Way of the Devil

Chapter 99: Worry-free king one



The modifier box suddenly trembled, and the column of Chiji Heart Method quickly became blurred.

This time, the frame continued to blur for a full two seconds before becoming clear again.

Lu Sheng stared closely at the column of Chi Ji's heart method, and soon, the blurred handwriting became clear again.

'Unnamed mental method: the eighth floor, special effects: blood net, violent shock, burning. '

Lu Sheng didn't feel that his skill had become deeper or more, he just felt that the internal energy in his body seemed to have undergone some unknown changes.

This change made his body a little hot, his skin and scalp were slightly itchy, and it seemed that he was beginning to grow hair.

"According to senior brother, once you step into Tianyuan, your body will enter a new stage of development. Maybe then my hair will grow back." Lu Sheng was relieved, he didn't want to be bald for the rest of his life.

"However, it seems that the internal strength after the breakthrough has some more lines of blood evil power... and a part of the strengthened hard Qigong feeling of Jiujiang Tie Suo Gong."

He carefully realized the difference from before.

"I don't know if I have broken through the original realm. As for the new technique, since it combines the characteristics of the blood evil technique and the Jiujiang iron rope technique, it can be called the Chiji Jiusha technique."

After he settled on the name, he saw the name of the new exercise slowly appear in the box on the modifier.

'Chiji Nine Shades of Art: The eighth floor, special effects: blood net, violent shock, burning. '

"Go and test it first. After spending so much effort and waiting for so long, there won't be only a little improvement."

Lu Sheng adjusted his breath and got up slowly.

"If I can not be discovered by others, and I can thoroughly test the limit of my current strength, the best way is to find an opponent."

Lu Sheng tried his best to remember where he could find a place and an opponent that would allow him to test his strength.

In the entire Northland, the strongest master is senior brother Hong Mingzi, and the rest are only ranked second. And the rest are stronger ghosts and monsters. But ghosts and weirdness are easily discovered by Hongfang and Zhen's family.

"Perhaps we can go to Li Shunxi. He is well-informed and should be able to find a suitable choice. There is also Zhuo Wenyu. As a non-human, it should know some ghosts or demons in this area." Lu Sheng thought for a while, and decided Go find Li Shunxi first, Zhuo Wenyu is a different kind after all, and he is not as easy to deceive as Li Shunxi, if she finds out that he wants to test his strength, he will be in trouble.

It is the most dangerous way to completely expose the details to outsiders.

Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle, and revealing your own details is to make people know the enemy without any effort. Such a person, in this environment, will die the fastest.

As soon as he thought of it, Lu Sheng packed up and looked at the sky outside. It was almost night in the afternoon.

He asked his men to lead the horse out, rode on and went straight to Yanshan City.

After entering the city through the gate, he searched for the address left by Li Shunxi, and soon found Li Shunxi who was drunk in a wine shop next to where he lived.

This guy was sitting alone in the corner, his face was pale, and there was a puddle of vomit next to him, which made the surrounding guests dare not sit near him. The clothes on his body hadn't been washed for many days, and as soon as Lu Sheng approached, he could smell a bad smell.

"Drinking... Drinking... Isn't it money... I will definitely... give it to you in the future!" Li Shunxi sat on the chair drunkenly, holding a small flagon in his hand, and poured it into his mouth from time to time. Drinking, but drinking half of the wine and half of it, a lot of it leaked on his clothes and neck.

Lu Sheng looked at him with a frown, strode over and sat down opposite him.

"Guest officer, take a look, do you want to pick up your friend... How can we do business with him like this?" Seeing Lu Sheng sitting down, the shopkeeper felt relieved, and hurried over to discuss with Lu Sheng with a bitter face. .

This alcoholic has been here for three days, and he has been given a lot of money, but he has drunk too much alcohol, and he is afraid of accidents. Moreover, there were dirty things and vomit all over the table, and even Xiaoer cleaned it up for him countless times. has affected others.

Seeing that this scholar obviously doesn't know how to drink, he drank until he vomited, but he kept pouring it into his mouth.

"Leave it to me." Lu Sheng nodded.

He reached out and grabbed the wine jug in Li Shunxi's hand, ripped it off and put it on the table.

"Brother Li, you are drunk."

"I'm not drunk!" Li Shunxi laughed twice. "Hey, isn't this... isn't it Brother Lu... why... why are you here?" He spoke intermittently and incoherently, but he still said that he was not drunk.

"This is not a place to talk, let's find a quiet place to talk about it." Lu Sheng thought for a while, "Let's go to the Wolan Restaurant nearby. I haven't seen Brother Li for a long time, and I miss him so much, so I came to visit."

He grabbed Li Shunxi and picked him up like a chicken.

"Let's go, brother Li, go wash up first. I still have some things I want to ask you."

"Wine! I still want to drink!!"

Lu Sheng ignored him, and directly carried the man out of the wine shop under the amazed gazes of the crowd, and entered the nearby Wolan Restaurant.

This restaurant is actually an industry under his name. It was originally Wu San's, but now that Wu San is dead, it is his. This kind of property belongs to the public property of the gang, and can be shared with dividends, managed, or enjoyed by other benefits, but it cannot be transferred and sold.

The two opened a private room, and immediately the members of the Red Whale Gang Feiyingtang sent someone to guard the door to prevent anyone from approaching.

Pushing Li Shunxi to the seat and sitting down, Lu Sheng also sat across from him.

"Brother Li, what happened, why did you become so decadent!?" Lu Sheng asked suspiciously.

Look at the current Li Shunxi, compared with the handsome young man with a handsome face like a crown jade, he is simply a beggar.

But now he is indeed no different from a beggar. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red, her body was skinny, and she hadn't had a good rest for some time. There were gray stains of sweat and mud all over the arms, neck, and face.

"Have a drink?" Li Shunxi toasted Lu Sheng with a drunken smile.

"Brother Li, what happened in the end? There is no difficulty in this world. If you have difficulties, tell me, and maybe I can help you." Lu Sheng felt that Li Shunxi had a certain investment value and was a good man. It's okay, if it's an easy matter, it doesn't matter if he helps.

Hearing this, Li Shunxi woke up a little, lying on the table and muttering drowsily.

"Brother Lu....you can't help me....no one can help me...." He sat on the seat with a miserable face, substituting tea for wine, drinking cup after cup vigorously.

Lu Sheng looked at his clothes.

"But something happened at home?" He remembered Li Shunxi talking to him back then. His family is a senior official who is an official in the court. But now that he looks like this, there is no family to take care of him. In such a situation, it is either hurt by love or an accident at home.

Li Shunxi trembled all over, looked up at him blankly.

"My dad... is dead..."

Lu Sheng was taken aback. Holding a water glass in his hand, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Li Shunxi seemed to have finally found someone to confide in, and said with a sad smile.

"Are you also here to arrest me? Hehehe, even my closest person, the woman I've loved so much, would actually drink drugs. What else in this world can't happen... ? "

After drinking a few glasses of cold water, he seemed to be more awake, and his speech became more organized.

"What happened to your family?" Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

"That's right. My father was framed for a crime, and he was executed by Wu Shiwen not long ago... My family was also sealed off. The family members fled and scattered, and I was the only one who escaped. ..." Li Shunxi said sadly. "Brother Lu, if you want to arrest me and report to the police, please go ahead, I don't want to hide anymore, I'm tired... tired..."

Lu Sheng frowned at him.

"If I arrest you and report to the police, what good will it do me? Money? Just the reward from the government? It's not enough to squeeze your teeth. Power? I am now the third leader of the Red Whale Gang, and I am also a person in this mountain city.

Brother Li, don't give up on yourself at every turn, I am not looking for you to report to the official.

Your family has changed, and we are half friends. If you need help, just ask, and I will do my best to help. But I have a small condition. "

Li Shunxi was a little dazed. He and Lu Sheng just met by chance. They were strangers who happened to meet in Songjiazhuang. They just talked and chatted together once. In fact, they were not even considered friends, but the other party was not tempted to arrest him and report to the police.

"You... You really didn't come to arrest me and send me to the police?!" He still couldn't believe it. "You have to know, the person my father offended was the Minister of the Ministry of War, a first-rank official!"

"I don't care about his high-level officials, it's none of my business! Don't dawdle, I'm looking for you to buy information about any troublesome and famous ghosts or weirdness, or monsters nearby." Lu Sheng State your needs directly. Although there is the Red Whale Gang, Li Shunxi is obviously more knowledgeable about this thing.

When it comes to ghosts and the like, the Red Whale Gang is more about supervision and monitoring, but Li Shunxi is a real contact.

"Huh?" Li Shunxi was taken aback, "You... really want to report to the police?"

"Reporting to the police is not good for me, why should I arrest you?" Lu Sheng said angrily. "Your family has changed, I sympathize, but as long as you are still alive, you will have a chance to kill back sooner or later. Why are you crying and crying!"

Li Shunxi stared at him blankly, a little dazed. These days, the things he experienced, the betrayal he experienced, can almost fill an entire historical novel.

All the brothers and friends who used to be called brothers and sisters, all the childhood sweethearts who played with each other since childhood, and the engaged girls who loved each other deeply and once had vows of eternal love.

He experienced betrayal again and again, experienced despair again and again, escaped from death several times, and the arrow on his back still made his heart ache until now. If the master hadn't left him something to protect his life, his bones would be almost rotten now.

Fleeing secretly all the way to Yanshan City, he even despaired in his heart, gave up on himself, didn't care about anything, just wanted to die drunk in the wine shop. But he didn't expect to meet Lu Sheng whom he had met before.

What made him even more unexpected was that this stranger, who had only met him once, had no intention of sending him to report to the official. You must know that he is now physically deficient, extremely weak, and so drunk that he is weak. Officer, now is the best time to grab him and go directly to the yamen, where there is a poster of his wanted poster.

But Lu Sheng didn't do that, but said that if there is anything that can help, feel free to mention it.