We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 106


The eyes and the dimples on the cheeks appeared quietly.

The mood was so good that when he saw the row of portraits of celebrities in the corridor of the classroom looking at them with unisoned eyes and evil smiles on the corners of their mouths. He also smiled at the portraits very friendly.


The portrait's smile gradually froze.

The corners of the mouth were pursed together, and red tears flowed from the eyes again.

Ginger Greed Seal applauded: "Do you still make other expressions?"


The blood and tears on the face disappeared, and the portrait returned to the expressionless face, but the slanted eyes still seemed to hide sorrow.

There was another sound of "bang bang bang" hitting the ball overhead, and the lights in the classrooms on the second floor were gradually turned on, as if the lights were turned on one by one by invisible people.

Jiang Greed pouted: "It's the same as what Wang Qing said, shall we go up and have a look?"

Ying Qiao has been searching for the other party's breath, but the other party is very good at hiding, so far he hasn't revealed any flaws.

He nodded: "Go upstairs and have a look." @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The two went upstairs from the stairs on the right. Before going upstairs, Jiang Li sent Wang Qing a message: [Looking from your side, are the lights on the second floor on? ]

Wang Qing replied in seconds: [It's not on, only the first floor is on. ]

Jiang Greed thought, could it be that there was some enchantment on the second floor that they hadn't discovered

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Putting away the phone, he went upstairs with Ying Qiao.

The moment he stepped on the steps, all the lights in the classroom behind him went out, the light source disappeared, and the entire teaching building fell into darkness again.

The crisp and tender girl's voice rang in my ears: "One..."

Jiang Greed subconsciously clenched Ying Qiao's hand and comforted him, "Don't be afraid."

In the dark, Ying Qiao looked at him sideways in surprise, and saw the little monster's expression of "I can protect you", the depression in his heart suddenly faded a lot, and there was a smile in his voice: "Well, I'm not afraid. "

The two continued to walk up.

Sure enough, just as Wang Qing said, every time he stepped on a step, the child's voice counted, and when Jiang Li stepped on the last step, the child's voice counted: "... fourteen!"

"One level more, and another level more!" The sharp child's voice changed its tone, like an old radio stuck, becoming distorted and sharp.

Jiang Greed felt nothing in his heart, ignored the voice and continued walking.

A distorted scream came from the darkness behind: "You lost one rank! You will stay here instead of me!"

Jiang Lu kept walking, dragging Ying Qiao up to the second floor. Tuliu's voice continued to yell angrily.

There are a total of ten classrooms on the second floor, and the lights in the classrooms are all on. There was the sound of "bang bang" hitting the ball in the empty corridor.

Again and again, regular and rhythmic.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

First one, and then another joined, the monotonous sound of hitting the ball became a double sound, each sound was followed by an echo, as if another person had joined the team of hitting the ball.

Immediately afterwards, the double beeps turned into three beeps, four beeps... The uniform sound of slapping the ball resounded in the empty corridor, surrounding Jiang Lu and Ying Qiao. It was as if the invisible students in the classroom all ran out of the classroom at this time, gathered in the corridor, and beat the ball mechanically together.

Jiang Greed frowned, and complained to Ying Qiao: "Why is this plot the same as a third-rate horror novel?"

Not only is it not scary, but it is also a bit ghostly, and even wants to laugh.

The banging of the ball suddenly stopped, and the corridor was empty without a single sound.

There was some interest in Ying Qiao's eyes: "It's still very glass-hearted."

This time the lights in the classroom were also dark. The corridor on the second floor was dark.

Jiang Greed said frankly, "It hurts so much."

Ying Qiao looked at him sideways, and couldn't hold back a low laugh.

There was the sound of tables and chairs colliding in the classroom behind him, and he didn't know if he was angry.

There was no abnormal smell in the teaching building. The two looked at each other, exchanged glances, and went downstairs hand in hand.

When passing the corridor, Jiang Li showed a disgusted expression: "The bridge section of counting the stairs is too old-fashioned, and there is nothing new."

Ying Qiao nodded cooperatively in agreement.

This time, there was no child's voice counting the stairs in the quiet corridor.

When the two went downstairs, they saw a chunky and stocky figure running over with a pale face in the distance. It was the security guard at the gate. When Wang Qing brought them into the school, it was the security guard who opened the door.

Panting, he ran to the front of the teaching building and stopped, holding his knees and gasping for breath. Seeing Jiang Li and the others going downstairs, he immediately showed an anxious expression, and shouted out of breath, "Help, help, something happened to Police Officer Xiao Wang, there are, there are ghosts in the security room..."

Jiang Greed became anxious as soon as he heard it, and strode forward: "What's going on? Please speak slowly."

The security guard looked terrified, as if remembering something terrible: "I, I don't know, there is a woman's face outside the window..."

Jiang Greed quickly followed him to the security room, and urged, "What's wrong with the woman's face?"

The security guard shivered for a while: "Officer Wang saw that face as if possessed by an evil spirit, and stuck his own face on the window, and then, that woman's face grew on his face..."

While speaking, the two had already arrived at the security room, and Jiang greedy pushed the door in anxiously, only to see Wang Qing lying unconscious on the ground, he shook Wang Qing, and said strangely: "How can there be any woman's face?"

The security guard squatted beside him, almost close to his ear, and said darkly: "Then look at me..."

Jiang Li turned his face, and saw that the security guard's Panzi face was stuck to a woman's face like a mask. The security guard's face was too big, and the woman's face was too small. The fairly delicate female features were crowded and crowded on the security guard's face, which looked discordant and distorted.

"It's so ugly!" Jiang Greed retreated tactically, and at the same time grabbed the security guard's wrist, and said with a smile, "I've caught you."

The distorted expression on the security guard's face froze, his body suddenly turned into a gust of wind and he wanted to run, but was blocked by Ying Qiao who had been guarding the door for a long time.

"Want to run?" His smile was darker than that of the ghosts in horror stories, with a sinister taste: "It's a bit late,"

The author has something to say:

Greedy Cub: I'll keep it in my mouth, don't bite, it's really 0.0

Longlong:? ?


The second watch is coming, and finally holds the little hand.

Chapter 76

What Ying Qiao carried in his hand was a rabbit, which was four or five times bigger than ordinary rabbits. The fur is light gray, and the long ears are attached to the back, but it has a human-like face.

It kicked its legs hard and tried to escape again. However, the nape of the neck was firmly pinched by Ying Qiao, and the escapism that it was proud of had no effect at all. After realizing this, it seemed to finally give up struggling, its limbs hung down in frustration, its ears clinging to its back shrugged and pulled to the sides, and the three-petal mouth spit out human words: "I know I was wrong, your lord has a lot, Don't bother with me." @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Its voice is also very pleasant, soft and sweet, which makes people's hearts soften after listening to it. It's just that there is still a flattering smile on that humanoid face, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

"What is this?" Jiang Greed tugged at its short tail, then looked at the other's plump body, his eyes salivating slightly.

So fat, I want to eat.

This rabbit-like thing seemed to feel the threat, and even lowered its head and begged for mercy: "I'm just a rabbit demon who cultivated in the mountains. I just came out of the mountains. I don't know the rules. I have eyes but don't know Taishan. Give me a chance to reform myself."

Jiang Li didn't believe it: "I've seen a rabbit monster before, it's not as ugly as you."

Then he tugged at its long ears: "Can't you grow so fat if you are a vegetarian?" The fat on this body is almost overflowing.

"I'm a vegetarian! I'm naturally fat, there's nothing I can do about it." It kept defending itself.

Ying Qiao snorted, as if he had finally seen enough of its performance, shook it while holding it, and revealed its identity in one sentence: "The false beast is just like the rumors, and there is no truth in its mouth."

The beast was startled, it didn't expect anyone to recognize its real body, and said with a dry smile, "What did you say? Why can't I understand?"

Jiang Greed's expression was suddenly full of interest: "Correct beast?"

what is it I haven't eaten.

Seeing his curiosity, Ying Qiao explained: "The body of the false beast is similar to that of a rabbit, but it has a human-like face. Illusion and escapism are both housekeeping skills of the false beast. They enjoy lying and like to use illusions. Deceive the prey, cheat the prey's trust, and then eat the prey. It is said that the meat of the beast is very delicious, but people who eat the meat of the beast will also get the habit of lying."

"I just heard about this kind of monster, and I thought it was extinct long ago. I never thought that I would have the chance to see a live monster." Ying Qiao snorted, looking at it with cold eyes without any warmth.

The evil beast shivered for a moment, and flattered him: "I really don't mean any harm, I just wanted to make a joke with you."

Jiang Greed poked it open: "The black beast likes to lie, you have to listen to what you say in reverse."

After speaking, he looked at it with even more salivating eyes, wondering how delicious it would be: "Will the monsters lie after eating it?"

Ying Qiao shook his head: "The reason why false beasts are rare is because they are good at lying and instigating disputes, but they taste very good, so they became street rats and were eventually eaten to extinction."

"That's it," Jiang Li sighed in pain, his eyes extremely regretful: "I haven't even eaten it... It's a pity that I can't eat it now."

With Ying Qiao here, the evil beast must be handed over to the bureau.

Ying Qiao's eyebrows moved slightly: "Want to try it?"


Jiang Greed looked at Ying Qiao in surprise, and suddenly a bold idea popped up in his heart, even his eyes widened: "Can I eat it?"

Ying Qiao rubbed his head, and said righteously: "The false beast is a liar, and likes to instigate disputes. It is too harmful, and it is a disaster if you keep it. Eating it is considered a good deed.