Way of the Devil

Chapter 92: sister two


"By the way, what's the frequency of recent cases?" Lu Sheng was so absorbed in his practice these days that he didn't care about the movement outside at all. Instead, let Ning San have no major matters of life and death, so don't bother him.

"Master Yu Lianzi occasionally goes to the headquarters for routine meetings. The rest is still the same, and there is no movement for the time being. Once there is any movement, the Red Whale will send someone to notify you." Ning San replied.

"It's fine. Also, where are the two female beggars I brought back?" Lu Sheng thought of asking again.

"I checked, and they are indeed foreigners. They have only been in Yanshan City for less than a month. But they are very good at making work in the flower house. The flower house they help to take care of grows better than other flower houses. They don't cheat. Good quality." Ning San smiled.

"Observe carefully and tell me immediately if there is nothing abnormal." Lu Sheng always felt that the two men had a sinister aura, so he brought them back just to see if there was something different from ordinary people.


The two left the greenhouse all the way, and sat down to rest and wipe off their sweat in the gardener's bungalow.

"Turn around, take my token and go to the blacksmith shop in the headquarters. I want to make a good handy weapon, ordinary knives are not suitable." Lu Sheng ordered.

"Remember, I'll send someone to notify the blacksmith to prepare the materials in a while. Besides, the funeral in the Lu Mansion also starts today." Ning San reminded.

"Is it Lu Chenxin's mourning hall?" Lu Sheng exhaled.

"Yes..." Ning San's voice was very low.

"I'll go back later." Lu Sheng nodded. "Is there any news from Shanbaotang?"

"No...but why doesn't the foreign chief go to the headquarters? I remember that the resident elder Zhang Baiyu likes to collect this kind of antiquities. There are also warehouses in the headquarters. There are also many ancient tombs of this kind." Ning San wondered.

"I'll take a look later." Lu Sheng quickly ate his lunch, and a big bucket of rice was emptied in just a few servings.

After eating, Lu Sheng got up and quickly walked towards his bedroom.

When passing by a flower house, he saw the two sisters who were chatting carefully with the flower grower through the gate.

For these two sisters, the elder sister's surname is Liu and her name is Qin. The younger sister's surname is Liu and her first name is Caiyun. Liu Qin and Liu Caiyun are their names.

Lu Sheng knew from the people below that the two girls' families had undergone major changes, and their family members were all dead. They had to be reduced to this point.

They didn't talk about the specific process, but Lu Sheng could faintly feel that there were a lot of things hidden in the two of them.

When passing by the flower house, Lu Sheng saw his sister Liuqin's hanging right arm, with a section of skin exposed.

Strangely, the skin on her arm seemed to be swollen and purple, and even deformed. But Liuqin still looked unaware.

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded at the two, and the two sisters also nodded in response, while Hua Nong hurriedly stood with his head bowed respectfully, and when Lu Sheng walked some distance away, he hurriedly told the two sisters again, and hurried away to do other things.

At the entrance of the flower house, only sister Liuqin was left standing here.

"Sister, can we stay here a little longer?" Little sister Liu Caiyun asked in a low voice.

"It's best not to, it will hurt Mr. Lu." Liuqin replied calmly, "Is your hand about to have seizures again recently?"

"En." Liu Caiyun nodded.

"Those things will come again. If we stay here for too long, this place will be destroyed." Liuqin's eyes flashed with pain.

"But... I like it here, those flowers are so beautiful..." Liu Caiyun whispered.

"Me too..." Liuqin also lowered her voice. "But Mr. Lu is just an ordinary person, and the people here are also ordinary people."

Liu Caiyun was silent.

After a while, she said shyly, "I see...."

"It's not your fault." Liu Qin gently hugged her sister into her arms. "I can feel their breath, and they are coming again."

"..." Liu Caiyun didn't make a sound, but just leaned her face against her sister's chest, a small pustule on her cheek was crushed, and a lot of light yellow slurry leaked out, which wet Liuqin's clothes.


The door of the room was opened, Lu Sheng strode in, closed the door behind his back, and was about to go to the bed to lie down and rest for a while.

Suddenly, he stopped his movements and scanned the entire bedroom.

A few chairs were placed beside the black dining table, there were scattered books on the square desk that were not read last night, and the quilt on the bed was a bit messy, as he had slept on before.

What made Lu Sheng's expression gradually darken was that there was a pale hand beside the curtain on the bed, gently grasping the edge of the curtain.

It seemed that there was a person sitting on the bed, holding the curtain to keep it from hanging down and closing it.

It's just that from Lu Sheng's perspective, he can only see such a hand.

"Who?!" His eyes were gloomy, and his right hand slowly grasped the handle of the knife behind his waist.

No one answered. That hand slowly, slowly retracted towards the bed. The movement was very slow and there was no sound.

But Lu Sheng could see clearly that the direction where the hand retracted was only the wall.

He snorted coldly, took a few steps at a time, stepped over suddenly, grabbed the curtain and pulled it hard.


The curtains were ripped open, and the bed was empty, nothing.

The bed was placed in the corner, with walls on both sides, and nothing was placed on the other two sides, and the empty space was clearly visible.

Seeing this, Lu Sheng scanned his eyes.

"Want to run!?" He sneered, stretched out his hand suddenly, and slapped the middle of the bed hard.

The fiery palm vibrates the air, making a piercing whistling sound.

Boom! ! !

The whole bed collapsed with a crash, and the wood cracked and cracked, accompanied by a small scream.

A black shadow suddenly sprang out from under the bed and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

"Blood net!" Lu Sheng didn't move, his whole body was filled with internal qi, and the seventh-level Chiji mentality was activated, and an invisible qi net immediately covered his body.


There was a scream in the air.

A gust of cold wind dispersed in the bedroom, and it soon returned to calm.

After all the air currents subsided completely, Lu Sheng carefully sensed his surroundings, and then slowly relaxed.

"Dirty things actually got into my room? Is my half-yin body getting stronger? Or is it because of those two little girls?"

He squinted his eyes to examine the room carefully, and someone outside the door immediately heard the sound and knocked on the door.

"Outsider! Are you okay!?"

"It's okay." Lu Sheng opened the door, "You guys move the bed out and replace it with a new one."

As soon as the servants entered the door, they saw the collapsed bed and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Yes." Although they didn't know what happened, no one dared to ask Lu Sheng.

While the servants were moving the bed, Lu Sheng bent down and picked up a small pink purse from the ground.

The purse was embroidered with a picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water, the workmanship was not very delicate, and even a little crude. That is, the goods sold by hawkers on the street for a few pennies each.

But as soon as he started, Lu Sheng felt a little cold.

"Sitting at home, there is still Yin Qi coming to his mouth." Lu Sheng grinned, feeling that there was not much Yin Qi, so he simply bit his index finger and pressed it lightly on the purse.

Hiss... After an inaudible sound, a not-so-subtle yin energy quickly poured into Lu Sheng's body. Along his arm, into his chest, it disappeared and absorbed in a blink of an eye.

Soon the purse will gradually no longer be cold.

"Who is it!" Suddenly, the gatekeepers shouted from outside, "You dare to break into the room where the chief is resting? Do you want to die!?"

"Brother, Mr. Lu is in danger now! We must wake him up immediately!" Liu Qin's voice came faintly, a little anxious.

"Dangerous?" Several people couldn't help laughing out loud. "It's not bad that our boss didn't put others in danger. It's okay, you two ugly monsters, go back to sleep quickly, and don't hang around here anymore."

Sister Liuqin

When Lu Sheng heard the words in the bedroom, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes. A few steps out of the room, he saw the two sisters who were still pestering the guards at a glance.

"Why are you here? What's the matter?" He walked over and asked casually.

"Young Master Lu... have you... encountered any strange things?" Liuqin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lu Sheng, with a look of relief.

"What's weird? A thief came to the room. I slapped him just now, so I didn't know where to go, so I left a purse. I didn't expect it to be a woman." Lu Sheng threw his hands away in a funny way. purse.

"This is...!?" Suddenly Liuqin and Liu Caiyun trembled when they saw the purse.

"Young master! I'm the one who neglected my duty!" The guards turned pale with fright, and hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay, I'm just idle and bored to pass the time. Every day is practicing besides practicing. I'm worried that I don't have anything to play with." Lu Sheng grinned and looked at the two sisters with deep eyes.

"Mr. Lu..." Liuqin said in a deep voice, "Aren't you... not afraid?"

"Afraid?" Lu Sheng waved his hand, telling the guards to go down first, "Come with me." He said to the two sisters.

With the two of them, he went directly to a corner of the backyard of the newly built attic. There was no one around. Lu Sheng specially asked people to guard the entrance and exit, and no one was allowed to enter.

He sat down on a stone bench in the yard.

"Tell me, who are you guys? Why do you attract ghosts?"

When the two sisters heard the word ghost, they were taken aback for a moment, and then it was strange that they were not surprised, or frightened, or calm. Instead, he froze in place, and slowly, relief and ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

It's like a person who has been drifting on the sea for a long time and suddenly sees an island in front of him. It was a look of hope.

After a while of silence, wait until the mood of the two has stabilized a little.

"You... also know ghosts?" sister Liu Caiyun asked cautiously.

"Of course, we have to deal with these troublesome things from time to time, otherwise, how do you think we can gain a foothold in such a big place?" Lu Sheng saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the two of them, which was different from his previous prediction, and his brows suddenly frowned.

"That's right... Since Mr. Lu knows all about it, then we don't have to play tricks." Liuqin said. There was a hint of relief in the voice.

"All along, we thought that we were the only ones who could deal with ghosts, but now, we finally meet such an expert as Mr. Lu!"

Lu Sheng was confused and confused.

"You start from the beginning. Why do I get more and more confused the more I listen?"

"Okay, let's start from the beginning." Liuqin said seriously.

She carefully recalled the first time, and gradually there was a trace of tenderness and pain in her eyes.