Way of the Devil

Chapter 86: Secret Two


"The fifth floor..." Lu Sheng saw the back, and sure enough, there was the button to deduce martial arts. In fact, this button does not show that it is only deduction of martial arts.

It's just that he always thought so.

As long as there is enough yin energy, such a button will appear behind all martial arts, but in the past, his martial arts were all at the top, and His Highness pressed the button to become a deduction. But now Chiji mentality has a full seven levels, and he has not cultivated to the top in a short period of time. This is the first time he saw that the button can also be displayed behind the martial arts that have not been completed.

"Try it." Lu Sheng focused his consciousness on the button behind the Chiji Mind Method, and tapped it lightly.


On the modifier, the frame of Chiji Xinfa quickly blurred.

After about two breaths, the frame was clear again.

'Chiji heart method: the sixth floor, special effects: strengthen fire poison, quadruple shock, strengthen ignition. '

"It really works!?"

Lu Sheng was overjoyed. Carefully check your own skills.

It seemed that it was only the sixth level of skill, but he clearly felt that the warm current and inner energy in his body had more than doubled in strength. The wounds all over his body seemed to start to tingle.

"The effect of the concussion has not yet been seen, but when I fought with the lantern girl before, I felt that the effect was heavier than expected. It should be the power of the concussion. Now the quadruple should be more powerful."

Lu Sheng just felt that his internal energy had become stronger, and his attack power might be stronger, but there was still a long way to go before he could face the Lantern Girl head-on.

"That Lantern Girl, if I hadn't been so ruthless, clamped her arm with the wound, and grabbed her, I'm afraid someone else would be tortured to death."

He looked at the modifier again, and all the buttons had disappeared, obviously lacking in Yin Qi.

"Since yin qi can also improve skills, then I can completely collect yin qi items everywhere. Or take the initiative to find ghosts to hunt." Lu Sheng's heart was ruthless, no matter what happens, he will improve first, and keep getting stronger. Find a way around it. He didn't believe it anymore, with the abnormality of the modifier, he couldn't deal with a few ghosts.

When the Yin Qi of the silver hairpin was exhausted, he put it away casually and fell asleep.

A night without dreams.

Early in the morning of the second day, before the sun jumped out of the horizon, Lu Sheng got up and had breakfast, and then went straight to the Red Whale.

In the pharmacy on the third floor of the attic on the ship, he found the old gang leader who was taking white stone powder.

Sunlight shone in from the side of the prescription, and fell on the brass-colored alchemy furnace that was as tall as a person, reflecting the picture of Songhe and Qingluan on the surface shining brightly.

The old gang leader was dressed in plain white, and his left hand was obviously twisted abnormally, and it was fixed around his neck with a wooden board.

He was not surprised to see Lu Shenglai.

"Junior brother, it looks like you are worse than me."

"Brother, you too..." The corners of Lu Sheng's brows twitched, and he was speechless when he saw the old gang leader's appearance.

"The forbidden area is not so easy to guard." The old gang leader sighed. "In such a short period of time, so many things happened in succession. They fought with immortals, and I waited for mortals to suffer. Just these little demons and little ghosts released at random are enough for us to suffer."

"How did senior brother deal with those extremely fast ghosts?" Lu Sheng came here this time to clear up the confusion. The old gang leader has lived for so long, and as the current head of the Chirimen, of course he has his own way of dealing with it.

Sure enough, when this question came up, the old gang leader showed a smile on his face.

"I knew you would ask me this question, just like I asked my teacher back then."

He stood up and went to the window to look out.

The water of Songbai River was surging continuously, with the wind and waves, they slapped on the side of the Red Whale, making dull slapping sounds.

"My Chisun Sect naturally not only has the Chiji Xinfa internal strength, but to be precise, there are also several top martial arts skills that have been passed down." Hong Mingzi said in a deep voice.

Lu Sheng's face also became serious.

"Also ask the brother to give pointers."

Hong Mingzi smiled and turned around.

"These martial arts are all profound and unpredictable methods, and they are all based on Chiji mentality. The stronger the Chiji mentality, the stronger these martial arts." He paused, and then continue.

"I won't mention the rest, I can't chew too much, senior brother only said one saber technique that suits you, you are already good at knives and palms, there are certain similarities between the two.

This sword technique should be enough to make up for your lack of moves. "

"Senior brother, please advise me." Lu Sheng also stood up and said solemnly.

Hong Mingzi nodded with a smile: "This sword technique is called Seven Days Changing Heaven Sword. There are only two moves in the whole sword technique, including 18 changes. The power increases with the cultivation of the Chiji mental technique."

"Seven days to change the sky knife? I like the name." Lu Sheng licked his lips and smiled.

"This sword technique requires the use of heavy weapons, and the heavier the better. The heavier the weapon, the greater the power. It is specially used in conjunction with the shock force in the Chiji Heart Technique." Hong Mingzi explained.

"The power of shock?" Lu Sheng thought for a while, "Can we use a hammer? If the hammer is heavy enough, isn't it more powerful?"

"Uh.... I didn't say I couldn't..." Hong Mingzi was also taken aback by the question. This was obviously a saber technique, but Lu Sheng thought of using a hammer instead.

"These seven days of changing the sky knife, after the cultivation is completed, it can display the internal energy network with Chiji Qi. The coverage is very large, and it is very effective against speed-type opponents." The old gang leader continued. "Do you want to learn?"

"Of course." Lu Sheng didn't hesitate.

"The move is not difficult, it's mainly about mental coordination. I'll explain it a little bit, and you will be able to..." Hong Mingzi began to carefully explain to Lu Sheng the specific training method and details of the seven-day-changing knife .

There were only a dozen or so changes in two moves, and Lu Sheng quickly learned them.

There is also a box for changing the sword in seven days on the modifier.

One taught the other, and soon it was noon.

"By the way, junior brother, what level has your Chiji mentality reached? Is the skill before the conversion still smooth?" Hong Mingzi remembered and asked casually. "It's not convenient to say it."

"Fourth floor." Lu Sheng didn't say what he broke through later, but just mentioned the previous realm. When I converted the Blood Fiend Art just now, it was indeed the fourth floor.

"Well, it's the same as I estimated. With the Chi Ji Qi on the fourth floor, it's not bad to activate the seven-day sword. It's not a big problem to deal with ordinary ghosts and demons." Hong Mingzi nodded.

"Senior brother, I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it." Lu Sheng hesitated and frowned.

"You and I are brothers and sisters of the same sect. There are only two of us in the Chiri Sect now. If I leave, you will be the sect master. Is there anything else I should ask?" Hong Mingzi waved his hand and said casually. "go ahead."

Lu Sheng sorted out his thoughts in his mind before he spoke.

"I want to ask, the family and the monsters, why are they better than us...?" His voice was very low.

But the old gang leader is such a person, with profound inner strength, already the sixth level of the Chiji mentality, so he is naturally sharp and clear, and he can hear his problem clearly at once.

The smile on his face disappeared immediately, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

"I've been studying this question for decades before I figured out a little answer."


Hong Mingzi nodded.

"Do you think that their superior existence will really have more contact with us mortals? I can only deduce part of the answer from the few words I overheard and the clues I observed."

"Brother, please clarify." Lu Sheng asked.

Hong Mingzi took out another pack of white stone powder. This kind of relaxing medicine powder with faint hallucinogenic effect is also very popular in Yanshan City. There is no side effect after inhalation, but it has the effect of relaxing the nerves.

"Aristocratic, weird, and monsters. They are the real rulers of this world. They are immortals, devils, and the source of all myths and legends."

Hong Mingzi said slowly with a trace of memory.

"Don't say anything else, just say two points." He stretched out two fingers and raised them up.

"First, all three of them are immortal."

"Undead?!" Lu Sheng's heart sank.

"Yeah, I just can't kill them." Hong Mingzi said bitterly, "No matter what method is used, only they can kill each other. We mortals can't kill them. I haven't found out the specific reason. I'm still looking for it now.

Otherwise, with our strength, even if the gap is large, it will not be so large that we are powerless to resist. "

Lu Sheng recalled the little girl in Songjiazhuang, and fell silent.

"Second point, they all have a power that is extremely deadly to us mortals. They call this power detention."

"Detained?" Lu Sheng repeated.

"That's right. Constraints." Hong Mingzi sighed, "Monsters, monsters, and aristocratic families are all born with the power of restraint, while other ghosts and demons need to practice.

Only when they reach the level of detention can they resist the poisonous poison that is about to explode on their bodies. Otherwise, if they don't restrain themselves and suppress themselves, any physical contact with them is courting death. "

"Ju..." Lu Sheng was thoughtful.

"I can't kill you, the body is full of poison, and you will die if you touch it. Juli, even if you and I touch it, it is extremely difficult to deal with. It can't be eliminated without expending a lot of internal energy and cutting off the flesh and blood in time." Hong Ming Zi put down the white stone powder in his hand.

"I got some information from eavesdropping. According to them, abstinence is a kind of state, a level. After reaching a high level, such changes will naturally occur. Any weird, monster, or family member who has formed It has a binding force. Unless you restrain yourself, mortals will die if they touch it."

Lu Sheng thought that he had been so close to Duanmuwan before, and when he recalled it, a layer of white sweat appeared on his back. If Duanmuwan was careless at that time and confiscated his restraint, he would be a dead body now. It's over.

The last time he touched Zhen Yi's fingerprints, he was forced to cut off his flesh and blood to avoid poison. If you come into direct contact with... .

"Then Songjiazhuang?" He suddenly remembered the previous incident.

"That's a weird thing that hasn't yet formed, otherwise you thought it would be so weak. That place is dangerous for us, but for the people of that world, it's just a half-finished, unformed abandoned place." The old gang leader explained. "And don't worry, I have observed that Juli will dissipate by itself in just a stick of incense after leaving the master, and it cannot spread."

"Senior brother, have you ever had direct contact with Juli?" Lu Sheng asked. "Is it possible for us martial arts practitioners to be able to resist this kind of power? Or to achieve this state?"

"Confrontation??" Hong Mingzi shook his head slightly. "Impossible, the old man is full of skills. He can rank among the top three in the Northland, and he is also a first-class master in the Central Plains. If he goes up, he will be the top master of Tianyuan. This is the pinnacle of martial arts. But even so, it is impossible."

"As for reaching such a level, my brother once guessed whether this force is a natural reaction that occurs naturally after the strength reaches a certain level. But it was later discovered that it is not." Hong Mingzi narrowed his eyes, "This force is not only It is toxic, and it is also a kind of isolation and protection power, it is like a layer of egg shell, which tightly wraps those immortal beings, if you don't break it, you can't even hurt them. Let alone break the immortal body."