We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 112


Poor, but it's not okay to steal things at a young age, or call the police, the police should take care of it. "

Everyone in the audience talked with each other, expressing their opinions whether they knew it or not.

Jiang Li struggled to push through the crowd, and saw a child squatting on the ground with his head covered. His ill-fitting clothes were torn, exposing his bony bones, but the two horns growing on his forehead were the most noticeable.

The horn was about the length of a finger, the bottom was as thick as a one-yuan coin, and it became tapered as it went up, but the tip of one of the horns was broken for some reason and became blunt. The overall color is dark gray, covered with horn-like spiral patterns.

With a slightly stagnant expression, Jiang Greed picked up the hat on the ground and put it on the child's head.

Then he asked the onlookers: "What's going on?"

He was wearing a uniform, and the onlookers saw that someone was in charge, so they just talked about each other.

It was probably the child who stole while everyone was watching the dragon boat race, but was discovered by the sufferer, who caught him and beat him up. His hat was ripped off during the beating, and everyone discovered that he had strange horns on his head.

Someone suggested: "Comrade, you should send him to the police station directly. For such a monster, don't let him run around."

Many people echoed: "Yeah, it looks scary."

Jiang Greed frowned unobtrusively, feeling that these words were a bit too mean. But this kid did something wrong, he could only promise to send the person to the police station, and finally dispersed the crowd of spectators.

The child probably sensed that the crowd had dispersed, so he got up and wanted to run.

He moved quickly, obviously well prepared. If Jiang Greed hadn't moved faster than him, he would have slipped away.

Jiang Greed grabbed his wrist to prevent him from leaving: "You did something wrong, you have to go with me to the police station."

The child didn't know if he understood or not, he bared his teeth ferociously and was still struggling desperately. Jiang Greed could only cut his hands back, greeted the others, and sent him to the police station first.

The kid didn't look very old, and he probably wouldn't do much if he went to the police station, so the police just gave him some ideological education.

Jiang Greed escorted him into the car, and carefully looked at the horns on his forehead, a little suspicious that this was a hybrid born of a combination of a monster race and a human. This kind of situation is not uncommon. Under normal circumstances, if you inherit the blood of the demon clan, you will register with the Monster Management Bureau. If you inherit the blood of humans, you will follow the regulations of the humans.

Judging by the appearance of this child, he probably inherited the blood of the demon clan, but he was abandoned in a human city without being taught, and gradually became a little monster in the eyes of humans.

Jiang Gree frowned, thinking about the possibility of sending him to the Demon Control Bureau.

But right now, he still has to go to the police station to receive education.

Jiang Li took him to the police station. When the policeman saw the child under his custody, his face was sullen, and his tone was not very friendly: "Why is it you again?"

The word "again" made Jiang Li's frown deepen.

"What happened again this time?"

Jiang Li said: "Stealing in the park, I am a staff member of the park."

The policeman asked, "Has the loss been recovered?"

Jiang Greed nodded.

The policeman quickly filled in the information on the form, and said, "This week, this is the third time he has been turned over, all for theft."

Jiang Greed looked at his watch and saw the name on it, so he realized that the child's name was Jiang Chi. The name is not bad.

"Has he had a guardian?"

The policeman shook his head, knowing a little bit about his situation: "He was raised by that crazy woman Li who picked up garbage in the garbage dump. I haven't seen crazy woman Li appearing recently, so I don't know if something happened." @无限Good writing, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After finishing speaking, he asked Jiang Li to sign, and then asked Jiang Chi to press his fingerprints, and said: "He is only eleven years old. We have educated him twice but it didn't work. He will also run out when we send him to the rescue station. At present, he is only 11 years old. That's it."

There was some helplessness in the words, mixed with a little pity and imperceptible boredom.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Also, a little monster who likes to steal, refuses to change after repeated admonition, and has strange horns is really hard to like.

The author has something to say:

Garlic: The new sister-in-law is so nice =3=

Bi An: ...


Family member authentication get√, Longlong secretly happy!

see you two

Chapter 81

After finishing the transcript at the police station, how did Jiang Li bring him in, and how did he bring him out exactly as he was.

Jiang Chi hardly spoke the whole time, but judging by his appearance at the police station, he was able to communicate. It's just that his temperament is too withdrawn, and when he is picked up by Jiang Tan, he is like a wolf cub who has nowhere to escape, and can only fiercely show his not sharp enough fangs.

Probably because he has a younger brother, Jiang Greed has always been more tolerant and patient with the little boy.

He squatted down and tried to communicate with Jiang Chi: "You are too young to support yourself by stealing things, and it is against the law. I know there is a place that takes children around your age." He paused, gently Touched the little horn on his forehead: "There, you are of the same race, and you will no longer be regarded as a different kind."

As if he wasn't used to others touching his horns, Jiang Chi took a step back vigilantly, his eyes trembling in his disheveled hair, but he didn't make a sound.

Seeing that his attitude seemed to loosen a bit, Jiang Greed spread his hands in front of him, turning into animal claws: "Look, you are not a monster, you are just different from ordinary people, you can learn how to control yourself when you go there. Physical changes."

Jiang Chi looked at his hands steadily, his drooping face was covered by disheveled hair.

Jiang Greed couldn't tell the expression on his face, so he could only pass his hand in front of him, asking for his opinion: "Will you come with me?"

Jiang Chi seemed to be hesitating. After a long time, he tentatively took Jiang Li's hand. His hands were much smaller than Jiang Li's, dark and thin, with long nails, and black dirt that hadn't been cleaned up between the nails. Jiang Greed didn't show a look of disgust, his palm wrapped around his thin little paw, it felt like he was holding a handful of bones.

"Go home with me first, clean up and take you to the association. There are many cubs of your age in the association, and you should like it there."

The Cub Protection Association is a shelter organization under the Monster Management Bureau. Because the birth rate of the monster race is low and cubs are becoming rarer and rarer, the bureau has specially allocated funds to set up an association to take in those who were abandoned or lost their parents due to various reasons. Cub. Cubs can learn various basic skills and knowledge in the association, and they can leave the association when they have the ability to live alone.

A mixed-race child like Jiang Chi who was abandoned since childhood should also be taken in by the association.

Jiang Chi was led by him, his head was lowered and he didn't make a sound, but he seemed much more docile than before. Thin and small, it makes people feel more distressed when they look at it.

Jiang Greed led him to the edge of the parking space, patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "Wait here for me, I'll drive over."

Jiang Chi looked up at him, but remained silent, and lowered his head again.

Jiang Greed only thought he agreed, then turned around and drove.

The parking space at the entrance of the police station was a bit tight, and the parking space was narrow. Jiang Li stopped for a while, and the left and right sides were blocked by traffic. He squeezed in with difficulty and opened the door to get into the car, and drove the car to the main road to pick up Jiang Chi.

In the end, he didn't even see a shadow of Jiang Chi.

He hurriedly got out of the car to look for him. He searched two or three alleys, but there was no sign of Jiang Chi. Ran.

Jiang Greed stared at the empty road, shook his head and sighed, and could only drive back to the venue.

When he drove back, the dragon boat race was over, many tourists had dispersed, and the remaining ones were strolling around the park in groups.

The three of Xue Meng were sitting in the pavilion not far from the meeting place to rest, and Ying Qiao and Jiaotu Suanni were also there.

Jiang Gree greeted them from a distance, strode forward, and asked the result of the game: "Who won?"

Xue Meng's eyebrows danced happily: "It's still a question, it's naturally the corpse hunting team."

"Virtue," Xiao Xiaoyu peeled an orange, and threw the peel at him: "You've already played the piano a hundred and eighty times, take it away."

Xue Meng threw the orange peel back: "Your orange is a bit sour, isn't it just to see that I won the bet." @无限好文,all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed came up to Ying Qiao, took a sip of water from his bag, and said, "How much did you win?"

Xue Meng proudly stretched out five fingers to gesture.

Jiang Greed: "Five thousand?"

Xue Meng shook his head seriously: "Five hundred!"

Jiang Greed: "Pfft..."

Xue Meng jumped: "Why are you doing it? Look down on five hundred yuan? I'm just betting to support my friend! Entertainment, it's not □□!"

Xiao Xiaoyu sneered at his jumping feet.

A few people made jokes, and then remembered to ask Jiang Greed what he was doing.

Jiang Liyin omitted the part about the mixed-race between human and demon, and briefly talked about Jiang Chi's matter: "I wanted to send him to the rescue station, but when I went to drive a car, he slipped away."

"There are quite a few street children like this." Although Xiao Xiaoyu sympathized, he still said truthfully: "Before you came, the street office also rescued two street children. Four years old. We sent people to relief stations, bought them clothes and books, and helped them contact schools to resume school. It didn’t take long before we were notified that they had dropped out of school and ran away. We went outside and followed those big bastards. So, it didn't take long to get into the game because of gathering people to fight."

Then, because he was not old enough, he was released after being educated. Going to find a new boss to hang around again, again and again