We Meet Again Today

Chapter 117: Don’t hit the wall and don’t look back (2)


Luo Lian always looked at Gu Ziyi with gentle eyes. The only tenderness was given to Gu Ziyi.

Gu Ziyi picked up the cup and took a sip. Luo Lian should have given instructions in advance, so Gu Ziyi's cup was filled with water. If she left later, she would still have to drive.

Luo Lian asked: "Have you been back for a few days? Have you been avoiding me?"

At this time, it doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not.

Gu Ziyi chose not to admit it. Luo Lian didn't know the specific day she came back anyway. She couldn't give in and say she was avoiding him, right

Gu Ziyi smiled: "I just came back the day before yesterday, and I didn't avoid you." In fact, I came back a long time ago.

Luo Lian smiled and said nothing, and did not expose her. He knew in his mind that Gu Ziyi probably found him difficult, so she wanted to avoid her.

Gu Ziyi said: "That Miss Pei..."

In fact, she didn't finish her sentence. Luo Lian had already cut off her words: "I have nothing to do with her."

Gu Ziyi laughed: "I'm not talking about your relationship. I'm just talking about Miss Pei. She is very interesting." She thought of the last engagement party at Cheng Yuexin and the piano duel between her and Pei Yuan. She told Luo Lian about this, "I just think she's quite interesting."

Luo Lian looked at Gu Ziyi, "She deliberately caused trouble for you. Do you still think she is interesting?"

"I just treat her as a child, and she has no worries when she is childish." Gu Ziyi did not regard Pei Yuan as an adult. In her eyes, Pei Yuan was just a child who had not grown up. She found it a little funny that Pei Yuan could always be so innocent and willful.

Luo Lian agrees with this, "She comes from a wealthy family and has been pampered since childhood. But she cannot live in an ivory tower forever."

Her parents couldn't protect her forever.

Gu Ziyi looked at Luo Lian. When Luo Lian talked about Pei Yuan, his eyes did not change much, but Gu Ziyi felt that Luo Lian had some emotions towards Pei Yuan, not disgust. She asked deliberately: "Do you like her?"

"I like you." Luo Lian said this quickly without thinking.

"It's not annoying when you mention Pei Yuan." Gu Ziyi looked at him with a half-smile.

Luo Lian said: "Because I'm a little envious of her."

Gu Ziyi's expression froze for a moment, she didn't understand Luo Lian's words. "Envy?" She didn't understand why Luo Lian envied Pei Yuan. I don't know what there is about Pei Yuan that Luo Lian envies.

Looking at Gu Ziyi's reaction, Luo Lian knew that Gu Ziyi had never tried to understand him. The affairs of the Luo family are not secrets. If Gu Ziyi is interested, she will get the answer if she asks. About Luo Mingsheng and Bai Langyue, about Luo Mingsheng and Qian Wenshi...

But Gu Ziyi didn't know this.

Naturally, she doesn't understand why Luo Lian envies Pei Yuan.

Luo Lian's eyes darkened, and he asked Gu Ziyi: "Like a child, don't you envy me?"

He didn't explain why, so he changed his approach and chose to ask rhetorically.

When asked this way, Gu Ziyi also agreed: "Indeed, no one would envy me for being able to be like a child all the time."

Adult life is full of troubles.

Always consider the consequences and consider the trade-offs.

There is never a free lunch or pie from the sky. In order to live, you have to swallow all the unsatisfactory things in your stomach and keep silent to others.

Even if the teeth are broken, the blood must be mixed with the blood and swallowed into the stomach.

The grievances suffered are hundreds or thousands of times greater, and you still can't fight for anything. Many grievances must be endured even if they should be endured, and even if they should not be endured.

Fatigue will gradually consume the whole person.

Where are the rules and most people acquiesce? How do you break the rules

Before fully entering society, everyone's fantasies are beautiful. Then life slaps you in the face, making you dizzy but unable to avoid it.

Who doesn’t want to be a child

Children don't understand why adults are envious, but adults know it all.

"But no one can be naive forever." Gu Ziyi looked at Luo Lian.

It won't be an accident for Pei Yuan.

There will be no less hardships to endure, and there will be no shortage of things to know.

Envy is envy, but everyone also knows what Pei Yuan will face in the future.

So pampered and doted on to become what he is now. She may not be able to bear the setbacks and hardships in the future if she has no one to stop her.

Luo Lian said: "So I pity her."

Gu Ziyi lowered her eyes, the corners of her lips curled up, "Yes, I pity her too."

Gu Ziyi and Luo Lian have similar perceptions of the world, but they are not completely similar. Their starting position in looking at the world is to put themselves in the position of an adult, who also has a lot of responsibilities to bear. Both of them are very sensible and sober, and can clearly discern the principles of this world.

But the difference is that Luo Lian's reason is differentiated. In some matters, he is irrational than anyone else. He has paranoia in his heart, so he won't calm down and deal with it rationally. He will do whatever his heart desires.

And Gu Ziyi completely lived her life as a sober person. Reason, although it cannot be said to be 100% reason, is at least 90%.

It's very difficult to be the irrational ten percent of her.

Everything Luo Lian wants to do is for the irrational ten percent. He wanted to become Gu Ziyi's 10% irrational self.

The waiter brought their order.

Gu Ziyi picked up the knife and fork and cut the steak, her movements were slow and elegant.

Luo Lian also held a knife and fork, but his attention was more on Gu Ziyi.

It's a bit unexpected to get along so peacefully.

Gu Ziyi chose to eat something first before speaking, lest she say something unappetizing and make Luo Lian unable to eat, then she would naturally not be able to eat either.

She kept an eye on Luo Lian, waiting for him to eat.

There was silence between the two for a while, both busy eating.

Gu Ziyi stopped after eating two-thirds of it. She wiped her lips.

Luo Lian also stopped his knife and fork.

In fact, neither of them had much thought about eating.

"Luo Lian." She looked at Luo Lian, "Have you ever thought about changing yourself? Try to accept others?"

Gu Ziyi said it tactfully, and Luo Lian understood what she meant. Gu Ziyi persuaded him to try to accept others, and this "others" did not include Gu Ziyi.

Luo Lian looked at her: "You can control that you don't like me, but you can't control that I don't like you. I tried my best to avoid causing you too much trouble. I didn't go to your company to find you because I knew you didn't I like to be watched. I try not to interfere with your life, and I don’t send anything else except flowers. I try to avoid meeting you, for fear that you will feel angry when you see me. I try to avoid many things... But... "

(End of chapter)