We Meet Again Today

Chapter 19: What a coincidence it is (4)


Gu Ziyi took Ji Tong in, and the two of them chose a seat by the window. Then everyone took their plates and found what they liked to eat.

After a few minutes, the table for two people was filled with food. The portion is not big. Their tutor told them since they were young that food should not be wasted. So I only picked what I wanted to eat, and the portions were small to ensure that I could finish it without wasting it.

The things Gu Ziyi took had both meat and vegetables, while most of the things Ji Tong took were low-calorie.

When Gu Ziyi saw what was on Ji Tong's plate, her appetite was obviously not high. She doesn't need to strictly control her weight, but as a ballet dancer, Ji Tong must strictly control her weight, food intake, and amount of exercise.

Gu Ziyi took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of sushi and stuffed it into her mouth.

Ji Tong took a sip of water before starting.

The two were chatting while eating, and Gu Ziyi asked: "Have you found a boyfriend?"

Ji Tong was slightly startled, "I... I kind of... have a boyfriend."

Gu Ziyi raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I feel like we're going to break up soon." Ji Tong chuckled.

Saying this made Gu Ziyi even more curious, "Huh?"

"We have been in a long-distance relationship for three years." Ji Tong looked at the vegetables on the plate, "We have been in a relationship for five years."

Gu Ziyi remembered... Ji Tong was four years younger than her. That Ji Tong was twenty-three years old this year. We've been in a relationship for five years, so... doesn't it mean we got together as soon as we became adults

Ji Tong held his chin with one hand, looked at Gu Ziyi with a pair of starry eyes, and said with a smile, "You should have an impression of him."

Gu Ziyi thought about it in her mind. She didn't know Ji Tong's male friends.

"The one who threw the paper airplane in the third grade of junior high school."

Hearing this, Gu Ziyi had a hazy impression. A tall and thin boy wearing a blue school uniform.

"His name is Yan Hua, the Yan of language, the Hua of birch trees." There was a gentle smile on Ji Tong's lips. It seemed that that person was as warm as spring to her.

Gu Ziyi looked at Ji Tong: "A very special name, a rare surname."

"Yeah, probably unique." Ji Tong's eyes were always gentle, "We have been together since we graduated from high school. But we are engaged in different jobs. I studied abroad and he stayed in China, so we rarely see each other. Above. This is the third year of our long-distance relationship, and I feel... our relationship may have faded."

Long-distance relationships are a danger for all couples.

Being able to get through it is a kind of luck. If you can't get through it, you can't blame anyone.

The so-called long-distance relationship means that you can’t see the other person, and you don’t know what his daily experiences are like, or what his joys and sorrows are like. You can only listen to each other’s voices and look at familiar faces through phone calls or videos.

But... it's still difficult.

What if at this time, there is a more suitable person around

Companionship... is a very important aspect of a love relationship.

Gu Ziyi frowned slightly: "He cheated?"

Ji Tong chuckled and shook his head, "He can't do that kind of thing. Even if he wants to find another person, he has to break up with me."

Gu Ziyi looked at Ji Tong's smiling eyes, "Do you have someone you like?"

"I like Yan Hua." Ji Tong said with a smile. How could she fall in love with anyone other than Yan Hua

Gu Ziyi didn't understand: "Then... why?"

Ji Tong lowered his eyelashes, probably feeling a little sour in his heart, "Because... this has become a kind of constraint."

If you are still in a relationship as a lover, what should you do if you really meet someone else

Three years of long distance relationship was very difficult.

Gu Ziyi couldn't understand Ji Tong's thoughts, and she couldn't give Ji Tong any emotional advice.

Ji Tong picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. Then he looked at Gu Ziyi: "You don't understand, do you?"

"Hmm..." Gu Ziyi really didn't understand.

Ji Tong thought about how to word it, and then said: "I feel that we have had different experiences in the past three years. Our joys and sorrows are not the same... So, we gradually become less understanding. Maybe we will be together again." Together, we found that the changes in each other were completely different from the young people we were back then, and that was very hurtful."

Gu Ziyi didn't know how long it took Ji Tong to reflect on it before he could analyze the matter so calmly and clearly.

"It's not that I don't like him anymore, and it's not that he doesn't like me anymore. It's just that... time has changed us."

Gu Ziyi's throat seemed to be stuck. When Ji Tong said these words, the light in his eyes was still there, and his eyes were still so gentle. She pursed her lips: "Aren't you afraid... In fact, he is thinking about the future, but you are thinking about breaking up?"

Long-distance relationship... isn't the biggest fear that "one is thinking about the future and the other is thinking about breaking up"

Ji Tong sighed softly: "I don't know, so I'm waiting. I'm not willing to give up, I'm afraid he will say it first."

In relationships, if it is really love, then everyone is humble and cautious.

Ji Tong twirled his fingers and said, "Just... wait."

Gu Ziyi was not a person involved and could not understand Ji Tong's inner conflict. Naturally, she also did not understand what Yan Hua's experience was like. So she doesn't judge too much, and she also believes that there are reasons why Ji Tong can think about these things.

"Let's eat. You're already hungry. Eat more." Gu Ziyi looked at the vegetables on Ji Tong's plate again, "Can't you eat some meat? You eat such a vegetarian diet, it looks like I'm abusing you."

"I can't help it. I have to keep in shape and have strict standards."

Gu Ziyi picked up a piece of barbecue, dipped it in the dipping sauce and put it into her mouth. After swallowing, he said, "You are all so good at dancing. I feel like I will starve to death if I eat like you do."

"So this is why you gave up after studying ballet for a year?"

Gu Ziyi shook her head: "The actual situation is that my mother thought I was a bit hunchbacked. Dancers look good when standing and sitting, so she sent me to school for a year to correct my hunchback problem."

Ji Tong never expected that Gu Ziyi would learn to dance for this reason. And I only practiced the basic skills for a year and then stopped learning. "What about the ones you learned later?"

"Can I say that I was deceived?" Gu Ziyi mentioned that she felt silly and cute when she was a child. She believed whatever Yi Yi and Gu Cheng said.

Ji Tong blinked and waited for her to continue.

Gu Ziyi cleared her throat and said: "The real situation is that when I was young, I really liked watching cartoons about little princesses. Then my parents, mainly my mother, lied to me and said that all little princesses have Talent can turn you into a little princess. They said... people can play the piano, the violin, and the flute... I just told them a lot, and then I stupidly believed it. I learned all those things out of enthusiasm."

(End of chapter)