Under such a wrong cognition, once there is any crisis aimed at him, this ability will become his biggest backing.

Of course, the premise is that this body's black tiger sword technique experience really works.

Lu Sheng didn't know exactly where Heifengling was and how far it was from Jiulian City.

There was no curfew in Jiulian City, and the city gates were open at night. He wore loose clothes alone, lowered his head to cover his face, changed into a plain attire, and then slightly modified his face with his daughter's gouache.

Immediately, he became an ordinary traveler whom no one knew.

Leaving the city by night, Lu Sheng glanced into the distance.

The dark barren mountains are like sleeping monsters, quietly lurking under the moonlight.

He also had some drums in his heart.

But in order to hide himself, and also to test how powerful the Black Tiger Saber Technique is.

Standing at the gate of the city, he still got up his breath and walked towards Heifengling.

ding ding ding... .

Caravans returning at night are entering the city from the highway.

The bell hanging on the carriage was shaken by the wind and rang, drifting far away in the night wind.

The location where Lu Sheng exits the city is the side entrance.

The gates of Jiulian City are very strange. Not only are the gates open at night, but there are many gates in the city alone. The city walls look tall and thick, but in fact, there are air leaks everywhere, and there is no protection at all.

"Are you here at night again?"

"Isn't it... It's dark at night, and I sprained the wheel when I was on the road. It's really unlucky..."

On the avenue of the main city gate, the voices of the leader of the caravan and the guarding officer came from afar.

Lu Sheng Station is a small road facing southwest, which is much narrower than the main entrance driveway.

In the dark side door, there were only two torches burning on the city wall, and the dim light shone down, and only things about half a meter in front of them could be seen.

"It really is ancient times." Lu Sheng sighed inwardly.

Looking up, the three directions in front of him were all pitch black, only Jiulian City behind him was lit by fire.

"Without flashlights and lights, the ancient wilderness is simply a paradise for wild animal hunting."

He hesitated slightly, but the experience of the Black Tiger Saber technique surging in his body made him not feel very afraid.

Because there is a way to deal with this dark environment in the Black Tiger Sword Mind Method.

In other words, the black tiger itself is a good hunter in the dark. The Black Tiger Saber Technique has high requirements for listening to the wind and debating positions, so it is not afraid of this kind of environment.

Tightening his belt, Lu Sheng gripped the simple knife, and accelerated towards the trail leading to Heifeng Ridge.

After walking a few hundred meters along the path, he took out the flint from the cloth pouch on his waist, and then took off the small torch he had prepared on his back.

Put a piece of flint on the head of the torch, and rub the two stones vigorously.


Sparks flew from the torch head.

The red sparks were a little bit at first, and then quickly spread to the entire torch head.

There is finally light in the darkness.

Lu Sheng looked back, the light in Jiulian City was already very dim.

He held the torch and walked slowly forward.

"According to Orion, there are often wild wolves haunting this road at night. See my luck."

He didn't dare to really go to Heifengling, knowing that there are very likely ghosts and monsters in this world, so he naturally didn't dare to go too far from the city.

If he hadn't found a lot of ways in the city, he wouldn't be able to try his own strength, and he wouldn't have come here alone to try his luck.

After walking a further distance, he quickly found traces on the ground.

The traces of the wolf that the old hunter said.

Several kaolin-like oval droppings.

Lu Sheng picked up a stone and pestered the feces.

This thing has been dried and hardened, and it has been smashed to pieces, revealing something like fingernails.

"It's right here... This mass of excrement should have been a few days ago. According to what the old Orion said, he saw the old wolf here yesterday. It should be nearby."

Holding the torch in one hand, Lu Sheng slowly pulled out the simple knife from his back with the other.

Pu Dao is a kind of knife derived from the combination of soldiers and farmers, with a long handle.

The handle of Lu Sheng's knife is as long as the blade, and the blade can be taken off to be used as a farm pole. It's a bit like a reduced Guandao.

He held it with one hand, still a little weak.

Simply insert the torch into the crevice of one side of the stone.

There are rocky hills all around here, with strange rocks and no trees, so they are not afraid of fire.

After Lu Sheng plugged in the torch, he carefully took out a paper bag from his pocket, and in the paper bag was a piece of fresh pork that he just cut in the afternoon.

The oiled paper was slowly spread out and placed on the ground.

There was still blood on the surface of the meat, and a fishy smell quickly drifted away with the wind.

Lu Sheng took the knife to avoid a little distance, and waited behind a big rock.

The wind is a little cold.

Lu Sheng leaned sideways, leaning against a white stone that was as tall as a person, and looked in the direction of the meat.

Time passed slowly.

woo... .

Soon, there was a faint sound in the wind, which seemed to be the sound of the wind, or the whimpering of some kind of animal.


Suddenly a black shadow rushed from the side, and the torch reflected light, revealing a pair of green eyes.

The black shadow was extremely fast, and it jumped at the position of the meat, picked up the meat and ran away.

Lu Sheng was overjoyed and wanted to leave.

Suddenly his back tightened.

A gust of cold wind hit the vest.

Lu Sheng's eyes were wide open, and he turned around with the simple knife in his hand and slashed horizontally.