We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 11


Kowtow once.

Xue Meng also knelt down on the ground in a daze. There were people kneeling around him, and he was still chanting words. Xue Meng listened carefully, and finally heard those whispers clearly.

"Master Suishen, please bless me to win the first prize in this lottery..."

"Master Sui Shen, believers, please kill that bitch for me..."

"My lord, please make Chen Yu fall in love with me..."

"My lord..."

"My lord..."


Countless prayers gathered like tiny raindrops, forming a torrential trend in Xue Meng's ears.

Those voices of prayer carried strong emotions, or madness, or hatred... Everyone knelt before the gods, begging the gods to realize their wishes with the most humble and fanatical gestures.

Xue Meng was dizzy and dizzy for a while.

He suddenly heard a compassionate voice in his ears: "My most loyal believer, what do you want?"

"Wealth, power, love... as long as you make a wish, I will make it come true for you."

This voice is ethereal and ethereal, as if it contains endless compassion, and slowly lures Xue Meng to make a wish.

Xue Meng opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting to say something, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the people who made wishes on the left and right got up and left with red faces, and a pale golden halo shrouded them.

There were more people making wishes, and he saw those golden lights, after the believers made their wishes, they deftly penetrated into their bodies and turned into hazy halos.

The voice asked again slowly: "What do you want?"

Xue Meng's eyes are blurred, what does he want? His eyes rolled slowly, as if he had finally thought of his wish.

"My lord, I want to—"

Halfway through the talk, my confused mind suddenly froze for a moment.

He suddenly remembered what Jiang Li had said to him during the day.

"There are gains and losses in everything. If you get something that doesn't belong to you, you will naturally have to exchange it with something of equivalent value."

Exchange something of equivalent value for... something of equivalent value for...

These words exploded in his mind like Chun Lei.

The feverish mind woke up for a moment, and Xue Meng suddenly raised his head to look at the statue, but saw that the statue was still sympathetic, with a smile on his lips. It's just that the smile on the lips has been watched for a long time, but it adds a sense of treachery.

Xue Meng dripped cold sweat behind his back.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a familiar voice pulled him back from the brink of fear, it was Jiang Li's voice——

"Got you."

Xue Meng looked back in surprise and joy, and saw Jiang Greed striding towards them, and he was close in the blink of an eye. He hurriedly got up, eager to tell Jiang Greed about the strange situation just now, but he opened and closed his mouth, but no sound came out.

He was so anxious that sweat dripped from his forehead, but Jiang Li walked up to him in a leisurely manner, raised his hand to pat his forehead, and said softly, "Go back and sleep well."

Xue Meng only felt light all over, and his body involuntarily walked in the direction when he came.

Seeing Xue Meng walking back, the smile on the statue's lips stagnated: "Who are you waiting for? Disrespect to God, death penalty."

Jiang Greed blinked, and suddenly laughed mysteriously: "...I'm afraid I'll scare you by saying it, the big gods and small gods I've eaten, there are fifty if not one hundred."

"Son, talk nonsense!"

The corner of the idol's lips pursed, and the compassion on his face disappeared, leaving only cold malice. I saw the picture in front of me turn around, and the believers kneeling on the ground disappeared in an instant, and the idol sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform slowly got up, and the raised right hand became a claw. With the momentum of wind and thunder, he grabbed Jiang Li.

Jiang Greed didn't dodge or evade, letting the unreasonably long hand grab him and send him to the statue.

The idol stared at him coldly, with a malicious and triumphant smile on his face.

Jiang Greed looked at him and laughed too. His bright eyes were like looking at a piece of fat pork belly, and he muttered to himself: "It's just a clone. It's not in the rules that you can't eat it. If you eat it quietly, you should also eat it." no problem… "

Before the idol could figure out what the arrogant intruder was talking to himself, he noticed that the body of Jiang Li, who was being held by him, suddenly swelled rapidly, and turned into a dark beast in the blink of an eye.

The body is like a wolf, the horns are like a cow, the teeth of a tiger, the feet of a horse, and the tail of a dragon. The scarlet vertical pupil fixedly looked over, it was the excitement of seeing the food.


The idol's eyes widened in astonishment, and there was an imperceptible tremor in his voice, but before he could feel remorse or fear, Taotie opened his mouth wide and swallowed it whole without hesitation.

Jiang Greed changed back to human form, stroked his slightly bulging belly, and burped happily.

It's been a long time since he met such a fool who came to his door to let him eat.

He licked his lips with insatiable desire, and Jiang Li vaguely felt that the taste was familiar. After thinking about it, he couldn't remember where he ate it. After all, he ate too many monsters and gods in ancient times.

Can't think of it, he didn't force it, stomped his feet, and retreated from Xue Meng's dream.

—The time goes back to half past nine, and we have to start after the dinner party is over.

Jiang Li took a taxi and took Xue Meng back to his home for the night. Because there was only one bed in the house, he squeezed a bed with Xue Meng after washing up, and Suan Ni fell asleep next to his pillow.

It's just that when he slept until midnight, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance, opened his eyes in a daze, and found that the strange fragrance was emanating from Xue Meng beside him, not to mention that Xue Meng still had a strange smile on his face. smile. And the beads he wore on his wrist, on the surface of the milky white beads, strands of red threads were slowly flowing like living things.

Jiang Greed realized something was wrong, and used magic to invade Xue Meng's dream, and only then found the monster that caused the mischief.

Looking at Xue Meng who was sleeping soundly beside him, Jiang Greed took off the bead string from his hand and muttered softly: "I just said that there is no such thing as a good thing that falls from the sky."

As he spoke, he woke up Suan Ni who was next to his pillow, and said: "Something happened, I'm going to the bureau, you stay at home."

Suan Ni meowed subconsciously, felt something was wrong after meowing, and rubbed his palm again with a whine.

Jiang Greed laughed and tapped his forehead: "I really think of myself as a cat."


Suan Ni pointed her butt at him angrily. Jiang Greed rubbed his head with a smile, and went out to the Demon Management Bureau.

What he ate just now was just a clone. He hasn't figured out what the monster's real body is, but the other party's purpose is obviously to pretend to be a god, use the luck stone as bait, and trick ordinary people into praying to it in dreams . Once someone prays to it, when the wish comes true, it is the time for it to charge the price.

That store should have opened not long ago, but the effect of the fortune stone is immediate, and there will probably be more and more people who can't stand the temptation. It is inevitable that the situation will expand, and more ordinary people will be deceived. This matter must be reported to the bureau, and then contact the public security department to prevent it in time.


"Let it slip again."

Chen Hua was grinding her teeth, feeling very bad.

Ying Qiao walked around the store and saw the fortune stone on the shelf that was too late to take away. She took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around a string to examine carefully. After seeing what it was, she threw the string of beads back on the shelf with disgust on her face.

"In order to hide its whereabouts, it is really willing to use ruthless hands."

This rack full of beads is all made of meat cut from its own body.

Chen Hua originally wanted to reach out to grab it, but when he heard something, he quickly withdrew his hand and said disgustedly: "Even if Tai Sui meat is inexhaustible, it is the only one who cuts himself into pieces and sells it as jewelry. Bar?"

Tai Sui, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is a spiritual creature born between heaven and earth. It takes a hundred years to give birth to a plant by chance, which has the miraculous effect of living dead human flesh and white bones. Because of the efficacy of Tai Sui, people have flocked to Tai Sui from ancient times to the present, and very few Tai Sui can live to be enlightened without being discovered.

Therefore, once Tai Sui has developed his spiritual wisdom and embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he will be especially favored by heaven.

What they hunted was a Tai Sui plant that had developed spiritual wisdom. It's just a pity that it didn't go on the right path, but tried in vain to sacrifice the soul and step on human life to become immortal.

More than ten years ago, this Tai Sui plant participated in a case in the capital, and owed a lot of blood debts, but it was lucky that it escaped. It disappeared after that, never to be seen again.

Until last month, there were three consecutive murder cases in Hanyang District. The deceased died in a strange manner and the cause of death was unknown. The public security department applied for the Demon Control Bureau to intervene to assist, and when Ying Qiao saw the files sent up, he remembered the escaped Tai Sui again.

He had met Tai Sui before, and he knew how difficult Tai Sui, who was favored by luck, was, but he didn't expect him to catch him himself this time, so he let it slip away.

And looking at the Tai Sui meat on the shelf, strands of blood flow in the milky Tai Sui meat, presumably the other party has devoured a lot of souls, and his cultivation has improved to a higher level.

"Go back first, and ask someone to track its breath tomorrow."

After rushing to nothing, Ying Qiao's face was not very good.

Chen Hua yawned, followed him out, and kept nagging him to remember to count overtime pay.

Ying Qiao ignored him, but stopped and suddenly remembered something.

Chen Hua was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Ying Qiao glanced at him, waved his hands and said, "You go back first, I think there is still something to deal with."

After speaking, without waiting for Chen Hua to reply, he got into the car and drove away.

Chen Hua who was thrown by the side of the road: ...

nmd, old beast.

Ying Qiao suddenly remembered that when he met Jiang Li during the day, he and his colleagues had bracelets on their wrists. That Tai Sui plant has grown into a spirit, cunning and ruthless. And Jiang Li is just a young monster, if he gets tricked, he might be in danger.

The silver-gray Aston Martin roared past on the road in the middle of the night, and soon arrived at Jiang Li's neighborhood.

The last time Jiang Greed sent him a location, he just checked the address of the other party. He entered the community without hindrance, took the elevator upstairs, and arrived at the door of Jiang Li's house. It's just that before knocking on the door, I smelled the sound coming from the door.