Way of the Devil

Chapter 80: Ancient Village II


"It's okay, I can wait." Chen Yunxi said seriously.

Lu Sheng stared at her fixedly. At this moment, his heart was really moved, but when he thought about the path he would take in the future, he still hardened his heart.

"Don't worry, you're still young, you'll know later, it's not good for you to choose me." He turned around and said no more.

"I'm going back first, you go back and think about it, don't let yourself regret it in the future." He waved his hand and left quickly. If she stays any longer, she still doesn't know what accident Chen Yunxi will make.

Chen Yunxi gritted her teeth and squeezed the box tightly, watching Lu Sheng's leaving back, tears finally appeared in her eyes.

She has done everything she can, but in the end... .

Lu Sheng went back all the way until the evening, feeling a little complicated. A woman like Chen Yunxi would have been the best partner she could have dreamed of in her previous life, but it's different now.

He didn't calm down until after dinner, and went back to the bedroom to start practicing inner qi.

Ever since he practiced the Chiji Heart Method and fought Gongsun, he transformed all the blood evil skills into the Chiji Heart Method, which is equivalent to the fourth level of Chiji Qi.

After raising the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu to the fourth level, he has cultivated it for so long, and it's time to improve the Chiji Heart Technique.

"Dark blue."

Lu Sheng called up the modifier and looked at the box above.

The blood evil power has completely disappeared. It was replaced by the four-level Chiji Heart Method.

'Chiji heart method: the fourth floor, special effects: fire poison, shock, ignition. '

"There is one more concussion special effect than the blood evil art. This is only the fourth level. It really deserves to be a top-notch mentality and first-class internal strength." Lu Sheng was satisfied. The blood evil art was exhausted, and in exchange for the fourth level of Chi Jixin It just so happens that now that the injury has healed and the body has adjusted, it is time to further improve the cultivation.

"Jiujiang Tie Suo Kung Fu also needs to be completed. After consuming Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu first, try again tomorrow to see if you can get started with this hard kung fu." With a plan in mind, Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the box of Chiji Heart Method .

He has stayed at the concentration level for a long time. Tongli, Tongyi, and concentration are also divided into three or six grades in concentration. He can kill Gongsun Zhanglan. In fact, he has already entered the peak strength level.

And after that, it was the climax mentioned by the old gang leader, Tian Yuan.

Concentrate the whole body's energy into one point, highly condensed, remove impurities and retain essence. Then feed back the flesh. This is the myth that only exists in legends in the world of martial arts, Tian Yuan.

"I don't have a clue if Tianyuan involves the mysterious and mysterious spiritual realm. All I can do is to continuously accumulate strong enough skills. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Even if I am not in the Tianyuan realm, as long as my skills are strong to a certain level, I believe Tianyuan can't beat me! "

After clicking the modify button consciously, the modifier flashed slightly.

"Upgrade Chiji mentality to the fifth floor." Lu Sheng said silently in his heart.

The modifier trembled slightly and became blurred. When it became clear again, the Chiji Mind Method had changed from the fourth level to the fifth level.

A soft and thick warm current slowly circled in Lu Sheng's chest, and after nine times of circles, it rushed towards his lower abdomen.

Huh... ..

Lu Sheng shivered all over, feeling a warm current spread from his abdomen to his whole body in an instant.

Look at the modifiers again.

'Chiji heart method: the fifth floor, special effects: strengthen fire poison, double shock, strengthen ignition. '

"It's done!" Lu Sheng sensed the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kungfu again, and it was completely consumed, leaving nothing behind. It is estimated that these consumptions are not enough, and the rest will be made up by the flesh itself.

"I'm a little weak and tired. It should be a little exhausted. Cough cough cough" Suddenly Lu Sheng coughed, feeling that his throat was very dry.

He got up quickly, found a small cabinet from the wardrobe in the room, opened the drawer of the cabinet, took out a black jade bottle from inside, poured out a black and purple round pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"I hope it works." This thing is a tonic pill made of blood tree flower as the main material. After deployment, it becomes a treasure medicine mainly nourishing yin.

After taking the medicine, after a while, Lu Sheng felt that the hotness on his body was relieved.

"The lungs and yin are injured, and now I cough if I am not careful." Sighing, he knew that his body could not modify martial arts randomly in a short time. Will have to wait a while.

After returning to the bed and adjusting his breathing for a while, after burning an incense stick, Lu Sheng opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.

It has been more than half a year since he came to this world. He didn't dare to delay at all during this time, and he tried his best to improve his cultivation without any distraction. Walking on thin ice, every step is difficult.

Although he is now considered a gang leader, he is considered a strongman to ordinary people. But facing that unknown world of ghosts and ghosts, he was still extremely afraid. That world is too dangerous, and ordinary people like them will be exhausted if anything comes out casually.

Not to mention that there are stronger and more other existences inside, ghosts, monsters, aristocratic families, and spirit removers. All powerful and dangerous.

If he hadn't had a modifier in his body, he would be like the old gang leader at most, only concentrating on his strength after training until he was old.

"Try to learn Jiujiang Tie Suo Kung Fu tomorrow. Time waits for no one. There are too many dangers in this world. One more hard work is also the capital to save one's life."

Defense with hard skills, attack with external skills, and internal skills as the core, these are the three directions that Lu Sheng set for himself.

"There is also the fact that Chiji mentality consumes too much, and it is still necessary to greatly improve the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu first."

"In addition, the effect of this blood tree flower is not bad. It is similar to the prescription I took before. The cost is much cheaper." The monthly money he just bought, plus Wu San's previous industry bonus, is about 30,000 taels of silver bills, only three The prescription is over.

As the consumption of practicing exercises increases, the consumption required to upgrade to a higher level is increasing, and the consumption of tonics is also greater.

The general medicinal effects are useless at all, and the benefits are too little. Only those medicinal materials with strong medicinal properties can help the current Lu Sheng.

And such medicinal materials are often extremely expensive, which also leads to more and more expenses. One dose of the prescription is only enough for Lu Sheng to use a few times. If he does not have Yin Yang Jade Crane Kung Fu to regulate his body, he can only wait for time. Consumption, slowly recuperate the sequelae and injuries caused by the rapid increase.

After taking the blood tree flower elixir, Lu Sheng looked at the condition of the modifiers again, sorted out all the martial arts he had mastered one by one, and then closed the rest.

deserted village.

In the middle of the night, Lu Chenxin was awakened by a urge to urinate.

In the darkness, he opened his eyes and looked towards the other two roommates, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness. I can hear the subtle breathing sound one after another.

There was no sound outside the house, Lu Chenxin rolled over on the floor a few times, shrinking his body.

"I drank too much during the day, huh, if I knew it, I wouldn't be drinking with that boy Tianyang." He was drowsy and sleepy. But the swelling sensation coming from his lower abdomen made him unable to bear it any more, and he was about to urinate.

"Tianyang? Brother Song?" He called to the other two in the room.

The two of them were motionless, silent, and fast asleep.

"Forget it, young master will go by himself." He muttered, took his belt, gently opened the door, and walked out quickly.

In the middle of the night, it was dark outside, only a faint moonlight shone through the clouds, hazy.

"What the hell, everyone is sleeping so soundly."

Feeling helpless, Lu Chen walked out of the earthen house, and looked to both sides, both sides were empty and dark grass and forests. It was pitch black and no one could be seen.

"Thinking about it, it's strange that there is popularity in such an abandoned village in the wilderness. No, let's deal with it quickly and go back to the house to sleep."

Lu Chen was a little scared, so he quickly looked around and walked towards the corner of the earthen house.

He picked an unoccupied house, squatted down in the crack of the wall between two earthen houses, and quickly untied the belt of his robe.

woo... .

The wind kept blowing from the gap between the two walls, and Lu Chen felt his butt was chilly. After squatting for a while, he always felt that there seemed to be someone behind him.


He looked back abruptly, and behind him was a dark patch of grass leading straight into the mountains.

"It's better to settle the matter quickly, go back and rest!"

Turning around, he hastily began to exert all his strength.

After a meal of excretion, it took a whole incense stick of effort before he slowly got up and rubbed his buttocks. Start tying the belt.

After fastening his belt and tidying up his robes, Lu Chenxin planned to go back to his earthen house.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound of pouring water in the middle of the village.

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback.

The surroundings were silent, and in the middle of the night, in the middle of an empty village, the sound of fetching water was especially clear.

"It's so late, who still gets up to fetch water? The water itself is cold at night, not to mention the well water, which is even ice." Lu Chen muttered a few words, then walked out of the crack in the wall, and walked towards the village curiously. Looking into the central well.

Looking from a distance, a dark man was standing by the well, pouring the water from the bucket with his hands.

"This man... Is there anyone in our team wearing black clothes?" Lu Chenxin looked from a distance, and always felt that the back of the water fetcher looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Could it be Uncle Zhao? No, Uncle Zhao is not so thin.

Or uncle? Uncle Liu is not that tall either. "

Lu Chen felt a little strange, looked left and right, but there was no one else.

Zi... .Zi... .Zi... ..

The man started shaking the bucket again and went down.

Lu Chen became more and more curious, he thought about it, and decided to go over to see who was staying up so late and came to fetch water.

With that in mind, he walked slowly towards the well.

After walking a few steps like this, he saw the man shaking a bucket of water up again, and then... .

Wow... .

The man actually poured water into the well again.

"Hi!" Lu Chen couldn't help calling out. "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, running to fetch water and pouring it back again? Are you idle and have nothing to do?"

He quickened his pace.

The man turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear. He began to hang up the bucket again, and slowly shook it down the well.

Lu Chenxin approached a little closer, feeling a little annoyed, why didn't he turn around after talking to him

But as he got closer, he gradually felt something was wrong.

The figure at the edge of the well was dressed in a dark, shabby long dress, and his hair was also very long, messily hanging down behind him.

The most important thing is that his back is different from anyone in his impression, completely strange. But he felt very familiar subconsciously. He obviously couldn't remember seeing such a back figure before, but he just felt familiar.

"What's going on? I..." Lu Chen felt a little hairy in his heart.

He tried hard to control his feet and not continue to walk forward, but he couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, and wanted to go to the front to see who the person who fetched water in the middle of the night was.


Another bucket of water was shaken up.

Lu Chen got closer and closer, but more and more inexplicable fear emerged in his heart. His heart was beating violently, but he couldn't stop his legs, and slowly approached the man.

"You....what the hell are you..."


The lamp was slowly ignited, lighting up a pale yellow light.

"Dust Heart? Dust Heart?"

Inside the earthen house, Lu Tianyang slowly put down the flint in his hand, looked inside the earthen house by the light of the oil lamp, the sky was slightly bright, but Lu Chenxin was not in the house.

"Where did this kid go again? Could it be that he secretly messed with Xiuxiu?" He rubbed his eyes and yawned.