Way of the Devil

Chapter 94: Life experience two


Lu Sheng soaked in the medicine bucket for a while, until the medicine turned into light gray water, and then slowly stood up.

When he got up this time, he obviously felt a lot lighter in his body.

Look at the box on the modifier again, in the column of Jiujiang Tie Suo Gong, there is a special effect written impressively.

'Jiujiang iron cable work: the first layer, special effect: strengthened strength. '

This hard work feels like covering the surface of the skin with a thick layer of skin.

Lu Sheng didn't expect any qualitative change from this level of hard work, so he cleaned up and dried himself, went out and took another cold shower. Then went back to sleep.

On the second day, he went to the Red Whale early in the morning. After a regular meeting, he reported and counted the situation information of all parties. At the same time, he also learned that the scuffle outside the city had reached a fever pitch.

The Zhen family and Zhen Xun led people to attack and kill no less than twenty strongholds in Hongfang, and at the same time killed dozens of people from another new force.

The methods were so bloody and cruel that even the Red Whale Gang members who went to deal with the aftermath felt nauseated after seeing it too much.

Not to be outdone, Hongfang intercepted two Zhen family members on the ice field, and managed to kill them before Zhen Xun rescued them.

Now the Zhen family was furious, and sent more people to support Zhen Xun, and Hongfang also dispatched more forces. The two sides were completely red-eyed.

Many forces belonging to the Zhen family, such as the Red Whale Gang, were also affected. Sometimes they were killed by the forces belonging to the Red Square before the aftermath was over. After a scuffle, there were often victories.

The affiliated force of the Red Square is another hidden force in the Northland. Its name is the Red Chamber. It was originally a notorious killer organization in the Northland. This time it was exposed that it was actually a subordinate force of the Red Square, which shocked everyone.

Even the Red Whale Gang cannot underestimate the information network held by the Red Chamber.

Moreover, the killers among them, once they make a move, are often fearless and fearless, like crazy. It also caused a lot of trouble to the Red Whale Gang.

These days, several internal affairs envoys in the gang were seriously injured one after another, and the elder even killed three of them in battle.

Lu Sheng did not play for the time being in the name of recuperating his injuries, but even so, he could feel the increasingly tense and tragic atmosphere in the gang. During the regular meeting, many high-level people were wounded and bandaged their wounds.

At the end of the meeting, Lu Sheng asked the old leader about the location of the weapons department, and then went straight to its location.

The weapons department of the Red Whale Gang is not on the ship, but on the shore next to the Red Whale. Right in a canyon.

He wanted a high-quality weapon very early, but unfortunately he never found the opportunity, and such weapons are often extremely expensive and rare.

Inside the Valley of Hundred Soldiers.

"A good weapon requires good materials. If you can't find it, you might as well try a heavy weapon." Elder Duan, the person in charge of the weapons department, suggested while tugging at his beard.

"Heavy weapon?" Lu Sheng looked at the strong man beside him holding the red sword embryo, cooling it with the icy spring water in the canyon, and large streams of white water vapor continuously evaporated.

"That's right." Elder Duan smiled, "I see Luwaishou's physique is strong. If you make a heavy weapon that weighs tens of kilograms, make it thicker. It won't hurt you for a while. Although it is not as sharp as them, but Heavy enough to be a deterrent in itself."

Lu Sheng felt reasonable, and nodded slightly.

"What kind of heavy weapon does the elder think I am suitable for? My inner strength is the chiji mentality handed down by the guild master. I wonder if using a hammer can strengthen the effect of inner strength?"

"May I ask if you know how to hammer?" Elder Duan asked back.

"Eh... no...." Lu Sheng shook his head, but he can find someone to learn from in a short time, as long as he gets started, he can take shape quickly, anyway, the modifier is abnormal enough.

"Then what kind of weapon do you understand?" Elder Duan asked again. "What is the meaning of condensing when you concentrate?"

"...It's a knife." Lu Sheng understood it clearly. "It seems that I can only use a knife." This meaning can't be quickly understood.

"It's not that you can only use it, but that you are suitable for knives." Elder Duan smiled. "I do have a pair of big knives here. If you don't mind, you can give it a try. This pair of knives was made by a former Hercules foreign envoy. Unfortunately, before he got it, he..." He sighed .

"Double swords? Let's take a look." Lu Sheng suddenly became interested. The sword suits him, and it's also a double sword, which aroused his curiosity.

"Follow me." Elder Duan nodded, turned around and led Lu Sheng, quickly passing through the forges, and soon arrived at the innermost black lacquered armory.

In the stone-built arsenal like a hall, rows of various weapons are lined up with weapon racks.

Swords, guns and sticks, swords, daggers and halberds, the rows of weapons were so dazzling that Lu Sheng was dizzy to see them.

"Foreign Chief, please follow me." Elder Duan led Lu Sheng through rows of weapon racks, and quickly walked to the deep weapon area.

In a corner of this area, Elder Duan pointed to two machetes that were being anointed and wiped, and said to Lu Sheng: "Wai Shou, this is the knife that suits you as I said. moon."

Lu Sheng took a closer look.

On the weapon rack, there are two thick-backed machetes about one meter long. The silver blades look like two door panels, and three metal rings are strung on each of the backs of the blades.

Thickness is thick, the back of the knife is as thick as a palm, and the blade is even as wide as a person's waist. But no matter how Lu Sheng looked at it, he felt awkward.

"How?" Elder Duan said slightly proudly, "This pair of swords and lonely moons were forged by the old man himself. After thirty-six days of painstaking forging, fourteen kinds of techniques were used to forge and grind repeatedly. The materials are also high-quality. The best choice, definitely far sharper and harder than ordinary broadswords."

Lu Sheng frowned, looking at the lonely moon with two swords, he was a little speechless.

"Elder Duan... These are clearly two pig-killing knives... Huan Guyue, even a nice name can't conceal the essence of it being a pig-killing knife."

Elder Duan smiled and shook his head.

"The butcher's knife? No, of course not. Although the two knives weigh seventy-six catties alone, you will know the benefits when you really use it.

As for the shape, as long as it is practical, what does the butcher's knife matter? "

He made a lot of sense, although the last sentence missed the point, but Lu Sheng is also a pragmatist, and he no longer pays too much attention to appearance.

"Can I try it out?"

"Of course." Elder Duan stretched out his hand to signal him to be free.

Lu Sheng nodded, moved his arms and shoulders, walked forward slowly, and grabbed the handle of a Guyue knife.

"Get up!" He exerted a sudden force, and the whole butcher's knife was lifted up immediately.

The external kung fu has the longest strength. Lu Sheng first practiced the Black Tiger Saber, and later practiced the Chasing Wind Knife and the Shuangling Knife. These are all saber skills.

Now I have practiced the hard kung fu that is extremely long-lasting in the external kung fu. There is only one level of Xiong wrestling kung fu, which has been mastered, and the first level of Jiujiang iron rope kung fu.

The addition of these bits and pieces of external skills also turned him from a thin scholar who was originally gentle and gentle, into the current super strong man with a strong physique and abnormal strength.

The energy in Lu Sheng's body surged, his blood vessels swelled, and his body size became larger for a while.

Originally, he was almost as wide as Elder Duan, and taller than ordinary men. At this time, the qi and blood swelled up, the flesh all over his body became bigger like inflation, and the white muscles twisted and tightened.

"Get up!!" Lu Sheng grabbed the second Gu Yue again, holding two knives in his hands.


The two knives were crossed and stood in front of him. He saw his own face from the side of the blade, and it was reflected on it, as clear as a mirror.

"It fits well! Unexpected." Lu Sheng said in surprise.

"It seems that Luwaishou really has a destiny with this Lonely Moon. If that's the case, then I will give you a 50% discount, and the price will be one hundred taels of silver!"

"One hundred taels..." Lu Sheng was speechless, the old man really dared to speak. In addition to the design, these two knives are made of ordinary steel, and they all rely on their thickness to exert their power. He dared to ask for a price of one hundred taels.

"Twenty taels."

"Twenty taels?! Why don't you grab it! These are the two high-quality knives that the old man spent a lot of time forging..." "Pig-killing knives."

Lu Sheng picked it up for him, and Elder Duan couldn't get out of it, and was almost choked.

Although these two knives were indeed remodeled pig-killing knives, heavy knives made by melting together a large amount of unnecessary scrap iron, at least on the surface everyone should be more refined, needless to say so bluntly.

"Twenty taels is too little, I don't even have enough capital!" Elder Duan waved his hand.

"That's ten taels." Lu Sheng shook the pair of knives, feeling that although the materials are poor, they are indeed solidly forged, with good weight and size. When encountering a speed opponent, a slight tilt can block most of the body The key.

"Ten taels!!?" Elder Duan's face became distorted with anger, "OK, okay, it's only twenty taels, I'm really afraid of you! Let me tell you, if this Guyue double knife is placed in other places, it won't cost you two taels." Don't even think about it."

"Then you have to be bought by someone. Do you expect many people to bid for this weight?" Lu Sheng swung the knife casually, and it seemed like a whirlwind was blowing, causing Elder Duan's beard to float up.

"It's really not rewarding for your good intentions. Luwaishou, you are really..." Elder Duan couldn't find a word to describe Lu Sheng.

"Is there a place to test the power?" Lu Sheng shook the two knives, feeling that the more he held them, the easier it was, and he was very satisfied.

"Come with me." Elder Duan snorted coldly, still very dissatisfied.

"Besides, these two knives are called Lonely Moon. It doesn't sound good." Lu Sheng conveniently put on the two scabbards as well. They are both made of pigskin tanned and tied with a lot of hemp rope. It looks rough and cheap at first glance. Style, this style still wants to sell two hundred taels, unless old man Duan is dreaming.

"Fart, this is the name chosen by the old man himself. It is shaped like a solitary moon, like a sickle. It was originally intended to be called a solitary sickle, but the sound is not pleasant, so it was changed to Yue. What's the matter? Do you have an opinion?" Elder Duan didn't take advantage of it. His tone became impolite, and he replied as he walked.

"Since I use it, I will definitely call it whatever I want in the future." Lu Sheng said directly, regardless of the naming rights.

"Let's call it Ghost Head Knife."

"What's the name?" Elder Duan was speechless.

Lu Sheng smiled and didn't reply. The two walked forward, quickly left the armory, and entered a large room on the side.

The room was surrounded by stone walls, and in the center stood a solid wooden doll, with some straw and grain bundled on it.

"This is Keng wood. It's very hard and tough. Try it." Elder Duan pointed at the wooden puppet. "If you can cut it off, I'll pay you twenty taels!"

Holding two butcher's knives in his hands, Lu Sheng walked up to the puppet, with a sinister smile on his lips.
