We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 118


Whoever sneaked up on him would have seen Jiaotu hastily hiding in the shell.

With a narrowing of the golden cat's eyes, Suan Ni got into the backpack and rolled into a ball holding Jiaotu's shell...

The backpack behind him moved back and forth, Jiang Li reluctantly reached out and patted them, telling them not to make too much noise.


When Jiang Li arrived at the hospital, it was already past the hospital's normal off-duty time, and there were a lot fewer people in the inpatient department.

He found the ward familiarly, and saw Jiang Chi and the nurse, Sister Zhang, in the ward, and a young doctor in a white coat was talking to them.

Jiang Greed came in and just listened.

Sister Zhang said: "Just after eight o'clock in the morning, a patient I took care of yesterday had just been discharged from the hospital. I came to the hospital early today to see if there was any nurse. Then I met this young man. He looked quite normal at the time. , He spoke very calmly, and asked me where to go to the psychiatric department. I showed him the way. He also thanked me, and he didn’t seem to be mentally ill at all. I thought I was going to see family and friends.”

The voice of the young doctor was very friendly: "Thank you, the information you provided is very helpful for us to understand the patient's condition."

"His illness was sudden. He was frightened and stimulated and broke his leg. He can only live in the general ward at present. But you can rest assured that his current condition is stable and not aggressive. Old people and children Didn't scare you?"

Sister Zhang waved her hand: "No, no." Seeing Jiang Greed while speaking, she greeted again: "Little Jiang is here."

The young doctor who had been talking to her also turned around, nodded to Jiang Li, and then returned to the bed of the new patient today to check the records.

"How is today?" Jiang Yan asked.

"Aunt Li's condition is very stable, she was still awake for a while today." Sister Zhang glanced at Jiang Chi, and said tactfully, "I just can't say anything clearly."

In fact, people are already a little confused, and they can only speak incomprehensible words in a mess.

"It's good that the condition is stable, thanks for your hard work." Jiang Li handed her the fruit he brought, and asked, "What's going on over there?"

Sister Zhang said it should be, she took the fruit a little embarrassed, snorted, and lowered her voice: "The family is also very pitiful. When the lunch was hot at noon, I ran into the mother crying secretly, so I accompanied the fruit. After talking with her for a while, I realized that the young man had been fine before, and no one in the family had ever suffered from mental illness, that is, he had not been able to sleep well for the past two days and was a bit nervous, so he wanted to register for a checkup. Who knows It suddenly fell ill, and even the doctor couldn't figure out the cause of the attack. I mentioned that I met him asking for directions in the morning. I guess the child's mother told the doctor. Now the doctor came to make rounds and asked. I have a few words."

She pointed to the young doctor: "That's it, it seems to be a psychiatrist, surnamed Yu, Dr. Yu."

Jiang Greed followed her gaze. Doctor Yu turned his head just after finishing the record, met his eyes, and nodded gently to Jiang Greed.

Jiang Li nodded politely, said a few more words to Sister Zhang, and then led Jiang Chi home.

On the way back, they passed the new patient's hospital bed, and the two rubbed their ears with Dr. Yu. Dr. Yu suddenly stopped him, and said politely and gently, "Are you this child's guardian?"

Jiang Greed didn't explain much: "Yes."

Dr. Yu handed over a business card: "Some things are inconvenient to say in front of children. I am the chief physician of the psychiatry department and have done some research on children's psychology. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time."

Jiang Greed frowned slightly, was this obliquely implying that Jiang Chi had a mental problem and needed medical treatment

There is indeed something wrong with Jiang Chi's personality, and it will take time to correct it slowly. But Jiang Li felt that this was caused by the environment, not that he had any problems, and it was far from the point where he needed to see a psychiatrist.

Feeling the slight tightening of the small paws in the palm of his hand, Jiang Greed still politely declined his kindness and did not take the business card: "Thank you for your kindness, but we don't think we need it for the time being."

After speaking, he nodded to Doctor Yu and led Jiang Chi to leave.

Dr. Yu followed their backs, turned around after a while, and asked Sister Zhang seemingly unintentionally, "Was that the father of the child just now?"

Sister Zhang shook her head, and Jiang Li didn't reveal too much to her: "No, it should be relatives or something."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Doctor Yu snorted, and sighed, "Aren't the child's parents here? I think he's not in the right condition. If possible, it's better to see a doctor as soon as possible."

Hearing what he said, Sister Zhang seemed to have found the same kind, and said with a sigh: "I also think that Jiang Chi has some problems. He is good, but he is also really weird. He ignores people and doesn't talk all day long." , the eyes are not like the eyes of children, and sometimes they are weird."

Dr. Yu shook his head and sighed: "I'm just giving some advice based on experience. I don't have a specific diagnosis, and I can't say what the problem is. Parents should pay attention to it."

Sister Zhang sighed when she heard that, she has been here for two days, only the grandma of the child is in the hospital, and the parents of the child have not been seen. She secretly guessed that Jiang Li should be a cousin or something, who can help, but after all, he is not as good as his biological parents, how can he take care of him so carefully.

The author has something to say:

Longlong: Don't cue at work. Dark circles under the eyes are caused by couples exercising.


Chapter 86

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Li didn't mention Dr. Yu's words again, probably his attitude made Jiang Chi relax a lot, he pursed his lips slightly, and there was a little light in his dark eyes.

He couldn't understand what the doctor meant.

From childhood to adulthood, he has heard the most words that a big lunatic raised a little lunatic, and both grandparents and grandchildren will be locked up in a mental hospital sooner or later. Those people called his grandmother Crazy Li, and called him Crazy Li's little monster.

Every time he heard it, he felt angry and embarrassed. He rushed up to fight those who laughed at him, and when he couldn't fight, he would bite and scratch with his nails... Like a wild beast with red eyes, he frightened the enemy with ferocity and recklessness.

Year after year, those who have fought with him know how powerful he is, and they dare not laugh at him face to face, but they will tell people from a distance: "Look, that little monster is really mentally ill, everyone stay away from him." Let’s face it, it’s not illegal for a mentally ill person to kill someone.”

Those people no longer deliberately mocked and insulted him in front of him, but more people began to walk around them, looking at them from a distance with fear and pity in their eyes.

They didn't speak anymore, but in their hearts, they had already concluded that he and grandma were both mentally ill lunatics.

Although that doctor Yu didn't say it clearly, he understood the hidden meaning. Hostility surged in his heart, if it wasn't for Jiang Greed, he might have rushed forward as before, using his teeth and fists to tell the doctor who laughed so nastyly that he was not sick.

Jiang Chi lowered his eyes, touched the corner of his forehead with his other hand through the hat, and suddenly said, "I'm not sick, so I don't need to see a doctor."

He pursed his lips tightly, thinking a little uncertainly, Jiang Tan said before that he was not a little monster, so he shouldn't think he is a little lunatic.

"I know." Jiang Greed looked down at him, and said lightly, "Don't take the doctor's words to heart."

Jiang Chi felt relieved, hummed, and stopped talking.


After confirming that Jiang Chi was able to go to and from the hospital alone, Jiang Li found out his previous mobile phone and set up a parent-child number for him to wear on his body so that he could contact him at any time.

After Jiang Chi washed it carefully, there was another mobile phone in the small black bag that he had been carrying all the time.

On weekday mornings, Jiang Li and Ying Qiao went to work separately, and Jiang Chi would also get up with them. After they went out, they first followed Jiang Li's example and mopped up the floor of the house, and then put Suanni and Jiaotu in their hands. After tidying up the toys and snacks, he will take the bus card that Jiang Li gave him and take the bus to the hospital after everything is sorted out.

Although Jiang Li said that he only needs to play with him and doesn't need to do housework, he is self-aware and cherishes such a stable life. Although he didn't say it out loud, he has been working hard to show his value. Looking forward to this "job" can be done a little longer.

Jiang Chi was wearing the hat that Jiang Li bought for him, and looking out of the car window, the corners of his straight mouth curved into a tiny arc.

The bus stopped at the platform opposite the hospital. He crossed the zebra crossing, found the inpatient department skillfully, took the elevator upstairs, and went straight to the ward. All the nurses here knew him, and some greeted him with a smile and asked him if he had breakfast. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but when he thought of Jiang Li's saying "you don't have to reject all kindness", he stopped in his tracks and let out a muffled "hmm".

The nurse who greeted him probably didn't expect him to respond, so he was stunned for a moment and smiled, "This child is more lively than when he first arrived two days ago."

Jiang Chi didn't listen to what they said, and went to the ward without stopping.

He habitually went to the bedside to touch grandma's hand, it was warm, and he could feel a weak but continuous pulse, so he moved a chair and sat on the bedside to watch with peace of mind.

Sister Zhang just came in after changing the urine bag, and greeted him when she saw him: "You came so early, have you had breakfast?"

Jiang Chi looked up at her, nodded slightly, and lowered his head again.

Sister Zhang didn't see it, but she was used to his silent appearance, but she couldn't help muttering in her heart, "There must be something wrong with this child."

Jiang Chi sat there for a while, took out the mobile phone Jiang Li gave him from the small cloth bag, and fumbled it unskillfully. Jiang Greed taught him how to use it yesterday, and he can also recognize most of the characters, but he has never been exposed to it.