Way of the Devil

Chapter 51: direction one


"Promote yin and yang to lead to the first floor." Lu Sheng said silently in his heart.

Immediately, the modifier trembled slightly, and the column of Yin-Yang Yin was slightly blurred. It had never been entered, and suddenly became the entry, and then became the first floor.

Lu Sheng felt that breath in his lower abdomen became much clearer. There is no other abnormality in the body, so he said: "Introduce Yin and Yang, and raise it to the second highest level!"

The modifier flickered slightly, and then, the option of Yin Yang Yin changed again, from the first floor to the second floor of the highest level.

The moment Lu Sheng changed his state, he suddenly felt that the Black Tiger Jade Crane Kungfu in his body had reduced most of his internal energy.

And a ray of peaceful and soothing breath began to circulate slowly along the third route in the body.

The three kinds of internal strength and the three paths of internal energy form a cross shape like a ball in the body, which is fast and slow, and constantly circulates.

With 10% yin and yang, Lu Sheng obviously felt an unusual feeling in his body.

The usual dryness in my throat disappeared without a trace, and my heart was a little dry and hot, but it was completely gone at this time.

I feel more complete and balanced.

"It seems that Yin Yang Yin should have the effect of eliminating the side effects of Heisha Gong. The intentional level of this internal skill is very high." Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, and thought about it in his heart. "Perhaps it can be deduced with Yin Yang Yin as the main skill, and the black tiger and jade crane skill as a supplement."

As soon as he thinks about it, he immediately calms down, taking advantage of the fact that he has enough Yin Qi now, the improvement of Yin Yang Yin seems not to be a heavy burden on his body.

"Deduce yin and yang to guide the next layer." He said silently.

Immediately, the entire modifier interface flickered and became blurred.

Soon, after a few breaths, the interface became clear again. And the state displayed by Yin Yang Yin has changed from the second level to the third level.

Entering the third layer of Yin-Yang Yin Yin, Lu Sheng even felt that the flow rate of the Black Sha Gong in his body was slowly slowing down. The internal air, which was like a hot wire before, began to cool down now, and the speed also slowed down a bit, becoming unhurried.

Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes finally fell on Heisha Gong.

"With the Black Tiger Jade Crane Kung Fu and Yin Yang Yin Qi as the foundation, next time, it's time to deduce the Heisha Kung Fu..."

His eyes fell behind the option of Heisha Gong, but he was taken aback suddenly, the button that can be deduced is still there!

"How is this going??"

Lu Sheng thought about it for a while, and immediately understood.

"It should be that the yin qi in the jade hairpin is much more than the previous powder, so after deducing one ordinary low-level martial art, there is still leftover. It is enough to deduce the second martial art. It should be so!"

After figuring it out, Lu Sheng felt much more at ease. This time, although all his hair was burned and his wallet was lost, the loss was relatively large, but compared to the gains, it was nothing.

"Start to deduce the black evil power!"

He consciously pressed the button on the back of the Black Shagong lightly.

Hiss... .

The modifier flashed again and became blurred.

After about ten more breaths, the modifier slowly displayed again. The state of the black evil skill has also changed, directly from the third floor to the fourth floor, and the displayed words have also changed: 'Unknown Fire Poison Technique: The fourth floor. '

A line of fire rushed straight up from Lu Sheng's perineum, along the chest, abdomen, neck, and poured into the face door. After entering the brain, it suddenly exploded and turned into countless thin warm currents, which permeated the entire head like spring wind and rain.

Well... .

Lu Sheng was so comfortable that he couldn't help making a sound.

He gently tore off his clothes, and saw a red line that was as red as blood emerged on the skin of his chest and abdomen, which seemed to divide his body into two, which was extremely eye-catching.

"This... is it the special effect of the fourth layer of Heisha Gong?"

He carefully experienced the route of the fourth level of Heisha Kung Fu,

"There are some yin and yang exercises, as well as heart-breaking palm techniques. This exercise should not be the original version... It absorbs the essence of other internal exercises and integrates them to form a new realm of internal exercises. , it shouldn’t be called Heisha Gong anymore, change the name....”

Looking at the blood-red vertical line on his body, Lu Sheng thought about it.

"This color is as red as blood, and it is deduced from the main body of the black evil art, so it is called the blood evil art."

As soon as he was sure, he immediately changed the name in the column of Heishagong in the modifier, and replaced it with the three characters of Xueshagong.

Lu Sheng looked at the remaining martial arts again to see if they could still be deduced, but this time there was no button, obviously all the Yin Qi from before was exhausted.

"Try the power."

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand for luck, and the inner energy of the blood evil skill quickly flowed into the right palm, and lightly slapped the tree trunk on the right.

Hiss... ..

Immediately, puffs of white smoke wafted from the tree trunk, and the sound and smell of burnt wood wafted out. The tree trunk was actually burned by Lu Sheng's palm, and a black sunken palm print appeared!

He was also shocked by the power of his palm.

"Isn't this not a martial arts category!?" Lu Sheng exclaimed in his heart, "No matter how powerful you are, if you touch a palm of this power, you will be scalded every minute? What's the difference between this hand and a soldering iron?" the difference??"

He withdrew his inner energy and carefully observed the palm print on the tree trunk. He found that the scorched black palm print did not seem to be purely due to temperature, but a large part of it depended on some kind of toxin, which corroded and burned the tree trunk to produce this effect.

But even that is remarkable.

"I don't know how my current strength compares to those famous people." Lu Sheng was satisfied, but he didn't have a specific comparison, and he didn't know how strong he was.

"In addition, there is no money in the family, so I asked for a lot of money from the family. Now it is a special period for relocation, and I can't burden my father. I should find a way by myself."

Lu Sheng thought for a while, combined with his own situation, he really came up with a good solution, but this method needs to be tried before the year.

The New Year's Examination is just three days away.

"Three days later is the New Year's Examination. After passing, I will start to implement the previous ideas, otherwise the family will have no money, and even the nourishing medicinal materials will not be guaranteed." Lu Sheng felt that the nourishing medicinal materials have been a little insufficient recently, although he has health-preserving inner qi. Reserve, but obviously the recovery speed of the inner qi has also slowed down. If it drags on, it may affect martial arts training.

"There is still Yin Qi... Do I have to go through trouble every time to find it?" Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the jade pendant on Chen Jiaorong's body, and had a thought in his heart.

"Forget it, let's go back to review first, and then talk about it after the New Year's Exam. Although I don't care much about the official status, it is still the expectation of my father and second mother at home."

Three days later, Dongshan College.

The sky was completely white, and a large number of small groups of scholars and students were waiting at the gate of the college.

A large number of scholars in gray and white gowns, white gowns, or Tsing Yi gathered in front of the college gate, buzzing about the possible exam topics.

Among the crowd, many carriages were parked sparsely on the side of the road or at the corners. The curtains of the carriages were lifted, revealing young or old faces inside.

Some of them are family members waiting for the candidates, but most of them are children of rich and powerful families. They don't bother to stand with poor ordinary scholars outside, so they rest and study in the car.

Lu Sheng was wearing a moon white robe and a black tall hat like Jin Yiwei, which covered the entire top of his head. Only from the temples on the side of his face, he could vaguely see that he had no hair.

He was standing alone by the side of the college gate, leaning against the shadows, not saying a word, closing his eyes and resting his mind, quietly waiting for the exam to start.

Soon another white carriage came slowly, and two people got out of the carriage, one was a fat man in yellow clothes with a big belly. The other is a beautiful girl with a curvaceous figure.

When the two got out of the car, they glanced around, looking for someone they knew.

The fat man glanced at Lu Sheng in the corner, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Sheng!!" The fat man raised his hand and shouted, and ran over happily.

"Zheng Xiangui..." Lu Sheng opened his eyes helplessly, looking at the fat man who was quickly approaching. "In the public, can you keep your voice down and show some dignity."

"Fat ass, Fat Lord, I was born with this temper. If anyone doesn't like it, just do it!" Zheng Xiangui didn't care, and after not seeing him for a while, he started calling himself Fat Lord.

"How? Are you sure?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

"It's okay, it's okay..." As soon as this was mentioned, Zheng Xiangui laughed dryly twice, he moved closer to look around, and lowered his voice like a thief. "It's all up to my old sister this trip, I can't do it, Fatty..."

"Hello, Brother Sheng." Zheng Xiangui's younger sister, Zheng Yu'er, came over and said obediently. She was wearing a women's gown, and she looked delicate with a hint of culture.

"Three subjects, classics and righteousness, policy theory, and martial arts. Which subjects are you sure about?" Lu Sheng asked speechlessly.

"I still remember a little bit when I was a child, but now...hehe, I forgot about it long ago..." the fat man laughed dryly.

Lu Sheng was speechless. For him, it was nothing more than memorizing the key points of all the textbooks, understanding them thoroughly, and then adding some of his own points of view. To achieve this level, it is no problem to basically pass, but it is very difficult to get the top ranking. . But anyway, he just intends to fool the family, just pass.

"It seems that brother Sheng has a plan in his mind." Zheng Yu'er smiled, "Why don't you take my brother with you, and he won't be able to survive like that."

"It's not so much, it's just that if you don't have desires, you can just do it. This time, the exam room is chosen in our Dongshan College. It just so happens that we don't even have to go out, so it's convenient to wait for the exam in the college." Lu Sheng laughed.

"Brother Lu, long time no see." Chen Jiaorong stepped down from a luxurious carriage, saw a few people here, and came over to say hello.

"Last time it was all up to you, otherwise I would have lost my life." He smiled wryly.

"It's a matter of course, what are you talking about all the time." Lu Sheng waved his hand. "Speaking of which, why didn't you see Brother Zhen Guo during this annual examination?"

"He." Chen Jiaorong shook his head, "He was checked by the selected candidates, and he went in a long time ago. I don't know what happened recently, but that guy seems to have been stimulated by something, and he has become more and more proficient. Familiar, I'm afraid I'm going to win this trip."

"Really?" Lu Sheng was slightly surprised. He thought that Song Zhenguo would be depressed after what happened to Jun'er, but unexpectedly he cheered up.