We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 10


working. "Jiang greedy said.

Xue Meng whispered: "Even if the car is not his, your friend looks like a rich man."

Jiang Gree thought, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you, some people are superficial, but behind their backs they are just social animals with a monthly salary of 3,000.

The two of them made jokes and went to the duty booth, handed over the 800 yuan they picked up to the policeman on duty, and then drove back to the street office.


On the other side, Chen Hua leaned against the side of the car with his arms in his arms, and prolonged the tune happily: "Xiao Ying..."

Ying Qiao looked at him expressionlessly.

Chen Hua snorted: "The little monster is gone, stop pretending?"

As he spoke, he began to whine: "I don't even know, Mr. Ying has a good temper and is good to friends. I probably don't deserve to be friends with Mr. Ying."

"Have you had enough acting?" Ying Qiao watched him perform indifferently.

Chen Hua stood up straight for a second: "Enough."

His skin was precious, and he didn't want to be picked off by this old bastard who valued sex over friends.

"If you have enough, go find someone." Ying Qiao pointed to the street behind him: "The latest information, someone has found its trace here."

Chen Hua was angry: "Understood, Mr. Ying."


Jiang Greed and Xue Meng returned to the street office smoothly, and there was no weird incident of picking up money on the ground along the way.

After going back and forth on the field, it was close to the end of get off work time when they returned, and Xiao Xiaoyu was not seen at the reception in the lobby, so the two went straight to the office.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Xiao Xiaoyu squeezed his throat and said in a soft voice: "Little baby, eat slowly. Don't worry, this bag is yours..."

Before Xue Mengren arrived, his voice came first: "Xiao Xiaoyu, are you bewitched?"

Xiao Xiaoyu turned her head and sneered: "I think your skin is itchy."

Xue Meng was about to retort when he saw the creature on the table jumping in fright: "Fuck, where did you get the prison beast? Knowing the law and breaking the law will increase the crime."

— On Xiao Xiaoyu's desk, a chubby lion cub the size of a grown man's fist was sitting with his back to the door, holding a piece of corn sausage in his arms and gnawing on it.

Suan Ni turned her head when she heard the sound, met Jiang Greed's shocked eyes, and immediately tilted her head and called out: "Meow."

Xue Meng:? ?

What breed of lion is this

"I said you're blind and you still don't admit it." Xiao Xiaoyu sneered, and pointed at Suan Ni's head: "This is Jiang Greed's cat."

As if responding to her words, Suan Ni meowed twice more.

The voice is straight and round, and the meow is meowing.

Jiang Greed met his younger brother's innocent eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he could only make up the words: "It's my cat. He's still too young, so I brought it to work because I was worried."

Xue Meng slammed three times, leaned closer to look at Suan Ni carefully, and poked his round ears tentatively: "At first glance, I thought it was a little lion. There are such cats? What breed? what?"

"...a friend gave it to me, saying it is a new variety bred abroad, but I don't know what kind it is."

Xue Meng scratched Suan Ni's chin, and said in surprise: "Isn't it too good? I have the pleasure of sitting and wearing a beast in the prison."

Suan Ni squinted her eyes contentedly, pushed his fingers away with her head, jumped nimbly from the tabletop to Jiang Li with her small paws, then climbed onto his shoulders and squatted down, meowing and rubbing her head he.

Xiao Xiaoyu was sour: "I also want to have this kind of cute cat."

After talking about the process of discovering the kitten, I couldn't help but condemn Jiang Greed: "You just locked the cat in the bag, it's too easy to cause accidents. And you didn't feed him at noon, right? The cat was starved to death."

Suan Ni was sleeping during the lunch break, and Jiang Li did not feed him. Originally, I wanted to get him something to eat after he woke up, but I didn't expect to be delayed when I went out to work. Who would have thought that Suan Ni would wake up by such a coincidence, and let Xiao Xiaoyu find out.

He scratched his face: "I was negligent, let's keep him at home next time."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiaoyu immediately jumped up and objected: "Don't. You bring it here. It's so pitiful to be a left-behind cat at such a young age. We can feed him together in the office."

Jiang Li was a little hesitant. He had never heard of any unit that could bring pets to work, so he brought Suan Ni here secretly.

On the other hand, Uncle Zhou, who was watching the excitement nearby, said slowly, "Xiaoyu is right, such a small cub, I don't feel at ease if I stay at home."

He seemed to look at Jiang Greed with meaning: "Don't worry, Director Cheng is very open-minded, your situation is special, I'll just go and talk about it for you."

Jiang Greed met his knowing eyes, and remembered that Director Cheng had told him in the morning that Uncle Zhou was not an ordinary person either. So he guessed that the other party should know that Suan Ni is not a pet, but a family member.

He smiled gratefully at Uncle Zhou: "Then thank you Uncle Zhou."

Uncle Zhou waved his hand, turned around and continued playing minesweeper.

Jiang Li and Xue Meng wrote a simple report on their attendance in the afternoon, and then it was time to get off work.

Uncle Zhou is old and doesn't get involved in the entertainment of young people. Only the three of them went out to have dinner together.

Suan Ni still stayed in Jiang Li's bag, but this time Xiao Xiaoyu stuffed a lot of ham and jerky and other small snacks into the bag, so he nestled in the bag happily and ate alone.

The place for the dinner was a crayfish restaurant. May is the season of fat crayfish, and the restaurant was doing promotional activities again, so there were already many people sitting in the small restaurant.

The three of them were ushered to the empty seats by the window by the waiter and began to order.

Crayfish, minced garlic, spicy and spicy, one each, two plates of appetizers, and a pint of beer. The three of them ate very happily.

Jiang Li thought that the beer belonged to him and Xue Meng, but Xiao Xiaoyu looked at Wen Wen quietly, but when he drank it, he was very domineering. He drank six bottles by himself, and his eyes were clear and not at all drunk. However, Xue Meng, who had previously boasted about Haikou, blushed after drinking three bottles, and shouted that he couldn't do it.

Xiao Xiaoyu laughed at him unceremoniously.

The three of them ate shrimp and drank alcohol, chatted and spanked, and all they said were unnutritious slobbers.

But Jiang Li felt relaxed and happy for the first time in a long time.

When he was in the Dragon Palace, uncle Gui took care of food, clothing, housing and transportation all by himself, and had the best food, but he was not that happy.

The eldest brother and the fourth brother run a company in human society, so they are so busy that they can only go home once a week. Xiao Jiu doesn't come out of the nest all the year round, and sleeps in the shell. Suan Ni can't transform into a human form, and he is actually the only one in the huge Dragon Palace.

He has no friends, can't go out, and has been staying in the deep underwater dragon palace for many years, only Suan Ni is with him.

Looking at Xue Meng and Xiao Xiaoyu, who were drunk and still bickering, Jiang Li narrowed his eyes and laughed. He was suddenly glad that he mustered up the courage to take the first step. He walked out of the Dragon Palace that protected him and stepped into this bustling city. Lively room.

The three of them ate until after nine o'clock in the evening before finally enjoying themselves.

Xue Meng's drinking capacity is too poor, and he is completely drunk. Jiang Greed helped him to wait at the door, while Xiao Xiaoyu went to pay the bill. Before they came, they agreed to have dinner at AA, but there was no dispute over who should pay the bill.

Xiao Xiaoyu came back after paying the bill, with a happy expression on his face: "We are lucky, it happens to be the 199th table tonight, and the store said that we will be free."

She shook her phone: "I didn't spend a penny!"

Jiang Li frowned, thinking of the 800 yuan he picked up in the afternoon, and then thinking of the free bill in the evening, he always felt that he was lucky. He instinctively suspected that there was something weird about this fortune stone bracelet. But this time it was Xiao Xiaoyu who paid the bill, and he was a little uncertain for a while.

But he soon lost his mind to think about it - Xue Meng, who was drunk, had already sang a song.

He had no choice but to catch the drunken Xue Meng back, and watched Xiao Xiaoyu get into the car first and go home. Only then stopped the car and stuffed Xue Meng in. Xue Meng was so drunk that he might not be able to go home alone, so he simply took him to him for a night.

The author has something to say:

Little garlic: Meow meow.


Let me translate my brother's meowing words for everyone: please comment meow.

Still send 100 red envelopes, Chirp Mi!

Chapter 8

Xue Meng woke up when he smelled a strong fragrance.

When he woke up, the sky outside was already bright, but his brain was still dizzy after a hangover. After rubbing his temples vigorously, he got up unsteadily and went to the bathroom to wash up. The person in the mirror has disheveled hair, red eyes, and looks very tired. He brushed his teeth and yawned sleepily.

After tidying up, I went out to work.

He just opened the door, but he was stunned.

The outside is not the neighborhood he is familiar with. Looking around, except for the house where he stands, there is nothing but whiteness everywhere. The sky is white, the ground is also white, and the white and soft clouds are floating in the sky, with golden light shuttling among them. The golden light is not dazzling, but very soft, making people feel close to it just by looking at it.

Xue Meng's original surprise and fear faded unconsciously, and he stepped forward involuntarily, walking towards the golden light.

After walking a few steps, he looked back subconsciously, and the house behind him had disappeared, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness.

This scene was originally very strange, but for some reason he didn't find it strange in his heart. On the contrary, I feel closer to and yearn for the wandering golden light, and want to go there very much.

Fortunately, he didn't go far, and he saw the source of the golden light.

It was a pure white statue,

The statue sits cross-legged on the lotus platform, holds a golden bowl in its left hand, and puts its fingers on its knees with its right hand. With its head slightly lowered, it looks at his followers with compassion. Those golden lights poured out from the golden bowl in the left hand of the Buddha statue. One strand after another, endless, wandering freely, like a living thing.

At the feet of the Buddha statue, there are still many men and women kneeling. They whispered incomprehensible whispers, and every time they read a sentence, they became extremely devout