We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 108


Turn on the speaker to the maximum loop playback.

Why didn't he realize that the little monster is so... frank

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Greed thought that he really didn't want to, so he let go of his tail unhappily: "You don't want to? That's fine."

He said duplicity: "Anyway, I don't really like your tail."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ying Qiao: ...

No matter how shocked he was, he came back to the memory at this time. He wrapped his beautiful and powerful long tail around Jiang Li from behind, and offered the tip of the tail to his hand. Ying Qiao tried to explain: "Of course I would, I just think Before confirming the relationship, we should express our love first, so that it is more formal."

Jiang Li let out an "ah" and suddenly said, "It seems to be like this."

He quickly restrained his expression, and said seriously to Qiao: "Your tail is very beautiful, I like it very much, and I would like to have sex with you."

After finishing speaking, he urged: "I'm done talking, it's your turn."

Ying Qiao: ...

Why is this still different from what the book says

His lips moved, and finally gave up the idea of wanting to be more romantic and solemn: "I like you very much, too."

Jiang Greed actively added to him: "From then on, you can only touch your tail for me."

Ying Qiao: "...OK."

Jiang Li immediately smiled, and naturally stepped forward to hold his hand, yawned again, and muttered, "It's getting late, let's go to bed."

So Ying Qiao was dragged by him in a daze, and slept on a bed.

The bedding is all new, exuding a nice smell of laundry detergent, and the mattress under her body is also moderately soft and firm, but Ying Qiao lay on it, as if she had slept on a soldering iron.

However, Jiang Li still held his tail in his arms preciously, touching it from time to time. If it wasn't for his concentration, Ying Qiao felt that his scales had exploded at this time.

He remembered Jiang Greed's copulation again.

He thinks that the little monster may be too young to misunderstand copulation.

After deliberating for a while, he tentatively asked, "Where did you hear about copulation?"

Jiang Greed contentedly hugged his tail and prepared to fall asleep. Hearing this, he raised his head in a daze, recalled for a while and said, "I saw it on the side of the road."

Ying Qiao: ...

By the roadside, see

Who is so immoral, drives in the wild, and teaches bad cubs? ?

Jiang Greed tried hard to recall the situation at that time, it should be when he was in Dragon Palace. At that time, he sneaked out of the Dragon Palace, trying to find something to eat, and found two dragons fighting in the coral. He hid aside to watch the battle, originally thinking that if he accidentally killed one, he could pick up a fresh one to eat.

Unexpectedly, when they hit each other, their tails became entangled. One of them also said something like "If you dare to mate with other dragons again, I will chop you up" or something.

He hid on the edge for a long time, but he didn't wait for them to continue fighting, so he left in frustration.

Later, when he went back to the Dragon Palace, he bumped into his elder brother. He remembered what happened, so he asked his elder brother what copulation is.

The eldest brother told him that mating is something only dragons who like each other do together. It is an act of expressing liking and intimacy, and he can only do it with each other when he has a monster he likes in the future. He also warned him that his tail should not be touched by unfamiliar monsters casually, and if there are other strange dragons who want to show him their tails, they should tell him immediately.

However, Jiang Li didn't come across any dragon that offered to show him its tail afterwards, but he saw two dragons mating in the coral, their tails tightly entangled, as if they were very comfortable and enjoying themselves.

But this must not be told to Ying Qiao, Jiang Greed rolled his eyes, and said wittily: "I once saw two snakes with their tails entangled in the woods. After asking other people, they said it was mating. You can only do it with the monster you like, if a monster takes the initiative to let you look at the tail, it means that it likes you and wants to have sex with you."

As he spoke, he stroked the slippery tail in his arms. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

It feels so comfortable to touch, and it must be even more comfortable when copulating.

Ying Qiao smiled more and more reluctantly: "This statement is not wrong, but it is not absolute."

Snakes, like dragons, are inherently obscene. Most of the time, they mate not out of genuine liking, but just to satisfy their desires. They may send out a request to mate just because they are strong or good-looking.

Ying Qiao used to violently beat up many demon clans who were overwhelmed and wanted to have sex with him.

But now that the target was changed to a little monster, his heart fluttered. It's just that the struggling rationality told him that now is not the right time.

He retracted his thoughts restrainedly, rolling his Adam's apple, trying to correct Jiang Li's dangerous thoughts: "The things that couples like to express intimacy are not only copulation, but also many other things that can be done. And we are of different races, there is no way mating."

He shook the tip of his tail lightly, and said, "Look, our tails are different."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City


It seems that his own tail is indeed different from Ying Qiao's. And after being reminded by Ying Qiao, Jiang Li realized later that if he showed Ying Qiao his tail, he would be exposed.

He immediately showed a disappointed expression: "Then what else can I do?"

Ying Qiao lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly leaned close to him, touched his lips lightly, and taught him patiently: "You can start with this first."

The soft touch on the lips was instant, but the touched lips became numb. Jiang Li licked his lips unconsciously, and his eyes suddenly became bright: "I like this."

Ying Qiao sighed silently, sometimes a boyfriend is too frank, which is also a kind of torture.

He kissed Jiang Lu on the forehead again, and wrapped his tail around him, the tip of the tail was just for him to hug him as a pillow, and coaxed him, "Good night, go to sleep."

Jiang Greed hugged his tail, his chin rubbed against the smooth scales unconsciously, obviously still in a state of excitement: "I don't want to sleep."

"You have to go to work tomorrow," Ying Qiao helplessly reached out to cover his eyes, and said in a harsher tone, "Go to sleep."

Jiang Li struggled to pull his hand off, his eyes full of eagerness to move.

Ying Qiao suddenly had a bad premonition.

Jiang Li said in a low voice, unable to hide his excitement, "You kissed me, but I haven't kissed you yet."

Then Ying Qiao felt a heat on the tail, and a slightly jerky, not very gentle kiss landed on the tail. He even felt Jiang Tan stuck out his tongue and licked it.


Should be numb.

His body seemed to have been electrified, and he retracted his tail reflexively, turning back into a human form.

Jiang Greed's arms were empty, and he looked at him dumbfounded. Belatedly, he went to pull the quilt, and asked, "How did you change back? How comfortable you are to sleep with your tail exposed."

Change back!

If he didn't go back, he was afraid that he couldn't help but reveal his secrets on the spot.

Ying Qiao took a deep breath, his eyes were a little red, he clasped his wrist, and forced him into his arms and hugged him tightly: "Sleep, and watch the tail during the day."

He now seriously doubts whether Jiang Greed likes him or his tail.

What's so precious about a black snake tail? !

Jiang Li twisted and protested: "But I want to hug and sleep."

Ying Qiao was cold, like a sculpture indifferent.

After a while, Jiang Greed said again: "You're bothering me."

Ying Qiao: ...

He moved back a little, and finally compromised: "Hold your tail, just sleep well?"

Jiang Greed stopped twisting, and nodded vigorously: "Yeah." Hurry up and change back!

Ying Qiao had no choice but to turn into a snake tail again, and resigned to his fate to be hugged by him.

Jiang Li was overjoyed immediately, hugged the tail in his arms and stroked it preciously, and heard Qiao's voice forcefully say: "No kissing, no licking."


Jiang Greed reluctantly: "Oh."

Didn't it just lick it? Why are you so stingy

The author has something to say:

Greedy Zai (disappointed): Just for a while, I haven't tasted it yet.

Longlong: ...


It was Longlong who lost.

This chapter has been held back for a long time, and I almost couldn't finish it.

Draw 100 red envelopes!

Chapter 78

Jiang Greed did what he said, hugged his tail in his arms, and soon fell asleep. He seemed to really like Ying Qiao's tail, as if he was hugging a big pillow, he even stuck his cheeks to it. Ying Qiao tried to pull out his tail, and moved it slightly, but he hugged him even tighter.

Ying Qiao sighed softly, feeling an unprecedented sweet torment.

He picked up his phone and checked the time. It was already 2:30 in the morning, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

After hesitating for a while, he clicked on the "Ying Long Didn't Be a Dog Today" group chat, and chatted with friends in the group one by one.

[@泰凡@开明@卢吾@陈色, the little monster likes to sleep with my tail in his arms, do you think he likes my tail or me? ]

At two o'clock in the morning, the crowd is full? ? ? ?

[Lu Wu: @应峤, please be yourself, really. It's two o'clock in the morning, okay? ]

[Taifeng: @应峤, what are you talking about in your sleep in the middle of the night? Had a nightmare? ]

[开明: @应泤, what does your tail look like if it’s not a baby? Doing nursing all day, but still willing to be hugged? /eating whale]

[Chen Hua:? ? ? ]

[Chen Hua: @应峤, damn it, is that what I think? Fall asleep so soon? ? ? ? ]

Ying Qiao clicked his tongue, wondering why this group of people still talk so much nonsense.

[Say the point! Do you think he likes my tail or me? ]

[Taifeng:? ? ? ? ? What does it mean to fall asleep? ? ? @应泤, you finally lost your virginity? ? ? Which warrior, I will burn three sticks of incense for him.