We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 102


Isn't the big turtle chasing us, Zheng Yu suspected that it wanted to get the white jade turtle back. "

"We were really frightened," he said with dodge eyes, "so... I took another risky trip to that reef cave, caught a few small turtles, and wanted to use them to threaten the big ones..."

Little turtle... Threat...

Jiang Greed remembered the day when Zheng Yu used the water cage to trap the big turtle. He had thought about what the bait in the water cage was, and now he finally understood.

"You caught those little turtles and used them as bait to catch the old turtles following you?"

Zhang Zi didn't speak, but his expression confirmed Jiang Greed's guess.

Jiang Li sneered abruptly: "It's a pity that you have all the calculations, but you didn't expect that such a big turtle is not one, but a group?"

As long as you catch the persistent turtle, you will not only get the white jade turtle, but you can even sell such a big turtle for a sum of money.

Jiang Li looked at the group of turtles who seemed to understand, with sorrow in their eyes, and pointed to the top of their heads, with anger in their eyes: "Man is doing it, and the sky is watching. You will repay your kindness, and you never thought that you will be punished." ?"

"Or do you think that it's just a few turtles, it's nothing big and evil, and it won't suffer retribution?"

Amidst his questioning voice, Zhang Zi slowly turned his face away.

The author has something to say:

Longlong: Men who work hard are indeed more attractive.

Greedy cub:? ?


Waiting for a long time, the second update is here!

Pooh everyone.

Why did everyone suddenly guess the big brother (赑屃) in the comments

Big brother appeared in the previous article!

Chapter 72

For such a large white jade turtle, even if you don't know the age, you can find a way to get it on the black market and sell it at a low price, hundreds of thousands are indispensable.

The corpse salvage team works hard to salvage the corpses. Every time they go into the water, they don't know what accidents they will face. The monthly salary is only a little higher than that of ordinary jobs.

Faced with such a huge windfall, who can not be tempted

Although Zhang Zi looked away, it was not because of guilt or remorse, but because he didn't want others to see the ugly expression on his face.

Human beings are sometimes so contradictory, they occasionally fear ghosts and spirits, and are terribly afraid of death. But in the face of the temptation of huge interests, you can completely ignore the possible risks, and even keep your money even if you risk your life.

Just like Zhang Zi, if it wasn’t for Jiang Greed’s repeated questions, he might still have the idea that as long as these turtles don’t kill him, when he leaves the village, he can eat Zheng Yu’s white jade turtle all by himself, and live a prosperous and good life .

It's not that he's not afraid of death, it's just that his greed overcame his fear.

For such a person, Jiang Greed no longer even thought of punishing him. If he doesn't know how to repent, and his greed continues to expand, his end may be worse than that of Zheng Yu who died tragically. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Death is indeed terrible, but sometimes, death is relief, and life is atonement.

Jiang Greed stood up, no longer looked at him, and stood with Ying Qiao, waiting for the news of shutting down the water.

Captain Guan stood at the back door, smoking one cigarette after another.

The turtle group still stared at Zhang Zi covetously, as if watching him to prevent him from escaping.

About an hour later, Guan Shui and Wang Qing came back together. Guan Shui took down a white jade turtle from the back seat, and carefully placed it in front of the group of turtles. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

These silent turtles let out short calls again, and the two big turtles in the lead looked at Guan Shui, as if they were remembering his appearance. Seeing Guan Shui take a step back, feeling guilty. The big turtles who were still there just looked at him and didn't do anything. They quickly picked up the white jade turtle and dived into the water.

After they were in the water, a bigger turtle crawled out of the ditch. This turtle was not any turtle they had seen before, and it was bigger. With a thick neck, strong limbs, and a pair of human eyes, it crawled towards Zhang Zi with a clear goal.

The other turtles were restless for a moment, their flippers slapped the muddy water and made a noise, and they surrounded Zhang Zi.

When Zhang Zi, who had not dared to make a sound, saw this turtle, he leaned back on his elbows in fear, and was pushed forward by the group of turtles surrounding him.

Big Turtle stared at him closely with two small eyes, as if waiting for something.

Zhang Zi looked at the others for help: "I have already returned the things, why are they still not gone? Help me, help me..."

Jiang Greed said, "The things have been returned, but you haven't repented or apologized."

Zhang Zi choked, his lips trembled for a moment, and finally bent down and lowered his head, saying "I'm sorry", "I know I'm wrong", "I'm not human", "Please let me go", and so on.

It is unknown how much sincere regret there is in the words, but the attitude is very low.

The group of turtles stared at him fixedly. After he started to slap himself, the leader of the big turtle finally stretched his neck and let out a cry, then turned around and crawled into the ditch. The group of turtles followed behind it and left in an orderly manner. .

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zi almost wept with joy, his legs were swollen and blue, and he could only support himself with his hands to crawl in the paddy field, his shrewd face was already distorted: "Did they let me go? I'm fine, right? I'm not going to die, am I?"

He looked at Captain Guan, his master and his apprentice, both of them turned their faces away, and he looked at Jiang Greed unwillingly.

Jiang Greed said coldly: "You can do it yourself."

After speaking, he turned and left first.

Once again, Wang Qing, who had witnessed the unnatural event, quickly followed, and asked Jiang Greed a little bit unfairly: "Is he really letting him go like this?"

As a policeman, although he insists on using the law to punish crimes most of the time, occasionally he encounters such a situation where the law cannot be judged, and he hopes that the other party's retribution will be more violent.

When Guan Shui asked him for help, he had already explained the cause and effect. When he knew that Zheng Yu died tragically, but Zhang Zi was not punished too much, he was still a little resentful in his heart.

Jiang Greed patiently explained: "It's not that I let him go, but those turtles let him go."

Wang Qing was stunned.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Do you know that animals in nature are actually very sensitive to death? There are many animals, especially scavengers, who can judge the state of the target through the smell. They can tell that the target's death is approaching, and then follow each other, praying Get a hearty meal after the target dies."

"The reason why these turtles let him go may be because they can see that Zhang Zi's life is not long."

Wang Qing opened his mouth wide, and murmured: "But didn't you say that these soft-shelled turtles have not matured? Ordinary soft-shelled turtles are really so magical?"

"Animals are often sharper than humans, and smarter than humans think." Jiang greedy winked at him: "And what you call becoming a spirit is actually nothing more than an animal entering another life after stepping into practice. state. Although these soft-shelled turtles have not yet stepped into cultivation, if it takes decades or hundreds of years, it may not be possible that they will not become refined."

"Nature is really amazing." Wang Qing thought for a while with a serious expression, and said with emotion: "Our vision is still too narrow."

Like today's matter, even if it is spread on the Internet. It is estimated that more than 90% of people will not believe it. Netizens who do not believe it can find a hundred reasons to prove that the video is staged and synthesized. Even if it was him himself, if he hadn't experienced several unnatural cases in a row, his first reaction would probably be false when he first heard it.

Those who don't know are fearless, which is a good thing and a bad thing.

Ignorance limits people's horizons and unknowingly makes people become arrogant, conceited,

Just like human beings are used to claiming to be the best of all things, as the only intelligent creature, other creatures are automatically inferior.

But in fact, the mystery of the earth has not been fully explored so far, and human beings are just a group of passers-by in the long life of the earth for hundreds of millions of years.

"But at least a small number of humans have realized that this kind of blind arrogance is not good." Jiang Li said.

He suddenly thought of the Yaozu in ancient times.

At that time, the Yaozu were regarded as witches and gods, and they regarded themselves as the masters of the world. They were powerful and could do whatever they wanted. The situation of the human race at that time was about the same as that of animals today.

The monster race regards weak humans as ants, and the human race can be food, playthings, believers... In short, they will not be regarded as equal creatures by the monster race. Even the monsters with the lowest status in the monster clan can easily feed on humans.

At that time, the Yaozu probably never thought that one day there would be a great catastrophe. The big monster fell, and the monster clan gradually declined. The powerful power gradually disappears, and the high-ranking witch god will also become a weak person with no power to restrain the chicken.

But now human beings are slowly walking on the old road of the monster race. A small group of people have realized their previous blind arrogance, and they are trying hard to make a change. The joint establishment of the Demon Management Bureau with the Yaozu is the first step for human change.

I just don't know if there were any big monsters who were aware of the situation of the monster clan in ancient times? Ever tried to make a difference

Then Jiang Greed shook his head again, feeling that he was thinking too much.

No matter whether there is a big demon who foresees the decline of the Yaozu in the future, the current situation is a foregone conclusion. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Maybe the big monsters who realized it had made efforts but failed, or maybe they succeeded. The current situation is the best situation after the efforts of the ancestors.

Seeing him pondering for a while and shaking his head for a while, Ying Qiao couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Li pondered for a while, and said deeply: "I just feel that I was born too late, and I have not been able to see the prosperity and magnificence of the monster race in ancient times."

He wasn't really a liar. In ancient times, he spent most of his time in a daze, with only one word in his mind. Looking back now, it feels like a distant memory