Way of the Devil

Chapter 71: Battle one


"Is this... needle prick gas?"

Lu Sheng walked to a flowering tree, stretched out his hand and gently touched the trunk, and a large number of fine pinhole-like marks appeared on the surface of the bark.

"The Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu is actually acupuncture energy?!" His heart was a little shaken.

How long has it been since the internal strength that he thought of at the beginning, which is a thorough inner working mentality, now has the ability to directly affect external objects, similar to the internal strength in martial arts novels

"No, I have such an effect, but it doesn't mean that other people can do the same. The move I made is impossible for others to achieve without decades of skill. It should be that the internal energy is too strong, which leads to quantitative changes and qualitative changes. Like special effects." Lu Sheng quickly understood.

Withdrawing his hand, he spread out his palm and looked at it. There was no abnormality in his palm. Unlike the bloody bloody kung fu, the Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu is more concealed.

"What if I was performing the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu at the same time as I was running the Blood Fiend Kung Fu?"

Lu Sheng's heart skipped a beat, he struck out the blood evil skill with his left hand, and the yin and yang jade crane skill with his right hand, both palms simultaneously.


A scream suddenly exploded in the greenhouse.

The bowl-thin flower tree in front of Lu Sheng was struck from left and right, smashed to pieces with a click, and the upper half of the trunk fell to the ground.

Without stopping, Lu Sheng turned around and slammed his palms against the ground.


There was a click on the stone slab on the ground, and two palm prints of different shapes appeared.

He stood up straight and looked down.

The palm print of Xuesha Gong on the right hand was scorched black, as deep as a finger.

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu palm print on his left hand is a small pit of broken sand with jagged edges, more than two fingers deep.

"With the same amount of effort on both sides, the lethality of the Yin Yang Jade Crane Art is much stronger than that of the Blood Fiend Art." Lu Sheng suddenly understood.

"Is this still a health-preserving exercise?" He was a little speechless. "However, the blood evil skill itself is being continuously transformed by the Chiji heart method, and the subsequent Chiji Qi is much more powerful, and the actual effect should be able to catch up. But now, the Yinyang Jade Crane Kung Fu has become my trump card instead."

Lu Sheng didn't expect the fused Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu to be so powerful. Almost twice as much as the blood evil power. Used by surprise, it is enough to instantly turn the tide of battle.

In the greenhouse, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, then walked out slowly, and went to the small house next to him to rest and eat.

The small house is a piece of gray-brown bungalows, all made of a special kind of black mud, pressed into bricks and dried in the sun. It is usually used as a dining place for gardeners and nurses. At this time, Lu Sheng arrived, and he moved a place specially for him.

The dishes were three dishes and one soup delivered by Lu Sheng's helper in the city: roast beef with potatoes, stewed chicken with mushrooms, cold skin jelly and a bucket of old wild ginseng and tiger bone soup.

The dishes are all nutritious top grades exclusive to Lusheng at this level. Most people can't afford beef and chicken.

"This treatment is really unusual for a kid from a rich family." Lu Sheng looked at the dishes in front of him, feeling a little emotional.

"Isn't that right? Young Master doesn't know that every year, our Red Whale Gang has our own members to raise a large number of cattle, as well as old wild ginseng and tiger bones. They are all obtained by hunting teams in the mountains and forests. These can be exchanged for Contributed by the gang. For ordinary gang members, although this contribution is not much, it can be exchanged for better martial arts cheats." Ning San, who was standing on the side, said respectfully.

Ever since he came out of Songjiazhuang, Lu Sheng kept him by his side, not because of anything else, but because Ning San was able to sleep with a bunch of ghosts for so long and still be safe, which made Lu Sheng a little curious up.

In addition, this person has a rather tough personality, knows etiquette and advances and retreats, and has a good grasp of the world's sophistication. Lu Sheng gradually got used to him being by his side.

"The food tastes good, but it's a little less spicy." Lu Sheng added a chopstick of cold skin jelly, which was full of sour vinegar smell, and frowned slightly.

"I'll take it to the chef later." Ning San hurriedly said.

"En." Lu Sheng nodded, picked up the head-sized wooden barrel of soup, and gulped it down.

After drinking one-third of the tiger bone soup in one gulp, he took chopsticks and scratched it a few times, then scooped the meat bones and ginseng into his mouth and chewed. The bones are all stewed until crispy, and the soup is extremely delicious, with a hint of sweetness of ginseng, which is very good.

Lu Sheng gulped down more than half of the food in front of him as quickly as a whirlwind.

At this moment, there was a sound of galloping horses outside.

"My lord!! It's not good! The situation is not good!!" Duan Mengan rushed into the room in a stinky sweat with a panicked expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Sit down and talk." Lu Sheng didn't rush, picked up the rice bucket and stuffed a big mouthful of rice with a spoon into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then swallowed it. Then slowly looked up at Duan Mengan.

The rough man's complexion was pale at this time, his head was sweating profusely, and he was still holding a white paper like an invitation card in his hand.

"My lord! Something is wrong! Vice-leader Gongsun personally sent you a challenge post!! It's still a life-and-death post!" He hurriedly handed the post in front of Lu Sheng.

"Life and death post?" Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "It seems that his niece is going to die, this old tortoise is finally willing to take it."

Although I don't know the strength of Gongsun Zhanglan, but how strong can he be stronger than the old gang leader? Even if he is similar to him, with his strong internal energy, is he afraid that he won't be able to drag him to death

"Young master! That's the vice gang leader, Gongsun Zhang Lan! When he was young, he created Wanfeng Village by himself, killed 13 bandits in a row, and was able to scare thousands of bandits into scattered all by himself!!" Duan Meng was afraid Shrinking and shrinking, he obviously has a thick and strong head, but his temper is timid and afraid of death. Not like Ning San at all, not strong enough in stature, but tough in temperament.

"So what? The rumors are exaggerated, and the young master is not a timid person. When he injured Gongsun Jing earlier, shouldn't he have expected it?" Although Ning San was also taken aback , his heart was beating wildly, but his face was still calm at this time, and he replied in a cold voice. He put all his treasures on Lu Sheng.

Unlike Duan Meng'an, who was not smart enough, Ning San had already seen that Lu Sheng was deliberately hurting Gongsun Jing, trying to provoke a direct conflict between him and Gongsun Zhanglan. Since Mr. Lu Sheng took the initiative to provoke, then he should have a lot of confidence. If you want to make a fortune and become the confidant of Lu Foreign Affairs, you must not miss this opportunity.

"Since that old man is willing to give up, I accept this battle sticker." Lu Sheng picked up the battle sticker and gently opened it. There was only one line of words on it.

Before sunset three days later, Jiujian Gorge, life and death battle. —Gongsun Zhang Lan. '

"Interesting. Where is Jiujian Gorge?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

"Master Hui, in the depths of Dongshan Mountain, there is a canyon that is said to be haunted by black tigers." Ning San replied.

"Do you know Lu?" Lu Sheng asked.

As soon as this sentence came out, Ning San was taken aback for a moment, and then thought a lot. The meaning of these words is obvious, if he knows the way, it is likely that he will lead the way there, and the danger hidden in it is not enough to be humane to outsiders.

In case the road wins and loses, and meets Gongsun Zhang Lan who is in a rage, he may not be able to survive.

Thoughts surged in his heart, Ning San fell silent for a moment.


Lu Sheng took a deep look at him, and said with a smile, "Okay, then you will lead the way, and we will go there together."

This is not a life-and-death battle after notarization, but a life-and-death battle with private grievances, so neither side is going to make it public.

After eating, Lu Sheng didn't go back to Yanshan City, but went straight to the Red Whale, to the Xuanwu Pavilion, the most precious and important book storage place of the Red Whale Gang.

Xuanwu Pavilion is located in the center of the hull of the Red Whale, surrounded by heavy defenses. It is an independent small building built inside the hull.

The small pitch-black building stands quietly inside the hull, surrounded by strong foreign masters, guarding the surroundings vigilantly.

Lu Sheng took out his token, passed through checkpoints, and soon entered the first floor of Xuanwu Pavilion.

The first floor is the most basic of all kinds of martial arts, most of which are ordinary martial arts that are more common than Chasing Wind Knife and Bear Fighting Hands. You can't even see the shadow of inner strength and mental methods. The Red Whale Sword Technique is also a free martial art here.

Lu Sheng also saw here the Bazhen Steps that he had learned before. This step method was revised to the top level by him. It is not as common as before, but after all, it is only a third-rate martial art with extremely low value.

Taking a casual glance, Lu Sheng found that the martial arts on the first floor were just ordinary items that could not be connected, and there were quite a few people who borrowed them to check them out.

He simply stopped wasting time and went straight to the second floor.

There are a lot fewer people on the second floor, only a dozen or so people are here, and they are all quietly flipping through the classics to look up the martial arts they need.

Some martial arts that need to be contributed only have their names and introductions, and the real books are not in the bookshelf.

Lu Sheng looked along the rows of bookshelves, and soon found the location of the bear fighter in the hard work. Sure enough, it's free hard work.

There are several hard skills on the side, but they only have names and introductions.

'Golden Yarn Kung Fu', 'Breaking Soul Fist', 'Bao Zhuang Kung Fu', 'Musky Drum Dan Kung Fu'... ..

The hard work of each door is arranged on the top, and the conditions required for the practice are also clearly written in detail.

Lu Sheng is also very interested in hard skills. After all, they are things that can save lives. If you can practice more, you can save more lives at critical moments.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of a question.

"I learn more and more kung fu, which is more and more complex, and consumes a lot of energy and energy, but unfortunately, the investment is too scattered, and the improvement of actual combat is not as great as I imagined.

Maybe I should choose a martial art as my major, and continue to deduce and improve its level. Take it to the unimaginable. Otherwise, no matter how many other martial arts you practice, it will be a mess, miscellaneous but not refined. "

He stood in front of the bookshelf and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Lu Sheng slowly came back to his senses.

"Chiji Xinfa is profound and profound, with a height of seven levels, which is enough for me to practice for a long time. I should use it as my main cultivation method. In addition, the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu is powerful, and it can also be used as a reserve consumption when improving martial arts. It can be used as The second main skill, even the trump card, is a fatal move at a critical moment."

After thinking about the arrangements, Lu Sheng will look at these exercises again, and he will have a good idea.

"Choose a better hard skill first to save your life. Combined with Chiji's mind method, the power of the shot is absolutely sufficient."

His gaze was slowly cruising on the bookshelf of hard skills. Almost 90% of hard skills require special medicine soup and pills to assist. Without such skills, Lu Sheng dared not to cultivate such relationships as the key to his life. Hand it over to someone else. Even if it was Chiyang Pill, he had asked a doctor about its ingredients. Then I tried it with a rabbit.

So all the hard skills that required auxiliary medicinal materials were omitted by him.

There are only two bookshelves for hard work, a total of fifteen volumes. This is all the accumulation collected by the Red Whale Gang. Among them, there are Tonglijing to Tongyijing, but the higher ones are gone.