Way of the Devil

Chapter 8: Venue two


"I don't know, the master called all the big and small merchants from the Chamber of Commerce to come to the mansion yesterday. I heard them chatting before leaving, saying that they want everyone to help find it together, but I don't know what it is that they want to use such a big relationship. "

Xiaoba smiled and sighed.

After hearing this, Lu Sheng didn't speak, but his face was a little gloomy.

He walked in along the main entrance, asking questions as he walked.

"Has anything strange happened recently?"

"Er...Young Master, although Xiao Ba is quite well informed, how can strange things happen every day?" Xiao Ba shrugged and said helplessly.

"It's the Goldfish restaurant you often go to. I heard that there was a big fire last night, which burned half of the street next to it. The light of the fire was so clear last night that the little ones were so far away. .tsk tsk...."

"Big fire...."

Lu Sheng's heart sank, and he had a faint guess.

"You mean the street where gouache is often sold on weekdays?"

"Isn't it? It's right there!" Xiao Ba nodded fiercely, "I heard that many people died, many of them even adults and children, and the whole family is gone.

It's so miserable... I don't know which unscrupulous goods set the fire! "

big fire... .

Lu Sheng didn't say anything more.

He pressed this matter deeply in his heart and didn't think about him.

Heihui arranged for the night three days later, in a cellar outside the city.

During these three days, Lu Sheng rested and ate normally every day. He obviously felt that his body had become stronger again. It seemed that the Black Tiger Saber modified by the modifier had also improved his own physique.

In three days, he went to the street near the Goldfish Restaurant again. Sure enough, it was scorched black, and many people were still busy rebuilding their houses.

Lu Sheng retraced the path he had walked, and found that it was exactly the same as what he saw that day.

Even the dead end is exactly the same.

He knew it, but he didn't panic.

Since there are water ghosts in this world, there can naturally be other things as well.

In three days, he originally planned to revise the book Po Yu Jin Entrance that he had bought.

But thinking of the black meeting, he held back first, so as not to modify his body and vomit blood and get seriously injured. At that time, the opportunity was lost.

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the agreed day arrived.

At about seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

Lu Sheng changed into black clothes and put on a tiger mask. This is a children's play mask that he bought casually on the street, and it is very rough.

The Zheng family's carriage had already stopped at the gate of Lufu.

He hurriedly got into the carriage and saw Zheng Xiangui sitting in the carriage, holding the marinated chicken leg with both hands and chewing with great mouthfuls.

This fat man was also dressed in black, but whether he wore it or not, others could tell from his exaggerated figure that this guy was the young master Fang who was the host of the black meeting.

"Come here, I'll wait for you. Brother Sheng, get in the car quickly."

After the two sat down, the carriage moved slowly.

Zheng Xiangui told Lu Sheng along the way, after entering, what to do, what to do, what not to do.

There are a lot of messy notes.

Lu Sheng also remembered them one by one.

He left the city soon, followed the main road and turned into a small road, and walked around the small road for a long distance, and went directly to the suburbs.

After driving in the suburbs for a while, the carriage entered a small deserted village and stopped in front of a stone house in the middle of the village.

"It's here." Zheng Xiangui jumped out of the car, and the man in black who guarded the door of the stone house stepped forward and saluted him.

"Is everyone here?"

"It's all ready, and the first item for sale is already on display."

Zheng Xiangui nodded and hurriedly urged.

"Let's hurry down, it's already started."

He pulled Lu Sheng into the stone house. On the ground in the middle of the stone house, he opened a wooden door, and inside was a staircase leading to the ground.

Lu Sheng followed Zheng Xiangui and two guards down the stairs, and there was a large karst cave underneath.

The cave is still in a decent shape.

There is a large hall in the middle, surrounded by a circle of wing rooms on the stone walls, like small bags hanging on the walls.

There were a few people sitting sparsely in the hall, and there were no candles in the surrounding small bags, obviously not activated.

"This place has a huge layout." Lu Sheng sighed.

"Hey, we also discovered this place by accident." The fat man smiled, leading Lu Sheng into the back of the hall, and walked towards the front row.

In the whole black meeting, there were only a dozen or so people who participated, and they all sat down in the front seats of the hall.

Standing on the table was a tall and thin man with a mask, loudly introducing information about the products for sale.

Standing beside him were two dwarves, both wearing red and green flowered clothes, and they were carrying a copper plate in their hands, with a rusty short sword inside.

"The ancient short sword handed down from the Jurong Kingdom is most likely a sharp blade made by the ancient Duan Fengzi. It is engraved with the characters of the ancient Jurong Kingdom. Thousand taels!

Is there any higher price! Is there a higher price! ! ? "

The man on the stage yelled loudly, looking extremely passionate.

Lu Sheng and Zheng Xiangui sat on the left seat.

The seats here are all made of white stones in rows. It's cold and unpopular to sit on.

The fat man was sitting beside him, he leaned his head and whispered.

"The item you want is the fifth item, the second-to-last item."

Lu Sheng nodded, but didn't speak.

The dagger on the stage looked like it had just been dug out of the soil not long ago. It is estimated that the tomb robbers got it.

There are still many people bidding below, and in just a short while, the short sword has risen to 1,800 taels.

Hearing this, Lu Sheng's heart was pounding, it was almost double his monthly allowance.

He stopped watching the bidding on the stage, but focused on the surrounding guests who bid.

Most of the guests at the black meeting were armed with weapons, both short and long.

And most of them wore black clothes, but there were exceptions.

Among the dozen or so guests in total, three of them didn't hide anything.

One is a big red-haired man with a big knife on his back and wearing a close-fitting yellow leather armor.

The other one is the sharp-billed monkey cheek, a very short and thin young man with two black leather bags tied around his waist, which are so bulging that he doesn't know what they contain.

The third, and most striking one.

Or a couple.

One man and one woman.

The man seemed to be a guard, dressed in a silver shirt with a long sword at his waist. His face was indifferent, and only when he looked at the woman, there was a trace of tenderness on his face.

The woman wore a black dress, which was different from the long skirts of ordinary ancient women.

The tight skirt she was wearing was similar to a wrap-around skirt on Earth.

From top to bottom, there is only a close-fitting dress, and the bottom of the skirt can barely cover the buttocks.

Lift your legs with a slightly larger movement, and you can clearly see the area between your legs.

This woman was dressed sexy, with long legs and a thin waist, and a pair of white arms on her chest stretched out her skirt. It seemed that even the clothes on his chest would burst at any time.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but look at the woman's face again.

The bridge of the nose is high, the eyes are soft and charming, as if there is water shining, and there is a feeling of smiling at any time.

The long hair is shawl, so soft and black that it is slightly reflective.

"This is much better than any ps makeup technique."

Lu Sheng secretly praised him.

This woman knew at a glance that she was someone with a background. She was so beautiful, and she dared to show her face at the black meeting. Only people who were extremely confident in their own strength dared to do so.

"That one is Duanmuwan." Seeing that Lu Sheng noticed the woman, the fat man hurriedly approached and introduced in a low voice.

"But I don't suggest that you take her up on her, this woman is very fierce!"

"Fierce? What kind of fierce method?"

Lu Sheng was slightly curious. He didn't have any thoughts, but suddenly the other party was too conspicuous, so he took a few more glances.

The fat man smiled, and looked at the second auction item that had already started on the stage.

"Duanmu Wan came to Jiulian City two months ago, and it is said that she followed a team from the Chamber of Commerce.

Two masters and servants joined the chamber of commerce alone and traveled such a long way. It is not simple in itself. "

"It's really not easy." Lu Sheng nodded.

"Besides, because of her beauty, this woman has become a prostitute in Jiulian City. Many handsome young men have been seduced by her. Guess what happened?" The fat man shook his head and sighed.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Sheng's curiosity was aroused at this time, and he asked.

"A group of sons and gentlemen were all dazzled and dizzy, and finally got together to fight a duel. Many people were seriously injured and several died." The fat man tsk-tsk.

"Even so, the seriously injured and disabled people still miss this woman. But in a blink of an eye, they completely forget about others."

"..." Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, and his heart trembled. He had also heard about this, but he didn't expect it to be caused by this woman, those people still miss each other even though they are disabled, this is not something that can be explained by beauty.

He immediately put an extremely dangerous label on this woman named Duanmu Wan in his heart.

A woman who can play around with so many people either has a very high emotional intelligence or has special means. It is best to stay away from such roles as much as possible.

He focused on the on-stage auction.

Now it was the turn of the fourth auction item.

It was a brass-colored leather bust.

"This leather armor, called the Ice Wolf Armor, is made of nineteen white wolf skins from the White Grass Icefield, which are tanned together. The nineteen layers of leather are as thin as copper coins after tanning.

The degree of resistance to blunt weapons and swords far exceeds that of ordinary leather armor, almost equivalent to wearing an extra chain mail on the body. "

The man in black introduced this leather armor loudly.

"The starting price is two hundred taels!"

The people below were silent.

The host didn't take it seriously, and started to let a dwarf open the leather armor, pulled out a dagger, and stabbed fiercely at the edge of the leather armor.


With a muffled sound, the dagger was slid away, and there was only a small scratch on the leather armor.

"Three hundred taels!"

Seeing this, someone immediately opened his mouth to bid.

"Four hundred taels!"

"Six hundred taels!"

The prices on the stage were higher and higher. When Lu Sheng saw this leather armor, he was also a little bit excited. This kind of leather armor is lighter and more flexible than metal armor, and it will not affect the movement. If the defense is really the same as the introduction, it is indeed a good thing.

He wanted to make a bid, but seeing that the price was approaching one thousand taels in an instant, he had no choice but to hold back and give up. His real purpose was still the secret book below.

You can't lose the big because of the small.

The leather armor was finally bought by the red-haired man with the knife on his back.

Then came the penultimate thing.

Inner Strength Cheats.