We Meet Again Today

Chapter 126: Many things do not need to have results (1)


A gust of night wind blew by, and Gu Ziyi's long hair was blown up. A few strands of hair brushed Luo Lian's face.

They were the only two people outside at the moment.

Luo Lian raised his hand.

Gu Ziyi took another step back.

"I won't do anything to you." Luo Lian stretched out his hand to tidy up Gu Ziyi's long hair at the temples.

Gu Ziyi was not used to the two of them being so intimate.

In fact, Luo Lian was just worried about Gu Ziyi holding Tan Han's arm. I want to do something intimate to offset this inner imbalance.

Gu Ziyi looked at him.

The distance between the two people is a bit close, and they can see the shadow reflected in each other's eyes.

Gu Ziyi's originally determined heart became slightly shaken again. She internally despised how she could "rebellion" so easily. But when it comes to Luo Lian, she always seems unable to remain firm.

Luo Lian...maybe it was her calamity.

Luo Lian said: "I still can't persuade myself to let you go. Just stop asking me to give up."

"But I won't promise you either." Gu Ziyi replied.

The two people's eyes met and they were silent for a moment.

Luo Lian smiled: "Everything happened to me is my own fault. So... I deserve to be rejected."

Gu Ziyi frowned. What does it mean? Playing the emotional card? play self pity

"Just refuse, maybe one day I will really give up. Maybe... there won't be such a day." Luo Lian spent two days reflecting seriously. Think about everything over and over again. The result he got may not be correct, but it was what he needed.

He couldn't give up Gu Ziyi, this was an established fact.

Gu Ziyi has the right to choose to refuse over and over again.

He will also continue to pursue Gu Ziyi.

Maybe there won't be a day when Gu Ziyi agrees.

Maybe there will be a day when he gives up on Gu Ziyi.

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. So Luo Lian's final decision was to let things go.

He just allowed this feeling to grow wildly like weeds without controlling it.

Gu Ziyi stared at his face for a long time. She has never been able to understand Luo Lian, and she doesn't know him very well. She felt that her and Luo Lian's brains had two different structures. Luo Lian couldn't get everything she wanted to express.

Gu Ziyi felt panicked, and she sighed quietly: "Don't you think this will make me more and more annoyed? No matter how much you do for me, you are just moving yourself."

She doesn't really want to take on other people's feelings.

Especially if the other party insists on having his own way.

You will inevitably feel guilty, even if it was not your intention.

"You think I'm a lunatic." Luo Lian laughed, and he felt lighter than ever before. "A lot of things don't have to have consequences."

Gu Ziyi always felt like she had heard this sentence somewhere.

In fact, Luo Lian's transformation all came from the words of his elders.

After meeting Gu Ziyi that day, Luo Lian's life did not change much. Step by step, go to work at the same time and leave work at the same time every day.

During off-duty hours, he could always see Grandma Fan from No. 504 diagonally across the street in the community pushing an empty wheelchair out for a walk.

Luo Lian also fell in love with walking, so every day after get off work, after going back to eat dinner and change clothes, he would go downstairs to run and walk around the community.

He and Grandma Fan also knew each other well. When the two of them walked together, they would chat more.

"Look at this tree, it has lived for such a long time, but it doesn't know what it is trying to do." Grandma Fan would always sigh, sighing at the sight of flowers, plants and trees. Probably because at her age, it is inevitable to have some thoughts about life.

Luo Lian slowed down and walked beside Grandma Fan, "Everything has its inevitable existence."

"Grandma Fan, why don't you let the nanny stay with you? That way, if you have any problems, someone will take care of you." Luo Lian always felt that it was not safe for the elderly to live alone.

Grandma Fan waved her hand, "The nanny and I are strangers, how can you expect her to fulfill her duties?"

"Where are your children? They don't come to see you either?" Luo Lian remembered asking him last time and couldn't help but ask again this time.

Grandma Fan sighed and said in a relaxed tone: "They have their days."

Luo Lian lowered his eyes, "But you really need someone to take care of you."

Grandma Fan has been walking for a long time and is a little tired. She stopped, walked slowly to the wheelchair and sat down, "I'm tired, please push me for a while."

Luo Lian agreed, pushing the wheelchair and walking slowly.

"A person's life, in fact... seems to have everything, but also nothing. Everyone likes to say 'I raised you when you were young, and you raised me when I am old'. But no one insists on forcing anyone. I am still in good health now. , they don’t have to keep someone by their side to take care of them. They have their own lives to live and their children to raise," Grandma Fan said.

Luo Lian listened and then said: "But you should also be a part of their lives."

Grandma Fan smiled: "After living to my age, I actually don't want to be a burden to others. I don't know how time can go so fast. It feels like I was only twenty or eight years old yesterday, and now I am going to be buried in the loess."

Luo Lian felt that what he and Grandma Fan were talking about were not on the same page. He didn't know if Grandma Fan did it intentionally.

"Actually, I don't want them to be around to serve me." I'm used to seeing the wretchedness of the secular world, so why watch it again

"I have gone through the process that a person should go through in his life. If I keep them by my side, I have to watch the trivial things happening in the family. Watch how they quarrel, watch how they reconcile, and watch how they work hard for this family. I don’t want to watch it again. I have been tired enough in this life, and at the end of the day, I still hope to be more free." Grandma Fan said what she meant.

Luo Lian paused, "Don't you feel lonely?"

Grandma Fan smiled and said: "Why do you feel lonely? Do you think that all old people especially want to pester their children? I am different. I have spent most of my life raising my children and being with them. , I don’t need them much now. I enjoy my current life very much, alone, not hard or tired.”

She has been a housewife for a long time in her life. After decades of experience, I watched the changes in society and the times. She became a housewife with no financial income, raising children and taking care of all the trivial matters at home. This life is really tiring.

She seemed to have no choice, so she spent decades like this.

Now that we have reached our last age, it is better to relax and do things that make us feel comfortable. Let yourself live quietly and live as you please. If your children are around, you can't help but work, worry, and get angry. Why bother

(End of chapter)