We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 101


, but no attack in the end. Guan Shui quickened his pace and rushed into the house.

He didn't dare to delay, first went to Zhangzi's house to move the bed away, and then started digging the soil.

There was a piece of soil at the bottom of the bed that was obviously loose, so he didn't dare to waste time, so he started digging directly. It was Captain Guan outside who came over with a shovel to help, so he moved quickly.

Guan Shui lowered his voice, afraid that the turtles would understand: "Have you contacted Jiang Li?"

Captain Guan nodded: "They are rushing over, let's stabilize first."

While speaking, the shovel faltered, as if it had hit a hard lump. The two stopped and pulled the thing out with their hands, only to find that it was an iron box.

The box was unlocked, and the two opened it and found that it was full of plant ash. Guan Shui reached in and touched it. He touched something cold and took it out to have a look, only to find that it was a white jade turtle.

The jade carving is lifelike, and the eyes of the turtle are still full of agility. The whole body is the size of a basketball, and it is full of transparent luster. It's cold to the touch, but after a while, it becomes warm and warm.

Even people who don't understand jade know that such a large jade carving is very valuable.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Zi's family to have such expensive items for three generations of poor peasants. It is conceivable where this item came from.

Guan Shui took a deep breath, and carefully carried the white jade turtle out: "Is this it?"

Those turtles really became agitated, and two turtles crawled over, staring at Guanshui.

Guan Shui's heart trembled, he put the white jade turtle on the ground, and took a few steps back.

The two turtles opened their mouths to pick up the white jade turtle, quickly crawled towards the ditch, and then got into the water.

Guan Shui was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but found that the other turtles were still holding on to Zhang Zi, their small eyes staring at him covetously.

He was a little confused: "Not yet, can't you?"

Captain Guan seemed to be thinking of something, looked at Zhang Zi, and asked sternly, "More than one? Zheng Yu also took it?"

Zhang Zi nodded with a dead face.

The author has something to say:

Longlong: I'm here!

Greedy cub: I licked to 0.0


See you later!

Chapter 71

No one would have imagined that such a big white jade turtle would not be one, but a pair.

Zhang Zi and Zheng Yu took one each. The white jade turtle was too eye-catching. After the two shared the spoils, Zhang Zi didn't dare to ask someone to sell them immediately, but wrapped them in plant ash and buried them under his bed.

He planned well. He originally planned to wait for a while, find a reason for himself to leave the corpse hunting team, and then use an excuse to go to other places to work, and then take the white jade turtle to other places to find someone to sell. Under the guise of making a little money in business and returning home, no one would doubt that he made a fortune.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

But these crazy turtles completely disrupted his plan. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After learning that Zheng Yu was dead, he panicked. He originally planned to arrange for his grandma, then take the white jade turtle to another place, and then sell it as soon as possible at a low price. He didn't believe that these turtles could still chase him to other places. But he never expected that these turtles would chase them back to their hometown.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

When Jiang Li and Ying Qiao arrived at Zhang Zi's house, the turtles were already restless.

They slap their paws frequently, and their small black eyes burst out with a mesmerizing light. Guan Shui and Captain Guan tried their best to appease them.

But the soft-shelled turtles are just animals, no matter how smart they are, they seem to only understand some words related to the white soft-shelled soft-shelled soft-shelled turtle.

After a long time, they seemed to realize that Guan Shui could not take out another white jade turtle, and began to drag Zhang Zi towards the ditch again.

Guan Shui tried to stop in front as before, but was bitten by the restless turtle.

Fortunately, the other party just wanted to warn, and didn't bite the bullet.

The wound on Zhang Zi's body was soaked in the muddy water of the paddy field and turned white and swollen. He was already a little stupefied. Captain Guan scolded him bitterly: "Think about it again, where is Zheng Yu's white turtle hidden?" Already!"

Zhang Zi could only repeatedly say "I don't know" and "I can't remember".

Fortunately, Jiang Greed came at the right time and stopped Zhang Zi who was approaching the ditch in time.

He squatted down, approached the leading old turtle, and tried to communicate with them. The old turtle's pointed head approached him, as if sniffing and confirming.

Jiang Greed's palm was close to its head, carefully releasing a bit of dragon's aura and coercion. When he was doing this, he nervously glanced at Ying Qiao out of the corner of his eye, for fear of being noticed by the other party.

Fortunately, Ying Qiao didn't show anything unusual.

He looked at the old turtle who showed a hint of intimacy and submission, and conveyed his thoughts to the other party in the simplest words.

The old turtle seemed to understand, and threw Zhang Zi into the field.

The stupefied Zhang Zi immediately got up and wanted to run when he saw this, but was pushed back into the field by the indifferent Jiang Li.

His face was a little cold: "You'd better explain everything clearly. How did the white jade turtle come here? Where is Zheng Yu's hidden one... Otherwise, I can let these turtles let you go today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, they I'll still find you."

Zhang Zi shrugged his shoulders timidly: "I, I really don't know where Zheng Yu is hiding..."

"Did Zheng Yu not mention a word to you when you two shared the spoils?" Jiang Li looked at him carefully, his dark eyes seemed to be able to see the deepest part of the heart: "And Zheng Yu died, you never thought about it." Swallow his portion too?"

Zhang Zi's eyes flustered, and then met his insightful eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and finally lost the battle: "The things are hidden in the house he rented outside."

He gave an address: "I don't know if I have been transferred. Zheng Yu is impatient and always wants to make a move early."

Jiang Greed looked at Guan Shui and said, "Go and see first, if you can't get into the rental house, you can find Wang Qing."

Guan Shui and Wang Qing are also acquainted, and it is much easier to handle things.

Guan Shuiying came down and immediately turned around to go to the rental house.

"Let's talk about how you got the white jade turtle."

Jiang Greed let go, and squatted on the edge of the field, looking coldly at Zhang Zi, who was struggling in the paddy field.

His attention was all on Zhang Zi, and he didn't notice that Ying Qiao looked at him with wrong eyes.

Jiang Li usually behaves like a piece of soft and sweet toffee, harmless and tempting to taste. But at this moment, he was squatting casually by the side of the field, looking down at Zhang Zi from a high position, with a cold light in his eyes, but a sharp outline that was not usually seen.

Ying Qiao stared at him greedily, and found that such a little monster was more attractive than usual.

He licked his lips casually.

Jiang Greed is still interrogating Zhang Zi. He has always been friendly to humans, but Zhang Zi can be ranked among the top three humans he hates the most, so his attitude has become more and more bad.

Zhang Zi hesitated, and wanted to hide the truth, but when he met his cold eyes, even if he didn't want to, he could only tell the truth.

—It was a complete accident to find the white turtle.

About half a month ago, he and Zheng Yu teamed up to salvage a female corpse from the river. One of the female corpse's legs was entangled in aquatic plants. Zheng Yu had to go into the water with tools to cut off the aquatic plants. But that day I don't know whether to say they were lucky or not. They drank a lot in the morning, and they didn't pay attention to the wind and current when they entered the water. As a result, something went wrong. Zheng Yu himself was careless, and his flippers were entangled by aquatic plants, and he almost drowned.

He waited on the boat and naturally found no problem. These are what Zheng Yu told him later.

Zheng Yu said that he thought he was going to be cold at that time, but a big turtle suddenly came out of a rock hole and rescued him. The big turtle bit off the aquatic plants that entangled his flippers, and lifted him up from the bottom of the river when he was exhausted.

At that time, both of them were terrified, and thought that such a big turtle would save people. They might have met an old turtle that became a spirit. At first they were grateful and wanted to thank the turtle.

Zhang Zi first went into the water to get the female corpse up, and then took the killed rooster into the water, and found the reef hole according to the location Zheng Yu said. Originally, he wanted to tie the rooster to the reef as a thank you gift, but Zhang Zi His eyes were too sharp, he glanced at the entrance of the cave, but saw half a white jade turtle protruding from the cave in the reef.

As soon as he went up and told Zheng Yu about this, the other party became interested.

Zheng Yu is poorer than Zhang Zi’s. He likes to chase anchors on the Internet. He basically donates his monthly salary, and occasionally has to rely on his teammates to help him eat. Zhang Zi was originally worried that his eyesight was blurry, but Zheng Yu felt that there must be something precious inside the reef cave where the turtle spirit stayed, so he changed his mind.

Zhang Zi was also moved by his words.

The two of them quietly returned to the reef cave the next day while they were out working. Zhang Zi was the best at water. He took his equipment and dived into the reef cave at the bottom of the river, and found the white jade turtle hidden inside without any difficulty.

The white jade soft-shelled turtles the size of a basketball turned out to be a pair.

Even luckier, the big turtle was not in the cave, only a few smaller turtles the size of a fist stayed inside. Zhang Zi hugged the white jade turtle and got out of the water, and Zheng Yu and Zheng Yu had a dream of getting rich.

"What's wrong with those little turtles?" Jiang Greed didn't ignore the ambiguity in his words.

The turtle group was obviously not so angry and crazy at the beginning, they all dispatched and killed Zheng Yu in such an anger, they were obviously offended.

Zhang Zi hesitated for a moment, then said vaguely, "I just died..."

"How did you die, explain clearly." Jiang Greed impatiently pushed him into the paddy field again, not giving him the slightest chance to get away with it.

The group of turtles that were still in the field also looked at him together.

Zhang Zi struggled to get up, his face twitched nervously, and said: "Then that